
梅萨维德国家公园的方形塔楼,美国科罗拉多州 Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (© lightphoto/Getty Images)

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梅萨维德国家公园的方形塔楼,美国科罗拉多州 Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (© lightphoto/Getty Images)

普韦布洛城堡 Castle of the Ancestral Puebloans

Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park

We continue our celebration of National Park Week (through April 24)–and the UNESCO International Day for Monuments and Sites–with a visit to the impressive Square Tower House in Mesa Verde National Park. Square Tower House is one of many cliff dwellings constructed by the Ancestral Puebloans in what is now the American Southwest. At 27 feet, it's the tallest structure in the park. Square Tower House is also notable for its kiva, a round, sunken room used for ceremonies. Unlike most of the ancient kivas found in the region, the kiva at Square Tower House has an intact original clay roof supported by wooden beams.

Ancestral Puebloans lived in today's Four Corners region, where the borders of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet at a single point. It's unclear when exactly this culture emerged, but the current consensus is that the Ancestral Puebloans appeared in this area a little more than 3,000 years ago. They're believed to have built the series of cliff dwellings for defensive reasons as various factions competed for scarce resources when the region suffered from a prolonged drought. It's thought that the changing climate eventually became so severe that it likely drove them from the cliff dwellings sometime around 1300 CE, just a century or so after construction began. Today, many of the cliff dwellings have been restored and visitors can view the homes and kivas of the builders.




黄石国家公园的大棱镜泉鸟瞰图,美国怀俄明州 Aerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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黄石国家公园的大棱镜鸟瞰图,美国怀俄明州 Aerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (© AirPano LLC/Amazing Aerial Agency)

“美国最好的想法”起源于此 'America's best idea' began here

National Park Week begins

Only a very small percentage of Yellowstone's total visitors see the park when it looks like this. In winter, when the park grows quiet, its hydrothermal features really stand out, like the rainbow-hued Grand Prismatic Spring near the center of this image, the most photographed feature in Yellowstone.

Just the inspiration we need as we start National Park Week, an occasion to celebrate the splendor of our park system and turn to thoughts of hiking, paddling, and camping. The 'Week' is actually a bit longer, starting today and running through Sunday, April 24. Yellowstone was established by congress 150 years ago as the nation's first national park. Today, there are 63, and they include the volcanoes of Hawaii, the giant sequoias of California, the Grand Canyon, and the desolate moonscape of the Badlands.

Perhaps no national park better captures the American landscape than Yellowstone, 3,500 square miles of lakes, canyons, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, hot springs, and its charismatic megafauna—bison, wolves, elk, and grizzly bears. But it's Yellowstone's hydrothermal sites that really set it apart. Old Faithful might be the most famous, but it's only one of 10,000 around here. Although the park is still chilly in April, you'll have the place mostly to yourselves. Only about 44,000 visit Yellowstone in April, compared to the nearly 1 million who gather each July. If you need more incentive, entrance fees today, in honor of National Park Week, are on the house.





2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

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Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France  2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

An icon is 'Wrapped' 图标被“包装”

World Art Day

To celebrate World Art Day, we're taking a look at one of the greatest triumphs (pun intended) of public art—last fall's 'L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped,' by the late artists Christo and wife Jeanne-Claude. Completed and staged 16 months after Christo's death at age 84, 'Wrapped' was the fruition of an idea 60 years in the making. On view for 16 days from Saturday, September 18 to Sunday, October 3, 2021, the project required 269,000 square feet of recyclable silvery-blue polypropylene fabric that completely covered the monument. The fabric glistened and glimmered with the changing light of Paris. The pleated fabric was held fast to the arch by nearly two miles of red rope.

Over the decades, Christo and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude created several large-scale installations at famous landmarks around the world, using fabric in tandem with landscapes and structures like Berlin's Reichstag and New York's Central Park.

World Art Day was declared by the International Association of Art, a UNESCO partner, as an international celebration of the fine arts, and to promote awareness of creative activity all over the world. It is celebrated every April 15, which also aptly marks the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, the embodiment of creativity.


为了庆祝世界艺术日,我们来看看去年秋天由已故艺术家克里斯托和妻子珍妮·克劳德(Jeanne Claude)创作的《凯旋门》(L’Arc de Triomphe,Wrapped),这是公共艺术最伟大的成就之一(双关语)。在克里斯托84岁去世16个月后完成并上演的《包裹》是一个酝酿了60年的创意的成果。从星期六,9月18日至星期日,2021年10月3日的16天,项目需要269000平方英尺的可回收银蓝色聚丙烯织物,完全覆盖了纪念碑。织物在巴黎不断变化的线下闪闪发光。褶皱的布料被将近两英里长的红绳牢牢地固定在拱门上。



科罗拉多河上的马蹄湾,美国亚利桑那州 Horseshoe Bend, Arizona (© Michael Dunn/Getty Images)

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科罗拉多河上的马蹄美国亚利桑那州 Horseshoe Bend, Arizona (© Michael Dunn/Getty Images)

打卡马蹄湾会带来好运吗? Does this horseshoe bring good luck?

Horseshoe Bend, Arizona

Grab your boots and gear, today we're heading to Arizona to hike out to Horseshoe Bend. Known as the 'east rim of the Grand Canyon,' it's actually about 140 miles from the other rims and is really more a part of nearby Glen Canyon. Scientifically, the beautiful view exists thanks to something called an 'entrenched meander.' Around six million years ago, the area was closer to sea level. The Colorado River, following the path of least resistance, meandered and became trapped when the Colorado Plateau uplifted around five million years ago. Over time, the river water cut through exposed sandstone, forming the thousand-foot-deep, 270-degree horseshoe-shaped bend.

Horseshoe Bend used to be a locally loved gem until social media came around to spread photos like this one. Now, nearly two million tourists a year hike to this national splendor. It's believed that, eventually, the Colorado River will cut through the neck of the bend. So, if you want your selfie with the horseshoe, you only have another million years, give or take.





森林中的结香花,日本 Mitsumata (aka paperbush) in a forest in Japan (© nattya3714/Getty Images)

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森林中的结香日本 Mitsumata (aka paperbush) in a forest in Japan (© nattya3714/Getty Images)

是金色的花朵?还是造纸的灵魂? Golden flowers, paper banknotes?

Mitsumata blossoms

Stress seems to melt away when you gaze at this serene forest protecting the mitsumata blossoms below. While the flowering buds are beautiful in their natural state, the mitsumata shrub (Edgeworthia chrysantha) has so much more to offer. Originally brought from China to Japan by monks, the green plant is now a staple of Japanese papermaking and one of three principle ingredients in washi, traditional Japanese paper. No wonder, then, that it's also known as the Oriental paperbush. Mitsumata washi is dense and holds ink well—it's a favorite of artists and calligraphers—and sheets of mitsumata paper are also used in traditional shoji screens.

It's this very versatility and strength that made mitsumata a natural candidate for Japanese banknotes. The dense, short fiber from the inner layer of bark helps create sturdy currency that can withstand millions of grubby hands and transactions. Mitsumata made its Japanese banknote debut in 1879, and it's still used in currency there today.

Want to see mitsumata in bloom? Spring's the time to catch the golden flowers, and gardeners note that you'll smell the heady, almost spicy fragrance before you see the bush itself. After the flowers fade, the leaves take on a bluish, silvery hue, and in autumn they turn golden themselves.


当你凝视这片宁静的森林,保护着下面的三缄花时,压力似乎消失了。虽然花蕾在自然状态下是美丽的,但三宅田灌木(Edgeworthia chrysantha)还有很多可以提供的。这种绿色植物最初是由僧侣从中国带到日本的,现在是日本造纸的主要原料,也是日本传统纸张“和纸”的三大主要成分之一。难怪它也被称为东方纸丛。三宅和美是一种密度高、墨迹好的纸张,是艺术家和法家的最爱,传统的幕布也使用三宅和美的纸张。



从国际空间站拍摄到的地球上方的渐亏凸月 The waning gibbous moon is pictured above the Earth's horizon from the International Space Station (© NASA)

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国际空间站拍摄到的地球上方的渐亏凸月 The waning gibbous moon is pictured above the Earth's horizon from the International Space Station (© NASA)

尤里之夜的凸月 A gibbous moon on Yuri's Night

International Day of Human Space Flight

Sixty-one years ago today Yuri Gagarin became the first human to see Earth from space, with a view likely similar to this image of the waning gibbous moon from the International Space Station. With a call of 'Poyekhali!' ('Off we go!'), Gagarin launched into low Earth orbit in his Vostok 3KA spacecraft, making history in less than two hours with a complete trip around the planet.

'International Day of Human Space Flight' is observed today by astronomy lovers of all nationalities, it becomes an international celebration held every April 12 to commemorate milestones in space exploration.


61年前的今天,尤里·加加林(Yuri Gagarin)成为第一个从太空看到地球的人,其视角可能与国际空间站拍摄的这张月亮逐渐变圆的图像相似。喊着“波耶卡利!”我们在史上不到两个小时的时间里发射了“加加林”号宇宙


光绘摄影下的滑板公园,美国阿瓦达市 Arvada Skatepark, Arvada, Colorado (© Jon Paciaroni/Getty Images)

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绘摄影下的滑板公园美国阿瓦达市 Arvada Skatepark, Arvada, Colorado (© Jon Paciaroni/Getty Images)

与光同行 Go with the glow

Light show at the skatepark

The art of light painting combines with the artistry of skateboarding to bring you this provocative image from Arvada Skatepark in Colorado. At 40,000 square feet, the park, which opened in 2012, is the third-largest in the country. The massive park includes a snake run, large bowl, medium bowl, street plaza with manual pads, banks, granite pieces, ledges, rails, step ups, stair set, benches, Jersey barrier, brick stamped china bank, and a pyramid. And if you know what all those things are, you're probably a steezy sk8r.

This image was created using a technique called 'light painting,' a photographic technique that involves moving a light source while taking a long-exposure photograph. In this way, the artist can 'draw' with light on the photo. How would you imagine the artist created this image?


光绘艺术与滑板艺术相结合,为您带来这张来自科罗拉多州阿瓦达滑板公园的挑衅性图片。该公园占地40000平方英尺,于2012年开放,是美国第三大公园。这座大型公园包括一条蛇径、大碗、中碗、带手动垫的街道广场、银行、岗岩块、壁架、栏杆、台阶、楼梯组、长凳、球衣护栏、砖印中国银行和金字塔。如果你知道这些都是什么,你很可能就是steezy sk8r。


蓬塔德尔加达附近的海岸,葡萄牙 Coast near Ponta Delgada, Madeira, Portugal (© Jan Wlodarczyk/Alamy)

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蓬塔德尔加达附近的海岸葡萄牙 Coast near Ponta Delgada, Madeira, Portugal (© Jan Wlodarczyk/Alamy)

亚速尔群岛游玩 Gateway to the Azores

Ponta Delgada

Today we're taking a trip to Ponta Delgada in the Portuguese Azores island chain. It's the largest city on São Miguel, known as the 'green island,' the largest and most populated island in the autonomous region of Portugal. Gorgeous views and beaches make this a tourist hot spot. The Azores islands are especially popular for outdoor adventure, with world-class hiking, diving, and sailing.



黄昏下的马拉加老城,西班牙 Old town of Málaga, Spain (© Sean Pavone Photo/Getty Images)

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黄昏下的马拉加老城西班牙 Old town of Málaga, Spain (© Sean Pavone Photo/Getty Images)

2800年历史的老城 2,800 years of history

Málaga, Spain

Today we're visiting a city with over 2,800 years of history, one of the oldest in Europe. Málaga is said to have been founded by the Phoenicians in 770 BCE and today its year-round exceptional weather has made it the capital of tourism in Spain. Situated perfectly along the Costa Del Sol, an estimated six million tourists make the trip to this culturally rich mecca every year. If you can pull yourself away from the beautiful beaches, you'll find yourself abound in historical architecture, museums and the local cuisine of espetos, specially skewered sardines cooked over an open fire.

Aside from paying Pablo Picasso's birthplace a visit, the most well-known reason people make the journey to Málaga is to celebrate Holy Week. Handled differently than the silent and meditative celebrations throughout the rest of Spain, Málaga's 45 processions are essentially colorful, loud, and exciting parties throughout the streets commemorating The Passion of Jesus from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday. The event has happened for more than 500 years with a vast number of floats and other processional materials being carried over from year to year.


