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普韦布洛·博尼托镇,查科文化国家历史公园,美国新墨西哥州 Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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普韦布洛·博尼托镇,查科文化国家历史公园美国新墨西哥州 Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

如果这些墙会说话······ If these walls could talk...



Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

These circular walls belong to Pueblo Bonito, one of the biggest great homes in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico. Between around 850 CE and 1250 CE, Chaco Canyon became a major cultural center for the Ancestral Puebloans, who lived in what is now known as the Four Corners region.

With long winters, little rain, and short growing seasons, the high desert wasn't the easiest place to live but the Pueblo people found ways to thrive here. Today, the park offers a glimpse into an ancient culture's traditions and way of life. The site is home to remnants of prehistoric ceremonial and massive stone buildings, called great houses. Pueblo Bonito, pictured on our homepage, took decades to build and stood four or five stories tall with more than 600 rooms. It would have been used for ceremonies, commerce, astronomy, hospitality, and more. Eventually, Chaco's influence declined, and the people moved on. These ruins are a window onto its glorious past, at the heart of an ancient civilization.

埃特尔塔海岸的白垩悬崖,诺曼底,法国 The chalk cliffs of Étretat, Normandy, France (© MarcelloLand/Getty Images)

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埃特尔塔海岸的白垩悬崖诺曼底法国 The chalk cliffs of Étretat, Normandy, France (© MarcelloLand/Getty Images)

诺曼底登陆日 Remembering D-Day




D-Day remembered

On June 6, 1944, after months of planning, Allied forces descended on the beaches of Normandy, France, for the start of one of the most ambitious military attacks in history. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the Battle of Normandy was an operation to free Western Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. This military action would play a pivotal role in the Allies' win against the Axis powers.

Today's Normandy is a far cry from the battlefields of war. This beautiful region draws travelers from around the world, who feast their eyes on landscapes that inspired the great Impressionist painters, while sampling the famous local cheese, Camembert. However, blunt physical reminders of the past remain scattered about the region, a lasting reminder of the thousands of lives lost during the D-Day operation.

辛华达峡谷的瀑布,贾斯珀国家公园,加拿大 (© Delpixart/Getty Images)

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辛华达峡谷瀑布贾斯珀国家公园加拿大 (© Delpixart/Getty Images)





怀阿纳帕纳帕州立公园的黑沙滩,茂宜岛,夏威夷,美国 Black sand beach at Wai'ānapanapa State Park, Maui, Hawaii (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

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怀阿纳帕纳帕州立公园的黑沙滩,茂宜夏威夷美国 Black sand beach at Wai'ānapanapa State Park, Maui, Hawaii (© Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images)

热带天堂的黑沙滩 Black sands in a tropical paradise



Wai'ānapanapa State Park, Maui, Hawaii

Brooding black sand beaches are popular with photographers looking for something a little different, and Hawaii has plenty of them on offer. This famous beach at Wai'ānapanapa State Park on Maui was created when basalt, a dark volcanic rock, was eroded by waves into fine grains, creating a stunning shoreline. You'll find it on Maui's east side, toward the end of the legendary Road to Hana, a scenic 64-mile highway. You can also find black sand shores around the world, from Alaska to Greece, Costa Rica, Italy, Iceland, Indonesia, and New Zealand.

大峡谷国家公园的南凯巴布步道,亚利桑那州,美国 South Kaibab Trail in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (© Roman Khomlyak/Getty Images)

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大峡谷国家公园的南凯巴布步道亚利桑那州,美国 South Kaibab Trail in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (© Roman Khomlyak/Getty Images)

一睹最壮观的峡谷 A glimpse of the grandest of canyons



National Trails Day

Today is a great day to take a hike! Each year, National Trails Day brings together nature lovers, government agencies, and businesses to preserve hiking trails for everyone to enjoy. Looking for a stunning spot to stretch your legs? We suggest South Kaibab Trail in the Grand Canyon, seen here. The trail starts with a series of switchbacks known as 'The Chimney,' which leads to a steep, narrow descent—prepare for an invigorating workout! All that hard work will pay off though—fresh air and exertion can boost your mood, improve sleep, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Not to mention the panoramic views you can enjoy from the trail's scenic viewpoints.

沙丘中的南非剑羚,纳米比亚 Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) in sand dunes, Namibia (© Sergey Gorshkov/Alamy)

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沙丘中的南非剑羚,纳米比亚 Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) in sand dunes, Namibia (© Sergey Gorshkov/Alamy)

被沙海包围 Surrounded by a sea of sand



Gemsbok in Namibian sand dunes

To quote Jurassic Park's Dr. Malcolm: 'Life, uh, finds a way.' Animals and plants are found in some of Earth's most inhospitable places, from penguins and polar bears in the freezing Arctic to camels in scalding deserts. This lonely gemsbok, seen here in sand dunes in Namibia, is used to living in an inhospitable environment. Also known as the oryx, it is native to the arid regions of Southern Africa, especially around the Namib and Kalahari deserts. The gemsbok does not need to drink much water, instead finding hydration in the vegetation it grazes upon—including wild tsamma melons and cucumbers. When vegetation is sparse, they can dig deep to find roots and tubers to supplement their diet.

大堡礁的航拍图,澳大利亚 Aerial image of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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大堡礁的航拍图,澳大利亚 Aerial image of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

一望无际的湛蓝 Blue as far as the eye can see



World Reef Awareness Day

The Great Barrier Reef runs for 1,430 miles along Australia's northeastern coast, providing a home for thousands of species, including more than 1,500 types of fish. Here, you'll find whales, dolphins, turtles, sharks, dugongs, and algae, all living together in a delicate ecosystem that relies on the coral reef. Sadly, climate change and pollution threaten this iconic site, the largest reef in the world. On June 1, we observe World Reef Awareness Day to remind people of the importance of safeguarding coral reefs, which provide food and shelter for about 25% of all marine life, to maintain the balance of nature.

埃莫海滩,玛丽埃塔斯群岛,巴亚尔塔港,墨西哥 Playa del Amor in the Marietas Islands, off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (© ferrantraite/Getty Images)

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埃莫海滩,玛丽埃塔斯群岛,巴亚尔塔墨西哥 Playa del Amor in the Marietas Islands, off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (© ferrantraite/Getty Images)

墨西哥的隐秘海滩 Secluded sands in Mexico



Playa del Amor, Marietas Islands, Mexico

This gorgeous shot was taken at Playa del Amor—aka Hidden Beach—a remote destination off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, known for its pristine beauty. To get to it, visitors need to take a boat toward the mouth of Banderas Bay at the base of the Marietas Islands. Once there, they swim through a tunnel at low tide to reach the beach. The walls hide a sandy cove, where the turquoise waters contrast with flora-laden cliffs that perfectly frame the blue sky overhead. Playa del Amor (Lovers' Beach) is popular among tourists, but the number of visitors is limited to preserve its natural beauty and ecosystem.

萨克马兰大湾,瓜德罗普岛国家公园,小安的列斯群岛 Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin, Guadeloupe National Park, Lesser Antilles (© Hemis/Alamy)

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萨克马兰大,瓜德罗普国家公园,小安的列斯群岛 Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin, Guadeloupe National Park, Lesser Antilles (© Hemis/Alamy)

人间天堂 A veritable little paradise



乌布的德格拉朗梯田,印度尼西亚 Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Cavan Images/Adobe Stock)

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乌布的德格拉朗梯田印度尼西亚 Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Cavan Images/Adobe Stock)

俯瞰层叠的梯田 Hovering over harmonious horticulture



Tegallalang terrace farms in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Sweeping downhill in our homepage image are the famous rice terraces of Tegallalang, one of Bali's most popular tourist attractions. They are carved into the side of a valley near the town of Ubud and use the traditional Subak irrigation system, which dates back to the 9th century. Bali's rivers and streams provide year-round water for its crops but here people work hand-in-hand with nature, and a network of irrigation channels distribute water to each paddy field. They carefully tend rice plants during the growing season, as generations have done before them, before harvesting and distributing the rice between the community. The Subak system is so important in Balinese culture, it has been recognised by UNESCO. These terraces offer visitors panoramic views over the surrounding rice fields and lush landscape, as well as a picturesque example of people living in harmony with nature.