
塔斯曼拱门,塔斯马尼亚州,澳大利亚 Tasmans Arch, Tasmania, Australia (© Gary Bell/Minden Pictures)

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塔斯曼拱门塔斯马尼亚州,澳大利亚 Tasmans Arch, Tasmania, Australia (© Gary Bell/Minden Pictures)

令人震撼的拱门 An arch that rocks



Tasmans Arch, Tasmania, Australia

Ready for a coastal adventure? Welcome to Tasman National Park in Tasmania, an island state of Australia about 150 miles off its southeastern coast. Spanning more than 41 square miles, this park features dramatic cliffs and distinctive columns of dolerite rock. Tasmans Arch, seen in today's image, is a standout example. Shaped over time by the Tasman Sea, it was once the roof of a massive sea cave. The sea's pressure, combined with air, sand, and stones, slowly pried open the vertical cracks in the cliff, dislodging chunks of rock. The cave kept growing, deepening, and lengthening, until it eventually gave way, leaving behind this towering natural bridge. Tasmans Arch is named after the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, who also lends his name to the state of Tasmania.

波斯考尔灯塔,南威尔士,英国 Porthcawl Lighthouse, South Wales (© Leighton Collins/Alamy)

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波斯考尔灯塔南威尔士英国 Porthcawl Lighthouse, South Wales (© Leighton Collins/Alamy)

一直指引着方向 Guiding the way since 1860



Porthcawl Lighthouse, Wales, UK

With waves crashing against its sturdy base and a stormy sea swirling around, this lighthouse in Porthcawl, on the south coast of Wales, has been standing resilient since 1860. At 30 feet tall, Porthcawl Lighthouse, designed by the eminent engineer James Walker, is often pictured being battered by waves when storms hit. The town's rugged coastline, with its hidden rocky coves, has always posed a perilous challenge to sailors. Porthcawl Lighthouse was built to help guide the increasing maritime traffic along the Bristol Channel. This cast-iron lighthouse was the last one in the UK to be powered by coal and gas. Although it was converted to electric power in 1997, the lighthouse still maintains its historical charm.

瓦登海沿岸,莫德加特附近,弗里斯兰,荷兰 Wadden Sea coast, near Moddergat, Friesland, Netherlands (© Ron ter Burg/Minden Pictures)

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瓦登海沿岸,莫德加特附近,弗里斯兰,荷兰 Wadden Sea coast, near Moddergat, Friesland, Netherlands (© Ron ter Burg/Minden Pictures)

泥土、大海和天空 Mud, sea, and sky




Wadden Sea coast, Friesland, Netherlands

If you've ever dreamed of walking on water, or something close to it, the Wadden Sea is the place for you. Tracing over 300 miles along the coast of the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark, this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers a unique landscape of tidal flats and wetlands. In fact, it is the world's largest unbroken intertidal zone—underwater at high tide and exposed at low tide—of sand and mud flats. The area is also a playground for aquatic species such as houting fish, brown trout, and white-beaked dolphins, and is home to birds like waders and herons.

Pictured here is the Wadden Sea coast in Friesland, Netherlands. This coast is dotted with charming fishing villages and medieval churches. Mudflat hiking is a recreational pastime here—the Dutch call it wadlopen. As the tide recedes, mud-trampers can walk across the seabed, squishing through the mud and wading through shallow waters. Whether you're up for a wadlopen challenge or a seal-spotting safari, there's plenty of adventure to be found here. Just don't forget your boots—things are bound to get a little messy!

义蓬灯节 ,清迈,泰国 Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand (© tampatra/Getty Images)

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义蓬灯节 ,清迈泰国 Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand (© tampatra/Getty Images)

愿望随灯起飞 Hope takes flight

义蓬灯节 ,清迈,泰国

在今天的夜幕降临时,泰国第二大城市清迈将在数以千计的流溢彩的灯笼中迎来义蓬灯节。这个庆祝活动在兰纳农历(该历法可追溯到中世纪泰国北部的兰纳王国)第二个月的满月时举行,象征着消除负面情绪和迎接新的开始。节日的高潮是在夜空中放飞名为“ khom loi”或“khom loy”的天灯,也就是能在空中漂浮的纸灯笼。届时,天际弥漫着温暖的金色光海,形成一道美丽的风景线。当地人和游客聚集在寺庙宫殿周围,向天空许愿,希望来年好运连连。


Yi Peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand

As twilight descends today, Chiang Mai, Thailand's second-largest city, will come alive with thousands of glowing lanterns for Yi Peng. Held on the full moon of the second month of the Lanna lunar calendar, this celebration is about letting go of negativity and embracing new beginnings. The highlight of the festival is the release of 'khom loi' or 'khom loy'—floating paper lanterns—into the night sky, which becomes a sea of warm, golden lights. People often write their hopes and dreams on the lanterns. They gather around temples and palaces to send their wishes skyward, hoping for good fortune in the year to come.

In addition to the lantern release, the city hosts vibrant parades, traditional dance performances, and stunning decorations. Yi Peng coincides with Loy Krathong, another festival where small, intricately crafted baskets, decorated with banana leaves, incense, and candles, are floated down rivers. Together, these festivals create a spectacle that draws visitors from across the world to witness the illumination of Chiang Mai.

马纳罗拉,五渔村国家公园,利古里亚,意大利 Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy (© John_Silver/Shutterstock)

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马纳罗拉,五渔村国家公园,利古里亚,意大利 Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy (© John_Silver/Shutterstock)

悬崖边的故事 A cliffside story


蜡笔画一样的房子层叠而下,延伸至地中海,马纳罗拉因此美景而出名,如同今天的照片一样,这里看起来就像童话故事中的场景。镶嵌在意大利利古里亚海岸崎岖悬崖上,马纳罗拉是组成五渔村国家公园的五个村庄之一,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。而马纳罗拉(Manarola)这个名字可能是从拉丁语“Magna rota”演变而来的,在当地方言中变成了“Magna roea”,意思是“大轮子”,以此向该村历史悠久的水车致敬。马纳罗拉的历史可以追溯到1338年,它被认为是五渔村最古老的村庄,其历史根植于渔业和酿酒业。夏克特拉是这一地区独有的餐后甜酒,在意大利诗人的诗篇中,这种酒早已成为不朽的名酒。沿着这里的“爱之路”漫步,您可以感受到这个地区独有的浪漫和魅力,这条风景优美的滨海小径连接着马纳罗拉和五渔村的另一个村庄里奥马焦雷。在马纳罗拉,时间会变得慢下来,那是海边的魔法开始发挥作用了。

Manarola, Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy

Known for its rows of pastel houses that stretch down to the Mediterranean Sea, Manarola, seen in today's image, is a picturesque village on the Italian Riviera. Perched on the rugged cliffs of the Ligurian coast, it's one of the five villages that make up Cinque Terre National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The name 'Manarola' might have evolved from the Latin 'Magna rota,' which means 'large wheel,' a nod to the village's historical mill wheel.

Believed to be the oldest village in the Cinque Terre, dating to 1338, Manarola's history is rooted in fishing and winemaking. Sciacchetrà, a dessert wine unique to this area, has long been immortalized in the verses of Italian poets. Take a walk along the Via dell'Amore, or 'Path of Love'—a scenic coastal trail connecting Manarola to its neighboring village, Riomaggiore—and you can sense the romance and charm that defines this region. Legend has it that the footpath became a meeting place for lovers from the two villages. Time slows down when you're in Manarola, and the magic of the country's coastal heritage comes to life.

巨型海藻森林中的加州海狮,下加利福尼亚,墨西哥 California sea lion in a forest of giant kelp, Baja California, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

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巨型海藻森林中的加州海狮,下加利福尼亚墨西哥 California sea lion in a forest of giant kelp, Baja California, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/Minden Pictures)

海中的“狮子王” The lion king of the sea




Sea lion in a kelp forest, Baja California, Mexico

Take a stroll along almost any marina from Costa Rica to Alaska, and you'll likely hear the playful barks of sea lions echo through the air. California sea lions, like the one pictured, are a common sight basking in the sun along the rocky shores of North America's western coast. These marine mammals, belonging to the pinniped group, are often mistaken for seals. An easy way to distinguish between them is by looking at their ears—sea lions have visible flaps, seals don't.
Sea lions also have a special relationship with giant kelp, seen in today's image from Baja California, Mexico. These towering underwater plants, which can grow up to 175 feet in ideal conditions, sway gently with the currents, creating beautiful scenery. Kelp forests are home to a diverse array of marine life, including sea lions, tiny invertebrates like snails, prawns, and jellyfish, and a wide range of fish, like cod, rockfish, and wrasse. Sea lions twist and turn through the thick kelp strands, hunting fish hiding within the leaves. They also use kelp as refuge from predators like sharks, blending in with the fronds of the brown algae to avoid detection. Kelp's rapid growth makes it an ideal habitat for marine life of all types to thrive.

透过海湾拱门看到双拱门,拱门国家公园,犹他州,美国 Double Arch seen through Cove Arch, Arches National Park, Utah (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

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透过海湾拱门看到双拱门,拱门国家公园犹他州美国 Double Arch seen through Cove Arch, Arches National Park, Utah (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

拱门之下 Underneath the arches




Arches National Park marks 53 years

Red as far as the eye can see and clear blue skies overhead: Welcome to Arches National Park in Utah. The story of this otherworldly landscape started 65 million years ago when a dry seabed stood here. Over time, geological forces warped and squeezed the land, twisting the sandstone into lumps and bumps. Later, wind and water carved out the arches, pinnacles, fins, and balanced rocks that now stand in this area. The park has more than 2,000 natural stone arches, the highest concentration of these structures anywhere on Earth. In today's image, we can see two of them: Double Arch, as seen through Cove Arch. The larger arch of Double Arch spans 144 feet and is 112 feet tall, the tallest and second longest of the park's arches.

Humans arrived in the area around 10,000 years ago. Fremont and Ancestral Pueblo people lived here until the 14th century. Later, the Ute and Paiute tribes made their homes in the area. In 1929, Arches was declared a national monument. However, it wasn't until November 12, 1971, that it became a national park. Today, more than 1.8 million visitors come to Arches National Park every year.

班夫国家公园的日落,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大 Sunset at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (© fywPhoto 云卷云舒/Getty Images)

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班夫国家公园日落阿尔伯塔省加拿大 Sunset at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada (© fywPhoto 卷云舒/Getty Images)

旷野里的第一片雪花 First flakes in the wilderness



加勒比火烈鸟,尤卡坦半岛,墨西哥 Caribbean flamingos, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/NPL/Minden Pictures)

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加勒比火烈鸟,尤卡坦半岛墨西哥 Caribbean flamingos, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico (© Claudio Contreras/NPL/Minden Pictures)

飞行中的火烈鸟 Flamboyance in flight




Caribbean flamingos, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Ever seen a group of flamingos take to the skies? If you have, there's a good chance they were Caribbean flamingos, also known as American flamingos, as seen in Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, in today's image. Flamingos are referred to as a flamboyance when in a group, but they can also be called a stand, colony, or pat. The Caribbean flamingo is the largest flamingo species in the Americas and the only one native to North America. These vibrant pink birds are typically found around brackish and saltwater areas, like marshes, estuaries, and along coastlines.

Found across regions like the southeastern United States, northern South America, the Galápagos Islands, and Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, Caribbean flamingos are well adapted for short migrations in search of food. Using long legs and webbed feet, they hunt shallow waters for shrimp, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and algae. Their habitats are increasingly threatened by coastal development, pollution, and rising sea levels, putting their population at risk. Yet, Caribbean flamingos still amaze us when they soar gracefully through the skies.

银河,阿伊特本哈杜杜,摩洛哥 Milky Way, Aït Benhaddou, Morocco (© Cavan Images/Getty Images)

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银河,阿伊特本哈杜杜,摩洛哥 Milky Way, Aït Benhaddou, Morocco (© Cavan Images/Getty Images)

红尘中的宇宙美景 Cosmic views over earthly hues



Aït Benhaddou, Morocco

Get ready for a starry Moroccan night! Stargazing here is truly magical, as the vast skies and minimal light pollution transform each evening into a dazzling display. Every star you see is part of our galaxy, the Milky Way, which appears as a creamy band of light in the darkest skies. In today's image, you can see this cosmic beauty glowing over Aït Benhaddou, a historic fortified village known as a ksar, in the Ouarzazate province of Morocco. This site was first fortified in the 11th century. It was a key stop on the ancient caravan trade route connecting the Sahara and the city of Marrakesh. Perched on a hillside by the Ounila River, this village is a cluster of buildings encircled by a protective wall, complete with towers and a gate.

The earthen clay architecture here, built from rammed earth, adobe, and wood, showcases traditional craftsmanship. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is celebrated for its authenticity and is known for preserving conventional building techniques and avoiding modern concrete.