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阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)

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阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)

香料红和水晶蓝 Spicy red and crystal blue




阿胡汤加里基的日出,拉帕·努伊国家公园,复活节岛,智利 Sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

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阿胡汤加里基的日出,拉帕·努伊国家公园复活节岛智利 Sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile (© Piriya Photography/Getty Images)

古老又神秘 Ancient and mysterious




Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile

Welcome to Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, one of the world's most remote and enchanting paradises, roughly 2,330 miles west of mainland Chile. Famous for its iconic moai statues, Rapa Nui boasts breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Experts are divided on when the island's ancestral inhabitants first arrived from Polynesia, though many researchers suggest it was around the 8th century. Take in the mesmerizing sunrise featured in today's image and explore the striking volcanic craters and lush, grassy plains where the imposing statues stand. The World Heritage property of Easter Island spans more than 17,000 acres, including four nearby islets.

The island's original inhabitants call it Rapa Nui, meaning 'Great Rapa,' referring to the land's similarity to Rapa Island, in French Polynesia. Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, the first European to visit, named it Paasch-Eyland, or 'Easter Island' in English, to mark his arrival on Easter Sunday. You can explore this unique World Heritage site year-round. Dive into its vibrant history and let the island's charm sweep you away.

雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔,加利福尼亚州,美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

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雷耶斯角国家海岸灯塔加利福尼亚州美国 Point Reyes National Seashore Lighthouse, California (© RMB Images/Photography by Robert Bowman/Getty Images)

自然与人类的天堂 A haven for nature and humans




Point Reyes National Seashore, California

This stunning 71,028-acre coastal haven on the Point Reyes Peninsula in Marin County is a gem of the California coastline. Filled with scenic trails that wind through forests and along cliffs, it boasts breathtaking views and lots of wildlife. Point Reyes National Seashore also has a reputation as the most wind-swept spot on the Pacific Coast and the second-foggiest area in North America, so dress accordingly.

The lighthouse was built in 1870 due to frequent shipwrecks in treacherous coastal waters. This iconic landmark served as a crucial navigation aid for more than 100 years before being replaced by an automated light in 1975. Today, the lighthouse remains a key element of Point Reyes' charm and continues to be a favorite attraction. Whether you're spotting elephant seals, hiking to the picturesque Point Reyes Lighthouse, or simply soaking in the serene beauty of the rolling waves, there's something for everyone.

埃尔茨城堡,德国 Eltz Castle, Germany (© Allard Schager/Alamy)

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埃尔茨城堡德国 Eltz Castle, Germany (© Allard Schager/Alamy)

石头编织的童话 A fairy tale made of stone




瓦斯科·达·伽马大桥,里斯本,葡萄牙 Vasco da Gama Bridge, Lisbon, Portugal (© Achim Thomae/Getty Images)

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瓦斯科·达·伽马大,里斯本,葡萄牙 Vasco da Gama Bridge, Lisbon, Portugal (© Achim Thomae/Getty Images)

从天际线到水面 From skyline to water



Vasco da Gama Bridge, Lisbon, Portugal

This sleek structure is the Vasco da Gama Bridge, which appears to vanish into the horizon after crossing the Tagus River in Portugal. Stretching nearly 8 miles, it was Europe's longest bridge when it opened in 1998, built to ease traffic on Lisbon's 25 de Abril Bridge and make travel smoother between the north and south of Portugal. This cable-stayed bridge was designed to be earthquake and wind-resistant; its deck is not fixed to the pylons, and it can move both lengthwise and sideways. Its opening was perfectly timed for Expo 98, the World's Fair celebrating the 500th anniversary of Vasco da Gama's historic sea route discovery from Europe to India.

阿根廷和巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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阿根廷巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

“大水”中的彩虹波 Rainbow waves in 'big water'




Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil

Welcome to Iguazu Falls, the largest waterfall system in the world. The name 'Iguazu' has its origins in the regional languages Guarani or Tupi, meaning 'big water.' These epic waterfalls are formed by the Iguazu River, on the border of Argentina's Misiones province and Brazil's Paraná state.

The Iguazu Falls have long attracted admirers. Spanish explorer Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is thought to have been the first European to see them in 1541. In 1907, businessman Domingo Ayarragaray saw their potential and built a hotel and roads nearby. The falls became such a sensation that they were designated as national parks in both countries—Argentina's Iguazu National Park in 1934 and Brazil's Iguaçu National Park in 1939. UNESCO made the parks World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Surrounded by the rainforest, the falls are made up of hundreds of cascades and channels carved over millions of years by the Iguazu River, the tallest of which is the U-shaped Devil's Throat, at 269 feet high.

加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)

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加泰罗尼亚北部的圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院法国 (© Cyril Gosselin/Getty Images)


圣马丁杜卡尼古修道院 ,法国



古老山毛榉树,格莱纳里夫森林公园,安特里姆郡,北爱尔兰 Ancient beech tree, Glenariff Forest Park, County Antrim, Northern Ireland (© Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock)

发布于 , 166 次浏览

古老山毛榉,格莱纳里夫森林公园安特里姆郡,北爱尔兰 Ancient beech tree, Glenariff Forest Park, County Antrim, Northern Ireland (© Dawid K Photography/Shutterstock)

你可曾见过此等景色 'Wood' you believe this view?


你可曾想过在故事中漫步?欢迎来到北爱尔兰安特里姆郡的格莱纳里夫森林公园。该公园占地近3,000英亩,不仅拥有林地、瀑布和各种奇观,还有多条步道,每条步道都有自己独特的景观视角。其中,最受欢迎的是瀑布步道,这条3英里长的步道穿过一个国家自然保护区,沿途有瀑布景观。格莱纳里夫森林公园有丰富多样的野生动物,包括红松鼠、松貂和獾。观鸟者会被欧柳莺、棕柳莺和翠鸟所吸引。这里的植物也同样令人印象深刻,古老的毛榉(如图所示)、橡树、桦树和楸树等树木形成了郁郁葱葱的树冠。因此,无论您选择何时来访,格莱纳里夫一定会让您感觉 “重获新生”,焕发活力。

Glenariff Forest Park, Northern Ireland, UK

This storybook setting is Glenariff Forest Park in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, which spans nearly 3,000 acres of woodland and waterfalls. Among its popular walking trails is the Waterfall Walkway, a 3-mile trail that passes through a national nature reserve and past the Ess-na-Crub and Ess-na-Larach waterfalls. Glenariff is home to a rich diversity of wildlife including red squirrels, pine martens, and badgers. Birdwatchers will be delighted by willow warblers, chiffchaffs, and kingfishers. The flora is just as impressive, with trees like the old beech pictured here, oaks, birches, and rowans creating a lush canopy. It's the perfect spot for a bit of soul-searching beneath ancient branches in this beautiful landscape known as the 'Queen of the Glens.'

多伦多城市天际线, 加拿大 Toronto city skyline seen from Lake Ontario, Canada (© Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images)

发布于 , 161 次浏览

多伦多城市天际线, 加拿大 Toronto city skyline seen from Lake Ontario, Canada (© Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images)

2024年多伦多国际电影节 Lights, camera, TIFF '24!




2024 Toronto International Film Festival

Cinema aficionados, assemble. The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) gears up to dazzle with its 49th edition in Canada's largest city, seen in today's image. Since it began in 1976, the TIFF has become one of the largest publicly attended film festivals in the world. Attendees range from seasoned directors to rising stars and eager cinephiles and the festival has hosted premieres of many critically acclaimed films, including 'The Fabelmans' and 'Black Swan.'

This year's festival rolls out the red carpet for filmmakers today and runs until September 15, hosted in venues across the city. The opening night will spotlight David Gordon Green's 'Nutcrackers,' starring Ben Stiller. 'Eden,' a survival thriller by director Ron Howard, and 'K-Pops!,' the directorial debut of musician Anderson .Paak, are also part of the vibrant lineup of world premieres. Lights, camera, action!

迷人的水晶湖,高山湖泊,华盛顿州,美国 Crystal Lake in the Enchantments, Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington (© Mitch Pittman/Tandem Stills + Motion)

发布于 , 218 次浏览

迷人的水晶,高湖泊,华盛顿州,美国 Crystal Lake in the Enchantments, Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington (© Mitch Pittman/Tandem Stills + Motion)

原始之美,人人共享 Unspoiled beauty for all




Wilderness Act anniversary

Sometimes it's nice to get away. Thanks to environmentalist Howard Zahniser, Americans can do that in one of the country's many wildernesses—sheltered from human activities. While the protection of national forests and parks began in the late 1800s, untamed wilderness had dwindled to only 2.5% of US land by the 1960s. To reverse this trend, Zahniser wrote most of what became the Wilderness Act. Signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on September 3, 1964, today it protects more than 109 million acres—5% of the land in the US.

Pictured in today's image, Crystal Lake, in the Enchantments, Washington, is in one such protected area. Located in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, the Enchantments region has more than 700 lakes and ponds and some of the best rock climbing in the Western US. It's also home to mountain goats, ptarmigan, pikas, and many alpine flowers. If you want to see Alpine Lakes Wilderness yourself, however, be prepared to wait. Few permits are granted for day hikes, and of the 40,000 people who entered last year's lottery for overnight permits, only 2,558 received one.