
生机盎然的酢浆草和红杉树,美国大草原溪红杉州立公园 Coastal redwoods and wood sorrel, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Jack Dykinga/Minden Pictures)

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生机盎然的酢浆草和红杉美国草原溪红杉州立公园 Coastal redwoods and wood sorrel, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Jack Dykinga/Minden Pictures)

有四叶草吗? Any with four leaves?

St. Patrick's Day

Ireland has been called the land of '40 shades of green,' but this green leprechaun's-eye view comes from the feet of California's giant sequoias. Today we celebrate St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who famously never traveled to California. St. Patrick is often depicted holding a shamrock, which he purportedly used to spread Christianity in Ireland by saying the leaves illustrated the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. Never mind that Celtic druids had revered the sacred shamrock and its three leaves long before Patrick's arrival. Coins depicting St. Patrick with a shamrock date back as far as 1675.

Legends of St. Patrick abound. For example, he's said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland, but most experts would suggest it was the cool, damp weather that kept the serpents from ever arriving there in the first place. Tradition has it that he died on March 17 of the year 461 CE, and one can only assume that a year later the first green beer was served.

Whether you find yourself in Dublin, the California coast, or any point in between today, we leave you with a traditional Irish toast: 'May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.'





古罗马广场,意大利 The Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images)

发布于 , 827 次浏览


古罗马广场意大利 The Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images)

前往罗马广场的路上发生了一件趣事…… A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum…

Beware the ides of March

We're at the Roman Forum, or Forum Romanum, for the ides of March, a day made famous as the site of the assassination of Julius Caesar. While Shakespeare's Caesar was warned to 'beware the ides of March,' historians have never attributed the phrase to those who tipped off the actual Caesar about a plot against him. We do know that before March 15, 44 BCE was over, Caesar was assassinated. Afterward, Rome descended into war, ending the Roman Republic, and leading to the rise of the Roman Empire.

The Forum was a city square in which Rome's commercial, political, and religious activity took place, along with the occasional assassination. It was a site of ceremonies and celebrations. It was where Mark Antony's famed funeral oration for Caesar was given, and where Caesar's body was burned before the public. Today the area is a popular tourist attraction, drawing more than 4.5 million visitors in an average year.




兰洋夸特墓室,英国康沃尔郡 Lanyon Quoit burial chamber, Cornwall, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

发布于 , 678 次浏览


兰洋夸特墓室,英国康沃尔郡 Lanyon Quoit burial chamber, Cornwall, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

天空中的圆周率...... It's just pi in the sky...

Pi Day

Did Neolithic humans build this structure to celebrate Pi Day? Not likely. Pi Day is a relatively recent phenomenon—invented by a physicist in 1988 and designated by Congress a national holiday in 2009. But it's already almost certainly the most popular holiday celebrating a mathematical constant. While Pi Day is a young tradition, the number π (pi) itself has been a fascination since antiquity, when it was first calculated as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

You probably know that March 14 was chosen for Pi Day since the date expressed numerically (in month/date format) matches the number's first digits, 3.14. Aside from eating pie to celebrate, some people go to great lengths to memorize digits that go way beyond 3.141592…, which earns them bragging rights in some, um, circles. The world record is a staggering 70,000 digits after the decimal point—the remarkable feat was achieved by 21-year-old student Rajveer Meena in 2015.

Take a moment from your Pi Day revelry to appreciate the unintentional π symbol formed by this Neolithic burial chamber in Cornwall, England. As the morning sun warms Lanyon Quoit's ancient stones, it's impossible not to wonder who built it and how, since it predates metal tools and is older than Egypt's pyramids. Theories abound, of course, but could π have been involved?





鸟瞰视角下的布雷阿岛,法国阿摩尔滨海省 Aerial view of Bréhat island, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© LECLERCQ Olivier/hemis.fr/Alamy)

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鸟瞰视角下的布雷阿法国阿摩尔滨海省 Aerial view of Bréhat island, Côtes-d'Armor, France (© LECLERCQ Olivier/hemis.fr/Alamy)


Bréhat island

Brittany wins us over! Today head to the Bréhat archipelago, made up of the main island and 86 neighboring islets and reefs. On July 13, 1907, Bréhat became the first natural site classified in France! 3.5 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide, the island is accessible by boat and can be visited on foot or by bicycle. You will discover here a multitude of coves, beaches, and shelters for lost sailors. If you are planning a trip to the island, then we suggest you go in spring or autumn: there are fewer people, the weather remains mild and nature is lush.

All year round, the archipelago benefits from the influence of the Gulf Stream, which provides it with a particularly mild microclimate in winter. Many varieties of flowers color the island: exotic plants such as agave or echium; flowers like the hydrangea, the mimosa, the mulberry, the eucalyptus, the aloe, or the camellia… But the flower that most symbolizes Bréhat is the agapanthus which blooms from April to September and colors the paths with its hue blue-purple.

Traveling through Bréhat, you discover a rich and varied heritage that traces the maritime and military history that marked the island. In the past, Bréhat provided the crown of France with numerous corsairs that caused terror to reign over the Atlantic. Thus, there are monuments such as the Pont ar Prad built by Vauban, It was built to connect the two islands forming Bréhat and a citadel which today houses the Verreries de Bréhat.





奥卡拉国家森林中的杜松泉,美国佛罗里达州 Juniper Springs in Ocala National Forest, Florida (© Michael Warren/Getty Images)

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奥卡拉国家森林中的杜松美国佛罗里达州 Juniper Springs in Ocala National Forest, Florida (© Michael Warren/Getty Images)

全年均可在此畅游 You can take a refreshing dip here any day of the year

Juniper Springs, Florida

Yes, the water here is as inviting as it looks: clear as glass, the shade of a precious gem, and a perfect 73 degrees every day of the year. Set within a subtropical forest, it is a veritable Garden of Eden. Long before Disney arrived in the Sunshine State, natural springs like this one were what visitors flocked to. Juniper Springs, seen here, is one of Florida's oldest and best-known recreation areas, established in the 1930s as a place to camp, hike, paddle, and, of course, swim.

Florida is home to the largest concentration of freshwater springs in the world, with more than 1,000 of them scattered mostly across the upper part of the state, where the massive Floridan aquifer breaks through the surface. This underground reservoir hides beneath the entire state and parts of neighboring states. Under constant pressure, the water sometimes reaches voids in the surface, and a spring is created. This aquifer provides Florida with almost all its drinking water.

Like so many of our natural resources, Florida's springs are under threat. Overextraction and pollution from fertilizers and septic systems have put some springs in peril. Luckily for anyone visiting Juniper Springs, these jewel-toned waters are protected by the Ocala National Forest, so it's likely to look like this for a long time.




和我们的许多自然资源一样,佛罗里达州的泉水也受到威胁。肥料和化粪池系统的过度抽取和污染已经使一些泉水处于危险之中。幸运的是,对于任何参观Juniper Springs的人来说,这些宝石色的水域都受到奥卡拉国家森林的保护,所以很可能很长一段时间都是这样。

艺术家迈克尔·乌伊在雪地上绘制的“生命之花”符号, 德国勃兰登堡雅各布斯多夫 The 'Flower of Life' symbol drawn in the snow by artist Michael Uy, Jacobsdorf, Brandenburg, Germany (© Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images)

发布于 , 711 次浏览


艺术家迈克尔·乌伊在地上绘制的“生命之”符号,   德国勃兰登堡雅各布斯多夫  The 'Flower of Life' symbol drawn in the snow by artist Michael Uy, Jacobsdorf, Brandenburg, Germany (© Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Flower of Life symbol drawn in snow

German artist Michael Uy created this 'Flower of Life' geometric pattern in the snow in Brandenburg. Preparations began about a week before the snow's arrival, when Uy hammered 19 wooden posts into a field, carefully measuring the space between each post. After the snowfall, he walked near-perfect circles around all 19 pillars, using a string to keep an equal distance from the posts. The artist then used a broom to further remove the snow from his footprints and reveal the lines of the flower nearly 200 feet across. Uy's piece was fully visible only when the sun was low. And only until the next snow or warm day. Luckily, a drone was dispatched to snap this photograph.

The 'Flower of Life' is an ancient symbol long revered by various cultures around the world, from ancient Assyrians to modern pagans. The pattern is believed by some to be a visual representation of interconnectivity, energy, and harmony, by others to be a key to unlocking secrets of the universe. And hey, it looks cool. Especially on ice.


德国艺术家迈克尔·乌伊(Michael Uy)在勃兰登堡(Brandenburg)的雪中创造了这种“生命之花”几何图案。准备工作在大雪到来前大约一周开始,Uy将19根木桩锤入一块场地,仔细测量每根木桩之间的间距。下雪后,他绕着所有19根柱子几乎完美地走了一圈,用绳子与柱子保持相等的距离。然后,艺术家用扫帚进一步清除脚印上的积雪,并展示了近200英尺宽的花朵线条。乌伊的作品只有在太阳很低的时候才完全可见。直到下一场雪或温暖的一天。幸运的是,一架无人机被派去拍这张照片。


Ponte Gobbo桥,意大利博比奥 Ponte Vecchio bridge near Bobbio, Italy (© afinocchiaro/Getty Images)

发布于 , 671 次浏览


Ponte Gobbo意大利博比奥 Ponte Vecchio bridge near Bobbio, Italy (© afinocchiaro/Getty Images)

特雷比亚的左岸便是 On the left bank of the river Trebbia, lies...

Bobbio, Italy

Between the metropolis of Milan—the fashion and design capital of Italy—and the fabled seaport city of Genoa, you'll find this small river town in northern Italy. People have resided here since ancient times, including the Romans, but the town really began to flourish when the abbey was constructed in the 7th century. For much of the Middle Ages, the Bobbio Abbey and its vast library made the town a center of religion, culture, and learning.

These days, Bobbio is a regular tourist stop perhaps best known for its old bridge, or Ponte Vecchio (not to be confused with THE Ponte Vecchio in Florence). Bobbio's old bridge spans the river Trebbia with 11 arches of unequal size and is commonly called Ponte Gobbo (Hunchback Bridge), because of its irregular shape.

Bobbio remains a jewel box of a town frozen in time. With its many small churches, modest houses, and cobblestone streets, Bobbio maintains the character of a medieval village nestled the Trebbia valley. Ernest Hemingway described the Val Trebbia as 'the most beautiful in the world,' and with views like this, who could argue with him?



如今,博比奥是一个固定的旅游站,也许最著名的是它的老桥,或者叫Vecchio桥(不要和佛罗伦萨的Vecchio桥混淆)。博比奥的旧桥横跨特雷比亚河,有11座大小不等的拱门,因其形状不规则,通常被称为“驼背桥”(Ponte Gobbo)。

博比奥仍然是一个被时间冻结的城镇的珠宝盒。博比奥有许多小教堂、简陋的房屋和鹅卵石街道,保持着特雷比亚山谷一个中世纪村庄的特色。欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)将瓦尔·特雷比娅(Val Trebbia)描述为“世界上最美的”,有这样的观点,谁能和他争论呢?

蒂内河畔圣艾蒂安小镇,法国阿尔卑斯省 France, Alpes Maritimes Mercantour National Park, Tinée Vallée, Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée (© CAVALIER Michel/hemis.fr/Alamy Stock Photo)

发布于 , 630 次浏览


蒂内畔圣艾蒂安小镇法国阿尔卑斯省 France, Alpes Maritimes Mercantour National Park, Tinée Vallée, Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée (© CAVALIER Michel/hemis.fr/Alamy Stock Photo)

征服了世界的高 The mountain wins us over


Today, head to the Alpes Maritime, in Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée. This small village in the Mercantour National Park, built on the banks of the river and in the hollow of a wide sunny valley, offers a pleasant and peaceful quality of life to residents and holidaymakers. As you stroll through the streets of the village, let yourself be guided by the testimonies of the past: pastel-colored facades, perspective wall paintings, sundials and fountains and much more. If you are lucky enough to be able to push the door of the parish church or the 7 listed chapels, you will discover a religious heritage of great beauty, in particular the murals that attract art lovers from all over the world.

Less than 10 kilometers away, you will find the village resort of Auron which offers a real change of scenery through its undeniable charm. Its beautiful residences, its luxurious chalets, or its traditional barns renovated into magnificent dwellings respect the architecture of its heritage jewel, the St Erige chapel, a listed building that is the pride of the inhabitants of the village. You will appreciate the central square that encircles the ice rink, the cradle of all entertainment and parties after skiing.

For lovers of mountain nature, whether summer or winter, exploring the entire Mercantour National Park is an absolute must. This territory shelters a space of harmony between protection, discovery, local development and respect for traditional activities. Nature deserves attention and respect everywhere: here we admire rather than pick, we observe discreetly without disturbing. The Tinée valley, where today's photo was taken, stretches for around 80 kilometers, from its confluence with the Var, to the sources of the Tinée at the foot of the Col de la Bonette.





以新西兰南岛奥拉基/库克山国家公园为背景的特卡波湖 Lake Tekapo with Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park in the background on New Zealand's South Island (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images) (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images)

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新西兰奥拉基/库克国家公园为背景的特卡波 Lake Tekapo with Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park in the background on New Zealand's South Island (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images) (© Sophie Dover/Getty Images)

蓝色新西兰 Blue Zealand

Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

The striking electric-blue waters of Lake Tekapo are caused by extremely finely ground rock particles suspended in the melted waters of glaciers in the nearby Southern Alps. Snowmelt from the range feeds two similarly stunning lakes in the Mackenzie Basin of New Zealand's South Island, Lake Pukaki and Lake Ohau, which share their neighbor's remarkable turquoise color and mountainous backdrops. New Zealand's highest peak, Aoraki/Mount Cook, reigns in Mount Cook National Park, seen in the background of this image.

The name Tekapo is a misspelling of the Māori word Takapō, which means 'to leave in haste at night.' But if you are one of the region's many visitors, you may find the nighttime even more mesmerizing than the day. Lake Tekapo is a certified Dark Sky Reserve, one of the world's largest. With night skies almost completely free of light pollution, stargazing doesn't get much more vibrant, and tours cater to manuhiri (visitors) interested in astro-tourism. If that's not reason enough to stay the night, the area's abundant skiing and fishing opportunities might be. There's certainly no need to leave in a rush.




圣米歇尔山,法国诺曼底 The island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France (© DaLiu/Getty Images)

发布于 , 1099 次浏览


圣米歇尔山法国诺曼底 The island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France (© DaLiu/Getty Images)

一个神圣的愿望孕育了第一个小教堂 A saintly vision inspired the first chapel


The stunning sight of Mont-Saint-Michel rising out of the bay is unforgettable. And visiting the island will be too, if you time it right. The paved causeway is accessible only when the tide is out; otherwise, you're at the mercy of the muddy flats, dangerous quicksand, and the quickly rising tide.

Today's visitors are following in the footsteps of pilgrims who for centuries traversed Europe to pray at the sacred site. The local bishop of Avranches built a chapel on this rock in 708 after the archangel St. Michael visited him in a dream, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now the island, half a mile off the coast of Normandy in northwestern France, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its permanent population is fewer than 50 people, including a dozen or so monks and nuns, but more than 3 million visitors cross over to the island most years.


