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蒂卡尔的玛雅遗址,危地马拉 Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala (© THP Creative/Getty Images)

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蒂卡尔的玛雅遗址危地马拉 Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala (© THP Creative/Getty Images)

原力与你同在 May the 4th be with you




Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you! The 'Star Wars' universe has captured the imagination of fans for decades and its impact, like the 'Force,' is all around us. The original 1977 film introduced us to a galaxy far, far away, a cast of unforgettable characters, and a gripping battle between good and evil. Its reach has since extended to television, books, comics, theme parks, thousands of products, and a day of its own to celebrate the much-loved sci-fi franchise.

Fans might recognize today's image of the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala, as the rebel base on Yavin 4 from 'Star Wars: A New Hope.' These real-life temples served as a key setting in the cinematic Battle of Yavin, a fight so pivotal in the 'Star Wars' storyline that calendar years in the universe are called ABY or BBY: After the Battle of Yavin or Before the Battle of Yavin.

阿尔卑斯山脉锡尔夫雷塔山的乔里森湖,瑞士 Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland (© Florin Baumann/Getty Images)

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阿尔卑斯山脉锡尔夫雷塔的乔里森瑞士 Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland (© Florin Baumann/Getty Images)

蓝湖和险峰 Bright blue lakes and rugged mountains



Jöriseen lakes in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland

Today we're exploring a place of otherworldly beauty: the Jöriseen, a group of alpine lakes near Davos, Switzerland. On sunny days, the lakes glow an ethereal blue, contrasting with the dark, jagged Silvretta Alps that encircle them. The sunlight is reflected in the water by 'rock flour'—silt-sized rock particles generated from the grinding of bedrock by glaciers.

The Silvretta Alps sit across the Swiss-Austrian border and are themselves surrounded by glaciers in an area known as the 'Blue Silvretta.' If you want to enjoy these stunning views up close, you'll have to work for it. Bring your best hiking boots, plenty of water, and some strong legs.

横跨圣劳伦斯河下游的魁北克大桥,加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)

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横跨圣劳伦斯下游的魁北克加拿大 Quebec Bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River, Canada (© Ronald Santerre/Getty Images)

工程学杰作 A masterpiece of engineering




Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

This stunning structure is the stone pavilion housing the massive Korean Bell of Friendship in Los Angeles, a city with a large Korean American population. It's ringing in Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, which starts today. The month was chosen in recognition of the first documented arrival of Japanese immigrants, on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad by more than 20,000 Asian immigrants on May 10, 1869.

Back to that intricately decorated bronze bell. It was a gift to the city from South Korea to mark the US bicentennial in 1976 and is modeled on the largest bell cast in Korean history, the Divine Bell of King Seongdeok, made in 771. Both versions are among the largest bells in the world.

市保护厅, 新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州 Preservation Hall, New Orleans, Louisiana (© Cosmo Condina North America/Alamy)

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市保护厅, 新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州 Preservation Hall, New Orleans, Louisiana (© Cosmo Condina North America/Alamy)

挥杆庆祝的一天 A day of swing and celebration


爵士乐诞生于新奥尔良的黑人社区,在Big Easy之外迅速流行起来,并在国际上引起轰动。由于其即兴创作的性质,爵士乐从未一成不变,与其他文化和流派融合,创造出非洲古巴人、拉丁人和印度裔爵士乐等风格。联合国教科文组织亲善大使兼爵士钢琴家赫比·汉考克创建了国际爵士乐日,以庆祝这一全球流派,该日于2012年首次在纽约巴黎和新奥尔良举行。我们希望你能放上你最喜欢的爵士乐唱片来庆祝,或者如果你能摇摆它,可以参观新奥尔良传奇的爵士乐场地保护厅,如我们在这里的照片所示。

International Jazz Day

Born in the Black communities of New Orleans, jazz music quickly caught on outside the Big Easy and became an international sensation. Due to its improvisational nature, jazz never stays the same, fusing with other cultures and genres to create styles such as Afro-Cuban, Latin, and Indo Jazz. UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and jazz pianist Herbie Hancock created International Jazz Day to celebrate the global genre, first held in 2012 with events in New York, Paris, and New Orleans. We hope you celebrate by putting on your favorite jazz record, or if you can swing it, visit New Orleans' legendary jazz venue, Preservation Hall, seen in our photo here.

塞利努斯的神庙,西西里岛,意大利 (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock)

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塞利努斯的神庙西西里岛意大利 (© Antonino Bartuccio/eStock)




约书亚树国家公园上空的银河,美国加利福尼亚州 Milky Way over Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Schroptschop/Getty Images)

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约书亚树国家公园上空的银河美国加利福尼亚州 Milky Way over Joshua Tree National Park, California (© Schroptschop/Getty Images)

沙漠上空的星海 An ocean of stars above the desert




Astronomy Day

Get your telescope and star map app ready because it's Astronomy Day! Doug Berger, then president of the Astronomical Association of Northern California, created Astronomy Day in 1973 to get more people interested in the wonders of space. He set up telescopes on street corners, malls, and parks to give people a chance to see the stars firsthand.

Early astronomers lacked the means to view celestial objects beyond those which could be seen by the naked eye. But they still made major discoveries, such as calculating the size and distance of the moon, affirming the sun as the center of our solar system, and predicting the movement of stars relative to the seasons. Today we have sophisticated telescopes, from the orbiting James Webb Space Telescope to the portable ones you'll find in use at International Dark Sky Parks, including Joshua Tree National Park, seen in our photo. With such ground-breaking technology at our disposal, astronomers can boldly go where no human eyes have gone before.

优胜美地国家公园的马里波萨谷巨杉林,美国加利福尼亚州 Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park, California (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

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优胜美地国家公园的马里波萨谷巨杉林,美国加利福尼亚州 Mariposa Grove in Yosemite National Park, California (© Orbon Alija/Getty Images)

温暖的阳穿过古老森林 Warm light through an ancient forest


Sterling Morton)在公共平台上发起了美国第一个植树节,并提议为内布拉斯加州人民设立一个种树日,于是植树节应运而生。

Arbor Day

We're celebrating Arbor Day with some of Yosemite's most famous residents, the giant sequoia trees of Mariposa Grove. The day champions the planting and preservation of trees and can trace its roots back more than 150 years. In 1872, Nebraska City News editor Julius Sterling Morton proposed a day for locals to plant trees, and the idea grew and grew. Today all 50 states celebrate Arbor Day, most commonly on the last Friday in April, although different states might observe it on the best dates for tree planting in their area.

Giant sequoias, like the ones on our homepage, have been around for a very long time. Geological evidence suggests that they are the third-longest-lived tree species in the world. There are hundreds of them in Yosemite's Mariposa Grove, including the famous Grizzly Giant, which is estimated to be about 3,000 years old. Let's hope it is around for thousands of Arbor Days to come.

南帕德里岛,美国得克萨斯州 South Padre Island, Texas (© Jeff R Clow/Getty Images)

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南帕德里美国得克萨斯州 South Padre Island, Texas (© Jeff R Clow/Getty Images)

一望无际的天空 An endless stretch of sky



South Padre Island, Texas

Located a few miles offshore on the Texas Gulf Coast, Padre Island is the largest of the state's string of barrier islands. At 113 miles in length, it is also the longest barrier island in the world. Barrier islands usually run parallel to the coast and, as the name suggests, serve as the mainland's first line of defense against storms.

Since the Port Mansfield Channel was built in the early 1960s, Padre Island has been split into two parts, South Padre Island, pictured here, and North Padre Island. Connected by a bridge to the shore, the resort town of South Padre Island draws in thousands of visitors every year for swimming, boating, fishing, or simply lounging on the beach. Others come for the trail of elaborate sandcastles scattered across the island, created by professional artists.

德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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德国斯图加特公共图书馆 Stuttgart Public Library, Germany (© Axel Brunst/Tandem Stills + Motion)

人的天堂 A book lover's paradise


欧内斯特·海明威曾写道:“没有比一本书更忠诚的朋友了。”。在世界图书日之际,我们在德国斯图加特市向这些忠实的朋友致敬,那里一个巨大的整体立方体既是现代地标,也是城市图书馆的所在地。这座引人注目的建筑于2011年开业,由建筑师Eun Young Yi设计,在繁华的城市中成为一个平静、冥想的空间。它的内部是白色的,墙壁上排列的书籍提供了色彩的飞溅。


World Book Day

'There is no friend as loyal as a book,' Ernest Hemingway once wrote. On World Book Day, we are honoring these loyal friends in the German city of Stuttgart, where a huge monolithic cube is both a modern landmark and home to the city library. Opened in 2011, this striking building was designed by architect Eun Young Yi to be a calming, meditative space in a bustling city. Its interior is white, with splashes of color provided by the books that line its walls.

World Book Day was set up by UNESCO in 1995 to celebrate recreational reading. It also marks the start of National Library Week here in the US, so there's no better time to head to your local library to find your next great 'friend' to take you on new adventures.

日出时分薄雾笼罩下的薰衣草田,印度 (© Amith Nag Photography/Getty Images)

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日出时分薄笼罩下的薰衣草田,印度 (© Amith Nag Photography/Getty Images)


