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桑佩伦山上的菲泽尔城堡,匈牙利 Füzér Castle in the Zemplén Mountains, Hungary (© ZGPhotography/Alamy)
桑佩伦山上的菲泽尔城堡,匈牙利 Füzér Castle in the Zemplén Mountains, Hungary (© ZGPhotography/Alamy)
这片迷雾密布的树林里潜藏着什么? What lurks in these misty woods?
Füzér Castle in the Zemplén Mountains, Hungary
Hungary is a country blessed with stunning landscapes and a host of historic castles. From the opulent Buda Castle in Budapest, with its commanding views of the Danube, to Eger Castle, renowned for its heroic defense against the Turks, each site has a story to tell.
Our homepage image shows one such stronghold, Füzér Castle, which crowns the Zemplén Mountains near Hungary's northern border and dates back to the 13th century. Perched at an elevation of over 1,800 feet above sea level, this castle stands on a mountain of volcanic origin. Here, within its ancient stone walls, the crown of Hungary was hidden following the country's defeat by the Ottoman Empire in the 1526 Battle of Mohács. After years of ruin, the castle's chapel was restored in 2016, and the keep was rebuilt to its former glory.
塞勒斯堡的玉米迷宫,宾夕法尼亚州,美国 Corn maze in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania (© Alex Potemkin/Getty Images)
塞勒斯堡的玉米迷宫,宾夕法尼亚州,美国 Corn maze in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania (© Alex Potemkin/Getty Images)
“迷”人之境 An a-maize-ing puzzle
Corn maze in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
All hail Mazezilla, a massive maze of corn found in the Poconos region of Pennsylvania. Spread over 11 acres, there is a different one to solve every year, making it a popular attraction each September and October for those who enjoy perplexing challenges on a giant scale.
Corn mazes have been a fall tradition in the US since 1993. Farmers meticulously plan their maze production, design, and marketing strategies. The designs come in many forms, including complex geometric shapes, fictional characters, and spooky imagery. So, how do you prefer your corn? Grilled, boiled, or as a bewildering labyrinth?
哥伦比亚河上的阿斯托里亚-梅格勒大桥,阿斯托里亚区,俄勒冈州,美国 Astoria-Megler Bridge on the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon (© Dan Mihai/Getty Images)
哥伦比亚河上的阿斯托里亚-梅格勒大桥,阿斯托里亚区,俄勒冈州,美国 Astoria-Megler Bridge on the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon (© Dan Mihai/Getty Images)
一条用桁架架起来的公路 A road you can truss
Astoria-Megler Bridge, Oregon
Imagine traveling for nearly two years across plains, mountains, and forests and finally arriving at this setting, where the mighty Columbia River empties into the Pacific near present-day Astoria, Oregon. That is the sight that greeted explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in 1805 at the culmination of their legendary 8,000-mile North American expedition that originated near St. Louis.
The expedition's success opened the way for further exploration and development of the Pacific Northwest and by 1811, Fort Astoria, the first US-owned settlement on the West Coast, was established. Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859. The Astoria-Megler Bridge opened in 1966, the final piece connecting Los Angeles to Olympia, Washington, via US Route 101.
Water from seven states and two Canadian provinces flows through the Columbia, passing under the 4-mile structure, the longest continuous truss bridge in North America.
波斯古城波斯波利斯的浮雕,伊朗 Reliefs in the ancient Persian city of Persepolis, Iran (© Ozbalci/Getty Images)
波斯古城波斯波利斯的浮雕,伊朗 Reliefs in the ancient Persian city of Persepolis, Iran (© Ozbalci/Getty Images)
哇,真是松了一口气! Wow, what a relief!
International Archaeology Day
It's International Archaeology Day, an opportunity to discover more about our past and different societies through ancient sites and artifacts. Across the world, events such as scavenger hunts, lectures, and interactive workshops will be held to mark the day and awaken your inner Indiana Jones.
Persepolis, whose ruins are in modern-day Iran, is an ancient archaeological site that once served as the ceremonial capital of the mighty Achaemenid Empire (c. 550–330 BCE). This UNESCO World Heritage Site is legendary for its magnificent ruins and Achaemenid architecture, including grand palaces, intricate carvings, and towering columns. Visitors can wander through the ruins to get a glimpse of its majestic past, when it was at the heart of what was then the largest empire of the ancient world.
Castell y Gwynt,格莱德法赫山,雪墩山国家公园,英国北威尔士 (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)
Castell y Gwynt,格莱德法赫山,雪墩山国家公园,英国北威尔士 (© Alan Novelli/Alamy Stock Photo)
科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区,科迪亚克岛,阿拉斯加州,美国 Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak Island, Alaska (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)
科迪亚克国家野生动物保护区,科迪亚克岛,阿拉斯加州,美国 Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Kodiak Island, Alaska (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)
西沃德的财富 Seward's fortune
Alaska Day
On October 18, 1867, the Russian Empire transferred the territory of Alaska to the United States following negotiations by US Secretary of State William Seward. The US paid $7.2 million, or about 2 cents per acre, for the land, adding more than 586,0000 square miles to its territory. Today the date is known as Alaska Day and honors the history, untamed wilderness, and unwavering resilience of the state.
To mark the day, we are in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, spread over several islands in the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska. Our homepage image shows Kodiak Island, whose landscape includes hundreds of miles of shoreline as well as lakes, marshes, bogs, and meadows. Its towering mountains are home to fjord inlets and lush vegetation, including sedges, alders, spruces, wildflowers, and berries. A wild inhabitant of the islands, the Kodiak bear, the largest subspecies of brown bear, is named after the archipelago.
波斯波利斯的古代雕刻文本, 伊朗 Ancient carved texts from Persepolis, Iran (© George Hall/Alamy)
波斯波利斯的古代雕刻文本, 伊朗 Ancient carved texts from Persepolis, Iran (© George Hall/Alamy)
遥远的过去数据 Distant-past data
19 世纪被破译。
Spreadsheet Day
Happy Spreadsheet Day! Be they a pivot table pro or an entry-level novice, spreadsheet users worldwide have one person to thank: Dan Bricklin released the first electronic spreadsheet program on this day in 1979. The day celebrates the sophisticated grids that have reshaped businesses from accounting and engineering to project management. But data handling did not begin in the digital age. Ancient civilizations had their own ways of recording and tracking the world around them, as seen in our homepage image.
Cuneiform, a script characterized by wedge-shaped symbols, was used to transcribe languages of the ancient Near East, a region roughly corresponding to today's Middle East. First developed around 3500 BCE, it was used for thousands of years, until the 1st century CE. In the early 17th century, the publication of Achaemenid royal inscriptions at Persepolis—in modern-day Iran—shed light again on cuneiform. These inscriptions had a mix of languages and were finally deciphered in the 19th century.
帕拉塔塔, 阿雅克肖, 科西嘉岛, 法国 (© Jon Ingall/Alamy)
帕拉塔塔, 阿雅克肖, 科西嘉岛, 法国 (© Jon Ingall/Alamy)
金色落叶松和普鲁西克峰,魔力地带,华盛顿州,美国 Golden larches and Prusik Peak, Enchantments, Washington (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)
金色落叶松和普鲁西克峰,魔力地带,华盛顿州,美国 Golden larches and Prusik Peak, Enchantments, Washington (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)
确实令人着迷 Enchanting indeed
Golden larches and Prusik Peak, the Enchantments, Washington
That jagged granite summit is Prusik Peak, an icon of Washington state's Enchantments region, high in the Cascade Mountain range. Getting here means a long, strenuous hike, and for much of the year it is covered in snow. But from midsummer through the fall, hikers and climbers arrive here as the larch trees turn golden. The granite peaks and autumnal colors are not the only attractions. The Enchantments boasts more than 700 alpine lakes and ponds, as well as herds of grazing mountain goats that roam this corner of the scenic Alpine Lakes Wilderness.
"火环”日环食,多哈,卡塔尔 'Ring of fire' annular solar eclipse, Doha, Qatar (© Sorin Furcoi/Getty Images)
"火环”日环食,多哈,卡塔尔 'Ring of fire' annular solar eclipse, Doha, Qatar (© Sorin Furcoi/Getty Images)
它燃烧,燃烧,燃烧 And it burns, burns, burns
'Ring of fire' solar eclipse
Sky gazers have been counting down to today: a 'ring of fire' annular solar eclipse is here to darken the skies over the Americas! Solar eclipses happen when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, casting parts of Earth into shadow. In an annular solar eclipse, a halo effect is created when the moon blocks out most but not all, of the sun's light. An annulus—or ring—of light remains visible. Seen here from Doha, Qatar, in 2019, the phenomenon will appear today over the United States—traveling from Oregon to Texas before continuing to Central America and ending in South America. While the 'ring of fire' is visible only in certain areas, partial eclipses will grace parts of all 50 states.
For those fortunate enough to live on the path of this cosmic show, be cautious. Do not look directly at the eclipse without specialized eye protection. Don't hesitate to make travel plans to see it, as the US will have to wait until 2039 for the next such event.