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日落时分的啤酒节, 慕尼黑, 德国 Oktoberfest in Munich at sunset (© AllesSuper21/iStock/Getty Images)

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日落时分的啤酒节, 慕尼黑, 德国 Oktoberfest in Munich at sunset (© AllesSuper21/iStock/Getty Images)

为慕尼黑啤酒节干杯! Have a 'beer-y' good time



Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany

Today, we're raising a stein and saying Prost! Step into Munich, capital of the German state of Bavaria, for a celebration like no other. Oktoberfest, first held here in 1810, is a vibrant blend of Bavarian culture, tradition, and, of course, beer.

Oktoberfest is one of the world's largest festivals, attracting over 6 million visitors each year. Beyond the frothy steins of beer served by waitstaff wearing traditional dirndls and lederhosen, there's music, amusement rides, and a mouthwatering array of local delicacies, like pretzels and sausages. Oktoberfest is celebrated in other countries, including several US cities, like Cincinnati and Denver, each adding their own local flair to the festivities. So, whether you love beer or just a good party, Oktoberfest serves up a taste of Bavaria, right in your backyard.

石林,日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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石林日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)




保龄球海滩的日落,门多西诺县,加利福尼亚,美国 Sunset on Bowling Ball Beach, Mendocino County, California (© Melo Qiao/Getty Images)

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保龄球海滩日落,门多西诺县,加利福尼亚美国 Sunset on Bowling Ball Beach, Mendocino County, California (© Melo Qiao/Getty Images)

岩石保龄球 Rock 'n' bowl



Bowling Ball Beach in Mendocino County, California

Welcome to nature's bowling alley. Bowling Ball Beach on the Mendocino Coast in California is named after the striking rock formations strewn across the shore. These sandstone balls—a phenomenon known as concretions—formed over millions of years as sedimentary layers built up around a central core of sand and stone held together by mineral cements. Erosion gradually wore away the outer layers to expose the spherical shapes we see today. This created a fascinating spectacle that only appears at low tide. Concretions are rare, and there has been plenty of wild speculation about where they come from, with some believing them to be extraterrestrial debris while others wonder if they are dinosaur fossils. The answer, however, is quite simple: It is the forces of nature at play.

日落时的南斯塔克灯塔,霍利希德,威尔士,英国 South Stack Lighthouse at sunset, Holyhead, Wales, UK (© mariotlr/Getty Images)

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日落时的南斯塔克灯塔,霍利希德,威尔士英国 South Stack Lighthouse at sunset, Holyhead, Wales, UK (© mariotlr/Getty Images)

潮涨潮落,灯火通明 High tides and bright lights



South Stack Lighthouse, Holy Island, Wales

Built on the rugged cliffs of Holy Island, Wales, the South Stack Lighthouse stands watch over the deep waters of the Irish Sea. The 91-foot-tall white tower has guided sailors since its completion in 1809; it provides safe passage for ships on the Dublin-Holyhead-Liverpool route. When it was built, sperm whale oil was used to light the lamps; however, over the years, the mechanism has been upgraded to more advanced technology like LED bulbs and Fresnel lenses. Automated in 1984, the lighthouse continues to serve as a vital navigational aid, with its powerful beam shining up to 28 miles. As the sun sets and the sky fills with colors, the silhouette of the South Stack Lighthouse in the dusk makes for a stunning sight. Visitors brave the 400-step descent down the steep cliff face to explore the lighthouse, including its engine room and exhibition area.

泰德国家公园的日落,特内里费岛,加那利群岛, 西班牙 Sunset at Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (© Javier Martínez Morán/Alamy)

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泰德国家公园日落特内里费岛加那利群岛, 西班牙 Sunset at Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (© Javier Martínez Morán/Alamy)

从深海到天空 From the depths to the skies!




Teide National Park, Tenerife

The majestic peak of Teide, at 3,715 meters above sea level, rises in the Canary archipelago. This volcano rises an impressive 7,500 meters from the ocean floor, making it the highest peak in Spain and the third-highest volcano in the world from the seabed.

This diverse location has served as the backdrop for several notable film productions, including "The Fast and The Furious" (2001), "Rambo V: Last Blood" (2018), and "Clash of the Titans" (2010). Teide National Park covers an area of 189.90 square kilometers and has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also home to a rich biodiversity of native flora and fauna. Therefore, if you plan to visit this amazing place, be sure to wear suitable footwear and prepare a delicious snack to make the most of the experience.

黄山的日落,安徽省,中国 Sunset in HuangShan, Anhui Province, China (© Nantapon Pattamakijsakul/Getty Images)

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黄山日落安徽省,中国 Sunset in HuangShan, Anhui Province, China (© Nantapon Pattamakijsakul/Getty Images)

冬日里的壮丽美景 Magnificent scenery in winter


立冬是中国二十四节气中的第十九个节气。 这也是冬天的开始。在南方,初时节一般都不是很冷。随着时间的推移,冬至后冷空气频繁南下,气温逐渐下降。入冬后,北方大部分地区将出现雨降温天气。华北部分地区此时常下初雪。


HuangShan, China

The Beginning of Winter is the 19th of the 24 solar terms in China. It is also the beginning of winter. In the south, it is generally not very cold in early winter. As time goes by, cold air frequently moves southward after the winter solstice, and the temperature gradually drops. After the beginning of winter, most areas in the north will experience rain, snow, and cooling weather. The first snow often falls in some parts of North China at this time.

Today we show you Huangshan Mountain in winter. After the snow, Huangshan Mountain is covered in silver and is so beautiful. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery such as "Yuyu Qiong Tower" and "Crystal Palace", which are unimaginable in other seasons. In addition, Huangshan Mountain is also very famous for its hot springs, where tourists can enjoy warm hot spring baths and relax in the cold winter.

日落时的悬日现象,美国芝加哥 Chicagohenge sunset, Chicago, Illinois (© Razvan Sera/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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日落时的悬日现象,美国芝加哥 Chicagohenge sunset, Chicago, Illinois (© Razvan Sera/Amazing Aerial Agency)

城市网格传递了这一天象 The city grid delivers this celestial phenomenon


During the fall and spring equinox, the celestial phenomenon known as Chicagohenge occurs when the sun rises or sets directly between the buildings lining Chicago's west- and east-facing streets. The city's almost perfectly aligned grid is responsible for the event.

During the equinox, the northern and southern hemispheres receive an equal amount of sunlight, and the sun rises and sets directly to the east and west. As it happens, Chicago's grid is aligned with the cardinal directions on a compass, a handy fact to know anytime you're walking in the city.

It might be easy to lose touch with the natural cycles of the planet when you live in a concrete jungle, but at least twice a year, Chicagohenge reminds city dwellers exactly where this third rock from the sun is spinning.





日落时分中央海岸入口海滩上的救生员小屋,澳大利亚新南威尔士州 Lifeguard shack at sunset on The Entrance beach, Central Coast, NSW, Australia (© Yury Prokopenko/Getty Images)

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日落时分中央海岸入口海滩上的救生员小屋,澳大利亚新南威尔士州 Lifeguard shack at sunset on The Entrance beach, Central Coast, NSW, Australia (© Yury Prokopenko/Getty Images)

Sand, surf, and sun

Serenity is the name of the game here at the Entrance beach in New South Wales’ Central Coast region, and with sunsets like these its easy to see why. A beloved destination for family holidays and weekend getaways alike, the beach and backing town gains its name by being the entrance to Tuggerah Lake off to the north – acting as a narrow channel between it and the Pacific Ocean on the opposite side.

Just over an hour’s drive from Sydney, the small town packs plenty of history, and is the home to both Norah Head Lighthouse - an operating beacon for shipping that was built in 1903 - as well as a classic carousel built in Germany during the late 1800s, which continues to delight children to this day.

But because the Entrance area has six different beaches to enjoy, most still visit for the perfect combination of sand and surf. As the weather continues to warm on our shores, it’s making us want to start packing our bags as well!

日落时的多伦多天际线 Toronto skyline at sunset (© diegograndi/Getty Images)

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日落时的多伦多天际线 Toronto skyline at sunset (© diegograndi/Getty Images)

A celebration of films in the city

Lights, camera, action! Today, we’re in Canada’s largest city getting ready for celebrity-spotting as the iconic Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is officially underway. As a prestigious gathering of independent artists, emerging talents and award-winning filmmakers from around the world, TIFF easily draws in more than 400,000 festival-goers each year. This year, given the coronavirus pandemic, the 45th edition of the festival will include a mix of virtual screenings, drive-ins, digital red carpet events, and in-person screenings with social distancing in place. Be sure to keep your popcorn ready!