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俄勒冈海岸佩蓓角的雷神之井 Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon coast (© Cavan Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

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俄勒冈海岸佩蓓角的雷神之井 Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon coast (© Cavan Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

Welcome to the 'drainpipe of the Pacific'

We are standing here on the craggy Oregon coast looking out to Thor's Well with the help of a photographer's telephoto lens. Only the most daring of visitors would stand this close to the gaping sinkhole at high tide. One misstep combined with a forceful surge from the raging Pacific Ocean, and into the plunging well we'd go.

Thor's Well is one of several defining features of Oregon's magical coastline. Dubbed a 'gaping sinkhole,' the 'drainpipe of the Pacific,' and even a 'gate to hell,' it's accessible by foot at low tide, when you can peer in to see its mechanisms at work. Geologists believe it was once a sea cave formed in the basalt rock by ocean waves. The 'well' was formed when the cave's roof collapsed, creating openings at the top and bottom through which the ocean surges and sprays like a geyser, only to recede, creating the waterfalls we see here.




被阿尔卑斯山环抱的辛特湖,德国贝希特斯加登 Lake Hintersee surrounded by alpine mountains, Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany (© Offset by Shutterstock)

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阿尔卑斯山环抱的辛特德国贝希特斯加登 Lake Hintersee surrounded by alpine mountains, Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany (© Offset by Shutterstock)

A walk by the lake

Surrounded by gigantic peaks and located in Ramsau at the foot of the Reiter-Alm, Hintersee Lake has fascinated many landscape artists and poets.

The most beautiful footpath to the lake leads from Ramsau through the Zauberwald (Enchanted Forest), and along a wild mountain stream. Take a walk on the theme trail leading around the lake and presenting information on the romantic-period painters of the 19th century. The lake has provided the setting for many an Alpine movie.




圣何塞附近的代阿布洛岭山麓,加利福尼亚 Foothills of the Diablo Range near San Jose, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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圣何塞附近的代阿布洛岭麓,加利福尼亚 Foothills of the Diablo Range near San Jose, California (© Jeff Lewis/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Spring comes to the Diablo foothills

Spring rains carpet the rolling foothills of Northern California's Diablo Range in emerald green this time of year. Just past the sprawling suburbs of the East Bay region, the Diablo foothills become a sylvan playground for horseback riding, hiking, bicycling, and simply escaping into nature. Grasslands and oak savannahs cover the low ridges that gradually rise into the higher peaks of the range, and at the crests of the foothills, a visitor is granted panoramic views of the ridgeline to the east. Aside from the green grasses, springtime brings a profusion of wildflowers to the area, including poppies, daffodils, and lupine. It's also nesting season for the many birds of the region, like the peregrine falcons that build nests high in the vertical rock formations here known as Castle Rock.



鸟瞰高耸入云的洛根山,加拿大克鲁瓦尼国家公园 Aerial image of Mount Logan rising above the clouds in Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada (© plainpicture/Design Pics/Robert Postma)

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鸟瞰高耸入洛根山加拿大克鲁瓦尼国家公园 Aerial image of Mount Logan rising above the clouds in Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada (© plainpicture/Design Pics/Robert Postma)

Walking in the clouds

Mount Logan is the highest mountain in Canada, and the second-highest peak in North America after Denali. The mountain was named after Sir William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist and founder of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). Logan is believed to have the largest base circumference of any non-volcanic mountain on Earth. Due to active tectonic uplifting, Mount Logan is still rising in height.



弗洛勒斯岛上的纳闽巴霍,印度尼西亚科莫多国家公园 Komodo National Park, Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia (© Thrithot/Adobe Stock)

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弗洛勒斯上的纳闽巴霍,印度尼西亚科莫多国家公园 Komodo National Park, Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia (© Thrithot/Adobe Stock)

Here there be dragons

Welcome to Komodo National Park, founded in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon—a monitor lizard that evolved in this insular environment to be much larger-'scale' than its fellows. Found only on the islands we see here—Komodo and Padar—and a handful of others nearby, it's the biggest lizard walking the Earth today. Not only walking but sprinting: Since adult Komodo dragons often prey on swift Timor deer, you'll sometimes see a dragon in a dead sprint after its would-be dinner, reaching up to 13 miles an hour.



力拓河中含矿物质的水,西班牙里奥廷托矿区 Mineral-laden water in the Rio Tinto in Minas de Rio Tinto mining area, Huelva province, Andalusia, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Getty Images)

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力拓河中含矿物质的水,西班牙里奥廷托矿区 Mineral-laden water in the Rio Tinto in Minas de Rio Tinto mining area, Huelva province, Andalusia, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Getty Images)

Reflecting on one of the world's strangest rivers

If you like your landscapes on the surreal side, then this weird and wonderful river in the Andalusia region of southwestern Spain should be to your liking. The Rio Tinto (Red River) gets its name from the reddish hue of its water, which contains high levels of iron and sulfur, making it very acidic. This unusual chemical makeup may or may not be a result of the area's long history of mining, which dates back at least 5,000 years. Ancient residents like the Tartessians and Romans dug for copper, silver, gold, as well as the mineral pyrite, commonly referred to as 'fool's gold.' Legend has it that Rio Tinto was the site of the fabled mines of King Solomon.

Because of its extreme acidity, the river and surrounding areas are not only colorful, but also quite different than any other in Spain, with a scarcity of normal plant life in and along the riverbeds. Only a thriving community of unusual microorganisms—classified as extremophiles—can survive the water's acidic mix, by feeding on the minerals alone. The strangeness of Rio Tinto's ecology has even attracted the attention of NASA, which studied the bacteria that have adapted to this highly acidic environment because the conditions resemble those on the surface of Mars.


如果你喜欢超现实主义的风景,那么这条位于西班牙西南部安达卢西亚地区的奇怪而奇妙的流应该是你喜欢的。力拓(Rio Tinto,红河)因其水呈微红色而得名,水中含有大量的铁和硫,使其呈酸性。这种不寻常的化学成分可能是也可能不是该地区悠久的采矿历史的结果,至少可以追溯到5000年前。像鞑靼人和罗马人这样的古代居民挖掘铜、银、金,以及通常被称为“傻瓜金”的黄铁矿。传说力拓是传说中所罗门王的矿所在地。


努沙杜瓦海岸与防波堤,印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Nusa Dua coast with breakwater, Bali, Indonesia (© Dkart/Getty Images)

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努沙杜瓦海岸与防波堤,印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Nusa Dua coast with breakwater, Bali, Indonesia (© Dkart/Getty Images)

The most wonderful day of the year. Period.

Er, comma—at least it seems like that's what we're seeing. And just like a comma breaks up a sentence, this structure called a breakwater interrupts the Pacific Ocean, punctuating waves with a crash before they can disturb this Bali beach. Whether its resemblance to a comma (or is that an apostrophe?) was intentional or not, it's a fine visual for today's syntactical celebration. That's correct: It's Grammar Day! (Note to hardline grammarians: We know punctuation—like a comma—isn't exactly grammar, but we're loosening the linguistical reins a bit in the generous spirit of Grammar Day. So put that red pen down, smartypants.)

If you're not inclined to decline verbs or dying to diagram a sentence, don't quit reading just yet. You might just think of grammar as the dos and don'ts taught in English textbooks—but a mere stuffy set of rules it ain't. Grammar is the ingredients of a language. Whenever we speak or even think, whether with prim-and-proper diction or in the most teacher-defying slang, our brains are using grammatical rules to translate firing neurons into words and phrases. Just how this happens is still a hot debate for linguists: Are these rules based on hardwired neural pathways or are they learned from a young age?

Well, however the brain works, we hope you brought yours today. Our quiz covers those wonderful, nitpicky grammar rules from school you doubtless remember so well. Sharpen your pencils!





亚伊马火山与前景中的智利南洋杉,智利孔吉利奥国家公园 Volcano Llaima with Araucaria trees in the foreground, Conguillío National Park, Chile (© Fotografías Jorge León Cabello/Getty Images)

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亚伊马火山与前景中的智利南洋杉,智利孔吉利奥国家公园 Volcano Llaima with Araucaria trees in the foreground, Conguillío National Park, Chile (© Fotografías Jorge León Cabello/Getty Images)

Fall for Chile

Autumn in Chile varies widely as one travels from the Atacama Desert in the north more than 2,600 miles south to the tip of Tierra del Fuego. Around halfway between these two extremes you can find Conguillío National Park and the volcano Llaima at Chile's center. In March, at the start of the Southern Hemisphere's autumn, the leaves of the deciduous forest begin to turn color and fall, and the native Chilean pine trees (Araucarias) stand out even more strikingly.

Because of their distinctive appearance and the fact that they thrive in a wide range of climates, the trees became a favorite of botanists in the 19th century, who transported and cultivated them in many temperate climates around the world. The 'monkey puzzle' trees got their common English name in the 1850s when English barrister Charles Austin observed that 'It would be a puzzle for a monkey to climb that.' Even more amazing is that these trees can live over a thousand years and are themselves living fossils, descended from a lineage stretching back 260 million years to the time of the dinosaurs.



由于其独特的外观和在各种气候条件下茁壮成长的事实,这些树在19世纪成为植物学家的最爱,他们在世界各地的许多温带气候条件下运输和栽培它们。19世纪50年代,英国大律师查尔斯·奥斯汀(Charles Austin)指出,猴子爬上那棵树将是一个谜,于是“猴子拼图”树就有了共同的英文名称。更令人惊奇的是,这些树能活上一千多年,而且本身就是活化石,其世系可追溯到公元前2.6亿年恐龙。

斯卡夫塔山中的传统农舍,冰岛瓦特纳冰川国家公园 Traditional farmhouses at Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Jarcosa/Getty Images)

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斯卡夫塔中的传统农舍,冰岛瓦特纳冰川国家公园 Traditional farmhouses at Skaftafell, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland (© Jarcosa/Getty Images)

Tough turf

Roofs of sod have sheltered mainland Scandinavians through countless winters and summers. But those who migrated from Norway's grass-roof log cabins to this Icelandic tundra in the 9th century found none of the rich timberland of their homeland—just wispy birch forests and grassy fields. To survive the cold, they took the old turf roof concept and built on it, encasing not only the roofs but the walls of their birch-framed homes in layers of living, insulating soil.

The turf buildings shown here are located at Skaftafell, a manor farm founded by early settlers and now part of Vatnajökull National Park. Unlike Icelanders' history, though, these huts aren't a millennium old: They date to the 19th century, when the plains in the distance began flooding and the farmers who'd made homes there were forced uphill.


