仙岩寺中的升仙桥,韩国曹溪山道立公园 Seungseon Bridge at Seonam Temple in Jogyesan Provincial Park, South Korea (© Aaron Choi/Getty Images)

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仙岩中的升仙韩国曹溪山道公园 Seungseon Bridge at Seonam Temple in Jogyesan Provincial Park, South Korea (© Aaron Choi/Getty Images)

连接过去和现在 Bridging past and present

Seonam Temple, South Korea

The Seonam Temple, or Seonamsa, in Jogyesan Provincial Park, South Korea, is famed for expressing calm serenity. Just downstream, Buddhist monks built this gently arched bridge by hand centuries ago. Stones around the base record the names of visitors for posterity. Called the Seungseon Bridge ('the Ascending Immortals'), it's fitting to approach the temple itself on foot, at one with nature. The site is hidden away in ancient trees, with tranquil ponds and streams, gentle hiking trails, and gorgeous pagodas. The temple still ekes out its day in the traditional way, with mellow bells and meditation. The monks also cultivate wild tea plants and are happy to share the benefits of the harvest. You are at peace as soon as you arrive at Seonamsa, and there's little to distract you from the present moment.

The original temple is believed to have been built in the 9th century, but over the years war and a major fire caused extensive damage, and it had to be rebuilt in the 19th century. Now the Seonam Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with six other 'sansa,' or Buddhist monasteries, dotted in the mountains throughout the southern provinces of the Korean Peninsula. Visitors are invited to stay overnight at the temple and follow the monks' daily practice, but you can also dip in for a day to absorb the peace and tranquility. Flowers in spring and colorful leaf displays in fall make those the most popular times to visit.


位于韩国Jogyesan省立公园的Seonam庙(Seonamsa)以表达平静而闻名。就在下游,佛教僧侣在几个世纪前手工建造了这座轻轻的拱桥。基地周围的石头为后人记录了游客的名字。这座名为Seungseon Bridge(“升天神仙”)的桥适合步行接近寺庙本身,与大自然融为一体。该遗址隐藏在古丛中,有宁静的池塘和溪流,温和的徒步小道,还有华丽的宝塔。这座寺庙仍然以传统的方式,用柔和的钟声和冥想来维持它的一天。僧侣们还种植野生茶树,并乐于分享收获的好处。你一到达梭南沙就很平静,没有什么可以分散你对当下的注意力。


标签: 韩国,

