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贝希特斯加登阿尔卑斯山脉全景,德国巴伐利亚州 Panoramic view of the Berchtesgaden Alps, Bavaria, Germany (© Spotcatch/Westend61/Offset)

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贝希特斯加登阿尔卑斯山脉全景,德国巴伐利亚州 Panoramic view of the Berchtesgaden Alps, Bavaria, Germany (© Spotcatch/Westend61/Offset)

冬日阿尔卑斯山脉的高峰 Peak winter in the Alps

Berchtesgaden Alps, Germany

Rising out of the Bavarian mists near Germany’s border with Austrian are the Berchtesgaden Alps, which surround the market town of the same name. This pristine mountain landscape is popular with mountaineers and hikers, who have plenty of peaks to choose from. Berchtesgaden National Park, established in 1978, accommodates nine mountain ranges over 81 square miles, including the dominant Watzmann, one of Germany’s tallest mountains which reach 8,901ft (2,713m) at its highest point.

Berchtesgaden is the only Alpine national park in Germany and protects a varied landscape including deep forests, rugged cliffs, and glaciers as well as green valleys and pastures – complete with diverse plants and wildlife. Also hidden somewhere beneath that thick cloud lies the emerald-green Königssee, one of Germany’s highest and most photogenic lakes, nestled within steep mountain walls.




白霜覆盖下的山毛榉林,英格兰多塞特郡 Beech woodland in hoar frost, Cranborne Chase, Dorset, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

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白霜覆盖下的山毛榉林,英格兰多塞特郡 Beech woodland in hoar frost, Cranborne Chase, Dorset, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

被白霜覆盖的毛榉林 Beech forest covered in hoarfrost

Cranborne Chase, England

If this looks to you like the setting of a fairy tale, you're not alone. These surroundings have long inspired writers and painters alike. Naturally, Cranborne Chase, England, has been designated a national protected area because of its natural beauty. It may be especially beautiful in winter, when the trees and shrubs can be coated with hoarfrost, an uncommon type of frost that forms when water vapor turns directly into ice, skipping the liquid stage.

Cranborne Chase is a plateau in southern England touching the counties of Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset, and Wiltshire. These 380 square miles of diverse countryside include rolling grasslands, river valleys, hillsides, and ancient woodlands. The area has been inhabited since the stone age, and for centuries was a royal hunting ground—in fact, the word 'chase' derives from these hunts. Today, while Cranborne Chase is protected from most new development, it's not a wilderness—nearly 90% of the land is used for farming and more than 30,000 people live here.




成都街头的红灯笼,中国四川省 Defocused view of Chinese red lantern in the street chengdu, Sichuan province, China (© kiszon pascal/Moment/Getty Images)

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成都街头的红灯笼中国四川省 Defocused view of Chinese red lantern in the street  chengdu, Sichuan province, China (© kiszon pascal/Moment/Getty Images)

点亮一盏灯 Light a lantern!

Light a lantern!

On the 15th day of the first lunar month, two weeks after Chinese New Year, the Chinese Lantern Festival is celebrated. It marks the first full moon of the new lunar year and the end of the Chinese New Year period.



心形小岛和白沙滩,印度洋马尔代夫 Heart-shaped island with sandy beach, offshore coral reef, Indian Ocean, Maldives (© Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock)

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 心形小和白沙滩印度马尔代夫 Heart-shaped island with sandy beach, offshore coral reef, Indian Ocean, Maldives (© Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock)

阿拉伯海的情人节 A Valentine in the Arabian Sea


Heart-shaped islands are more common than you might guess and can be found at many latitudes and longitudes. This one in the archipelago nation of the Maldives is hard to top for its beauty. A flight over this tropical gem might make for the most memorable Valentine's Day ever.

The Republic of Maldives is the smallest nation in Asia, located 470 miles from the continent's mainland. The country is made up of 26 atolls, together containing more than 1,000 islands. It's one of the least populous and smallest Asian nations by land area, although it covers 35,000 square miles if you count its waters.

Highly sought after by honeymooners, the Maldives derives most of its income from tourism. However, its days as a tropical getaway might be numbered as it faces the threat of climate change. With an average elevation of just under five feet, the country is especially vulnerable to rising sea levels. If you need a reason to care about global warming, just keep this precious spot close to your heart.





达尔文岛的达尔文拱门,厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯 Darwin's Arch with Darwin Island in background, Galápagos, Ecuador (© miralex/Getty Images)

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达尔文的达尔文拱门厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯 Darwin's Arch with Darwin Island in background, Galápagos, Ecuador (© miralex/Getty Images)

著名海拱门的末日 Last days of a famous sea arch

Darwin's Arch

On Darwin Day, we visit Darwin's Arch, named for the famous English naturalist Charles Darwin who was born on this day in 1809. The last time the arch looked as it does in this image was May 17, 2021. That's when this sea arch collapsed due to natural erosion and became a pile of rubble between what is now two pillars. Some locals and scientists have renamed the rock formation the 'Pillars of Evolution,' a nod to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.

Sea arches are found all over the world, often where cliffs meet the sea. They're formed as waves erode the underside of a rock, leaving the top. Darwin's Arch is located southeast of Darwin Island, part of the Galápagos Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.




慕那尔山区的茶园,印度喀拉拉邦 Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India (© SvitlanaBelinska/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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慕那尔山区茶园印度喀拉拉邦 Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India (© SvitlanaBelinska/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

印度慕纳尔 Munnar, India

Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India

The hill station of Munnar is synonymous with rolling hills that are carpeted with verdant plantations of tea – a delicious beverage loved worldwide. The town became a hotspot for tea plantations after John Daniel Munro, a colonial office of the British raj, first visited the place in the late 1870s. He discovered that much of Munnar’s land was suitable for growing tea and coffee. Today, the hill station is recognised for some of the best and most beautiful tea gardens across the globe.

Tea in Munnar is grown on its undulating terrain, which appears as they are covered with a bright green blanket. The entire place has amazing scenery and offers a panoramic view of the majestic Western Ghats. No doubt one of the best places to immerse yourself in your favourite novel and enjoy a warm cup of tea!


芒纳山站是起伏山丘的代名词,起伏山丘上覆盖着翠绿的茶园——一种全世界都喜爱的美味饮料。19世纪70年代末,英国国王的殖民办公室约翰·丹尼尔·蒙罗(John Daniel Munro)首次访问该镇后,该镇成为茶园的热点。他发现芒纳的大部分土地适合种植茶叶和咖啡。今天,希尔车站被公认为是全球最好、最美丽的茶园之一。


静谧的伯尔尼古城区,瑞士 Old Town section of Bern, Switzerland (© Xantana/Getty Images)

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静谧的伯尔尼古城区,瑞士 Old Town section of Bern, Switzerland (© Xantana/Getty Images)

古城区的灯火 The lights of Old Town

Old Town section of Bern, Switzerland

Welcome to a wintry wonderland in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. We're in the city's medieval center—Old Town—which looks much as it did when many of these buildings were constructed between the 12th and 15th centuries.

Old Town was founded in 1191 on a long, narrow peninsula surrounded on three sides by the Aare River. Today, visitors and locals alike enjoy strolling down quaint alleyways and cobblestoned streets amidst the charming medieval buildings. In winter, many stop here en route to ski on the nearby Bernese Oberland mountains or to visit the Schwarzsee ice palaces.

Those in the know also suggest a climb to the top of the Bernese Minster, the highest church spire in all of Switzerland, seen in our photo. It's just 312 steps to the viewing deck, but we hear the panorama of snowy rooftops and the nearby peaks is worth the climb.





圣达菲附近的岩石艺术, 新墨西哥州 Rock art near Santa Fe, New Mexico (© Scott Warren/Cavan)

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圣达菲附近的岩石艺术, 新墨西哥州 Rock art near Santa Fe, New Mexico (© Scott Warren/Cavan)

真相就在那里,但不是在这块石头上 The truth is out there…but not on this rock

Graffiti near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Evidence of ancient aliens? Nah, more likely the etchings of a prankster hiker. Though Pueblo cultures here in northern New Mexico made pictographs in this style several centuries ago, there's no evidence they were depicting extraterrestrials. But don't get us wrong: We want to believe.

Today is Extraterrestrial Culture Day, a holiday that enjoys official status in New Mexico thanks to the 'Roswell incident' of 1947. Depending who you ask, the metallic wreck found on a remote ranch in New Mexico one July morning was either a weather balloon, a top-secret military device disguised as a weather balloon, or a bona fide alien craft. Whatever the truth, the nearby town of Roswell has gone all-in on UFO lore. It's home to numerous UFO-themed attractions, chief among them the International UFO Museum and Research Center.


