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圣詹姆斯潮汐池,开普敦,南非 St. James Tidal Pool, Cape Town, South Africa (© AmazingAerialAgency/Adobe)

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圣詹姆斯潮汐池,开普敦南非 St. James Tidal Pool, Cape Town, South Africa (© AmazingAerialAgency/Adobe)

海浪中的避风 Sanctuary in the surf



St. James Tidal Pool, Cape Town, South Africa

St. James Beach is a small, sheltered beach on Cape Town's coastline, where vibrant Victorian bathing boxes sit side by side against an azure ocean backdrop. However, it's the St. James Tidal Pool, pictured on our homepage, that steals the spotlight. This protected bathing area, built between rugged rocks, offers crystal-clear waters for a tranquil swimming experience. The pool is warm compared with the ocean, teems with small marine life, and is perfect for floating around without worrying about strong currents. For those who like to stay dry, the beach is perfect for leisurely strolls, soaking up the sun, and observing the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides.

盆景岩,太浩湖,内华达州,美国 Bonsai Rock, Lake Tahoe, Nevada (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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盆景岩,太浩内华达州,美国 Bonsai Rock, Lake Tahoe, Nevada (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

天然盆景 Nature's bonsai



Bonsai Rock, Lake Tahoe, Nevada

This serene scene shows Lake Tahoe, the largest alpine lake in North America and the second-deepest lake in the US. Peeking out of those misty waters is Bonsai Rock, the unlikely home of four small trees that have taken root in its cracks. Its name was inspired by the Japanese art of growing miniature trees, which are kept in small containers and pruned to control their size. The trees on Bonsai Rock are naturally restricted by the lack of space and nutrients, so no pruning is required. Part of the purpose of bonsai is to provide an opportunity for contemplation, and this tranquil spot high in the Sierra Nevada is the perfect place to relax and explore your thoughts. It is also popular with photographers, especially at sunset.

从奥索伊尼察观景点看日出时的布莱德湖,斯洛文尼亚 Lake Bled from Osojnica viewpoint at sunrise, Slovenia (© Rasica/Getty Images)

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从奥索伊尼察观景点看日出时的布莱德斯洛文尼亚 Lake Bled from Osojnica viewpoint at sunrise, Slovenia (© Rasica/Getty Images)

唤醒沉睡的湖泊 Awake to the lake



德弗塔什卡洞, Devetaki村庄,保加利亚 Devetashka Cave, Devetaki, Bulgaria (© Jasmine_K/Shutterstock)

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德弗塔什卡, Devetaki村庄保加利亚 Devetashka Cave, Devetaki, Bulgaria (© Jasmine_K/Shutterstock)

雄伟的天然穹顶 The skylights are a nice touch



Devetashka Cave, Devetaki, Bulgaria

Step through time and into the cavernous depths of Devetashka Cave in Bulgaria, a sprawling prehistoric complex which humans called home for tens of thousands of years. These days, it is home to bats, about 30,000 of them, as well as rare birds and reptiles. This karst cave was formed by erosion and is now part of a public park. Humans are thought to have sought shelter here as far back as the Early Stone Age, about 70,000 years ago, and many Neolithic artefacts from 6000-4000 BCE have been discovered. Several large openings in the cave cast natural light into the chambers, offering better illumination for photographers and nature lovers alike.

大运河与安康圣母大教堂,威尼斯,意大利 Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute Basilica, Venice, Italy (© Rudy Balasko/Getty Images)

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大运河与安康圣母大教堂威尼斯意大利 Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute Basilica, Venice, Italy (© Rudy Balasko/Getty Images)

伪装的日子 Days of disguises



Carnival of Venice

Don your tricorn hat and gilded disguise, it's time to visit the Carnival of Venice. This centuries-old festival combines revelry with anonymity, thanks to the masks traditionally worn by attendees, from the classic square-jawed Bauta mask to the Colombina eye mask, with roots in Italian theater. Costumed rowers take part in a parade of traditional boats on Venice's famous Grand Canal while thousands of people wearing elaborate costumes enjoy the carnival atmosphere. Parades, parties, concerts, and performances will fill the streets until festivities end on Shrove Tuesday, which falls on February 13 this year. Visitors might pass by the Santa Maria della Salute, seen toward the back of today's image, a baroque basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary, who is considered to be the protector of the city.

吕根岛的萨斯尼茨灯塔,德国 Sassnitz lighthouse on Rügen island, Germany (© Christian Back/eStock)

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吕根岛的萨斯尼茨灯塔德国 Sassnitz lighthouse on Rügen island, Germany (© Christian Back/eStock)

塔 Glowing snow tower





艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

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艾纳, 塞古拉山脉, 阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙 Ayna, Sierra del Segura, Albacete, Spain (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)

西班牙的小瑞士 Spain's little Switzerland

艾纳,阿尔瓦塞特, 西班牙

说起西班牙,你脑海中首先浮现的可能不是,但从高耸入山峰到阳温暖的海滩,西班牙拥有各种地貌。图片中的小村庄艾纳坐落于由蒙多河冲刷而成的陡峭山谷中,周围环绕着塞古拉脉,人口不足1000人。季,这里白雪皑皑,因此人们常把这个小镇称为 “曼切根瑞士”。而这个名称中的“曼切根”则指的是艾纳所属的卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰自治区。艾纳距离西班牙首都马德里以南约150英里,是西班牙乡村生活的独特一瞥。

Aýna, Albacete, Spain

Welcome to the tiny Spanish village of Aýna, in a steep valley carved by the River Mundo in the Sierra del Segura range. This part of the Castile-La Mancha region is sometimes called Manchegan Switzerland, thanks to those snow-capped peaks during the winter months. The steep, rocky terrain here means the villagers, of whom there are less than 1,000, cultivate the land on terraces dug into the mountainside. To see Aýna from this perspective, you'll need to visit the Mirador del Diablo, or Devil's Viewpoint, one of several viewing areas dotted around this picturesque valley.

戈林格瀑布,泰嫩高,萨尔茨堡,奥地利 Gollinger Waterfalls, Tennengau, Salzburg, Austria (© Frank Fischbach/Alamy Stock Photo)

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戈林格瀑布,泰嫩高,萨尔茨堡奥地利 Gollinger Waterfalls, Tennengau, Salzburg, Austria (© Frank Fischbach/Alamy Stock Photo)

缓缓下降 A gentle descent



Golling Waterfall, Salzburg, Austria

This chilly scene captures Austria's stunning Golling Waterfall, less than 20 miles south of the city of Salzburg. Tumbling down in two stages from the mouth of the Schwarzbachfall cave, the 249-foot fall is a sight to behold in every season—whether it's framed by the lush greenery of spring or the icy embrace of winter. This region is known for its natural wonders and is also home to the world’s biggest ice cave, Eisriesenwelt, and the narrow Salzachöfen Gorge, considered to be the birthplace of white-water kayaking. Whether you are into hiking, photography, or just looking to spend some quality time in nature, this is a great Austrian destination.

昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

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昆士兰州内陆海峡地区,澳大利亚 Channel Country, Outback Queensland, Australia (© Southern Lightscapes-Australia/Getty Images)

从干涸的沙漠变成田园 From parched to pastoral



Channel Country, Australia

Narrow waterways run like veins through the Australian Outback's Channel Country, a sprawling, ancient flood plain named after its crisscrossing river channels. The huge flat area is transformed from a parched desert canvas to a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers when rainfall is abundant. Indigenous Australians have lived off this land for tens of thousands of years and some offer tours and classes about how to survive in the Outback. This unspoiled region is also home to a bonanza of wildlife—kangaroos that bounce along the plains, strutting emus, and preening purple-crowned fairywrens. If you're lucky, you might even spot a bilby—a nocturnal marsupial with rabbit-like ears. So, are you ready to 'channel' your inner explorer?

圣德温教堂的废墟,莫纳岛,威尔士,英国 Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, United Kingdom (© Photos by R A Kearton/Getty Images)

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圣德温教堂废墟,莫纳威尔士英国 Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, United Kingdom (© Photos by R A Kearton/Getty Images)

通往过去的入口 A portal to the past


兰德温岛是英国威尔士安格尔西岛(又名莫纳岛)西海岸外的一个田园诗歌般的小岛。该岛与恋人的守护神圣德温有着深厚的渊源,这一点从岛名上便可窥见一斑:“兰德温”的意思是 “德温的教堂”。据说在五世纪时,德温公主在经历了一段悲惨的恋情后,来到这座岛上寻求慰藉,随后便隐居于此。当时这位年轻的公主爱上了一位平民,但由于她的国王父亲禁止他们在一起,德温公主便暂时将她的爱人变成了一块,然后搬到了这座岛上,并建立了一个修道院。她毕生致力于修行,过着隐士般的生活,帮助人们解决情感问题。德温教堂的遗迹、一口水井和修道院的废墟都是德温公主在这座岛上生活过的证明。1月25日圣德温节被视为威尔士最浪漫的日子,因为它是威尔士的情人节

Ruins of St. Dwynwen's Church, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales

Ynys Llanddwyn is a tiny tidal island which, at low tide, is attached to the Isle of Anglesey in Wales. Ynys means 'island' in Welsh and Llanddwyn means 'the church of Dwynwen,' the country's patron saint of lovers.

Legend has it that Dwynwen, a 5th-century Welsh princess, sought solace on this island after a tragic love story. The young woman fell in love with a commoner, but because her royal father forbade the union—and briefly turned her beloved into a block of ice—she moved to the island and set up a convent. She dedicated her life to spirituality, living as a hermit and helping others with matters of the heart. The ruins of Dwynwen's church, a well, and a convent remain on Ynys Llanddwyn and St. Dwynwen's Day, on January 25, is the most romantic day in Wales—the country's very own Valentine's Day.