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土耳其棉花堡的石灰华梯田 Travertine terraces of Pamukkale, Turkey (© bybostanci/Getty Images)

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土耳其堡的石灰华梯田 Travertine terraces of Pamukkale, Turkey (© bybostanci/Getty Images)

天堂般的温 Heavenly hot springs

Pamukkale, Turkey

The stunning travertine terraces and hot pools of Pamukkale, Turkey, have dazzled visitors since at least the end of the 2nd century BCE and the founding of the Greco-Roman thermal spa of Hierapolis. Since then, people have enjoyed a relaxing soak in the 97-degree Fahrenheit water, claiming curative powers for many ailments.

It makes sense that Pamukkale is also known as the 'Cotton Palace,' in a nod to the fluffy-looking white formations that cover the hillside. That 'cotton' is travertine, a soft limestone that is formed over centuries as calcite-laden water drops from springs on a cliff high above. Here it's a stunning white, but travertine can be found in many different colors, ranging from gray to gold.

The terraces and the ancient ruins of Hierapolis are so unique that they were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. New restrictions to protect the pools include a cap on the number of bathers, so you may not be allowed to take a dip. But there's plenty to marvel at here. Walk around the ruins of the theater and necropolis, the ancient temples, and bath houses in Hierapolis. You'll be in good company: The hot springs and Hierapolis draw more than 2 million visitors a year, making them one of Turkey's most visited attractions.





盛开的金链花树和紫色葱属植物,加拿大温哥华范度森植物园 Laburnum (golden chain) trees and purple alliums in bloom at VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver, Canada (© Greg Vaughn/Alamy)

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盛开的金链和紫色葱属植物加拿大温哥华范度森植物园 Laburnum (golden chain) trees and purple alliums in bloom at VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver, Canada (© Greg Vaughn/Alamy)

一张来自春天的快照 A snapshot of Spring

Laburnum trees and purple alliums

This snapshot of Spring is from VanDusen Botanical Garden located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Approximately 7,500 species and varieties of plants can be spotted here. Visitors are encouraged to take self-guided tours which are updated almost every month, as new plants take centre stage. Pictured here are the laburnum trees in full bloom. Despite requiring little maintenance, these trees can grow fast, surpassing close to 40 centimeters of growth each year. Given their gorgeous golden arch and walkways, laburnums easily draw visitors to VanDusen Botanical Gardens this time of the year. And if you miss their narrow period of full bloom, you could likely take a stroll through the Rhododendron Walk or take in the numerous flowers in vibrant colors spread across the garden.



巨型红杉的小萌芽,加利福尼亚州 A young giant sequoia sprouting out of an old log in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Hutch Axilrod/Getty Images)

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巨型红杉的小萌芽,加利福尼亚州 A young giant sequoia sprouting out of an old log in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Hutch Axilrod/Getty Images)

潜力惊人的萌芽 The sprout with amazing potential

Arbor Day

With a little love and support, this little sprout at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California has a big future ahead of it. It has the potential to one day be the tallest tree on the planet, or at least close to it. Its 'big brother,' Hyperion, currently holds the record at 380 feet. They're giant sequoias, aka giant redwood trees. They often grow upwards of 300 feet tall and can live for thousands of years. They're heroes of nature, affecting the weather and climate, while housing and protecting other plants and animals. But all of this little sprout's potential is at risk because the giant sequoia is an endangered species. Fewer than 80,000 of them remain. That's why today is an important day for it and all trees.

That's right, today is Arbor Day, the day where we stop a moment to think about the trees (and hopefully even plant a few). The first American Arbor Day occurred 150 years ago when an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska in 1872. This year, America's Arbor Day Foundation is celebrating its 50th year of dedication to tree planting. They've planted over 350 million of them over the years, but the mission never ends. Trees are vital to the health of our planet, which means they're important for our own health as well. Why not do a little to make the future a better place and take a moment to nurture or plant a new tree today?



午夜的太阳,挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛 Midnight sun in Svalbard, Norway (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy)

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午夜的太阳,挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛 Midnight sun in Svalbard, Norway (© Nature Picture Library/Alamy)

无尽的夏夜 Endless summer

Midnight sun

Don't lose your sunglasses! At least not during this time of year in Svalbard, Norway, when the sun crests the horizon and never dips below it again for more than five months. From about April 19 to August 23, it's nothing but sunshine on this island above the Arctic Circle, more than 500 miles north of mainland Norway. It's not quite a day at the beach, with average summertime high temps of 39 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (toasty compared to average wintertime temps of 5 to 9 degrees). And who knows how far it is to the nearest Ray-Ban store?

Norway is one of eight nations in the Northern Hemisphere that experience the phenomenon known as the 'midnight sun' (but the only one that lays claim to the name 'Land of the Midnight Sun'). Parts of the United States (Alaska), Canada, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, and the Kingdom of Denmark (Greenland) also see the sun at local midnight during the summer months. In these northernmost climes the path of the sun is often cause for celebration. Svalbard celebrates Sun Festival Week when the sun first emerges in early March. St. Petersburg, Russia, is renowned for its White Nights of endless twilight, and Midsummer is a huge outdoor party in many northern nations. You'll want to get your sunshine while you can, because the endless dark of the polar winter lasts just as long.


别把太阳镜弄丢了!至少在挪威斯瓦尔巴特每年的这个时候,太阳升到地平线上,并且在五个多月内再也不会下降到地平线以下。从大约4月19日到8月23日,在挪威大陆以北500多英里的北极圈上空的这个岛屿上,除了阳什么都没有。海滩上的天气不太好,夏季的平均高温为39到45华氏度(相比之下,季的平均温度为5到9华氏度)。谁知道离最近的Ray Ban商店有多远?


下莱茵省的胡内城堡,法国阿尔萨斯大区 Château de Hunebourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Alamy)

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下莱茵省的胡内城堡法国阿尔萨斯大区 Château de Hunebourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Alamy)

12世纪的历史遗迹 The castle of a thousand and one lives

Château de Hunebourg

Today, we take a breath of fresh air, nature and history with this view of the Alsatian castle of Hunenbourg, located west of Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, in the Bas-Rhin, in Alsace. The castle of Hunebourg, listed as a Historic Monument since June 2007, is installed on a sandstone rock 425 meters above sea level and accessible by the Zinsel valley.

Formerly owned by the Counts of Hunebourg, the castle was built in the 12th century. Years after years, it passed from hand to hand. In the second half of the 20th century, the castle became what it still is today, a hotel.

The site welcomes its visitors in an exceptional natural setting where you can still admire the remains of the original building such as the floors and furniture, the cave of Love, which was used as a place for romantic dates, reconstructed by Spieser, or the markers of divided areas.





半穹顶景观点上空的银河,优胜美地国家公园,加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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半穹顶景观点上空的银河优胜美地国家公园加利福尼亚州 Milky Way rising above Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California (© Cory Marshall/Tandem Stills + Motion)

你能把灯关掉吗? Could you turn off the lights?

Dark Sky Week

During International Dark Sky Week, we're counting ourselves lucky to have this spectacular nighttime view, considering the astonishing fact that 83% of the global population lives under a light-polluted sky. Unneeded artificial light is classified as a pollutant and has been proven to have harmful side effects. Not only does it waste money and energy, it also disrupts plants and animals, is believed to impact the climate, and blocks our view of the universe.

Encouraging people to get away from artificial light is one of the goals of International Dark Sky Week, and today's photo shows just how magnificent that can be. Here, we're treated to a beautiful view of the Milky Way from Yosemite National Park in California. Yosemite is part of a network of national parks monitoring dark night skies to gather a complete data set of light pollution. They've learned that 'two-thirds of Americans cannot see the Milky Way from their backyard, and if current light pollution trends continue, there will be almost no dark skies left in the contiguous United States by 2025.'

Luckily, dark sky is a recoverable resource. There are ways to reduce our light use and improve the view of the night sky for everyone. Think about it over the course of the next week, preferably while gazing at a night sky undisturbed by light pollution—or at least a beautiful photo of one.





天津滨海新区图书馆, 中国天津 Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China (© Imaginechina Limited/Alamy)

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天津滨海新区图书馆, 中国天津 Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China (© Imaginechina Limited/Alamy)

看到和被看到 See and be seen

World Book Day

World Book Day takes us to the Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China. Nicknamed 'The Eye,' this immense, stunning facility was completed in 2017 as the focal point of the Binhai Cultural Center. Designed by Dutch design firm MVRDV in collaboration with local architects, the library's floor-to-ceiling bookshelves appear well stocked with books, but most of them are actually printed images. The real books are stored in traditional rooms with normal shelves. Still, it looks super cool.

The original idea for World Bood day was conceived in 1922 by Spanish writer Vicente Clavel Andrés to honor famed 16th century author Miguel de Cervantes. It was first celebrated in 1926 on October 7, Cervantes' birthday, before being moved in 1930 to his death date, April 23, which is also the date of William Shakespeare's death. In Spain, the day often involves an exchange of gifts, with the traditional gifts being a book and a rose. In 1995 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established World Book Day as a worldwide celebration of the written word and the power of stories.



1922年,西班牙作家维森特·克拉维尔·安德烈斯(Vicente Clavel Andrés)为纪念16世纪著名作家米格尔·德·塞万提斯(Miguel de Cervantes)而构思了世界嘘声日的最初构想。1926年10月7日,塞万提斯的生日,第一次庆祝这个节日。1930年,塞万提斯去世,也就是4月23日,也就是威廉·莎士比亚去世的日子。在西班牙,这一天通常包括交换礼物,传统的礼物是一本书和一朵玫瑰。1995年,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(UNESCO)设立了世界图书日,作为全世界对文字和故事力量的庆祝。

卡鲁拉国家公园里的小湖,爱沙尼亚 Small lake in Karula National Park, Valgamaa County, Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

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卡鲁拉国家公园里的小爱沙尼亚 Small lake in Karula National Park, Valgamaa County, Estonia (© Sven Zacek/Minden Pictures)

世界之眼 Eye of the world

Earth Day

For this year's Earth Day we find ourselves floating above Karula National Park, the smallest national park in the smallest Baltic nation. Visiting this jewel of Estonia feels appropriate for Earth Day, as it is home to a variety of endangered species, including animals such as the pond bat, the lesser spotted eagle, and the black stork. Rare plants thrive here, too, like the endangered Baltic orchid, mezereon, and the daisyleaf grape fern. In addition to the draw of its biodiversity, Karula is a popular spot for camping, adventure tourism, fishing, nature photography, hiking, and cycling.

On this day in 1970, some 20 million Americans rallied in communities across the United States to raise awareness of environmental issues. The landmark event is credited for sparking the passage in the 1970s of the most comprehensive environmental reform legislation in US history, including the creation of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Earth Day is now celebrated in nearly 200 countries and has grown to include Earth Week and even Earth Month celebrations. That's good news for Earth's residents, big and small.


