
奥勒松,挪威 Ålesund, Norway (© AWL Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

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奥勒松挪威 Ålesund, Norway (© AWL Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

Happy Syttende Mai!

If you have Norwegian roots, May 17, aka Syttende Mai, is a day to celebrate. On this day in 1814, the Constitution of Norway was signed, declaring Norway an independent kingdom. Today we honor this stunning country by flying over the town of Ålesund, nestled amid the mountains and fjords in the western part of the country. This seaport stretches across several islands linked by bridges and is known for its charming Art Nouveau architecture. In ordinary years, Ålesund draws hordes of tourists and serves as a gateway for visitors to explore the bird island of Runde as well as Geirangerfjord, considered one of Norway's most beautiful fjords.


如果你有挪威的根,5月17日,又名Syttende Mai,是一个值得庆祝的日子。1814年的今天,挪威宪法签署,宣布挪威为独立王国。今天,我们飞过这个令人惊叹的国家Å莱松,坐落在该国西部的群峡湾之中。这个海港横跨几个屿,由梁连接,以其迷人的新艺术主义建筑而闻名。平日里,Å莱松德吸引了大批游客,成为游客探索伦德鸟岛以及被认为是挪威最美丽峡之一的盖兰热峡湾(Geirangerfjord)的门户。

鸟瞰瓜塔佩巨岩,哥伦比亚瓜塔佩 Aerial view of El Peñón de Guatapé, Guatapé, Antioquia, Colombia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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鸟瞰瓜塔佩巨岩,哥伦比亚瓜塔佩 Aerial view of El Peñón de Guatapé, Guatapé, Antioquia, Colombia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

A magnificent monolith

Towering more than 650 feet, El Peñón de Guatapé (The Rock of Guatapé) is an inselberg, which is geologist-speak for a stone monolith that stands alone amid relatively flat surroundings. This huge rock is found in northwest Colombia, a region once inhabited by indigenous Tahamí people, who are said to have worshipped El Peñón, as many locals now call it. Probably because it's so smooth, no one is known to have climbed the rock until 1954, when a small group of friends scaled it by wedging a series of boards into a vertical crack. It took them five days to reach the top.

These days El Peñón is considerably easier to climb, but it'll still make you work for that view at the top. Into the same crack the climbers used back in '54, a masonry staircase now makes several switchbacks all the way to the summit. Each of the 740 stairs is numbered, so you can be reminded with each step just how many more remain before you arrive at the viewing platform up top.


高达650英尺,瓜塔佩 (瓜塔佩之岩) 是一个孤,这是地质学家所说的在相对平坦的环境中独立存在的一块石头。这块巨石发现于哥伦比亚西北部,该地区曾是土著塔哈姆人的聚居地í 据说崇拜艾尔佩的人ñón、 正如许多当地人现在所说。可能是因为它太滑了,直到1954年,一小群朋友用楔子把一系列木板塞进一条垂直的裂缝里,才知道有人爬上过这块岩石。他们了五天时间才到达顶峰。


帕瑞纳天文台的望远镜和星迹,智利阿塔卡马沙漠 Telescopes and star trails at Paranal Observatory, Atacama Desert, Chile (© Matteo Omied/Alamy)

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帕瑞纳天文台望远镜和星迹,智利阿塔卡马沙漠 Telescopes and star trails at Paranal Observatory, Atacama Desert, Chile (© Matteo Omied/Alamy)

Happy Astronomy Day!

No, that's not a downpour of lightsabers—but it's no typical night sky either. Stargazing here at Paranal Observatory, on a mountaintop in Chile's desolate Atacama Desert, you'll get one of the clearest possible naked-eye views of the southern skies. This 'lightsaber' effect comes from the photo's long exposure: What we're seeing is these stars' paths as they track across the night sky due to our planet's rotation. The dazzling colors indicate temperature, from chilly red (5,000-ish degrees Fahrenheit) to balmy blue (temps in the tens of thousands).

What about those structures beneath the starry sky? They're three of the eight telescopes making up the Very Large Telescope, an aptly named project of the European Southern Observatory. Together the telescopes compose photographs of astronomically fine focus: If you were to drive a car on the surface of the moon (which we don't advise trying), the VLT could snap a crystal-clear shot of your headlights.




上弗洛雷斯塔附近晨雾中亚马逊雨林,巴西马托格罗索 Amazon rainforest with fog in the morning near Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (© Pulsar Imagens/Alamy)

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上弗洛雷斯塔附近晨亚马逊雨林巴西马托格罗索 Amazon rainforest with fog in the morning near Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil (© Pulsar Imagens/Alamy)

A misty morning in Brazil

The Amazon rainforest is big. Almost unimaginably big. To begin to grasp its immensity, consider these numbers: The Amazon rainforest covers about 2% of the world's surface area, nearly 2.1 million square miles across South America, mostly (nearly 60%) in the country you see here, Brazil. It's an area that accounts for over half the Earth's remaining rainforests. The breadth of biodiversity is incomparable–nearly 16,000 different tree species, 40,000 species of other plants, 2.5 million insect species, and over 2,000 different types of birds and mammals. Incredibly, perhaps a tenth of the planet's known species call the Amazon home, many of which have not even been identified.

Yet, despite its vastness and ecological riches, the Amazon and the world's rainforests in general are in jeopardy, with large swaths of these precious environments being stripped and spoiled every day. Recent analysis has revealed some ominous warning signs that the Amazon rainforest, long known as the 'Lungs of the World,' is now spewing out as much greenhouse gas as it can store because of rampant deforestation here. If true, this is a bad sign in our battle against climate change. Hopefully, these warnings will raise awareness about the importance of rainforests, and the vital 'carbon sink' role they play in creating and maintaining the air that we breath. The more we learn about rainforests, the more we appreciate how our own future, and the future of our planet, hinges upon their health.




美瑛町的四季彩之丘,日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)

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美瑛町的四季彩之丘日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)

Hues of Hokkaido

The Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido is known the world over as a winter wonderland. But once the snow melts, it's not long before the northerly island becomes a summery extravaganza of color. Just outside the town of Biei in central Hokkaido's hilly highlands, gardeners cultivate a rainbow blanket of tulips, lupine, marigolds, dahlias, and many more flowering plants. So wide is the assortment here at Shikisai no Oka (meaning 'Hills of Seasonal Colors') that if you visit between April and October, you're sure to find at least one type of flower in full bloom.


日本北海道县被全世界称为季仙境。但一旦融化,不久,北风就变成了夏季色彩的盛宴。就在北海道中部丘陵高地的碧井镇外,园丁们种植着一片彩虹般的郁金香羽扇豆、万寿菊、大丽和更多的开花植物。Shikisai Nooka(意为“季节性色彩的山丘”)的品种繁多,如果你在4月至10月期间造访,你肯定会发现至少有一种花开得很茂盛。

香浓河对岸的景色,爱尔兰利默里克 A view across the River Shannon in Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland (© Piotr Machowczyk/Shutterstock)

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香浓对岸的景色,爱尔兰利默里克 A view across the River Shannon in Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland (© Piotr Machowczyk/Shutterstock)

A visit to Limerick on Limerick

Today is Limerick Day, and what better place to celebrate this unofficial holiday than in Limerick, Ireland. The connection between the historic city and the humorous, five-line verse is unclear. Several theories have been purported, none of them definitive. But the city of Limerick has embraced its namesake poetry style and in recent years the Limerick Writers' Centre has hosted an annual competition called Bring Your Limericks to Limerick.

We're looking across the River Shannon at the historic part of the city, a medieval section once walled off by the Vikings around 812 and known today as King's Island. That's King John's Castle on the left, built on the order of King John in 1200. Over on the right is St. Mary's Cathedral, which dates from 1168 and is the oldest building in Limerick still in use. History suggests the area was settled long before the Vikings conquered it and set about destroying Irish public records. The earliest map of Ireland, produced in 150 CE by historian and overall polymath Ptolemy, shows a place called 'Regia' at the same site as King's Island.




格林内尔湖,蒙大拿州冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

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格林内尔蒙大拿冰川国家公园 Grinnell Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana (© Pung/Shutterstock)

'The Crown of the Continent'

With one million acres of rugged, northwestern Montana wilderness to explore, a trip to Glacier National Park could fill up an entire summer and more. But let's just take one day and virtually visit Grinnell Lake. A 7-mile loop trail, a relatively easy one in this rugged country, takes you to the shores of the lake turned emerald-green by glacial silt. Grinnell Lake—as well as Mount Grinnell and Grinnell Glacier—is named for the naturalist and Audubon Society founder George Bird Grinnell. For two decades, he lobbied for the creation of the park, and on May 11, 1910, the 'Crown of the Continent,' as Grinnell dubbed this area, became the nation's 10th national park.



穆斯黑德湖附近的Norcross Brook河与湿地,缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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穆斯黑德附近的Norcross Brook湿地缅因州皮斯卡特奎斯 Norcross Brook and wetlands near Moosehead Lake in Piscataquis County, Maine (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion

Deep in the North Woods wetlands

To celebrate American Wetlands Month, we're flying over Norcross Brook, which snakes through the wetlands of Maine's North Woods near Moosehead Lake. Wetlands like these are an often-underappreciated natural resource. They act as vital link between land and our planet's watersheds, playing a crucial role in protecting healthy ecosystems. In addition to providing indispensable habitat for the many species that call them home, wetlands filter our drinking water and cycle nutrients. They also provide a natural buffer from storms, absorb flood waters, and capture carbon from the atmosphere—all of which help to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Some of the wetlands here around Moosehead Lake include the West Shirley Bog and the Lazy Tom Bog, both of which are well-known moose-watching hotspots. The hulking animals of Maine's North Woods are so common they're said to outnumber residents three to one. Surely there's a moose or five down there among those trees…




托塞加尔瀑布,印度马哈拉施特拉邦 Thoseghar Waterfalls in Maharashtra, India (© Sonali Kumar/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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托塞加尔瀑布印度马哈拉施特拉邦 Thoseghar Waterfalls in Maharashtra, India (© Sonali Kumar/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

The roaring waterfalls…

Situated at the edge of the Konkan region in Maharashtra, India, the waterfall is formed of many small streams flowing from Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar and a series of other waterfalls that sprout up during the monsoon season. The sight of the waterfall is magical! You get to see the water swishing over the rocks joyfully. It thunders down into a pool like a gigantic waterspout, making a roaring sound. Needless to say, the place is rich in flora and fauna and you can see the species of exotic and local birds that you would have never seen before.

Another reason for featuring this beautiful waterfall today is that we are celebrating Maharashtra Day. On this day in 1960, Maharashtra gained statehood after the division from the Bombay State.




乔鲁拉大金字塔,墨西哥乔鲁拉 The Great Pyramid of Cholula, in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

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乔鲁拉金字塔墨西哥乔鲁拉 The Great Pyramid of Cholula, in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico (© mauritius images GmbH/Alamy)

The birthplace of Cinco de Mayo

The church we see on the grassy hill was built after Hernan Cortez and his Spanish army conquered Cholula one October day in 1519. The Spanish ravaged the holy city that day, murdering 10% of its population and burning down the many pyramids that dotted the area. But just underneath this church, buried for centuries, lay an ancient secret never discovered by the Spanish. It's the largest pyramid in the world, the Great Pyramid of Cholula, so large its enormous base would span several Olympic-sized swimming pools.

It's apt then, that we visit this holy area on Cinco de Mayo. Just 20 miles away near the city of Puebla, on May 5, 1862, another battle was waged, this time by the Mexicans against French invaders. By some miracle, the vastly outnumbered and outarmed Mexicans won the Battle of Puebla. And so today, we in the United States join those in this part of Mexico to celebrate a win over would-be conquerors.

Cinco de Mayo的诞生地

