俯瞰拷索山林国家公园,素叻府,泰国 Aerial view of Khao Sok National Park, Surat Thani, Thailand (© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images)

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俯瞰拷索国家公园,素叻府,泰国 Aerial view of Khao Sok National Park, Surat Thani, Thailand (© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images)

丛林探险 A jungle adventure


今天,我们来到了一片充满野生动物的奇境,泰国素叻他尼府的考索国家公园。这片雨林亚马逊古老,生态系统极为丰富。公园成立于1980 年栖息着马来貘、白掌长臂猿、印度野牛和犀鸟等多种野生动物,是任何想要逃离城市喧嚣、沉浸丛林之声的旅行者的理想目的地。这里有蜿蜒的远足小径供人探索,也可以乘皮划艇悠然穿行。如果够幸运,还能目睹巨型莱佛士盛开的壮观景象。


Khao Sok National Park in Thailand

Today we're in a wildlife-packed wonderland with rainforests older than the Amazon—Khao Sok National Park in Surat Thani province, southern Thailand. Established in 1980, the park is home to diverse wildlife, including the Malayan tapir, white-handed gibbon, gaur, and hornbill, making it an ideal destination for anyone ready to swap city noise for jungle sounds. There are trails to tackle, kayaks to paddle, and, if you're fortunate, you might even catch a glimpse of the massive (and stinky) Rafflesia flower when it's in bloom.

And then there's Cheow Lan Lake—a reservoir created for hydropower in 1982 when the Rajjaprabha Dam was built. Over time, the lake transformed the landscape into something you'd think was straight out of a movie, as featured in today's image. Here, limestone cliffs rise dramatically from glassy waters, and there are floating bungalows too. These bungalows offer more than just a place to sleep—they provide a front-row seat to nature's theater.

标签: 泰国


