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圣诞市场,圣斯蒂芬大教堂,布达佩斯,匈牙利 Christmas market, St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest, Hungary (© Calin Stan/Shutterstock)
圣诞市场,圣斯蒂芬大教堂,布达佩斯,匈牙利 Christmas market, St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest, Hungary (© Calin Stan/Shutterstock)
圣斯蒂芬大教堂的降临节 Advent at the basilica
Christmas market, St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest, Hungary
As the holiday season kicks off, St. Stephen's Basilica becomes the dazzling centerpiece of one of Budapest's iconic Christmas markets. The fair buzzes with holiday spirit, offering a mix of Hungarian craft, festive décor, and local delicacies, capturing the essence of a traditional Christmas. The Advent Feast—an event held in the weeks leading up to Christmas and part of Hungary's holiday traditions—invites guests to savor dishes like chimney cakes, stuffed cabbage, and goulash soup, while the scent of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts fills the air. A highlight for many is the 3D light show projected onto the basilica's facade, a modern touch that brings this historic structure to life.
This neoclassical basilica honors Stephen I, also known as King Saint Stephen, who was Hungary's first monarch. Completed in 1906 after decades of construction, it is topped by a towering dome. Visitors can explore its chapels, admire the intricate stained glass, or view a relic that is believed to be the mummified right hand of the king himself. For those seeking a panoramic view, the dome has an observation deck where visitors can enjoy sweeping views of the city's skyline, as shown in today's image.
拉瓦雷多三峰山, 意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© Daniel Maran/Getty Images)
拉瓦雷多三峰山, 意大利 Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Sexten Dolomites, Italy (© Daniel Maran/Getty Images)
山峰的“胜利三重奏” The triumphant trio
International Mountain Day
Today, we celebrate International Mountain Day, an event to honor the towering giants of our planet. Among them are the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, or the 'Three Peaks of Lavaredo,' seen on the right in today's image. A part of the Sexten Dolomites in northeastern Italy, they're one of the most famous mountain groups in the Alps. These three peaks—Cima Grande, Cima Ovest, and Cima Piccola—are a UNESCO World Heritage Site that captivates adventurers and nature lovers alike. During World War I, the front line between Italy and Austria-Hungary cut through the peaks, leaving the area with many remnants of the conflict, such as fortifications, trenches, tunnels, and commemorative plaques.
International Mountain Day promotes sustainable mountain development and the preservation of these landscapes. Mountains are not only home to thousands of species of land animals and plants, but also to 15% of the world's human population. Because of climate change and overexploitation, the fragile ecosystems that mountains support—and the time we have to protect them—are slipping away faster than we think. Sometimes, even the mightiest peaks can't hold out forever.
被雪覆盖的康沃尔天涯海角小径,康沃尔郡兰德恩德,英格兰 The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England (© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images)
被雪覆盖的康沃尔天涯海角小径,康沃尔郡兰德恩德,英格兰 The Cornish Coast Path covered in snow, Land's End, Cornwall, England (© Josef FitzGerald-Patrick/Getty Images)
世界的尽头?不完全是 The end? Not quite.
Land's End, Cornwall, England
Windswept cliffs, rugged beauty, and dramatic ocean views—welcome to Land's End in Cornwall, England. Since ancient Greek times, when it was known as 'Belerion' or 'Place of the Sun,' or in Arthurian legends about the lost land of Lyonesse, Land's End has always been a place of fascination. Land's End is the most southwestern point on mainland Britain. It's often the starting point or end of charity races that run the length of the island of Great Britain from Land's End to John o'Groats at Britain's northeastern tip.
The first thing you'll notice about Land's End is the cliffs towering above the crashing waves. The sea carved these granite walls over millennia, creating one of the most striking coastlines in the United Kingdom. These cliffs are part of the South West Coast Path, a 630-mile trail popular among hikers that runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset. The Cornish Coastal Path, featured in today's image, is a section of this trail, and snow here is a rare occurrence because of Cornwall's mild coastal climate and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. So, whether you're here to hike, relax, or just stand at the frozen edge, Land's End is a memorable cliffhanger.
两只原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利 Guanacos, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© Floris van Breugel/NPL/Minden Pictures)
两只原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利 Guanacos, Torres del Paine National Park, Chile (© Floris van Breugel/NPL/Minden Pictures)
态度和高度 Attitude and altitude
原驼, 托雷斯德尔帕恩国家公园 , 智利
Llama Day
Prick up your ears and crane your neck—it's National Llama Day. Part of a family that includes camels, alpacas, and guanacos, llamas have long been domesticated in South America because of their hardiness and ability to thrive on the bleak vegetation in the mountains and plateaus of the Andes. At up to 6 feet tall and weighing up to 400 pounds, they were used primarily as pack animals for about 6,500 years. They were also bred as a source of food, hides, tallow for candles, dung for fuel, and fabric. While inferior to alpaca and guanaco wool, llama fleece is soft, warm, durable, and fairly lightweight. It's used for clothing, rugs, and rope.
Unlike their wild guanaco cousins, seen in today's image in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, llamas have been popular on farms across the US since the 1980s. Llamas are surprisingly clean, smart, and loyal companions that can even be trained as therapy animals. Their gentle nature has made them popular at petting zoos and farms, and unlike their camel cousins, they rarely spit at humans. They're also good guard animals that will charge at predators and scream at intruders. With a population of almost 30,000 in the country, Americans have clearly fallen in love with llamas.
巴黎圣母院,巴黎,法国 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France (© Julien Fromentin/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院,巴黎,法国 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France (© Julien Fromentin/Getty Images)
巴黎圣母院再度回归 The comeback of Notre-Dame
Notre-Dame Cathedral reopens
In the heart of Paris stands one of the city's most enduring icons: Notre-Dame Cathedral. Built between the 12th and 13th centuries on the Île de la Cité—an island in the Seine—Notre-Dame has witnessed centuries of French history, from the Hundred Years' War to the French Revolution, and beyond. Although it was chosen by Napoleon as the site of his coronation as emperor in 1804, by the early 19th century, the cathedral was in a state of disrepair. However, one novel changed its fortunes: 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' by Victor Hugo, published in 1831. The popularity of this book helped encourage a restoration project that renewed the cathedral's former beauty.
In April 2019, tragedy struck—a fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame. By the time the blaze was extinguished, the cathedral's wooden spire had been destroyed, along with most of the roof, and there was extensive damage to the tops of the building's walls. Reconstruction efforts have been underway over the last five years , and today, Notre-Dame will reopen to the public. Finally, visitors will once again be able to marvel at the medieval majesty of this beautiful cathedral.
里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)
里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)
自然奇观的蓝色魅力 The blue charm of a natural spectacle
让我们一起来探索位于阿拉亚尔多卡博的蓬塔尔杜阿塔拉亚的壮丽美景!这个地点位于巴西里约热内卢,以提供该地区最美丽的景点之一而闻名,在这里可以将周围的海滩和岛屿尽收眼底。想象一下,从这个得天独厚的制高点观看日落,海天一色,美不胜收。要前往著名的庞塔尔海滩,您必须走过一个拥有着250多级台阶的标志性阶梯——阶梯上的景色和海滩本身一样令人印象深刻,透明的海水和洁白的沙滩让 “巴西加勒比海 ”的绰号名副其实。
鸟瞰冰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞湾公园,辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)
鸟瞰冰封的大海和悬崖上的灯塔,大连泊霞湾公园,辽宁省,中国 Colors and shapes,Aerial view of frozen sea and lighthouse on the cliff in Dalian, China (© zhengshun tang/Getty Images)
一路通往童话之路 All the way to the fairy tale world
莫诺湖的石灰华地层,加利福尼亚州,美国 Tufa formations on Mono Lake, California (© Susanna Patras/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
莫诺湖的石灰华地层,加利福尼亚州,美国 Tufa formations on Mono Lake, California (© Susanna Patras/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
石灰华塔的崛起 The rise of tufa
Tufa formations in Mono Lake, California
Shaped by the slow passage of time, tufa—a type of porous limestone—emerges as one of nature's most spectacular formations. While these towers can be found in many places, today's image shows some at Mono Lake in Mono County, California. These structures develop when calcium-rich fresh water, percolating up through springs and vents, mixes with carbonate in the lake. Over centuries, this interaction caused calcium carbonate to build up, forming tufa spires above the lake's surface. To preserve the tufa towers, the Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve was established in 1981.
Mono Lake is a fascinating desert lake with hypersaline and alkaline waters and no natural outlet. It supports a thriving ecosystem teeming with billions of brine shrimp and alkali flies. These tiny creatures are essential snacks for a variety of migratory birds, like California gulls and eared grebes. As a food source, Mono Lake is a critical pit stop along the Pacific Flyway, a major migration route for birds journeying from Alaska all the way south to Patagonia.
Sattais Katcheri,琥珀堡,拉贾斯坦邦,印度 Sattais Katcheri (Court of 27 pillars), Amber Fort, Rajasthan, India (© Yury Taranik/Shutterstock)
Sattais Katcheri,琥珀堡,拉贾斯坦邦,印度 Sattais Katcheri (Court of 27 pillars), Amber Fort, Rajasthan, India (© Yury Taranik/Shutterstock)
柱式遗产 A pillared legacy
漫步在印度拉贾斯坦邦斋浦尔地区的街道上,你会被宏伟的宫殿和高耸的堡垒所吸引,它们塑造了该地区的景观。其中最引人注目的是琥珀堡,它坐落在距离斋浦尔主城约7英里的一座小山上。在这座堡垒华丽的城墙内有一个名为“Sattais Katcheri”的建筑,意思是“27根柱子的宫廷”,这就是今天图片中的建筑。琥珀堡建于1592年,曾是该地区统治者的居所。琥珀堡以其独特的印度神庙、拉杰普特和莫卧儿建筑风格而闻名,由淡黄色和粉红色砂岩以及白色大理石建成。这座杰作共分四层,每层都有自己的庭院。每晚的灯光音响秀将城堡的魅力展现得淋漓尽致。作为联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产,琥珀堡可以让游客尽情探索其丰富的历史和皇家风范。
Amber Fort, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Grand palaces and towering forts shape the landscape of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Among the most prominent is Amber Fort, also known as Amer Fort or Amber Palace, which is perched on a small hill about 7 miles from the main city of Jaipur. Within its regal walls lies the Sattais Katcheri, which means 'court of 27 pillars,' featured in today's image. Amber Fort was built in 1592 and it served as the residence of the Maharajas, or rulers, of the area. Famous for its unique blend of Hindu, Rajput, and Mughal architectural styles, it is constructed from pale yellow and pink sandstone alongside white marble. This masterpiece is spread across four levels, each with its own courtyard. Part of the wider Hill Forts of Rajasthan UNESCO World Heritage Site, Amber Fort invites visitors to explore a rich blend of history and royalty.
南极洲的冰山 Icebergs, Antarctica (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)
南极洲的冰山 Icebergs, Antarctica (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)
保护最后一片大荒野 Protecting the last great wilderness
Antarctica Day
Today, Antarctica Day shines a spotlight on one of the world's most remarkable international agreements—the Antarctic Treaty. Signed in 1959 by 12 nations, this treaty designated the entire continent as a demilitarized zone, with a special focus on promoting scientific research and collaboration.. This day honors the spirit of global cooperation, reminding us of the collective responsibility to protect the planet's last great wilderness.
The name 'Antarctica' is derived from the ancient Greek word 'antarktikos,' meaning opposite the Arctic. The concept of an 'Antarctic region' was first mentioned by Greek philosopher Aristotle around 350 BCE but it wasn't discovered until the 19th century. It is the coldest, driest, and windiest of the Earth's continents, with temperatures plunging as low as -112 degrees Fahrenheit. Vast ice sheets and glaciers found here hold about 70% of the world's fresh water. The waters are dotted with icebergs, as seen in today's image, which drift across the Southern Ocean and melt over time. Species like emperor and Adélie penguins, along with seals, mites, roundworms, and microscopic eight-legged moss piglets, call this icy habitat home.