义蓬灯节 ,清迈,泰国 Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand (© tampatra/Getty Images)

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义蓬灯节 ,清迈泰国 Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand (© tampatra/Getty Images)

愿望随灯起飞 Hope takes flight

义蓬灯节 ,清迈,泰国

在今天的夜幕降临时,泰国第二大城市清迈将在数以千计的流溢彩的灯笼中迎来义蓬灯节。这个庆祝活动在兰纳农历(该历法可追溯到中世纪泰国北部的兰纳王国)第二个月的满月时举行,象征着消除负面情绪和迎接新的开始。节日的高潮是在夜空中放飞名为“ khom loi”或“khom loy”的天灯,也就是能在空中漂浮的纸灯笼。届时,天际弥漫着温暖的金色光海,形成一道美丽的风景线。当地人和游客聚集在寺庙宫殿周围,向天空许愿,希望来年好运连连。


Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand

As twilight descends today, Chiang Mai, Thailand's second-largest city, will come alive with thousands of glowing lanterns for Yi Peng. Held on the full moon of the second month of the Lanna lunar calendar, this celebration is about letting go of negativity and embracing new beginnings. The highlight of the festival is the release of 'khom loi' or 'khom loy'—floating paper lanterns—into the night sky, which becomes a sea of warm, golden lights. People often write their hopes and dreams on the lanterns. They gather around temples and palaces to send their wishes skyward, hoping for good fortune in the year to come.

In addition to the lantern release, the city hosts vibrant parades, traditional dance performances, and stunning decorations. Yi Peng coincides with Loy Krathong, another festival where small, intricately crafted baskets, decorated with banana leaves, incense, and candles, are floated down rivers. Together, these festivals create a spectacle that draws visitors from across the world to witness the illumination of Chiang Mai.

标签: 泰国, 清迈

