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坎塔布里亚的小教堂,西班牙 The chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa in Cantabria, Spain (© Luis Miguel Martin/Getty Images)

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坎塔布里亚的小教堂西班牙 The chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa in Cantabria, Spain (© Luis Miguel Martin/Getty Images)

The Hermitage of Santa Justa

Today's image brings us to Cantabria, a rugged region on the north coast of Spain. To reach this isolated stone hut, you'll need to wait until the frothing waters of the Bay of Biscay hit low tide, then traverse a silty path to the structure's façade. Peering in the windows, you'll see a cavernous room adorned with shrines—the long-abandoned living quarters of a religious hermit who dwelt here in the 8th century. Not your typical waterfront condo, but hey, it's cozy.



暮色中的面包山和老城区,厄瓜多尔基多 Old Town and El Panecillo Hill in Quito, Ecuador (© Karol Kozlowski/plainpicture)

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暮色中的面包老城区,厄瓜多尔基多 Old Town and El Panecillo Hill in Quito, Ecuador (© Karol Kozlowski/plainpicture)

Old Town Quito

If Ecuador's capital city Quito wasn't high up enough for you at 9,350 feet above sea level, you can elevate your experience even further with a journey up El Panecillo. Translated to English, 'El Panecillo' means 'The Dinner Roll'. Rising 600 feet above the old city center in the foreground, this rotund volcanic hill offers perhaps the best possible panorama Quito. Though our viewpoint here, looking south through Quito's vast valley, makes for a nice twilight shot, too.


如果厄瓜多尔首都基多在海拔9350英尺的地方还不够高,那么你可以到埃尔帕内切洛去旅行,进一步提升你的体验。翻译成英语,“El Panecillo”的意思是“晚餐卷”。这座圆形的火山山在前景中高出老市中心600英尺,可能是基多最好的全景。虽然我们在这里的观点是,透过基多广袤的山谷向南看,也是一个不错的黄昏拍摄。

别致的柳条田野,西班牙 Cañamares Wicker fields in Cañamares, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Alamy)

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别致的柳条田野,西班牙 Cañamares Wicker fields in Cañamares, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Alamy)

Wicker fields in Cañamares, Spain

The summer swaths of green in this field have transformed by wintertime to a harvest-ready red—but it's not a harvest you can eat. Just what's being grown here?

Soon these reeds will be cut, bundled, and cured to become wicker. The blood-hued brush growing naturally by riverbanks near the central Spanish village of Cañamares is gathered each year by locals. The people of Cañamares maintain a centuries-old tradition of weaving with their locally harvested wicker. They create baskets, furniture, sculptures, and more from the coveted stalks.




珠穆朗玛峰的影子,尼泊尔喜马拉雅西部 The shadow of Mount Everest over the western Himalayas in Nepal (© Kent Karvey/KH Films, Inc./Tandem Stills + Motion)

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珠穆朗玛峰的影子,尼泊尔喜马拉雅西部 The shadow of Mount Everest over the western Himalayas in Nepal (© Kent Karvey/KH Films, Inc./Tandem Stills + Motion)

Everest's shadow on the Himalayas

In honor of International Mountain Day, breathe as much of that sweet, crisp mountain air as you can. See that shadow stretching past the Himalayas' craggy skyline? That's cast by Mount Everest, the tallest peak of them all, rising to 29,032 feet above sea level.

Everest is the ideal peak to pair with 2021's Mountain Day theme of sustainable tourism, albeit for regrettable reasons. As the literal top mountaineering destination on Earth, it hosts as many as 600 climbers a season—and also many seasons' worth of trash, discarded gear, and other waste. When Nepal launched a program to remove a staggering 10 tons of garbage in 2019, they found 3 tons in just the first two weeks.

The case of Everest is a standout reminder that wherever in the wilderness we go, it's our responsibility to leave no trace—or as eco-conscious climbers say: 'What goes up must come down.' Let's do our part to keep our beautiful mountains clean, no matter how tall, and maybe someday Everest will cast its shadow over a land free of trash.





蓝山国家公园里的萤火虫,澳大利亚 Glowworms in Blue Mountains National Park, Australia (© Leelakajonkij/Getty Images)

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国家公园里的萤火虫澳大利亚 Glowworms in Blue Mountains National Park, Australia (© Leelakajonkij/Getty Images)

Glowworm caves in Australia

Down under the land in the Land Down Under, cave explorers may find these subterranean spaces illuminated by an unlikely light source. Fungus gnat larvae—more affectionately known as glowworms—speckle the walls and ceilings of caverns here in Australia during the warm season from December to March. To humans they're hypnotizingly harmless and add a little otherworldly charm to the caves in such places as Blue Mountains National Park, as seen in our photo. But if you're a fly or mosquito, beware! Glowworms dangle tiny, sticky silk strands that ensnare winged insects flying toward what looks like a starry night sky, but is in fact the cave ceiling, covered in glowworms, patiently waiting to reel in a deceived fly.



有着丰富石化木材的石化林国家公园,美国亚利桑那州 Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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有着丰富石化木材的石化林国家公园美国亚利桑那州 Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Petrified Forest National Park

The burliest lumberjack with the best-oiled chainsaw couldn't slice the massive 'timbers' found in Petrified Forest National Park. So why are these giant stone logs segmented in such symmetrical stumps?

Each of these smooth splits occurred in an instant as the brittle quartz cracked under geologic pressure. But each of those instants was eons in the making. First, 225 million years ago, the trees were buried by torrents of river silt. Then mineral deposits slowly seeped into the trees and replaced the decaying wood. Much later, around 60 million years ago, the entire Colorado Plateau began shifting, generating crushing forces that finally divided the petrified logs.

The fossilized trees, surrounding land, and the many plants and animals that live here have enjoyed protection since December 8, 1906, when President Theodore Roosevelt created Petrified Forest National Monument. It was designated as a national park in 1962, lending still greater protection.





孚日山脉上的国王城堡,法国阿尔萨斯 The Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg in the Vosges mountains, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

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孚日山脉上的国王城堡法国阿尔萨斯 The Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg in the Vosges mountains, Alsace, France (© Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock)

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle is an old medieval castle left over from the Vosges Mountains in the Alsace region of northeastern France. It has a history of 850 years, and due to its proper preservation, this allows us to see what it looked like back then. Also, you can have an overlook of the city of Alsace from the top of a hill...

The castle was built in the 12th century to monitor the trade routes of silver and wine. It was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century and rebuilt in the early 20th century. Today, it is a popular tourist destination, visited by 500,000 people every year, as a museum displaying medieval weapons and Renaissance frescoes.


