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沙漠大角羊,内华达州火焰谷州立公园,美国 Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)

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沙漠大角羊,内华达州火焰谷州立公园美国 Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)

岩石间的生存之道 Rocky relationship




Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

Nature's desert navigators—desert bighorn sheep—are a marvel to watch, effortlessly scaling cliffs and navigating rocky terrains with grace. Native to North America, these sheep are known for their distinctive curled horns, which can weigh up to 30 pounds. Rams use their massive horns in intense head-butting contests. During these battles, they hurl themselves at each other in charges of up to 20 miles per hour. Ewes, on the other hand, tend to keep things more low-key, forming smaller groups with their lambs. Adapted to the desert environment, the desert bighorn sheep sub-species can go long periods without water, relying on moisture from plants to survive.

Valley of Fire State Park, seen in today's image, is one of the best spots in Nevada to observe these desert dwellers. This park is named for its fiery red sandstone formations that seem to glow under the sun. Beyond its natural beauty, the park holds deep historical significance, with petroglyphs left by ancient Indigenous peoples. It has also earned a place in pop culture as a filming location for scenes from 'Star Trek Generations.' Keep an eye on the rocky outcrops during your visit—you might spot a bighorn sheep observing you.

俯瞰拷索山林国家公园,素叻府,泰国 Aerial view of Khao Sok National Park, Surat Thani, Thailand (© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images)

发布于 , 18 次浏览

俯瞰拷索国家公园,素叻府,泰国 Aerial view of Khao Sok National Park, Surat Thani, Thailand (© Peetatham Kongkapech/Getty Images)

丛林探险 A jungle adventure


今天,我们来到了一片充满野生动物的奇境,泰国素叻他尼府的考索国家公园。这片雨林亚马逊古老,生态系统极为丰富。公园成立于1980 年栖息着马来貘、白掌长臂猿、印度野牛和犀鸟等多种野生动物,是任何想要逃离城市喧嚣、沉浸丛林之声的旅行者的理想目的地。这里有蜿蜒的远足小径供人探索,也可以乘皮划艇悠然穿行。如果够幸运,还能目睹巨型莱佛士盛开的壮观景象。


Khao Sok National Park in Thailand

Today we're in a wildlife-packed wonderland with rainforests older than the Amazon—Khao Sok National Park in Surat Thani province, southern Thailand. Established in 1980, the park is home to diverse wildlife, including the Malayan tapir, white-handed gibbon, gaur, and hornbill, making it an ideal destination for anyone ready to swap city noise for jungle sounds. There are trails to tackle, kayaks to paddle, and, if you're fortunate, you might even catch a glimpse of the massive (and stinky) Rafflesia flower when it's in bloom.

And then there's Cheow Lan Lake—a reservoir created for hydropower in 1982 when the Rajjaprabha Dam was built. Over time, the lake transformed the landscape into something you'd think was straight out of a movie, as featured in today's image. Here, limestone cliffs rise dramatically from glassy waters, and there are floating bungalows too. These bungalows offer more than just a place to sleep—they provide a front-row seat to nature's theater.

桉树,梅加龙谷,蓝山山脉国家公园,新南威尔士州,澳大利亚 Eucalyptus trees, Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, NSW, Australia (© Andrew Peacock/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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桉树,梅加龙谷,蓝山脉国家公园新南威尔士州,澳大利亚 Eucalyptus trees, Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, NSW, Australia (© Andrew Peacock/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

奇景 A eucalyp-tastic view


今天,我们来到澳大利亚新南威尔士州的蓝山国家公园。这里以壮观的悬崖、茂密的雨林和飞泻的瀑布闻名,是联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的自然瑰宝,拥有丰富的生物多样性。蓝山地区最标志性的景观之一就是今日图片中展示的桉树。这里生长着 92 种桉树,游客可以近距离欣赏这些生命力顽强的树木,它们构成了澳大利亚野生生态系统的核心。桉树芳香的叶子是考拉的主要食物来源,而桉树的树皮和茂密的树冠则为无数鸟类和昆虫提供了栖息地。隐藏在山脉之间的还有梅加隆谷,这片宁静的世外桃源距离悉尼仅两小时车程,坐拥度假木屋、酒庄以及备受喜爱的梅加隆谷茶室。在这里,可以品尝新鲜出炉的司康饼,搭配当地果酱,享受惬意时。此外,还可以探索六英尺步道,这条历史悠久的小径最早建于19世纪,最初是为骑马者开辟的通道。蓝山国家公园为游客带来一场深入澳大利亚原始自然之美的难忘旅程。

Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, Australia

Today, we are in New South Wales, Australia, amid the Blue Mountains National Park. Known for its dramatic cliffs, dense rainforests, and cascading waterfalls, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a treasure trove of natural beauty and biodiversity. Among the most iconic features of the Blue Mountains region are the eucalyptus trees, pictured here. Home to 92 species of eucalyptus, this area offers visitors a chance to marvel at these resilient trees, which are central to Australian wildlife. Their aromatic leaves provide food for koalas, while their bark and canopy create habitats for countless birds and insects.

Also nestled within the mountains is the Megalong Valley. Just a 2-hour drive from Sydney, this region is home to getaway cabins, wineries, and the Megalong Valley Tearooms, a charming retreat where you can enjoy freshly baked scones paired with local jams. Here, you can also explore the Six Foot Track, a historic trail originally carved in the 19th century for horseback riders. The Blue Mountains promise an unforgettable escape into the heart of Australia's wild beauty.

玛琳湖精灵岛上空的北极光,贾斯珀国家公园,加拿大 The aurora borealis over Spirit Island on Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Canada (© Mumemories/Getty Images)

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玛琳精灵上空的北极光贾斯珀国家公园加拿大 The aurora borealis over Spirit Island on Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Canada (© Mumemories/Getty Images)

天空之镜 Celestial reflections


有些地方仿佛被时间遗忘。在加拿大阿尔伯塔省贾斯珀国家公园深处,就有这样一个世外桃源:玛琳湖。这条长达22 公里的蜿蜒湖泊,穿越巍峨群,是加拿大落基山脉中最大的天然湖泊。这里,高耸的山峰冰川融水和无尽的天空交汇,构成了一幅震撼人心的画面。


虎穴寺,不丹 Taktsang Palphug Monastery, Bhutan (© Baron Reznik/Getty Images)

发布于 , 29 次浏览

虎穴不丹 Taktsang Palphug Monastery, Bhutan (© Baron Reznik/Getty Images)

在虎穴小憩 Have a rest at the Tiger's Nest



莱奇湖上的斯托克尔城堡,阿盖尔郡,苏格兰 Castle Stalker on Loch Laich, Argyll, Scotland (© WLDavies/Getty Images)

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莱奇上的斯托克尔城堡,阿盖尔郡,苏格兰 Castle Stalker on Loch Laich, Argyll, Scotland (© WLDavies/Getty Images)

苏格兰战略的最佳体现 Scottish strategy at its finest


斯托克尔城堡巍然屹立于阿盖尔莱奇湖的潮汐小上,是苏格兰保存最完好、最具风景美感的中世纪塔式城堡之一。它由阿平的斯图尔特家族于1440 年代左右建造,历史上曾迎来王室造访,甚至因一场醉酒赌局短暂易主至坎贝尔家族。尽管到了 19 世纪时已破败不堪,但在 20 世纪中期,这座城堡经历了精心修复,如今仍为私人所有。在夏季,游客可在特定的导游带领下览游探索这座历史遗址


Castle Stalker, Argyll, Scotland

Perched dramatically on a tidal islet in Loch Laich, Argyll, Castle Stalker is one of Scotland's most picturesque and well-preserved medieval tower houses. Built around the 1440s by the Stewarts of Appin, its history includes royal visits and even a drunken wager that briefly transferred ownership to Clan Campbell. After falling into disrepair by the 19th century, it was lovingly restored in the mid-20th century and is still privately owned today. Visitors can explore this historic site on selected guided tours during the summer.

Its name, 'Stalker,' comes from the Scottish Gaelic 'Stalcaire,' meaning 'hunter' or 'falconer.' And while its striking appearance is certainly memorable, its fame may actually stem from another reason: Castle Stalker has captured imaginations in popular culture, appearing in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and the 'Black Mirror' episode 'Loch Henry.' Does it ring a bell now? Nestled in the scenic Lynn of Lorn National Scenic Area, it's an enduring symbol of Scotland's storied past.

砂岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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岩石柱,布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 Sandstone hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (© Stephen Matera/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

风蚀石们的问候 Hoodoo you do?


在美国犹他州,布莱斯峡谷国家公园以其壮观的砂岩迷宫和独特的岩柱景观闻名于世。这里的历史可追溯至少10,000年前,曾是阿纳齐族人、普韦布洛人和派尤特人的家园。公园里的岩柱是由侵蚀作用形成的高耸岩石尖塔,在派尤特部落的创世神话中占据重要地位。根据传说,这些岩柱曾是“传说中的人”, 因狡猾的郊狼施下的诅咒而化为石头。

18世纪末至19世纪初,首批欧洲裔美国人抵达这一地区,并在1850年代开始定居。布莱斯峡谷的名字源自埃比尼泽·布莱斯这一位早期定居者,他在峡谷附近拥有一块土地。1928 年的今天,布莱斯峡谷正式被指定为国家公园。如今,该公园以岩柱闻名,每年吸引超过 200 万游客前来欣赏这一地质奇观。事实上,布莱斯峡谷国家公园拥有地球上最密集的岩柱群,为游客提供了一场视觉盛宴。

Anniversary of Bryce Canyon National Park

A breathtaking maze of sandstone formations and awe-inspiring views awaits you at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. People have lived in this area for at least 10,000 years, including the Anasazi, Pueblo, and Paiute Peoples. The hoodoos—tall, thin spires of rock formed by erosion—in the park inspired Paiute mythology: They believed them to be the Legend People turned to stone by the trickster Coyote.

The first European Americans arrived in the area in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and some eventually settled there in the 1850s. Bryce Canyon was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who had a homestead nearby. On this date in 1928, Bryce was declared a national park. These days, the park is famous for its hoodoos. Every year, over 2 million visitors come to marvel at these geological formations. In fact, Bryce Canyon National Park has the highest concentration of hoodoos anywhere on Earth.

日出时分的富士山, 河口湖, 日本 Mount Fuji at sunrise, Lake Kawaguchi, Japan (© Twenty47studio/Getty Images)

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日出时分的富士山, , 日本 Mount Fuji at sunrise, Lake Kawaguchi, Japan (© Twenty47studio/Getty Images)

清晨的美好精 Wind of Fuji, my souvenir from Edo


东京西南约 60 英里处,矗立着日本的文化象征之一:富士山。这座日本最高峰海拔近12,000英尺,其近乎完美对称火山锥,每年约有五个月被积覆盖,形成壮丽景观。几个世纪以来,富士山一直被视为神圣之山。在神道信仰中,富士山被奉为本宫浅间大社的圣山,并在其视野范围内建有供奉它的神社。

Mount Fuji Day

Around 60 miles southwest of Tokyo stands one of Japan's cultural icons: Mount Fuji. The country's tallest mountain rises 12,000 feet above the surrounding landscape, with its near-symmetrical cone covered in snow for nearly five months each year. For centuries, Fujisan—as it is known in Japanese—has been worshiped as a sacred mountain. In the Shinto faith, Fuji is deified as Asama no Okami, and shrines dedicated to it are built within sight of the mountain.

February 23 is celebrated as Mount Fuji Day (富士山の日) because the word 'Fujisan' can be interpreted as '2, 2, 3.' Although it's not a national holiday, people often take the opportunity to learn more about this majestic peak. It's also a day to reflect on the future of the mountain, and how it can be preserved for future generations. Every year, more than 300,000 people climb Mount Fuji, and overtourism has become a real concern.

圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国 The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri (© f11photo/Getty Images)

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圣路易斯拱门, 密苏里州, 美国 The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri (© f11photo/Getty Images)

向辉煌迈进 Bending towards brilliance


今天,我们庆祝圣路易斯市密苏里州拱门国家公园成立周年纪念日,该公园于2018 年2月22日正式设立,坐落在风景如画的密西西比河沿岸,旨在纪念托马斯·杰斐逊提出的“大陆国家”构想。公园的核心是圣路易斯拱门,这座令人惊叹的630英尺高的建筑已成为圣路易斯的终极象征。拱门采用不锈钢建造,是世界上最高的拱门,也是密苏里州最高的可进入建筑。芬兰裔美国建筑师埃罗·沙里宁于1947年构思出这一设计,并在1965年10月28日正式落成,实现了他的愿景。这座拱门的未来主义设计长期以来被视为汽车时代的象征,代表着现代都市景观与技术进步带来的未来希望。

Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri

Today we are celebrating the anniversary of Gateway National Park, which was established on February 22, 2018, in St. Louis, Missouri. The park, which lies along a picturesque stretch of the Mississippi River, commemorates Thomas Jefferson’s idea of a continental nation. At its heart stands the Gateway Arch, a breathtaking 630-foot-tall structure that has become the ultimate symbol of St. Louis. Constructed of stainless steel, it holds the distinction of being the world's tallest arch and Missouri's tallest accessible structure. Finnish American architect Eero Saarinen dreamed up the design back in 1947, and by October 28, 1965, his vision had been brought to life. The arch's futuristic design has long been viewed as a symbol of the automobile era, representing the modern, urban landscape, and the promise of a technologically advanced future.