美瑛町的四季彩之丘,日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)
美瑛町的四季彩之丘,日本 Shikisai no Oka flower gardens in Biei, Japan (© Tanya Jones/Shutterstock)
Hues of Hokkaido
The Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido is known the world over as a winter wonderland. But once the snow melts, it's not long before the northerly island becomes a summery extravaganza of color. Just outside the town of Biei in central Hokkaido's hilly highlands, gardeners cultivate a rainbow blanket of tulips, lupine, marigolds, dahlias, and many more flowering plants. So wide is the assortment here at Shikisai no Oka (meaning 'Hills of Seasonal Colors') that if you visit between April and October, you're sure to find at least one type of flower in full bloom.
日本北海道县被全世界称为冬季仙境。但一旦雪融化,不久,北风岛就变成了夏季色彩的盛宴。就在北海道中部丘陵高地的碧井镇外,园丁们种植着一片彩虹般的郁金香、羽扇豆、万寿菊、大丽花和更多的开花植物。Shikisai Nooka(意为“季节性色彩的山丘”)的品种繁多,如果你在4月至10月期间造访,你肯定会发现至少有一种花开得很茂盛。