日出时分的富士山, 河口湖, 日本 Mount Fuji at sunrise, Lake Kawaguchi, Japan (© Twenty47studio/Getty Images)

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日出时分的富士山, , 日本 Mount Fuji at sunrise, Lake Kawaguchi, Japan (© Twenty47studio/Getty Images)

清晨的美好精 Wind of Fuji, my souvenir from Edo


东京西南约 60 英里处,矗立着日本的文化象征之一:富士山。这座日本最高峰海拔近12,000英尺,其近乎完美对称火山锥,每年约有五个月被积覆盖,形成壮丽景观。几个世纪以来,富士山一直被视为神圣之山。在神道信仰中,富士山被奉为本宫浅间大社的圣山,并在其视野范围内建有供奉它的神社。

Mount Fuji Day

Around 60 miles southwest of Tokyo stands one of Japan's cultural icons: Mount Fuji. The country's tallest mountain rises 12,000 feet above the surrounding landscape, with its near-symmetrical cone covered in snow for nearly five months each year. For centuries, Fujisan—as it is known in Japanese—has been worshiped as a sacred mountain. In the Shinto faith, Fuji is deified as Asama no Okami, and shrines dedicated to it are built within sight of the mountain.

February 23 is celebrated as Mount Fuji Day (富士山の日) because the word 'Fujisan' can be interpreted as '2, 2, 3.' Although it's not a national holiday, people often take the opportunity to learn more about this majestic peak. It's also a day to reflect on the future of the mountain, and how it can be preserved for future generations. Every year, more than 300,000 people climb Mount Fuji, and overtourism has become a real concern.

标签: 日本, 日出, 富士山


