安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园,美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园美国加利福尼亚州 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)

一抹春色 Where is this colorful desert?



Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

The first day of spring may be just days away, but the season's wildflowers at California's largest state park—Anza-Borrego Desert State Park—are already here to say hello! Every spring, this barren desert floor undergoes a dramatic makeover. Flowers like heliotrope, brittlebush, and desert dandelion burst into a riot of bloom, creating a spectacle of color. For those seeking a more adventurous experience, this park has a lot to offer—from the mountains of the Peninsular Ranges and cactus-studded hills to slot canyons, badlands, and natural palm oases. In addition, as a designated International Dark Sky Park, it is an exceptional spot for stargazing. Beyond its natural wonders, the park, spanning over 600,000 acres, is also home to a rich cultural and historical legacy, including ancient pictographs, or rock paintings, from the Native American tribes that once lived here.

Wat Phra Ngam,大城府历史公园,泰国 Wat Phra Ngam, Ayutthaya Historical Park, Thailand (© boonchai wedmakawand/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Wat Phra Ngam,大城府历史公园泰国 Wat Phra Ngam, Ayutthaya Historical Park, Thailand (© boonchai wedmakawand/Alamy Stock Photo)

一个π A piece of pi



Happy Pi Day!

They say the only constant in life is change. In mathematics, however, there are many constants and today, we're celebrating perhaps the most famous of them all: pi. Represented by the symbol π, this tasty-sounding number is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately 3.14159. Every March 14, mathematics fans across the world get baking to mark Pi Day with a pie. It began in 1988, when physicist Larry Shaw connected the date (3/14) with the first three digits of π. Today, mathematicians and enthusiasts celebrate Pi Day with pie eating and pi reciting. Did you know that when your clock strikes 1:59 today, you will be three decimal places closer to the real value of pi? Pi is everywhere, even in nature. Pictured here is a bodhi tree which has grown over an arch into the shape of the pi symbol at Wat Phra Ngam, a temple in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Whether you're a math geek or just in it for the treats, Pi Day is for everyone to enjoy!

小红鹳飞越马加迪湖, 肯尼亚 Lesser flamingos flying over Lake Magadi, Kenya (© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images)

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红鹳飞越马加迪,肯尼亚 Lesser flamingos flying over Lake Magadi, Kenya (© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images)

鸟瞰 Bird's-eye view



Lake Magadi, Kenya

What an unearthly view! This aerial photograph shows a flamboyance of lesser flamingos against the backdrop of Lake Magadi in Kenya. The lesser flamingo is one of six species of flamingo, a bird known for its vibrant pink plumage and distinctive feeding behavior. They use their specialized beaks to filter algae near the water's surface and are often found in African soda lakes like Lake Magadi, which are brimming with cyanobacteria and algae for them to eat. The spectacle of thousands of these avian wonders congregating at the lake reveals the importance of these unique ecosystems.

布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

峡谷的守护者 Guardians of the canyo



Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

These fascinating red hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah are best explored on foot! The park's hiking trails guide you among the world's largest collection of hoodoos, which are rock spires formed by erosion. The horseshoe-shaped natural amphitheaters create a surreal landscape that changes with the play of sunlight. The area was initially inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Paiute people. Although there is no evidence of them having lived there permanently, Paiute Indians used the Paunsaugunt Plateau for seasonal hunting and gathering. Designated a national park in 1928, Bryce Canyon is dotted with several viewpoints like Inspiration Point, Yovimpa Point, and Rainbow Point, which offer panoramic vistas of the surrounding topography.

Prosecco山丘,科内利亚诺和瓦尔多比亚德内,威内托大区,意大利 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)

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Prosecco山丘,科内利亚诺和瓦尔多比亚德内,威内托大区,意大利 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)





伊瓜苏大瀑布鸟瞰图,巴西 (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

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伊瓜苏大瀑布鸟瞰图,巴西 (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)





比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州,美国 Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州美国 Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

因时间而改变 Transformed by time


时间是伟大的变革者,它改变着世界,也改变着我们所有人。例如,新墨西哥州的这片名为比斯第恶土的荒地,曾经是一片郁郁葱葱的热带森林。近7000万年前,这里没有扭曲的地形和高耸的尖塔,而是一群白垩纪晚期恐龙的家园,包括甲龙、鸭嘴龙和强大的霸王龙。如今,这里到处都是另一种奇观,岩层看起来更像是雕塑,而不是自然现象。比斯第恶土的名字“Bisti/De-Na-Zin”是以纳瓦霍语命名的:“Bisti” 的意思是 "在土坯岩层中",“De-Na-Zin” 则来自附近的 "站立的仙起重机"石刻。来到四角地区的游客一定不要错过这片由页岩和砂岩组成的超凡脱俗的景观。

Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico

Time is the great transformer, changing the world and all of us. For instance, this New Mexico badland—the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness—was once a lush, tropical forest. Nearly 70 million years ago, instead of twisted terrains and towering spires, this place was home to an array of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs, including armored Ankylosaurs, duck-billed Hadrosaurs, and mighty Tyrannosaurs. Today, the area is filled with wonders of a different kind, rock formations that look more like sculptures than natural phenomena. Bisti/De-Na-Zin is named after Navajo words: Bisti means 'among the adobe formations,' and De-Na-Zin means 'standing crane,' a reference to nearby rock carvings of the bird. Visitors to the Four Corners region shouldn't miss out on this otherworldly landscape of shale and sandstone.

Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

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Roques de Benet,埃尔斯自然公园,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙 Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain (© Sergi Boixader/Alamy Stock Photo)

攀登新的高峰 Reaching new heights

Roques de Benet,埃尔斯港自然公园,西班牙


Roques de Benet, Els Ports Natural Park, Catalonia, Spain

Jutting into the sky above Els Ports Natural Park, the Roques de Benet are a cluster of rock formations in Catalonia, Spain, whose tallest peak stands about 3,330 feet above sea level. Overlooking the vast wetlands of the Ebro Delta, the peak offers views of streams and pine forests, with trails that lead into the mountains. The word 'Benet' comes from Arabic, hinting at the area's varied past, including both Arabic and Christian settlers. These days, the park is home to a variety of wildlife, from ibex and otters to vultures and eagles. Animals aren't the only inhabitants of the area. The villages nestled at the base of this massif still maintain their shared traditions, such as the age-old craft of using vegetable fibers to create baskets and kitchen utensils.

Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚河峡谷,俄勒冈州,美国 Wahclella Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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Wahclella Falls,哥伦比亚峡谷俄勒冈州,美国 Wahclella Falls in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (© Eric Vogt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

尽情地嬉戏玩水吧! Get your splash on



Wahclella Falls, Oregon

Nestled in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, there's something special awaiting hikers: the Wahclella Falls. Fed by Tanner Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, these waterfalls were named after a Native American village by members of the Mazama Mountaineering Club. At the end of a trail, visitors can see the spectacular two-tiered cascade that crashes down 350 feet into a pool below, which is the perfect place to take a dip and cool off. While you're swimming, keep an eye out for the water ouzel—also known as the American dipper—a species of bird that lives here. They can be spotted flying along the stream and occasionally diving into the water.

曼谷的交通圈和高速公路,泰国 Traffic circle and highway in Bangkok, Thailand (© Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock)

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曼谷的交通圈和高速公路泰国 Traffic circle and highway in Bangkok, Thailand (© Avigator Fortuner/Shutterstock)

陷入循环之中? Stuck in a loop?



Bangkok, Thailand

In vibrant Thailand, the city of Bangkok pulses with life! Covering an area of more than 600 square miles, it is estimated that over 10 million people live there, roughly 15% of the country's population. The capital city is home to a bustling urban infrastructure, featuring a complex network of traffic circles and highways. In 1864, the completion of Charoen Krung Road marked a turn in the city's transit by serving as a pioneering construction project utilizing Western techniques. The introduction of a complex elevated expressway network in 1972 and the Don Mueang Tollway has made it easier to drive in and out of the city. Over the years, the road network has evolved to meet the demands of this sprawling urban expanse.

