巴黎圣母院的奇美拉,法国 Chimera of Notre-Dame de Paris, France (© scaliger/Getty Images)

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巴黎圣母院的奇美拉,法国 Chimera of Notre-Dame de Paris, France (© scaliger/Getty Images)

万圣节时冷冰的凝视 Stone-cold stares on Halloween




Happy Halloween!

Do you sometimes get spooked? If you do, that means you have a healthy sense of fun and fear. And what better day of the year than Halloween to indulge in all things scary? The holiday we know today traces its roots to ancient traditions, including the Celts' Samhain, the Romans' Feralia, and medieval Christian observances. Today, costumed people mingle in the streets, not unlike their ancestors who donned animal skins to divine the future or celebrate saints and martyrs.

Amid modern festivities like trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, and parties, you might spot a few spooky decorations that look like the one pictured here—a chimera of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perched high above the city, this mythical creature is often mistaken for a gargoyle, but unlike its waterspout cousins, the chimera is purely decorative. So today, let's remember the shadows and stories that dance around the edges of our brightly lit celebrations. Happy Halloween!

标签: 法国, 巴黎, 万圣节

