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雪莉夫人森林和古堡遗迹,新罕布什尔州,美国 Madame Sherri Forest and the remnant of an old castle, New Hampshire (© yggdrasill/Shutterstock)

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莉夫人森林古堡遗迹新罕布什尔州,美国 Madame Sherri Forest and the remnant of an old castle, New Hampshire (© yggdrasill/Shutterstock)

无处可去的阶梯 Stairway to nowhere




Madame Sherri Forest, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri Forest in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, is a captivating destination steeped in history and natural beauty. It was once the site of an extravagant house built in the 1930s by Madame Antoinette Sherri, a flamboyant 1920s costume designer known for her lavish parties. Madame Sherri's dramatic arrivals in town, often in a chauffeur-driven Packard, draped in furs, became the talk of the locals. As her fortune declined, her 'castle' fell into disrepair and was vandalized. In 1959, she returned to find her property in ruins and never came back. A fire destroyed the house in 1963, leaving behind only the stone foundation, an iconic staircase, and a large fireplace leading to a lone chimney.

Today, the forest where her house once stood spans over 500 acres and offers scenic hiking trails through woodlands, hemlock groves, and around peaceful brooks, a picturesque setting for outdoor enthusiasts. Managed by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, this area was named in honor of Madame Sherri, and it also includes trails that lead to the ruins of her former estate. So, while the house was originally separate from the forest, the two are now intricately entwined.

乔治·史密斯州立公园的柏树,佐治亚州,美国 Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia (© Chris Moore/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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乔治·史密斯州立公园的柏佐治亚州美国 Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia (© Chris Moore/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

秋天里傲然挺立 Standing tall in fall



Cypress trees in George L. Smith State Park, Georgia

The sturdy, swamp-loving, cypress trees pictured in the mist on our homepage can grow over 100 feet tall. These towering specimens are found in George L. Smith State Park, which spans 1,634 acres in Emanuel County, Georgia. The park's centerpiece is a 412-acre mill pond, a favorite spot for fishing and canoeing. Out of its waters grow pond cypress and bald cypress trees, two varieties that are native to the southeastern US. Winding through the park are over 7 miles of nature trails, leading visitors through sandy landscapes past a bird sanctuary and tortoise habitat. The hardwood trees here are a haven for woodpeckers and other birds, while the soft soil provides ideal burrowing ground for tortoises. No matter the season, this park promises a peaceful retreat for all.

曼哈顿中央公园的秋天,纽约,美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

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曼哈顿中央公园秋天纽约美国 Autumn in Central Park, Manhattan, New York (© mapman/Shutterstock)

邂逅日的林荫道 Fall in the Mall




Autumn in Central Park, New York

Every autumn, many of the 18,000 trees in Central Park, New York, are painted in shades of yellow, red, and orange. It's one of Central Park's most photographed seasons, and fall in the park has provided iconic backdrops for movies like 'When Harry Met Sally…' and 'Hair.' Trees sense the coming of winter not only by temperature, but by the angle at which sunlight hits their leaves. Because of New York's buildings, the unique interaction of light, shadows, and temperatures often results in fall foliage occurring later in the park than the rest of the city.

Today's image features fall in the Mall, a pedestrian walkway designed and built in the mid-1800s. Flanked by benches and American elm trees, the Mall's canopy was meant to evoke an architectural space like a cathedral. The quarter-mile promenade is the park's only straight path, and it was intended to be a place for New Yorkers of all classes and backgrounds to gather, stroll, sit, and perhaps ponder the passing seasons.

马布尔附近的白杨树,科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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马布尔附近的白杨科罗拉多州,美国 Aspens near Marble, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

色彩斑斓的秋天 Colorado in full color



Aspens in the White River National Forest, Colorado

Slender white trunks reaching skyward and leaves fluttering even in the gentlest breeze—aspen trees are a symbol of the American wilderness. Found across the western states, especially in Utah and Colorado, these trees are the most widespread native species in North America. Their fall foliage is breathtaking, with their leaves turning a vibrant yellow that lights up the landscape, as seen in today's photo, which was taken in the White River National Forest, Colorado.

Aspens are not only beautiful but also biologically fascinating. They grow in large colonies that originate from a single root system, making them some of the largest living organisms on Earth. Each tree in the colony is genetically identical. When an aspen tree is cut down or damaged, the root system remains alive, allowing new shoots to emerge and grow, which helps create a tenacious network that can survive harsh conditions, including wildfires. This species quickly colonizes areas that have been recently burned down and can regenerate even after frequent fires. Aspen trees are more than just a treat for the eyes; they are an example of nature's resilience.

郊狼峡谷拱门中的白杨树,格兰峡谷休闲区,犹他州,美国 Cottonwoods seen through an arch in Coyote Gulch, Glen Canyon Recreation Area, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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郊狼峡谷拱门中的白杨,格兰峡谷休闲区,犹他州美国 Cottonwoods seen through an arch in Coyote Gulch, Glen Canyon Recreation Area, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

一抹金色 Golden glimpses



温德河,布鲁克斯山脉,北极国家野生动物保护区,阿拉斯加州,美国 Wind River, Brooks Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (© Design Pics/DanitaDelimont)

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温德,布鲁克斯山脉北极国家野生动物保护区,阿拉斯加州,美国 Wind River, Brooks Range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (© Design Pics/DanitaDelimont)

河流的狂野舞蹈 River's wild dance



Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

Ever wonder how some of our rivers stay unspoiled? It's thanks to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, which was signed into law on this day in 1968. This legislation created the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, which preserves rivers with exceptional natural, cultural, and recreational qualities.

The national rivers system oversees more than 13,000 miles of 228 rivers across 41 states and Puerto Rico, a tiny fraction of the 3.5 million miles of US rivers. It categorizes rivers as wild, scenic, or recreational. The Wind River in northeastern Alaska, seen in today's image, is a wild river, isolated and undeveloped. It flows for 85 miles, from the Philip Smith Mountains to the East Fork of the Chandalar River, winding through a valley filled with lakes and wetlands. Part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, this river valley is a bustling habitat for Dall sheep, moose, caribou, and grizzly bears. In a changing world, it's comforting to know these rivers will remain unchanged.

横跨胡萨托尼克河的西康沃尔廊桥,康涅狄格州,美国 West Cornwall Covered Bridge over the Housatonic River, Connecticut (© pabradyphoto/Getty Images)

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横跨胡萨托尼克的西康沃尔廊桥康涅狄格州,美国 West Cornwall Covered Bridge over the Housatonic River, Connecticut (© pabradyphoto/Getty Images)

连接康涅狄格州 Connecting Connecticut




West Cornwall Covered Bridge, Connecticut

Covered bridges like West Cornwall Covered Bridge, pictured in today's image, were designed with roofs and siding to protect their wooden structures from weathering, greatly increasing their durability. While many were built in the 19th century, few have survived to the present day, and the ones that have are often preserved for their historical and visual significance.

The West Cornwall bridge in Cornwall, Connecticut, is a historic wooden lattice truss bridge that spans the Housatonic River. Constructed in 1864 using the central pier from an earlier bridge, it's one of only three remaining roofed bridges in Connecticut. Modified about 50 years ago, it was recognized as a national historic building in 1975 and still supports traffic today. The bridge has appeared in films and postcards, embodying the classic image of a New England village.

日出时的海滩,海湾岛国家海岸,佛罗里达,美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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日出时的海滩海湾国家海岸佛罗里达美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

群岛芒 Gulf Islands glow




巨型红杉,红杉国家公园,加利福尼亚州,美国 Giant sequoias, Sequoia National Park, California (© Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock)

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巨型红杉,红杉国家公园加利福尼亚州美国 Giant sequoias, Sequoia National Park, California (© Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock)

古代巨人的王国 The realm of ancient giants



Sequoia National Park's 134th anniversary

On this day in 1890, Sequoia National Park was founded in the southern Sierra Nevada of California to protect one of America's natural splendors. Named after the giant sequoias that dominate the landscape, the park spans more than 629 square miles and is home to wildlife such as black bears, mule deer, and over 200 species of birds, including warblers, vireos, and flycatchers. The giant sequoia trees here have been rooted for more than 2,200 years and are among Earth's oldest living organisms. The park's renowned General Sherman tree rises to an astonishing 275 feet. Named after the American Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman, it's not only tall but is also more than 36 feet wide. Visitors flock to capture moments among these ancient giants, whose reddish-brown, fibrous bark and wide-reaching branches evoke a sense of living history.

奥克拉科克岛上的奥克拉科克灯塔,北卡罗来纳州,美国 Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina (© Chansak Joe/Getty Images)

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奥克拉科克上的奥克拉科克灯塔北卡罗来纳州,美国 Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina (© Chansak Joe/Getty Images)

海盗的最终归宿 A buccaneer's final haven



奥克拉科克岛的历史充满了海盗的故事,其中包括声名狼藉的黑胡子:他是一名英国海盗,因在西印度群岛以及弗吉尼亚和卡罗莱纳海岸一带活动而臭名昭著。他在奥克拉科克岛度过了生命最后的大部分时,直到1718年去世。岛上的居民讲一种融合了伊丽莎白时代的英语、爱尔兰语和苏格兰口音的独特方言,名叫“Hoi Toider”。不过,随着年轻一代采用更标准的美式英语,这种方言正在慢慢消失。尽管奥克拉科克岛的人口不多,但其历史、文化和自然美景使其成为各年龄段游客心驰神往的目的地。

Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina

Welcome to Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This secluded island, with 16 miles of beaches, can only be reached by ferry or small plane. The Ocracoke Lighthouse, seen in today's image, stands out as a notable landmark. The lighthouse celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2023, making it the oldest continuously operating lighthouse in North Carolina. It boasts an 8,000-candlepower light, which can be seen up to 14 miles offshore.

Ocracoke Island's history is peppered with tales of pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard, an English pirate who was notorious for his operations in the West Indies and along the Virginia and Carolina coasts. He spent much of his final days on Ocracoke Island until his death in battle with British naval forces in 1718. The island's residents speak the unique 'Hoi Toider' dialect, a blend of Elizabethan English, Irish, and Scottish accents. However, this dialect is slowly fading as younger generations adopt more standard American English.