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阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园上空的银河系,美国缅因州 Milky Way over Acadia National Park, Maine (© Harry Collins/Getty Images)

繁星闪烁的夜晚 Starry, starry night

Acadia National Park, Maine

This striking photo lets us showcase two noteworthy events in one day, at no extra charge. (You’re welcome.) National Public Lands Day is observed on the fourth Saturday in September, and today’s also part of the Acadia Night Sky Festival, which celebrates the starlit skies over Maine’s gem of a national park.

It’s easy to take our national parks for granted. We certainly appreciate them and enjoy visiting, but today’s commemoration reminds us that they also need our help. National Public Lands Day turns the spotlight on parks and other public lands, inviting everyone to explore but also to volunteer to plant trees, work on trail-maintenance projects, and more. As a bonus: Admission is free today at national parks, monuments, and other participating federal sites.

Acadia is one of the smallest of the nation's 63 national parks, though it attracts an impressive 3 million visitors a year. Aside from its natural beauty, Acadia has some of the most spectacular star-filled night skies in the eastern United States. The natural darkness is protected, with restrictions on outdoor lighting in the park and surrounding areas. The Acadia Night Sky Festival, which started on September 21 and continues through tomorrow, celebrates the natural darkness and the celestial star show. A favorite way to mark the occasion is by kayaking in Castine's harbor, where bioluminescent phytoplankton illuminate the water with a swirling, unearthly glow. With sparkling waters below and out-of-this-world stargazing above, it's been called Acadia's 'Floating Planetarium.'





春角礁灯塔,缅因州南波特兰 Spring Point Ledge Light in South Portland, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

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春角礁灯塔缅因州南波特兰 Spring Point Ledge Light in South Portland, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

一个小而强大的守护者 A small but mighty guardian

Spring Point Ledge Light

Spring Point Ledge Light warns boats approaching Portland Harbor of the hazardous ledge that it's named for. This underwater ridge reaches out into the shipping channel and was the cause of many shipwrecks in the late 19th century when the harbor was one of the busiest on the entire east coast. Built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Spring Point Ledge Light has been a reliable guardian of Casco Bay and Portland Harbor since 1897. The brick and cast-iron lighthouse earned its spot on the National Historic Register in 1988. In May 2022, people celebrated the 125th anniversary of the first time the lamp was lit, back when it guided schooners and hulking steamships safely to shore.



阿卡迪亚国家公园里的水獭悬崖,缅因州 Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park, Maine (© dbimages/Alamy)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园里的水獭悬崖缅因州 Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park, Maine (© dbimages/Alamy)

Working for that cliffside view

Maine's Acadia National Park serves up spectacular views at most every turn. But the park's Otter Cliffs on Mount Desert Island offer the adventurous among us a chance to take in the picturesque Atlantic shoreline from the edge of a sheer granite wall. Rising some 60 feet above the crashing waves below, the cliffs are shown here at low tide—when the tide is up, that ledge at the bottom is completely submerged.

The spot's become one of New England's premier climbing destinations, with routes beloved by experts and beginners alike. Climbers begin by either rappelling down the cliff or being lowered from the top. The heart races at the bottom, as waves crash against the seawall right below the climber's shoes and ocean spray makes the first few hand- and footholds slippery. From there, the only way out is up, back to the top of this stunning crag and the cap to a thrilling ascent.




穆斯黑德湖附近的Norcross Brook河与湿地,缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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穆斯黑德附近的Norcross Brook湿地缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion

Deep in the North Woods wetlands

To celebrate American Wetlands Month, we're flying over Norcross Brook, which snakes through the wetlands of Maine's North Woods near Moosehead Lake. Wetlands like these are an often-underappreciated natural resource. They act as vital link between land and our planet's watersheds, playing a crucial role in protecting healthy ecosystems. In addition to providing indispensable habitat for the many species that call them home, wetlands filter our drinking water and cycle nutrients. They also provide a natural buffer from storms, absorb flood waters, and capture carbon from the atmosphere—all of which help to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Some of the wetlands here around Moosehead Lake include the West Shirley Bog and the Lazy Tom Bog, both of which are well-known moose-watching hotspots. The hulking animals of Maine's North Woods are so common they're said to outnumber residents three to one. Surely there's a moose or five down there among those trees…




涅迪克角灯塔上的节日彩灯,缅因州 Holiday lights on Cape Neddick Light in York, Maine (© Walter Bibikow/Alamy)

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涅迪克角灯塔上的节日彩灯,缅因州 Holiday lights on Cape Neddick Light in York, Maine (© Walter Bibikow/Alamy)

A holiday beacon of light

This classic New England scene is Cape Neddick Light, one of Maine's most iconic lighthouses, all lit up for the holiday season. Every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, hundreds gather on the mainland across from tiny Nubble Island to count down to the lighting. It is quite the holiday tradition, complete with Santa, live reindeer, and thousands of cookies baked by locals.

'Nubble Light,' or 'the Nub,' is arguably the most iconic of Maine's 65 lighthouses. Built on more than two acres of granite island, the Nub has been protecting sailors since 1879. There's no better time to visit than when it's all dressed up for the holidays. And if you miss the winter display, you can come back in July, when it's relit for summer visitors.


这个经典的新英格兰场景是涅迪克角灯塔,缅因州最具标志性的灯塔之一,在节日期间灯火通明。 每年感恩节后的星期六,数百人聚集在努布尔对面的大陆上,为灯光倒数。这是一个相当传统的节日,有圣诞老人,驯鹿和当地人烤的成千上万的饼干。

“纽伯灯”或“纽伯”可以说是缅因州65座灯塔中最具标志性的。 Nub建于2英亩以上的岗岩岛上,自1879年以来就一直为水手们提供保护。没有比盛装过节更好的时间了。 如果你错过了季的展览,你可以在7月回来,那时灯塔会为夏季游客重新点亮。

缅因州达马里斯科塔地区的佩马基德灯塔 Pemaquid Point Light in Maine's Damariscotta region (© Tom Whitney/Adobe Stock)

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缅因州达马里斯科塔地区的佩马基德灯塔 Pemaquid Point Light in Maine's Damariscotta region (© Tom Whitney/Adobe Stock)

Celebrating 200 years of statehood

We're wandering out onto the striated coastal rocks of Maine's Pemaquid Point at sunrise to mark 200 years since Maine joined the Union as the 23rd US state. With roughly 5,000 miles of jagged, rocky coastline, Maine is studded with dozens of lighthouses, and the light at Pemaquid Point is one of the most celebrated—and historic. First, that history: President John Quincy Adams commissioned the lighthouse in 1827, but it needed to be rebuilt in 1835 after the original began falling apart. (Note: Don't use saltwater when mixing your mortar.) Maine residents chose the Pemaquid Point Light for display on their state's coin as part of the US 50 State Quarters Program.

Visitors to the lighthouse are invited to climb the spiral staircase of the 38-foot tower. At the top, they can see the beacon's original Fresnel lens, which is still in use. Gazing out the window offers a superb vantage point of the ridged coastline below. The ancient metamorphic coastal rock is striped with lighter igneous rock, creating banded ledges and lots of scenic drama.

阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州 Acadia National Park in Maine (© emptyclouds/Getty Images)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园缅因州 Acadia National Park in Maine (© emptyclouds/Getty Images)

'The Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic'

Welcome to Acadia National Park on Maine's rocky, scenic coast. The 49,075-acre park covers about half of Mount Desert Island, smaller nearby islands, and a section on the mainland. The oldest national park east of the Mississippi River and the only one in Maine, Acadia packs a lot of geographical variety into its relatively small size. You'll find miles of craggy coastline like the shore in our homepage image, woodlands, wetlands, and mountains. The park's Cadillac Mountain is the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard and a great spot to take in the sunrise.

阿卡迪亚国家公园的高丛蓝莓植物,缅因州 Highbush blueberry plants in Acadia National Park, Maine (© Danita Delimont/Gallo Images/Getty Images Plus)

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阿卡迪亚国家公园的高丛蓝莓植物缅因州 Highbush blueberry plants in Acadia National Park, Maine (© Danita Delimont/Gallo Images/Getty Images Plus)

Acadia transformed

Historically, mid-October is peak fall foliage season in Maine's Acadia National Park. The forest canopy is aflame with autumn color, and here, the highbush blueberries on the forest floor provide an additional splash of color. Acadia has six marked coastal trails, and our photo today was taken on one of the most popular: Wonderland Trail. It's just 1.4 miles round-trip, an easy trek for families and casual hikers. Acadia is Maine's only national park, and it's easy to see why this landscape was preserved—look at that beautiful fall color, and that's just at ground level.

Cape Neddick Light in York, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

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Cape Neddick Light in York, Maine (© Haizhan Zheng/Getty Images)

Nubble Island's only industry

Cape Neddick Light sits on a tiny island called Nubble Island, or 'the Nub'—just 100 yards from the mainland of the cape. It's on Maine's southern shore and is one of just eight lighthouses in Maine that still use a Fresnel lens to amplify the light. The island isn't accessible to the public, but because it's so close, many visitors come to Sohier Park on the cape for the view of the lighthouse. Why August 7 for Lighthouse Day? Because it was this day in 1789 the US government placed all lighthouses under federal control to make sure these important safety signals were all built, supported, and maintained equally.

波特兰,美国缅因州 Portland, Maine (© CFW Photography/Getty Images)

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