比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州,美国 Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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比斯第恶土,新墨西哥州美国 Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area, New Mexico (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

因时间而改变 Transformed by time


时间是伟大的变革者,它改变着世界,也改变着我们所有人。例如,新墨西哥州的这片名为比斯第恶土的荒地,曾经是一片郁郁葱葱的热带森林。近7000万年前,这里没有扭曲的地形和高耸的尖塔,而是一群白垩纪晚期恐龙的家园,包括甲龙、鸭嘴龙和强大的霸王龙。如今,这里到处都是另一种奇观,岩层看起来更像是雕塑,而不是自然现象。比斯第恶土的名字“Bisti/De-Na-Zin”是以纳瓦霍语命名的:“Bisti” 的意思是 "在土坯岩层中",“De-Na-Zin” 则来自附近的 "站立的仙起重机"石刻。来到四角地区的游客一定不要错过这片由页岩和砂岩组成的超凡脱俗的景观。

Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico

Time is the great transformer, changing the world and all of us. For instance, this New Mexico badland—the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness—was once a lush, tropical forest. Nearly 70 million years ago, instead of twisted terrains and towering spires, this place was home to an array of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs, including armored Ankylosaurs, duck-billed Hadrosaurs, and mighty Tyrannosaurs. Today, the area is filled with wonders of a different kind, rock formations that look more like sculptures than natural phenomena. Bisti/De-Na-Zin is named after Navajo words: Bisti means 'among the adobe formations,' and De-Na-Zin means 'standing crane,' a reference to nearby rock carvings of the bird. Visitors to the Four Corners region shouldn't miss out on this otherworldly landscape of shale and sandstone.

标签: 美国, 新墨西哥

