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马达加斯加的马苏阿拉国家公园 Masoala National Park in Madagascar (© Dennis van de Water/Shutterstock)
马达加斯加的马苏阿拉国家公园 Masoala National Park in Madagascar (© Dennis van de Water/Shutterstock)
世界环境日快乐! Happy b-earth-day!
World Environment Day
Happy World Environment Day! First celebrated back in 1973, this UN event is now celebrated in more than 143 countries. This year's theme focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.
Pictured here is Madagascar's Masoala National Park, part of the Rainforests of the Atsinanana UNESCO World Heritage Site. This park, which covers nearly 930 square miles, is a wildlife haven harboring hundreds of species including mammals like red ruffed lemurs and aye-ayes, birds like red owls and helmet vangas, reptiles like Madagascar day geckos and tomato frogs, and butterflies, coral species, fish, and sea turtles. The park has been at the forefront of conservation efforts to combat illegal logging, particularly of its rare rosewood trees. So, let's take inspiration from Masoala and champion the planet that cradles us all. After all, there is no planet B.
普卢马纳克的灯塔,阿摩尔滨海省,法国 Ploumanac'h Lighthouse, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© Christian Handl/Getty Images)
普卢马纳克的灯塔,阿摩尔滨海省,法国 Ploumanac'h Lighthouse, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© Christian Handl/Getty Images)
黑夜中的一盏明灯 A light in the night
普卢马纳克灯塔矗立在这片壮观景观的中心,又被称为 "Mean Ruz"(该词为布列塔尼语,意为“红色的石头”),这与灯塔建造在岩石上有关。灯塔高15米,与周围的自然环境融为一体。现在的灯塔取代了建于1860年、毁于1944年的初代灯塔房。如今,该灯塔已成为粉红色花岗岩海岸的标志性象征,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。
帝王棕榈树,里约热内卢植物园,巴西 Imperial palm trees in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, Brazil (© Marcia Silva de Mendonca/Getty Images)
帝王棕榈树,里约热内卢植物园,巴西 Imperial palm trees in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, Brazil (© Marcia Silva de Mendonca/Getty Images)
带你游花园 Leads you to the garden
植物园中的兰花园和仙人掌花园是不容错过的。兰花园从19世纪末就开始收集兰花,如今约有600种不同的兰花,其中大部分原产于巴西。仙人掌园是里约热内卢植物园中最吸引人的地方,自1910年以来,这里收集了大约400种不同的仙人掌。 建立“仙人掌园”的目的还包括为医学研究提供仙人掌,以及为不同的仙人掌品种建立种子库。
冈纳塞德,斯韦尔代尔,约克郡谷地国家公园,英格兰 (© Derek Croucher/Alamy Stock Photo)
冈纳塞德,斯韦尔代尔,约克郡谷地国家公园,英格兰 (© Derek Croucher/Alamy Stock Photo)
在英国约克郡谷地国家公园里,古老的冈纳塞德村充满着英式风情的魅力和历史的气息。想象一下,当你漫步在冈纳塞德狭窄的小巷中,周围是连绵起伏的群山、郁郁葱葱的牧场和石头小屋,耳边只有斯维尔河的咆哮声,这个画面是多么的美好!该国家公园成立于1954年,占地841平方英里,有1000多个农场。该地区最具特色的景观之一是干石墙,据说山谷里的城墙长达5000多英里。这些城墙没有使用任何砂浆,却可以维持数百年之久。冈纳塞德村的名字来自古斯堪的纳维亚语“Gunnar's saetr”,意思是冈纳的山丘或牧场。从17世纪到19世纪,冈纳塞德村附近的一个山谷曾是一个繁荣的铅矿开采中心。村里的老铁匠铺和博物馆已有229年的历史,里面陈列着历史悠久的铁匠工具和采矿器具。无论您是在寻求宁静的度假胜地,还是在探索英格兰的传奇历史,冈纳赛德都将为您带来难忘的回忆。
一片斜纹松和锯齿草大沼泽地国家公园,佛罗里达州,美国 A stand of slash pines and sawgrass prairie, Everglades National Park, Florida (© Jonathan Gewirtz/Tandem Stills + Motion)
一片斜纹松和锯齿草大沼泽地国家公园,佛罗里达州,美国 A stand of slash pines and sawgrass prairie, Everglades National Park, Florida (© Jonathan Gewirtz/Tandem Stills + Motion)
欢迎来到大沼泽地 'Everglad' to be here
Everglades National Park marks 90 years
On this day 90 years ago, Congress passed an act that would lead to the creation of one of America's natural gems: Everglades National Park in Florida. It would be another 13 years before enough land was acquired to make the park a reality, but today it encapsulates the largest subtropical wilderness in the US. Spanning more than 1.5 million acres, the park is a lifeline to 36 federally protected and endangered wildlife species, from the gentle manatee to the stealthy Florida panther. Here, the air thrums with the calls of over 350 bird species like limpkins and snail kites, while the waters teem with life including hundreds of species of fish, sea turtles, and American crocodiles. Beyond its biodiversity, the park is celebrated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an International Biosphere Reserve, and a Wetland of International Importance. Here's to Everglades National Park—may it continue to inspire wonder, curiosity, and appreciation for the wild world around us.
罗萨诺修道院,迈泰奥拉,色萨利 ,希腊 Roussanou Monastery, Meteora, Thessaly, Greece (© Marius Roman/Getty Images)
罗萨诺修道院,迈泰奥拉,色萨利 ,希腊 Roussanou Monastery, Meteora, Thessaly, Greece (© Marius Roman/Getty Images)
屹立于世界之巅 On top of the world
The Monastery of Roussanou, Greece
Welcome to the Roussanou Monastery, nestled amidst the towering cliffs of the Meteora rock formation in Thessaly, northern Greece. Roussanou is one of the six monasteries that remain active in this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite the construction difficulties, 24 monasteries were founded on these 'columns of the sky' in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Once you've conquered the climb, you'll be greeted by stunning panoramic views, but the real treasures lie within the monastery itself—a world of Byzantine art and architecture. This style emerged in the Eastern Roman Empire, which lasted from the 4th century CE until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Are you ready to take the climb?
塞斯特里莱万特的沉默湾,利古里亚大区,意大利 Baia del Silenzio in Sestri Levante, Liguria, Italy (© StevanZZ/Getty Images)
塞斯特里莱万特的沉默湾,利古里亚大区,意大利 Baia del Silenzio in Sestri Levante, Liguria, Italy (© StevanZZ/Getty Images)
我们去乘船吧! Let's go for a boat ride!
香根和羽扇豆,梅索谷,北喀斯喀特,华盛顿州,美国 Balsamroot and lupines, Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)
香根和羽扇豆,梅索谷,北喀斯喀特,华盛顿州,美国 Balsamroot and lupines, Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)
野性与自由 Wild and free
Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington
If you're looking for meadows blanketed with vibrant wildflowers, the Methow Valley in the North Cascade Mountains, Washington, is the place for you. The spiky purple, blue, and white lupines and golden balsamroot flowers create a picturesque contrast with the area's rugged mountains. These flowers also play crucial roles in the valley's ecosystem. Lupines are nitrogen-fixing plants which help to improve soil fertility while balsamroot attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping plants to reproduce and contributing to the biodiversity of the region. Whether you're a seasoned botanist or nature enthusiast, the wildflowers of the Methow Valley will surely leave a lasting impression of the enchanting wilderness.
阿伊特本哈杜,摩洛哥 Aït Benhaddou, Morocco (© Grant Faint/Getty Images)
阿伊特本哈杜,摩洛哥 Aït Benhaddou, Morocco (© Grant Faint/Getty Images)
沙丘守护者 Guardians of the dunes
Aït Benhaddou, Morocco
Are you looking for sandy charms? Come to Aït Benhaddou, Morocco, on the old caravan route linking the Sahara to Marrakesh. This UNESCO World Heritage Site showcases Moroccan earthen clay architecture, made using sun-dried mud. Although none of the buildings here are believed to predate the 17th century, they are constructed using techniques and styles that are much older. Located on the gentle slopes overlooking the Asif Ounila (Ounila River) the Ksar of Aït Benhaddou is a fortified village, clustered within a defensive wall with corner towers. The ksar's communal landscape includes a public square, a mosque, grain-threshing areas beyond the fortifications, and a caravanserai—a type of roadside inn, among other features. So, if you are seeking a journey off the beaten path, Aït Benhaddou awaits you.
阿尼斯克洛峡谷,奥德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园,韦斯卡,西班牙 Añisclo Canyon, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Huesca, Spain (© Marisa Estivill/Shutterstock)
阿尼斯克洛峡谷,奥德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园,韦斯卡,西班牙 Añisclo Canyon, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Huesca, Spain (© Marisa Estivill/Shutterstock)
一路到顶峰 All the way to the top
European Day of Parks
Today is European Day of Parks! On this day in 1909, Europe's first nine national parks were founded in Sweden. This year, the celebration highlights how protected areas help shape nature policies and contribute to building sustainable societies. These areas are more than just guardians of biodiversity; they are also pillars of our collective well-being, reminding us to preserve our natural heritage.
Today's image showcases Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park in the Pyrenees Mountains of northeastern Spain. The park was established with the primary aim of preserving the high mountain landscape of the surrounding region. Characterized by its rugged terrain, the area has limestone formations and a plethora of karst features, including sinkholes and caves.