砂岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
砂岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
风蚀石们的问候 Hoodoo you do?
在美国犹他州,布莱斯峡谷国家公园以其壮观的砂岩迷宫和独特的岩柱景观闻名于世。这里的历史可追溯至少10,000年前,曾是阿纳齐族人、普韦布洛人和派尤特人的家园。公园里的岩柱是由侵蚀作用形成的高耸岩石尖塔,在派尤特部落的创世神话中占据重要地位。根据传说,这些岩柱曾是“传说中的人”, 因狡猾的郊狼施下的诅咒而化为石头。
18世纪末至19世纪初,首批欧洲裔美国人抵达这一地区,并在1850年代开始定居。布莱斯峡谷的名字源自埃比尼泽·布莱斯这一位早期定居者,他在峡谷附近拥有一块土地。1928 年的今天,布莱斯峡谷正式被指定为国家公园。如今,该公园以岩柱闻名,每年吸引超过 200 万游客前来欣赏这一地质奇观。事实上,布莱斯峡谷国家公园拥有地球上最密集的岩柱群,为游客提供了一场视觉盛宴。
Anniversary of Bryce Canyon National Park
A breathtaking maze of sandstone formations and awe-inspiring views awaits you at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. People have lived in this area for at least 10,000 years, including the Anasazi, Pueblo, and Paiute Peoples. The hoodoos—tall, thin spires of rock formed by erosion—in the park inspired Paiute mythology: They believed them to be the Legend People turned to stone by the trickster Coyote.
The first European Americans arrived in the area in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and some eventually settled there in the 1850s. Bryce Canyon was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who had a homestead nearby. On this date in 1928, Bryce was declared a national park. These days, the park is famous for its hoodoos. Every year, over 2 million visitors come to marvel at these geological formations. In fact, Bryce Canyon National Park has the highest concentration of hoodoos anywhere on Earth.