2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

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Arc de Triomphe wrapped in posthumous art installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude on September 24, 2021, in Paris, France  2021年9月24日,克里斯托和Jeanne Claude在凯旋门追寻遗迹, 法国巴黎 (© Bruno de HOGUES/Getty Images)

An icon is 'Wrapped' 图标被“包装”

World Art Day

To celebrate World Art Day, we're taking a look at one of the greatest triumphs (pun intended) of public art—last fall's 'L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped,' by the late artists Christo and wife Jeanne-Claude. Completed and staged 16 months after Christo's death at age 84, 'Wrapped' was the fruition of an idea 60 years in the making. On view for 16 days from Saturday, September 18 to Sunday, October 3, 2021, the project required 269,000 square feet of recyclable silvery-blue polypropylene fabric that completely covered the monument. The fabric glistened and glimmered with the changing light of Paris. The pleated fabric was held fast to the arch by nearly two miles of red rope.

Over the decades, Christo and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude created several large-scale installations at famous landmarks around the world, using fabric in tandem with landscapes and structures like Berlin's Reichstag and New York's Central Park.

World Art Day was declared by the International Association of Art, a UNESCO partner, as an international celebration of the fine arts, and to promote awareness of creative activity all over the world. It is celebrated every April 15, which also aptly marks the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, the embodiment of creativity.


为了庆祝世界艺术日,我们来看看去年秋天由已故艺术家克里斯托和妻子珍妮·克劳德(Jeanne Claude)创作的《凯旋门》(L’Arc de Triomphe,Wrapped),这是公共艺术最伟大的成就之一(双关语)。在克里斯托84岁去世16个月后完成并上演的《包裹》是一个酝酿了60年的创意的成果。从星期六,9月18日至星期日,2021年10月3日的16天,项目需要269000平方英尺的可回收银蓝色聚丙烯织物,完全覆盖了纪念碑。织物在巴黎不断变化的线下闪闪发光。褶皱的布料被将近两英里长的红绳牢牢地固定在拱门上。



标签: 法国, 巴黎, 凯旋门

