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黄昏时的鹿谷,帕克城,犹他州,美国 Deer Valley at dusk, Park City, Utah (© Adventure_Photo/Getty Images)

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黄昏时的鹿谷,帕克城,犹他州美国 Deer Valley at dusk, Park City, Utah (© Adventure_Photo/Getty Images)

电影、山脉和魔法 Movies, mountains, and magic



Sundance Film Festival

Today, the Sundance Film Festival kicks off, celebrating the magic of movies against the backdrop of Utah's mountains. As a launchpad for groundbreaking films and emerging talent, Sundance has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1978. Now one of the film industry's most influential events, it has introduced the world to talents like Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh, whose early works premiered here before shaping their iconic careers. With competitive sections for dramatic and documentary movies, from features to shorts, the festival offers an inspiring array of storytelling.

At its heart is Park City, pictured here, one of Sundance's vibrant host cities—the event takes place across several Utah locations. Every January, this quaint destination transforms into a buzzing hub of creativity, drawing filmmakers and cinephiles from across the globe. Beyond the silver screen, Park City is worth exploring. It boasts stunning landscapes, top-tier ski resorts like Deer Valley and Park City Mountain, and endless outdoor adventures, from hiking and biking to soaking in nearby hot springs. Whether you're here for the films or the thrills, Sundance in Park City promises an unforgettable experience.

代尔修道院,佩特拉,约旦 Ad-Deir, Petra, Jordan (© Punnawit Suwuttananun/Getty Images)

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代尔修道院佩特拉约旦 Ad-Deir, Petra, Jordan (© Punnawit Suwuttananun/Getty Images)

在失落之城发现美 Finding beauty in the Lost City




Ad-Deir, Petra, Jordan

Carved into rose-red cliffs, Petra and its crown jewel, Ad-Deir (The Monastery) feel like stepping into a real-life Indiana Jones adventure. Tucked in the heart of Jordan's arid desert landscapes, this ancient city once thrived as the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom in the 2nd century BCE. It was also a hub of the spice trade, connecting distant regions like China, Egypt, Greece, and India. The city was abandoned for around 500 years before being rediscovered in 1812, earning it the Lost City moniker.

Ad-Deir, seen in today's image, dates to the 1st century CE. Its design is characterized by a combination of Hellenistic and Mesopotamian influences. Although the exact purpose of the structure is debated, it's believed to have been used as a church during the Byzantine period. Standing nearly 150 feet tall and 160 feet wide, its massive facade is carved directly into the sandstone cliffs, showcasing the Nabataeans' ingenious craftsmanship and architecture. The journey to this landmark involves a steep hike up 800 stone steps, winding through rocky terrain. At the top, you're rewarded with panoramic views of the rugged Petra valley that make the climb more than worth it.

俯瞰那不勒斯湾和维苏威火山,意大利 Looking over the Gulf of Naples towards Mount Vesuvius, Italy (© ezypix/Getty Images)

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俯瞰那不勒斯和维苏威火山意大利 Looking over the Gulf of Naples towards Mount Vesuvius, Italy (© ezypix/Getty Images)

迷人的海湾 'Charming bay scenery


那不勒斯湾(意大利语:Golfo di Napoli)是位于意大利西南海岸(大都市区那不勒斯,坎帕尼亚地区)的一个海湾,宽约15公里,向西通往地中海。那不勒斯湾因风景优美而闻名,是著名的旅游区,沿岸有陡峭的火山峰,包括维苏威火山等活火山以及庞贝古城、赫库兰尼姆古城遗址。海湾入口处有卡普里、伊斯基亚岛和普罗奇达岛等风景名胜。据说罗马皇帝卡里古拉在海湾上建造了一座,他身穿亚历山大大帝的盔甲,乘坐战车横跨海湾。

海王星石窟,撒丁岛, 意大利 Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy (© Carlo Murenu/Getty Images)

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海王星石窟撒丁岛意大利 Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy (© Carlo Murenu/Getty Images)

一座适合神居住的石窟 A grotto fit for a god




Neptune's Grotto, Sardinia, Italy

Down 654 steps, perched perilously over the sea in Sardinia, Italy, you'll find a surprise waiting for you. Neptune's Grotto is a stunning stalactite cave that sits just over 3 feet above sea level. First discovered by local fishermen in the 18th century, the grotto was named after the Roman god of the sea. The entire cave complex stretches on for around 2.5 miles, although visitors can only access about 1,000 feet of the total. Inside, there's a labyrinth of lit pathways winding past stalactite and stalagmite formations, leading to a 390-foot-long saltwater lake.

Neptune's Grotto is near the town of Alghero on the northwest coast of Sardinia, the second-largest island in the Mediterranean. It has been inhabited for at least 10,000 years, but its most important ancient civilization, the Nuragic peoples, lived there from around 1800 BCE until the 2nd century CE. At this time, villages were built around nuraghes, a kind of round tower fortress. Today, there are still around 7,000 of these nuraghes across the island, and they have become a symbol of Sardinia. Beyond its history, Sardinia is known for its beaches, mountains, and cuisine.

白沙国家公园的日落,新墨西哥州,美国 Sunset at White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Image Professionals GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

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白沙国家公园日落新墨西哥州美国 Sunset at White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Image Professionals GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

1,001座白色沙丘 1,001 Mexican dunes




Dunes at White Sands National Park, New Mexico

Today's image features the dazzling beauty of White Sands National Park, New Mexico—a surreal expanse of glistening white gypsum dunes, the largest of its kind on Earth. Spanning more than 145,000 acres, these ever-shifting dunes rise up to 60 feet tall, creating a landscape not seen in many places. This park isn't only a natural wonder but a historical treasure, with fossilized human footprints dating back as far as 23,000 years, some of the oldest in North America.

Today marks the anniversary of White Sands being established as a protected site in 1933 by President Herbert Hoover. What better way to celebrate than by immersing yourself in its beauty? Enjoy activities like hiking, sledding down the dunes, or taking a scenic drive. Whether for its rich history or jaw-dropping sunsets, White Sands National Park is a wish-list destination that will leave you in awe.

尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州,美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

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尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

诞生于火,历久弥坚 A monumental milestone




Anniversary of Pinnacles National Park, California

Jagged pinnacles and spires, monoliths, and unusual caves—welcome to Pinnacles National Park in central California. President Theodore Roosevelt designated the area as a national monument in 1908, and Pinnacles would earn its status as a national park in 2013. As we celebrate the park's anniversary today, let's take a moment to appreciate this landscape. Pinnacles owes its formations to an ancient volcanic eruption that occurred 23 million years ago. The fiery beginnings made towering spires, cliffs, and talus caves, which are created by falling boulders wedged into narrow canyons. Over millennia, tectonic forces shifted the landmass northward, leaving the park far from its volcanic birthplace. Talk about a journey!

Pinnacles offers a variety of trails, from easy walks to challenging climbs. The High Peaks Trail, featured in today's image, tests your stamina with steep climbs and narrow passages, while Bear Gulch Reservoir provides a more relaxed stroll. Pinnacles is home to a range of wildlife including bobcats, jackrabbits, and black-tailed deer, and bird species like woodpeckers and bats, making it attractive for wildlife enthusiasts. Among the park's many treasures are once-endangered California condors, which were reintroduced here in a successful conservation effort.

魔鬼角,圣皮埃尔,留尼汪岛 (© MONTICO Lionel/Alamy)

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魔鬼角,圣皮埃尔,留尼汪 (© MONTICO Lionel/Alamy)



魔鬼角(Pointe du Diable)位于留尼汪岛,这里展现了自然力量与神秘气息的奇妙交汇。魔鬼角由约20万年前内日峰的熔岩流形成,这片玄武岩半岛壮丽地伸入印度洋。



小屋和特尔莫尔灯塔,兰德温岛,威尔士,英国 Cottage with Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse in the background, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales (© Westend61 on Offset/Shutterstock)

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小屋和特尔莫尔灯塔,兰德温威尔士英国 Cottage with Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse in the background, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales (© Westend61 on Offset/Shutterstock)

“威尔士”祝你新年快乐! 'Welsh' you a Happy Hen Galan!


谁说新年一定要在1月1日?在威尔士,1月13日,人们会“时钟倒转”庆祝盖兰节,也就是“旧新年”。 在这一传统中,“Calennig”(意为“新年礼物”)起着核心作用,将庆典与儒略历时代的风俗相连接。尽管1582年世界大部分地区改用格里高利历,但威尔士的一些地区依然坚持旧传统。在传统上,这一天会有孩子们挨家挨户拜访,唱歌送祝福,以此换取硬币、食物或糖果等礼物。其中一大特色是用丁香装饰的苹果,它们并非用来食用,而是象征好运与繁荣的装饰品。

尽管这些古老的传统在威尔士部分地区有所演变,但“Calennig”的精神依然存在。像威尔士的首都卡迪夫这样的城市已将这一庆典演变成了大型活动,包括烟花表演、集市和社区聚会。如果你的新年目标在1月13日已经动摇,“Calennig ”便为你提供了一个”重启“的机会。何不感受威尔士的魔力?举杯庆祝慢生活,或前往兰德温岛,欣赏这里的灯塔与小屋,这正是今天图片的拍摄地。毕竟,在威尔士,庆祝永远不嫌晚!

Happy Welsh New Year!

Who says New Year's Day has to be on January 1? In Wales, the clocks turn back—figuratively—to celebrate Hen Galan, or the 'Old New Year,' on January 13. As part of this tradition, Calennig, meaning 'New Year's gift' in Welsh, plays a central role, linking the celebration to customs from the Julian calendar era. Even after most of the world switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1582, some Welsh communities clung to their old ways. Traditionally, the day involves children going door-to-door, singing songs, and offering good wishes in exchange for gifts like coins, food, or sweets. A unique feature is its clove-decorated apples. These aren't for snacking, though; they're miniature symbols of luck and prosperity.

While these old traditions have evolved in some parts of Wales, the spirit of Calennig thrives. Cities like Cardiff, the capital of Wales, have transformed the celebration into large-scale events, complete with fireworks, markets, and community gatherings. If your New Year's resolutions are already wobbling by January 13, Calennig offers a do-over. So why not embrace a little Welsh magic? Raise a toast to the joys of taking things slow or visit Ynys Llanddwyn for its lighthouse and cottages, featured in today's image. After all, in Wales, it's never too late to celebrate.

梅克内斯的Heri es-Swani,摩洛哥 Heri es-Swani in Meknes, Morocco (© Calin Stan/Shutterstock)

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梅克内斯的Heri es-Swani,摩洛哥 Heri es-Swani in Meknes, Morocco (© Calin Stan/Shutterstock)

旧时代的古老拱门 Arches of a bygone era




Heri es-Swani in Meknes, Morocco

An imperial city in northern central Morocco, Meknes is steeped in history. Once the capital of Morocco under Sultan Ismail Ibn Sharif of the Alawi dynasty in the 17th century, it's known for its massive walls, grand gates, and structures built to last centuries. Meknes reflects the Moroccan style of architecture, with one of its most impressive landmarks being Heri es-Swani, seen in today's image.

Heri es-Swani was originally constructed as a stable and for storing vast amounts of grain to sustain the settlement and the sultan's armies. Its design was both practical and impressive—thick walls and an innovative cooling system helped maintain the food supply. Twenty-two rows of symmetrical arches divided the space into corridors that once had vaulted ceilings. Back then, mules climbed onto the roof terrace to deliver grain, which was dropped through specially designed holes to the floor below. The structure housed more than 12,000 horses. Today, it stands as an empty shell, acting as a scenic backdrop ready to be explored. This historical monument is a must-see for anyone curious about how empires were built and fed.

亚伯拉罕湖,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada (© Basic Elements Photography/Getty Images)

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亚伯拉罕湖阿尔伯塔省加拿大 Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada (© Basic Elements Photography/Getty Images)

层中气泡奇观 Bubbles, bubbles everywhere




Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada

Ever heard of frozen bubbles? Abraham Lake in Alberta, Canada, has them during the winter, and they're not just beautiful—they're science in action. Created in 1972, Abraham Lake is a human-made reservoir that spans more than 20 square miles along the North Saskatchewan River. Thanks to glacier-fed waters from the Rocky Mountains, the lake stays transparent even in the coldest months. Glacial meltwater carries fine sediment that scatters sunlight, while natural filtration through rocks keeps pollutants to a minimum.

The snowy season attracts photographers and visitors from around the world who are eager to capture a rare sight at Preacher's Point: bubbles. These frozen globes form when microorganisms break down dead plants and animals on the lake bed, releasing methane. As the gas rises, it gets trapped by the ice, creating layers of bubbles in various sizes and shapes. It's wild to think that they're flammable and chilling under your feet. The ice is thickest in January and February and the bubbles clearly visible. If you're planning to check it out, just remember to stick close to the shoreline for your safety.