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鲍曼附近日落时分的闪电和风暴云,内布拉斯加州,美国 Lightning and storm clouds at sunset near Bowman, Nebraska (© john finney photography/Getty Images)

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鲍曼附近日落时分的闪电和风暴内布拉斯加州,美国 Lightning and storm clouds at sunset near Bowman, Nebraska (© john finney photography/Getty Images)

雷鸣不可阻挡 You can't silence thunder


今天,我们庆祝世界气象日,这一纪念日旨在纪念1950年世界气象组织的成立。每年的世界气象日都会关注一个重要的全球气象议题。2025 年的主题“携手缩小预警差距”,强调及时的天气预警和早期行动对于减少灾害损失的重要性。


World Meteorological Day

Today, we celebrate World Meteorological Day, commemorating the founding of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1950. For the annual event, the WMO places emphasis on a different pressing topic each year. The slogan of 2025, 'Closing the early warning gap together,' highlights the importance of timely weather alerts and early action.

Pictured here is awe-inspiring anvil crawler lightning in Nebraska, a state renowned for its tornadoes and thunderstorms, typically during spring and summer. Anvil crawlers are tree-like lightning discharges that move horizontally. Nebraska's location in the Great Plains makes it a hotspot for storm activity. Thanks to the WMO's advancements in meteorology, we can better predict and respond to these dramatic weather events, safeguarding lives and property.

红色岩层,塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Red rock formations, Sedona, Arizona (© Jim Ekstrand/Alamy Stock Photo)

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红色岩层,塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Red rock formations, Sedona, Arizona (© Jim Ekstrand/Alamy Stock Photo)

漩涡般的心境 A vortex state of mind




Rock formations at Sedona, Arizona

Sedona, Arizona, is a place where nature, history, and spirituality converge amidst stunning red rock formations. These fiery sandstone creations, part of the Schnebly Hill Formation, were shaped over millions of years during the Permian Period as sediment accumulated in an ancient sea. Over time, erosion has further sculpted Sedona's landscapes, which now glow brilliantly at sunrise and sunset. Notable formations such as Wilson Mountain, Seven Sacred Pools, and Cathedral Rock offer iconic views.

Sedona isn't just a geological wonder; it's also steeped in history. Native American people have called this region home for millennia. Without any written history, most of the information about the earliest settlers comes from the archaeological ruins that remain, including rock art, cliff dwellings, and pueblos such as Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot. Visitors can also experience Sedona's renowned energy vortexes—spiritual sites said to promote healing and balance. These areas, marked by twisted juniper trees and breathtaking views, add a mystical dimension to Sedona's allure.

沙漠大角羊,内华达州火焰谷州立公园,美国 Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)

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沙漠大角羊,内华达州火焰谷州立公园美国 Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)

岩石间的生存之道 Rocky relationship




Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

Nature's desert navigators—desert bighorn sheep—are a marvel to watch, effortlessly scaling cliffs and navigating rocky terrains with grace. Native to North America, these sheep are known for their distinctive curled horns, which can weigh up to 30 pounds. Rams use their massive horns in intense head-butting contests. During these battles, they hurl themselves at each other in charges of up to 20 miles per hour. Ewes, on the other hand, tend to keep things more low-key, forming smaller groups with their lambs. Adapted to the desert environment, the desert bighorn sheep sub-species can go long periods without water, relying on moisture from plants to survive.

Valley of Fire State Park, seen in today's image, is one of the best spots in Nevada to observe these desert dwellers. This park is named for its fiery red sandstone formations that seem to glow under the sun. Beyond its natural beauty, the park holds deep historical significance, with petroglyphs left by ancient Indigenous peoples. It has also earned a place in pop culture as a filming location for scenes from 'Star Trek Generations.' Keep an eye on the rocky outcrops during your visit—you might spot a bighorn sheep observing you.

砂岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

风蚀石们的问候 Hoodoo you do?


在美国犹他州,布莱斯峡谷国家公园以其壮观的砂岩迷宫和独特的岩柱景观闻名于世。这里的历史可追溯至少10,000年前,曾是阿纳齐族人、普韦布洛人和派尤特人的家园。公园里的岩柱是由侵蚀作用形成的高耸岩石尖塔,在派尤特部落的创世神话中占据重要地位。根据传说,这些岩柱曾是“传说中的人”, 因狡猾的郊狼施下的诅咒而化为石头。

18世纪末至19世纪初,首批欧洲裔美国人抵达这一地区,并在1850年代开始定居。布莱斯峡谷的名字源自埃比尼泽·布莱斯这一位早期定居者,他在峡谷附近拥有一块土地。1928 年的今天,布莱斯峡谷正式被指定为国家公园。如今,该公园以岩柱闻名,每年吸引超过 200 万游客前来欣赏这一地质奇观。事实上,布莱斯峡谷国家公园拥有地球上最密集的岩柱群,为游客提供了一场视觉盛宴。

Anniversary of Bryce Canyon National Park

A breathtaking maze of sandstone formations and awe-inspiring views awaits you at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. People have lived in this area for at least 10,000 years, including the Anasazi, Pueblo, and Paiute Peoples. The hoodoos—tall, thin spires of rock formed by erosion—in the park inspired Paiute mythology: They believed them to be the Legend People turned to stone by the trickster Coyote.

The first European Americans arrived in the area in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and some eventually settled there in the 1850s. Bryce Canyon was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who had a homestead nearby. On this date in 1928, Bryce was declared a national park. These days, the park is famous for its hoodoos. Every year, over 2 million visitors come to marvel at these geological formations. In fact, Bryce Canyon National Park has the highest concentration of hoodoos anywhere on Earth.

圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国 The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri (© f11photo/Getty Images)

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圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国 The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri (© f11photo/Getty Images)

向辉煌迈进 Bending towards brilliance


今天,我们庆祝圣路易斯市密苏里州拱门国家公园成立周年纪念日,该公园于2018 年2月22日正式设立,坐落在风景如画的密西西比河沿岸,旨在纪念托马斯·杰斐逊提出的“大陆国家”构想。公园的核心是圣路易斯拱门,这座令人惊叹的630英尺高的建筑已成为圣路易斯的终极象征。拱门采用不锈钢建造,是世界上最高的拱门,也是密苏里州最高的可进入建筑。芬兰裔美国建筑师埃罗·沙里宁于1947年构思出这一设计,并在1965年10月28日正式落成,实现了他的愿景。这座拱门的未来主义设计长期以来被视为汽车时代的象征,代表着现代都市景观与技术进步带来的未来希望。

Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri

Today we are celebrating the anniversary of Gateway National Park, which was established on February 22, 2018, in St. Louis, Missouri. The park, which lies along a picturesque stretch of the Mississippi River, commemorates Thomas Jefferson’s idea of a continental nation. At its heart stands the Gateway Arch, a breathtaking 630-foot-tall structure that has become the ultimate symbol of St. Louis. Constructed of stainless steel, it holds the distinction of being the world's tallest arch and Missouri's tallest accessible structure. Finnish American architect Eero Saarinen dreamed up the design back in 1947, and by October 28, 1965, his vision had been brought to life. The arch's futuristic design has long been viewed as a symbol of the automobile era, representing the modern, urban landscape, and the promise of a technologically advanced future.

阿尔斯特罗姆角,鲍威尔湖,犹他州,美国 Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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阿尔斯特罗姆角,鲍威尔犹他州美国 Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

值得深思的高地 A point worth pondering




Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah

If you're chasing sunsets and jaw-dropping views, come to Alstrom Point. Located in southern Utah's Kane County, this spot in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area stands at an impressive height of 4,685 feet. Made mostly of Entrada Sandstone, it has the same geological roots as nearby sites like Romana Mesa, its parent peak, and Gunsight Butte, another sandstone summit to the east.

Part of the Lake Powell region, Alstrom Point extends southward into the vast waters of the lake, in between Padre Bay and Warm Creek Bay. When the lake is full, Alstrom Point towers nearly 1,000 feet above the water, offering views of the surrounding canyons. Lake Powell, spanning across Utah and Arizona, attracts around 3 million visitors every year. The lake is a maze of deep blue water winding through over 90 rock canyons. While its main stretch runs through Glen Canyon, it also snakes into over many smaller side canyons, along with the Escalante and San Juan Rivers.

琐罗亚斯德神庙,大峡谷国家公园,亚利桑那州,美国 Zoroaster Temple, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (© Nick Lake/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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琐罗亚斯德神庙大峡谷国家公园亚利桑那州,美国 Zoroaster Temple, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (© Nick Lake/Tandem Stills + Motion)

激发你的好奇心 Peaked your curiosity




Zoroaster Temple, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Carved by the Colorado River, nearly 2 billion years of Earth's history are exposed in the layers of the Grand Canyon. While geologists continue to debate parts of the formation story of the canyon, recent studies suggest the river carved its path through the region about 5 to 6 million years ago. Since then, the river has been deepening and widening the canyon while sculpting its dramatic geographic features.

Today, the Grand Canyon is much more than just a massive chasm with exceptional vistas. It's home to some stunning geographic features, like Zoroaster Temple, featured in today's image. This towering 7,123-foot summit is in Coconino County, Arizona. The peak was named after the ancient Iranian prophet Zoroaster by George Wharton James, an American photographer and journalist, and Clarence Dutton, an American geologist. Rick Tidrick and Dave Ganci made the first summit ascent of Zoroaster Temple in September 1958. This triumph marked the Grand Canyon's first technical climb, turning it into a hotspot and igniting a wave of summit-chasing climbers.

黄昏时的鹿谷,帕克城,犹他州,美国 Deer Valley at dusk, Park City, Utah (© Adventure_Photo/Getty Images)

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黄昏时的鹿谷,帕克城,犹他州美国 Deer Valley at dusk, Park City, Utah (© Adventure_Photo/Getty Images)

电影、山脉和魔法 Movies, mountains, and magic



Sundance Film Festival

Today, the Sundance Film Festival kicks off, celebrating the magic of movies against the backdrop of Utah's mountains. As a launchpad for groundbreaking films and emerging talent, Sundance has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1978. Now one of the film industry's most influential events, it has introduced the world to talents like Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh, whose early works premiered here before shaping their iconic careers. With competitive sections for dramatic and documentary movies, from features to shorts, the festival offers an inspiring array of storytelling.

At its heart is Park City, pictured here, one of Sundance's vibrant host cities—the event takes place across several Utah locations. Every January, this quaint destination transforms into a buzzing hub of creativity, drawing filmmakers and cinephiles from across the globe. Beyond the silver screen, Park City is worth exploring. It boasts stunning landscapes, top-tier ski resorts like Deer Valley and Park City Mountain, and endless outdoor adventures, from hiking and biking to soaking in nearby hot springs. Whether you're here for the films or the thrills, Sundance in Park City promises an unforgettable experience.

白沙国家公园的日落,新墨西哥州,美国 Sunset at White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Image Professionals GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

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白沙国家公园日落新墨西哥州美国 Sunset at White Sands National Park, New Mexico (© Image Professionals GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo)

1,001座白色沙丘 1,001 Mexican dunes




Dunes at White Sands National Park, New Mexico

Today's image features the dazzling beauty of White Sands National Park, New Mexico—a surreal expanse of glistening white gypsum dunes, the largest of its kind on Earth. Spanning more than 145,000 acres, these ever-shifting dunes rise up to 60 feet tall, creating a landscape not seen in many places. This park isn't only a natural wonder but a historical treasure, with fossilized human footprints dating back as far as 23,000 years, some of the oldest in North America.

Today marks the anniversary of White Sands being established as a protected site in 1933 by President Herbert Hoover. What better way to celebrate than by immersing yourself in its beauty? Enjoy activities like hiking, sledding down the dunes, or taking a scenic drive. Whether for its rich history or jaw-dropping sunsets, White Sands National Park is a wish-list destination that will leave you in awe.

尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州,美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

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尖峰国家公园的高峰步道,圣贝尼托县,加利福尼亚州美国 High Peaks Trail at Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)

诞生于火,历久弥坚 A monumental milestone




Anniversary of Pinnacles National Park, California

Jagged pinnacles and spires, monoliths, and unusual caves—welcome to Pinnacles National Park in central California. President Theodore Roosevelt designated the area as a national monument in 1908, and Pinnacles would earn its status as a national park in 2013. As we celebrate the park's anniversary today, let's take a moment to appreciate this landscape. Pinnacles owes its formations to an ancient volcanic eruption that occurred 23 million years ago. The fiery beginnings made towering spires, cliffs, and talus caves, which are created by falling boulders wedged into narrow canyons. Over millennia, tectonic forces shifted the landmass northward, leaving the park far from its volcanic birthplace. Talk about a journey!

Pinnacles offers a variety of trails, from easy walks to challenging climbs. The High Peaks Trail, featured in today's image, tests your stamina with steep climbs and narrow passages, while Bear Gulch Reservoir provides a more relaxed stroll. Pinnacles is home to a range of wildlife including bobcats, jackrabbits, and black-tailed deer, and bird species like woodpeckers and bats, making it attractive for wildlife enthusiasts. Among the park's many treasures are once-endangered California condors, which were reintroduced here in a successful conservation effort.