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薄雾笼罩的松树林,越南 Misty pine forest in the Central Highlands of Vietnam (© Thanh Thuy/Moment/Getty Images)

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笼罩的松树林越南 Misty pine forest in the Central Highlands of Vietnam (© Thanh Thuy/Moment/Getty Images)

Misty Pine Forest

The woods are a tranquil place, but can be scary for a lone wanderer. Out here, you could suddenly find yourself running from the big bad wolf, escaping a witch's clutches, or just plain old lost. Though often in the old stories, scary places like this are also where the hero overcomes a great obstacle or finds a valuable treasure. Could you be in luck?

The spindly pine forests of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, shown here, are the setting for many traditional tales of evil spirits and spells. But even if you don't believe in all that magic stuff, a forest can still feel enchanted when twilight bathes the misty air. Just don't lose your way out here…




北奥塞梯-阿兰共和国的一片墓地,俄罗斯 Necropolis near Dargavs, North Ossetia, Russia (© Yakov Oskanov/Shutterstock)

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北奥塞梯-阿兰共和国的一片墓地,俄罗斯 Necropolis near Dargavs, North Ossetia, Russia (© Yakov Oskanov/Shutterstock)

Necropolis Near Dargavs

Be glad we're merely paying a virtual visit to this 'City of the Dead' outside Dargavs, Russia. Local folklore warns that if you set foot here, you won't escape with your life. We're not sure the dead pose such a mortal danger, but what's certain is that this is a dead-quiet village. These vaulted-roof huts are not homes—they're crypts.

Were you here, you might peer into the sole window of any of these huts and see the inhabitants, some entombed with their earthly possessions, others laid to rest in rowboats to paddle into the afterlife. Many of the remains are preserved unsettlingly well—and they more than outnumber you. In use from at least the 16th to 18th centuries, this necropolis is populated by about 10,000 departed ancestors.

Spooked enough yet? If not, try today's quiz about cemeteries, tombstones, and other grave matters…if you dare.





牛顿市的一片南瓜地,美国马萨诸塞州 A pumpkin patch in Newton, Massachusetts (© Frank Debonis/EyeEm/Alamy)

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牛顿市的一片南瓜地,美国马萨诸塞州 A pumpkin patch in Newton, Massachusetts (© Frank Debonis/EyeEm/Alamy)


It's not too late to pick up a pumpkin to add some Halloween flair to your doorstep. Although pumpkins are grown across the country, most of the 2 billion pounds produced in the US come from five states: California, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Texas. While California grows the most pumpkins headed for the jack-o'-lantern market, Illinois wins in poundage, though, most of its crop ends up as pie filling or other processed products—perhaps even your pumpkin spice latte?

And while we're talking orange orbs, what is a pumpkin exactly? You might think they're vegetables, but botanists say they're the fruit of pumpkin vines. They're considered fruit because pumpkins contain seeds and grow from the same part of the plant that produces flowers. Whether you opt to consume or carve, we invite you to enjoy this fruit of the spookiest season!




黑林山中的赤狐,德国 Red fox in the Black Forest of Germany (© Klaus Echle/Minden Pictures)

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黑林中的赤狐,德国 Red fox in the Black Forest of Germany (© Klaus Echle/Minden Pictures)

A red fox stalks the Black Forest

Even in the most flattering daylight, foxes somehow always seem up to no good. Not to mention when they're spotted slinking up a fallen tree in a dank, shadowy Black Forest in Germany. These cunning canids get away with a lot just by being cute, don't you think?

That mischievous twinkle in a fox's eye hasn't gone unnoticed by countless cultures around the world. Most fox myths venerate the critter as a trickster or even a shapeshifter who outfoxes larger, meaner foes like lions and bears. But the fox is said to sometimes hoodwink humans too…so keep your wits about you while wandering the wilderness.




阿尔达河上的魔鬼桥,保加利亚 Dyavolski Most (Devil's Bridge) over the Arda River in Bulgaria (© Petar Mladenov/Alamy)

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阿尔达上的魔鬼保加利亚 Dyavolski Most (Devil's Bridge) over the Arda River in Bulgaria (© Petar Mladenov/Alamy)

Does this crossing carry a curse?

You've heard of a bridge over troubled waters, but what if the bridge is troubled too? Legend tells of a Bulgarian stonemason, Dimitar, who was tasked with solving a bridge problem here in the early 1500s. Dimitar was hired to construct a crossing that wouldn't collapse into the rushing Arda river, as had all previous spans in this strange spot.

How could Dimitar build a bridge to beat all the others? By making a deal with the devil, of course. As one version of the story goes, Lucifer impelled Dimitar to encase his wife's shadow in the stonework, which imbued the bridge with supernatural strength against the rapids. The diabolical catch? Trapping her shadow meant she was doomed to death once construction was completed. Dimitar finished the bridge in 40 days, and his wife died shortly after.

Dyavolski Most (Devil's Bridge) in the Rhodope Mountains of southern Bulgaria stands tall to this day as proof of Dimitar's deadly pact. Or could it be, perhaps, that Dimitar was just a really good stonemason? Five centuries on, it's all water under the bridge…





像巨大指纹一样的Bavljenac岛,克罗地亚 Bavljenac Island, Croatia (© Julien Duval/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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像巨大指纹一样的Bavljenac克罗地亚 Bavljenac Island, Croatia (© Julien Duval/Amazing Aerial Agency)

This 'fingerprint' is one of a kind

Of the 1,246 islands on Croatia's fragmented coast, the unique isle of Bavljenac might be the most identifiable. It's nicknamed 'Fingerprint Island' for its miles of dry-stone walls that look like the whorled ridges of a human fingerprint. The tiny, uninhabited landmass in the Adriatic Sea was once an agricultural center. In the 19th century—the heyday of Croatian wine production— farmers from the nearest populated island built the winding walls on Bavljenac to protect olive trees and grapevines from the winds blowing in from the Adriatic.



阿查法拉亚盆地的秃柏和西班牙苔藓,路易斯安那州 Bald cypress and Spanish moss in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Exploring Light Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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阿查法拉亚盆地的秃柏和西班牙苔藓,路易斯安那州 Bald cypress and Spanish moss in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana (© Chris Moore/Exploring Light Photography/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Here's looking Atchafalaya

Encompassing 14 Louisiana parishes and over 1.4 million acres, the Atchafalaya Basin is one of the United States' 55 National Heritage Areas, the one they call America's Foreign Country. Bayous, marshes, backwater lakes, and the nation's largest river swamp make up one of the most diverse ecological and cultural landscapes in North America.

The Choctaw people named the area 'long river' or 'hacha falaia.' Over the past four centuries, waves of French, Spanish, African, Acadian, and Caribbean settlers have contributed to the unique Cajun language, cuisine, music, architecture, and storytelling traditions that set this region apart.

The bald cypress trees—seen here draped in Spanish moss—are an iconic part of this incredibly rich ecosystem. Wildlife here includes crawfish, catfish, shrimp, bears, alligators, and over 270 species of birds. The Atchafalaya Basin was recognized as a National Heritage Area (NHA) in 2006. Unlike National Parks, NHAs function as a partnership between residents, local, and federal agencies, that combine private and public lands into more livable and sustainable regions.



乔克托人将该地区命名为“长”或“hacha falaia”。在过去的四个世纪里,法国、西班牙、非洲、阿卡迪亚和加勒比海的移民潮为该地区独特的卡琼语、烹饪、音乐、建筑和讲故事传统做出了贡献,使该地区与众不同。


马德拉岛的法纳尔森林,葡萄牙 The Fanal Forest on Madeira Island, Portugal (© Val Thoermer/Alamy)

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马德拉的法纳尔森林葡萄牙 The Fanal Forest on Madeira Island, Portugal (© Val Thoermer/Alamy)

These laurels are hardy

Go back 15 million years and you'll find most of Southern Europe looking like this fantasy forest: thick, scrubby underbrush canopied by wizened laurel trees. An epoch or two of human agricultural advances cleared those ancient woods, but patches persist on a few temperate Atlantic islands—Especially here on Madeira, a Portuguese-held island off northwest Africa.

The Fanal Forest, at almost 60 square miles, is the largest surviving laurel forest in the world. Ninety percent of the forest's growth remains uncut, and some of these long-in-the-root laurels have stood for 500 years.


