
杜德维卡塔拉大桥,黑山 Đurđevića Tara Bridge in Montenegro (© Hike The World/Shutterstock)

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杜德维卡塔拉大黑山 Đurđevića Tara Bridge in Montenegro (© Hike The World/Shutterstock)

The bridge on the River Tara

In northwestern Montenegro, the Đurđevića Tara Bridge is the fastest passage between the villages of Budečevica and Trešnjica. The five-arch concrete bridge was completed in 1940 just as World War II was spreading across Europe. By 1941, Italian forces from the Axis powers had invaded this region. Local guerrilla fighters took an extreme measure to keep the Italian army from crossing the Tara River Valley: They blew up one of the arches, making the bridge unpassable and slowing the advancement of the Axis. The bridge was rebuilt in 1946, and though it retains its original name, some still call it the anti-fascist bridge. And now you know an awesome story about a bridge in Montenegro.



菲律宾马荣山的火山口冒烟 Crater glow from Mount Mayon in the Philippines (© Per-Andre Hoffmann/Cavan)

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菲律宾马荣火山口冒烟 Crater glow from Mount Mayon in the Philippines (© Per-Andre Hoffmann/Cavan)

Behold the 'perfect' cone

How far would you have to travel for the 'perfect cone'? Well, probably not too far if you're talking ice cream. But if volcanoes are what you're looking for, you'll have to make your way to Mount Mayon on the Philippine island of Luzon. The glowing lava you see is on the tip of the world's most perfectly shaped, symmetrical volcanic cone, which formed after years of eruptions from what is still an active stratovolcano. Mount Mayon has erupted dozens of times in the past 400 years, and there was a significant eruption as recently as 2018. Even this year, smaller white steam plume emissions and faint crater glow are sometimes visible. Mayon is the most active volcano in an island nation full of active volcanos, and is located inside the UNESCO Albay Biosphere Reserve, as well as the Philippine's Mayon Volcano Natural Park. Despite its active status, tourists still flock to the park to view the unique beauty of this cone shaped spectacle.



Ruskeala山地公园的地下湖, 俄罗斯卡累利阿 Underground lake in Ruskeala Mountain Park, Karelia, Russia (© Konstantin Trubavin/Offset by Shutterstock)

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Ruskeala山地公园的地下俄罗斯卡累利阿 Underground lake in Ruskeala Mountain Park, Karelia, Russia (© Konstantin Trubavin/Offset by Shutterstock)

Notes from an underground lake

The Ruskeala Mountain Park is an eerily beautiful reminder of the booming mining industry that thrived for centuries in this area of Russia near the border with Finland. Constructed on top of an abandoned marble quarry, the park opened to the public in 2005. A centuries-old quarry that's been flooded with groundwater since the end of World War II is the park's centerpiece, although some old buildings and kilns from the mines are still intact.

Quarries in this area once extracted and exported limestone, and more importantly, marble, for use in large building projects in Russia. Catherine the Great is said to have had an affinity for the white marble that came from Ruskeala and urged its use in the construction of many of the beautiful buildings in St. Petersburgh during her 18th century reign as empress. Marble from the mines eventually ended up in famous landmarks of the city, including St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Michael's Castle and the Marble Palace, among others. While the mines finally stopped operations in the 1990s, the park is now a popular day trip for tourists who want to learn more about the history of mining in the region.




镶嵌在巨石之间的石屋,葡萄牙 Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock) in Portugal (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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镶嵌在巨石之间的石屋葡萄牙 Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock) in Portugal (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)


This rock-solid house in the Fafe mountains of northwest Portugal looks like it could be the home of a modern Stone Age family. Known locally as Casa do Penedo (House of the Rock), its prehistoric appearance has drawn comparisons to the Flintstones' dwelling from the fictional town of Bedrock. But the secluded stone structure on our homepage is very much real—it was built as a rural retreat in the Portuguese countryside in the 1970s. The building is sandwiched between four boulders that serve as the foundation, walls, and ceiling of the house, blending in as part of the beautiful natural landscape.

It may appear small on the outside, but inside there are two floors, comprising a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedrooms—just enough space for a family and their pet dinosaur. Many of the rustic fittings, including furniture, stairs, and handrails, are made of logs. There's no electricity, but there is a stone fireplace and even a small outdoor swimming pool carved out of one of the rocks. The quirkiness of the building has attracted plenty of curious visitors over the years, leaving the owners between a rock and a hard place. Due to an influx of tourists, Casa do Penedo can no longer be used as a peaceful getaway and has even been equipped with bulletproof windows and a steel door to fend off vandals. Today it functions as a small museum with relics and photographs from the house's history.


这座位于葡萄牙西北部法夫山脉的坚固岩石房子看起来像是一个现代石器时代家庭的家。它的史前外观在当地被称为“岩石之屋”(Casa do Penedo),与虚构的基岩镇上的弗林茨通家的住宅相比,它的史前外观更具吸引力。但我们主页上的隐蔽的石头结构非常真实,它是1970年代在葡萄牙农村作为一个乡村休养地建造的。该建筑被夹在四块巨石之间,作为房屋的基础、墙壁和天板,融入了美丽自然景观的一部分。


美国大峡谷北缘的天使之窗,亚利桑那州 Peekaboo view of Angels Window on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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美国大峡谷北缘的天使之窗,亚利桑那州 Peekaboo view of Angels Window on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

Happy anniversary to the National Park Service!

On the National Park Service's Founders Day, we're here on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona peering out at the stunning vista. Can you see the rectangular hole in the canyon wall near the top of the image? That's Angels Window. Brave hikers can make their way up to the trail above it, but the window itself is best viewed from various points along the North Rim. Far down below is the Colorado River. Beginning about 6 million years ago, it gradually carved downward through countless layers of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock. The Colorado and its tributary streams continue to deepen and widen the Grand Canyon even today.

The first national park, not only in the US, but also in the world, was Yellowstone, which was designated as a park in 1872. It was followed by Sequoia, Yosemite, and Mt. Rainier. While the Grand Canyon seems like an obvious choice for a national park, land and mining moguls kept it from becoming protected as a park for years. It finally became a national park in 1919, three years after the National Park Service was created on August 25, 1916. Each year on August 25, Founders Day is celebrated in all the national parks, where entrance fees are waived in honor of the occasion.




奥林匹克海岸国家海洋保护区的海岸线,美国华盛顿州 The shoreline of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Washington state (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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奥林匹克海岸国家海洋保护区的海岸线,美国华盛顿州 The shoreline of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Washington state (© Chris Moore/Tandem Stills + Motion)

A wild, craggy corner of the United States

The sun is setting here on the west coast of Washington state's rugged Olympic Peninsula, where more than 3,000 square miles of marine waters are protected as part of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Wondering where exactly we are? Look at a map of the United States and draw your finger up the west coast until it ends where the Strait of Juan de Fuca meets the Pacific Ocean. Those final 135 miles of shoreline form the landward boundary of the sanctuary, which also extends seaward 25 to 50 miles.

This area attracts more than 3 million visitors a year. Many come to catch glimpses of the 29 species of marine mammals that reside in or migrate through this area, like humpback, gray, and orca whales, plus seals, sea lions, and sea otters. Salmon and halibut thrive here, as do any number of seabirds that make their nests in the craggy rock walls, seagrass, and treetops. At low tide, visitors explore tidepools teeming with life. This sanctuary is more than ecological resource, it's also home to vibrant Native American tribes. The Makah, Quileute, Hoh, and Quinault have been here for centuries, long before the first English sea captains spotted the coast and gave it its current name.




港边的小米努灯塔,法国布雷斯特 Petit Minou Lighthouse in the roadstead of Brest, Finistère, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Getty Images)

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边的小米努灯塔法国布雷斯特 Petit Minou Lighthouse in the roadstead of Brest, Finistère, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Getty Images)

Ambassadors of the airwaves

Today we're visiting the Petit Minou Lighthouse on the coast of northwest France to mark the relationship between lighthouses and the 20th-century technology of amateur radio, commonly known as 'ham' radio. The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) is an event set up every August by a group of amateur radio operators from nearly 100 countries. Events for this ILLW weekend are organized online with individual events held at various lighthouses around the world, where 'ham' radio operators gather to broadcast and engage with fellow enthusiasts. The aim of these gatherings is to not only foster goodwill for ham radio around the world, but also to promote awareness of lighthouse preservation and restoration, and to honor the legacy these solitary structures have had on our collective maritime heritage.



位于阿曼和迪拜酋长国边界的鲁卜哈利沙漠 Rub' al Khali desert on the border of Oman and the Emirate of Dubai (© Daniel Schoenen/Offset by Shutterstock)

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位于阿曼和迪拜酋长国边界的鲁卜哈利沙漠 Rub' al Khali desert on the border of Oman and the Emirate of Dubai (© Daniel Schoenen/Offset by Shutterstock)

Signs of life in the 'Empty Quarter'

An unlikely tree stands amid the seemingly endless dunes of the Rub' al Khali desert in the Arabian Peninsula. The Rub' al Khali, meaning the 'Empty Quarter,' is a vast sea of sand. Spreading across 250,000 square miles, it's the largest contiguous sand desert in the world, covering most of southeastern Saudi Arabia, with smaller portions in Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. One of the driest places on Earth, almost no one lives in Rub' al Khali, and much of the desert remains unexplored. Some of the dunes tower more than 800 feet, and the depressions in between—called sabkhas—can be so soft that vehicles, camels, and people can easily become stuck.

The Rub' al Khali wasn't always so forbiddingly dry. At various times between 2,000 and 6,000 years ago, 'cataclysmic rainfall,' like modern-day monsoons, formed shallow lakes in the spaces between the dunes. Most of these lakes were temporary, but some lasted hundreds of years and supported a variety of plants and animals, even large creatures like hippopotamuses, water buffalo, and long-horned cattle. Rain isn't unheard of today, either. In May 2018, Cyclone Mekunu brought enough rain to once again form lakes in the Rub' al Khali, reportedly the first time that had happened in about 20 years—it was the rare occasion when the 'Empty Quarter' wasn't looking so empty after all.




杜布罗夫尼克老城,克罗地亚 The Old Town of Dubrovnik, Croatia (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

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杜布罗夫尼克老城克罗地亚 The Old Town of Dubrovnik, Croatia (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

Wanderin' Wawayanda

Preserving more than 35,000 acres of prime New Jersey highland wilderness, Wawayanda State Park brushes up against the state's border with New York. The park's name come from a transliteration of the Lenape Indigenous people's word for the area, said to mean 'winding water' or 'water on the mountain.' A lake and a mountain within the park are also called Wawayanda—perhaps because it's so fun to say?

In addition to the various rivers and creeks here, the park is home to 11 miles of trails, many of them covered with wooden planks. The trail in this photo is an out-and-back hike that takes visitors up to a lookout point on Wawayanda Mountain, where stunning views inspired the trail's name: Stairway to Heaven. (And now you have the Led Zeppelin song stuck in your head. You're welcome?)




天堂之路,新泽西州瓦瓦安达州立公园 Stairway to Heaven trail in Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey (© Leembe/Getty Images)

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天堂之路,新泽西州瓦瓦安达州立公园 Stairway to Heaven trail in Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey (© Leembe/Getty Images)

Wanderin' Wawayanda

Preserving more than 35,000 acres of prime New Jersey highland wilderness, Wawayanda State Park brushes up against the state's border with New York. The park's name come from a transliteration of the Lenape Indigenous people's word for the area, said to mean 'winding water' or 'water on the mountain.' A lake and a mountain within the park are also called Wawayanda—perhaps because it's so fun to say?

In addition to the various rivers and creeks here, the park is home to 11 miles of trails, many of them covered with wooden planks. The trail in this photo is an out-and-back hike that takes visitors up to a lookout point on Wawayanda Mountain, where stunning views inspired the trail's name: Stairway to Heaven. (And now you have the Led Zeppelin song stuck in your head. You're welcome?)


