大阶梯埃斯卡兰特国家纪念区中的棉白杨树,犹他州,美国 Cottonwood trees in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

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大阶梯埃斯卡兰特国家纪念区中的棉白杨犹他州美国 Cottonwood trees in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah (© Jeff Foott/Minden Pictures)

秋天的一抹金色 A pop of autumn gold


大阶梯由五个雄伟的砂岩悬崖组成,高约 5,500 英尺,横跨纪念碑的广阔区域。
每一步都展示了地球地质历史中的不同时代,展示了地球上任何其他地方都无法比拟的时间。 考古学家发现了 7500
万年前白垩纪时期的史前文物、硅化木和化石。 在人类历史上,普韦布洛人和弗里蒙特人的祖先在这片充满挑战的地形上掌握了农耕艺术
他们巧妙地建造了粮仓来储存和保存丰收的粮食。 如今,这里已成为自然爱好者和寻求冒险的旅行者的绝佳度假胜地。

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

The Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument is an untamed wilderness of cliffs and canyons in the heart of southern Utah. The Grand Staircase is a sequence of five majestic sandstone cliffs, rising approximately 5,500 feet across the expanse of the monument. Each step records a different era in Earth's geological history, a vast showcase of changes over 200 million years. Archaeologists have found prehistoric artifacts, petrified wood, and dinosaur fossils which are over 75 million years old. In human history, the Ancestral Puebloan and Fremont people mastered the art of farming in this challenging terrain. They constructed granaries to store and preserve their harvests. Today, it is a popular getaway for nature enthusiasts and travelers seeking adventure.

标签: 美国, 犹他

