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希罗德·阿提库斯剧场,雅典卫城,希腊 Odeon of Herodes Atticus theater, Acropolis of Athens, Greece (© f11photo/Getty Images)
希罗德·阿提库斯剧场,雅典卫城,希腊 Odeon of Herodes Atticus theater, Acropolis of Athens, Greece (© f11photo/Getty Images)
向戏剧致敬 A standing ovation for theaters
灯光亮起,帷幕升起,今天是世界戏剧日。自 1961 年以来,国际戏剧协会每年都会举办这一年度盛事,旨在让全球观众和艺术家共同庆祝戏剧的魅力,感受叙事的力量、创造力和文化的交汇。每年,国际戏剧协会都会邀请一位享誉全球的戏剧界代表发表主题演讲,这些演讲被翻译成50多种语言,与世界各地的人们分享。这些演讲强调了戏剧在社会中的重要作用,它既可以是作为现实的镜子,也是推动变革的力量,或是激发想象力的庇护所。无论是莎士比亚的独白,还是先锋实验剧场,戏剧艺术始终在发展演变,但它的核心始终不变:人与人之间的情感联系。
那么,在这样一个重要的日子里,哪里才是最佳的庆祝地点呢?这座位于希腊雅典卫城脚下的赫罗德·阿提库斯剧场,近两千年来一直是戏剧与音乐的舞台。剧场建于公元 161 年,由富有的罗马人希罗德斯·阿提库斯为纪念其亡妻而建。从古典悲剧到现代音乐会,这里仍在续写戏剧艺术的辉煌篇章。尽管历经数个世纪,其卓越的声学设计依然让每一场演出都能完美回响。
World Theater Day
Lights on, curtains rise—it's World Theater Day. Since 1961, this annual event by the International Theater Institute (ITI) has united audiences and artists in a shared appreciation of storytelling, creativity, and culture. Every year, a renowned theater figure is invited by ITI to deliver a message that resonates across the industry. Their words are translated into more than 50 languages and shared with people all over the world. These messages highlight theater's role in society—be it as a mirror to reality, an agent of change, or a refuge for the imagination. From Shakespeare's soliloquies to experimental avant-garde productions, theater has continuously evolved while holding onto its core: human connection.
So, what better place to celebrate today than at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus? Located at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, this stone Roman theater has been setting the scene for performances for nearly two millennia. Built in 161 CE by the wealthy Roman Herodes Atticus in memory of his wife, the ancient venue has hosted everything from classical tragedies to modern-day concerts. Despite the passing centuries, its acoustics still strike the right chord.
鲍曼附近日落时分的闪电和风暴云,内布拉斯加州,美国 Lightning and storm clouds at sunset near Bowman, Nebraska (© john finney photography/Getty Images)
鲍曼附近日落时分的闪电和风暴云,内布拉斯加州,美国 Lightning and storm clouds at sunset near Bowman, Nebraska (© john finney photography/Getty Images)
雷鸣不可阻挡 You can't silence thunder
今天,我们庆祝世界气象日,这一纪念日旨在纪念1950年世界气象组织的成立。每年的世界气象日都会关注一个重要的全球气象议题。2025 年的主题“携手缩小预警差距”,强调及时的天气预警和早期行动对于减少灾害损失的重要性。
World Meteorological Day
Today, we celebrate World Meteorological Day, commemorating the founding of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1950. For the annual event, the WMO places emphasis on a different pressing topic each year. The slogan of 2025, 'Closing the early warning gap together,' highlights the importance of timely weather alerts and early action.
Pictured here is awe-inspiring anvil crawler lightning in Nebraska, a state renowned for its tornadoes and thunderstorms, typically during spring and summer. Anvil crawlers are tree-like lightning discharges that move horizontally. Nebraska's location in the Great Plains makes it a hotspot for storm activity. Thanks to the WMO's advancements in meteorology, we can better predict and respond to these dramatic weather events, safeguarding lives and property.
低地雨林上空的薄雾,丹浓谷,沙巴,婆罗洲,马来西亚 Mist over a lowland rainforest, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia (© Nick Garbutt/Alamy)
低地雨林上空的薄雾,丹浓谷,沙巴,婆罗洲,马来西亚 Mist over a lowland rainforest, Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia (© Nick Garbutt/Alamy)
树木万岁 Long live the trees
Happy International Day of Forests!
March 21 marks the International Day of Forests, a global observance aimed at celebrating the vital role forests play in supporting biodiversity and combating climate change. First established by the United Nations in 2013, this day encourages worldwide efforts, such as tree-planting campaigns, to raise awareness about the importance of forests and trees for future generations.
One of the most breathtaking places to observe the richness of forests is the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah on the Malaysian island of Borneo, starring in today's image. This 169-square-mile sanctuary is home to an ancient rainforest, teeming with rare species like Bornean orangutans, clouded leopards, and over 270 bird species. In addition to its incredible biodiversity, the Danum Valley is also a haven for researchers, with long-term studies monitoring its ecosystem and wildlife to aid conservation efforts. As we celebrate the International Day of Forests, let's remember that protecting our trees is essential for preserving our planet's health. Take a moment to appreciate nature's beauty and support efforts to safeguard our forests for generations to come.
美丽盛开的樱花,杭州的春天,中国 Beautiful blooming cherry blossoms, Spring in Hangzhou, China (© zhangshuang/Getty Images)
美丽盛开的樱花,杭州的春天,中国 Beautiful blooming cherry blossoms, Spring in Hangzhou, China (© zhangshuang/Getty Images)
春日仙境 Springtime Fairyland
春分有两个含义。其一是 “四季相等”。传统上,从立春到立夏之间的这段时间被称为春季,春分点位于两个节气之间,平分了春季。春分的另一个含义是 “昼夜相等”。春分时节,太阳直射赤道,昼夜等长,各为 12 小时。春分过后,除青藏高原、东北、西北和华北北部地区外,全中国进入明媚的春天。
红色岩层,塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Red rock formations, Sedona, Arizona (© Jim Ekstrand/Alamy Stock Photo)
红色岩层,塞多纳,亚利桑那州,美国 Red rock formations, Sedona, Arizona (© Jim Ekstrand/Alamy Stock Photo)
漩涡般的心境 A vortex state of mind
Rock formations at Sedona, Arizona
Sedona, Arizona, is a place where nature, history, and spirituality converge amidst stunning red rock formations. These fiery sandstone creations, part of the Schnebly Hill Formation, were shaped over millions of years during the Permian Period as sediment accumulated in an ancient sea. Over time, erosion has further sculpted Sedona's landscapes, which now glow brilliantly at sunrise and sunset. Notable formations such as Wilson Mountain, Seven Sacred Pools, and Cathedral Rock offer iconic views.
Sedona isn't just a geological wonder; it's also steeped in history. Native American people have called this region home for millennia. Without any written history, most of the information about the earliest settlers comes from the archaeological ruins that remain, including rock art, cliff dwellings, and pueblos such as Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot. Visitors can also experience Sedona's renowned energy vortexes—spiritual sites said to promote healing and balance. These areas, marked by twisted juniper trees and breathtaking views, add a mystical dimension to Sedona's allure.
罗马广场上的罗马萨图尔诺农神庙,罗马,意大利 The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Nico De Pasquale Photography/Getty Images)
罗马广场上的罗马萨图尔诺农神庙,罗马,意大利 The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy (© Nico De Pasquale Photography/Getty Images)
“朋友们,罗马人,同胞们…” Friends, Romans, countrymen
正如莎士比亚在其戏剧《尤利乌斯·凯撒》中所写:“朋友们,罗马人,同胞们,请听我说。”今天是三月十五日,一个深深烙印在罗马历史与传统中的日子。在罗马历法中,“十五日”指的是每月的中旬,通常标志着满月。这一天曾是庆祝节日和公共集会的日子。然而,在公元前 44 年,三月十五日成为政治动荡与背叛的代名词,并引发了罗马共和国覆灭的关键事件。在那个决定性的日子,罗马独裁者凯撒遭到一群元老院成员的刺杀。其中甚至包括他的亲密盟友布鲁图斯。这些密谋者自认为是在拯救共和国,阻止凯撒权力日益膨胀。凯撒在庞贝剧院附近遇刺,这一历史性时刻的影响却回荡在罗马广场,这里曾是罗马政治与社会生活的中心。
Ides of March
As Shakespeare wrote in his play 'Julius Caesar,' 'Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.' Today is the Ides of March, a day steeped in Roman history and tradition. The term 'Ides' referred to the midpoint of the month in the Roman calendar, often marking the full moon. It was a time of celebration, with festivals and public gatherings. However, in 44 BCE, the Ides of March became synonymous with political upheaval, betrayal, and an event that would trigger the fall of the Roman Republic. On that fateful day, Julius Caesar, Rome's powerful dictator, was assassinated by a group of senators. The conspirators, including his close ally Brutus, believed they were saving the Republic from Caesar's growing authority. Caesar was attacked near the Theater of Pompey, but the tension of that moment echoed through the Roman Forum—the beating heart of Rome's political and social life.
Strolling through the Forum, in present-day Italy, you can now see the remnants of history and the ruins of a once-mighty empire. Among its many treasures is the Temple of Saturn, pictured here. One of the Forum's oldest and most revered structures, it once guarded the Roman treasury, a stark symbol of the Republic Caesar's assassins claimed to protect.
索尔吉奈特克斯的巨石墓,巴斯克地区,阿拉瓦省,西班牙 Dolmen of Sorginetxe, Basque Country, Álava, Spain (© David Herraez Calzada/plainpicture)
索尔吉奈特克斯的巨石墓,巴斯克地区,阿拉瓦省,西班牙 Dolmen of Sorginetxe, Basque Country, Álava, Spain (© David Herraez Calzada/plainpicture)
天空中的圆周率 Pi in the sky
计算圆的周长与直径的比值就像 π 一样简单。今天是圆周率日,一个专门庆祝这一数学常数的节日。这个日期之所以被选中,是因为3、1、4正是圆周率π的前三位有效数字。作为一个无理数,圆周率无法被写成分数,其小数部分会无限延伸且不重复。人类对 π 的探索可以追溯到公元前 1900 年左右的古巴比伦和古埃及。
然而,圆周率日的正式起源相对较晚。20 世纪 80 年代,物理学家拉里·肖在旧金山一家科学博物馆组织了首次圆周率日的庆祝活动。当天,工作人员围着圆圈行走,品尝与 π(Pi)谐音的馅饼(Pie),以此象征这一数学常数。今日图片带我们来到西班牙北部的阿拉瓦,星空在索尔吉奈特克斯的巨石墓上空旋转划出圆形轨迹。这座史前巨石遗迹可追溯至公元前 3000 年。自古以来,圆周率(π)在天文学研究中扮演着重要角色,印度和波斯的天文学家曾计算出最早且最精确的圆周率近似值,为人类探索宇宙奠定了基础。
Celebrating Pi Day
Calculating the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is as easy as pi. Today is Pi Day, an event that celebrates this mathematical constant. This date was chosen because 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant figures of pi (π) when it is written out. Pi is an irrational number, which means that it can't be written as a fraction. When written out, its decimal representation goes on infinitely without repeating. The oldest attempts to calculate pi date back to ancient Babylon and Egypt, around 1900 BCE.
Pi Day, however, has more recent origins. In the 1980s, physicist Larry Shaw organized the first celebration, where staff at a San Francisco science museum walked around in circles and then ate the number's delicious homophones: pies. Today's image takes us to Álava, northern Spain. The circular motion of the stars appears above the Dolmen of Sorginetxe, an ancient megalithic monument dating back to 3000 BCE. Pi has long played a key role in the study of the stars, and some of the most accurate early approximations of the number were calculated by Indian and Persian astronomers.
努沙佩尼达岛的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)
努沙佩尼达岛的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)
大海的非凡造化 When the ocean breaks the rules
努沙佩尼达岛的破碎海滩, 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚
岛上最具代表性的景点之一便是破碎海滩,当地人称其为“Pasih Uug”,如今日图片所示。这片奇景由海浪经过数千年的侵蚀,逐渐凿刻出一个圆形海湾,并在尽头形成一片小型白色沙滩。关于它的形成,当地流传着各种传说。有些人认为这是巨人的脚印,而另一些人则说它是愤怒的巫师制造的神秘遗迹。在这里探索时,你可能还会在海湾下方的清澈水域看到蝠鲼优雅地滑行,展示着这座岛屿丰富的海洋生物。站在悬崖之巅俯瞰,破碎海滩无与伦比的景色,这里成为摄影爱好者和寻求宁静之地的游客体验大自然神奇魅力的绝佳去处。
Broken Beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia
Let's be real—the beaches in Bali are beautiful, but the ones in Nusa Penida? That's a whole new vibe. This off-the-beaten-path island, part of the Bali province, is where nature gets a little wild, and the sights are nothing short of epic. With its rugged cliffs and clear waters, the island offers an escape from Bali's busier tourist hubs. The name 'Nusa Penida' translates to 'island of priests,' and historically, it served as a spiritual retreat, with temples and rituals that locals still honor today.
One of the island's most iconic attractions is Broken Beach, or 'Pasih Uug,' as locals call it, seen in today's image. This marvel features a circular bay in the cliff rocks, carved out by the relentless ocean waves, leading to a small white-sand beach. Some local legends claim the hollow bay was formed by a giant's footsteps, while others attribute it to an angry sorcerer. As you explore, you might spot manta rays gliding gracefully through the waters below, showcasing the island's marine life. The views from the top are unmatched, making this spot a haven for photographers and those seeking a peaceful escape.
圣马可钟楼,威尼斯,意大利 St. Mark's Clock Tower, Venice, Italy (© scaliger/Getty Images)
圣马可钟楼,威尼斯,意大利 St. Mark's Clock Tower, Venice, Italy (© scaliger/Getty Images)
时间的步伐 The March of time
又到了一年中的这个时刻,时钟拨快一小时,虽然少睡了一小时,但换来了更长的傍晚时光。今年的夏令时从今天凌晨2点正式开始,亚利桑那州和夏威夷州除外,这再次提醒我们,时间从不会等待任何人。夏令时的理念很简单:最大化利用自然光,减少能源消耗。这一概念最早在 18 世纪由本杰明·富兰克林提出,尽管他当时 “节省蜡烛”的建议更像是一种讽刺,而非严肃提议。时间快进到 20 世纪初,许多国家在战争期间采用夏令时以节省燃料。美国于 1966 年颁布了《统一时间法案》,正式将夏时令标准化。如今,全球约70个国家实行夏令时,通常从3月持续到11月,让人们享受长达八个月的漫长夜晚。
今日图片中的圣马可钟楼位于意大利威尼斯,已有500 多年的历史。这座文艺复兴时期的杰作不仅显示时间,还追踪月亮、太阳和黄道十二宫的运行。钟楼顶部矗立着威尼斯的标志,一只带翼的圣马可飞狮,以及两个青铜摩尔人,他们以精准的节奏敲响钟声,仿佛在演绎一场精心编排的戏剧。
Daylight saving time begins
It's the time of year again when clocks spring forward, stealing an hour of sleep but giving us longer evenings to enjoy. Daylight saving time (DST) starts today at 2 AM, except in Arizona and Hawaii, reminding us that time, quite literally, waits for no one. The idea is simple: maximizing daylight and reducing energy consumption by syncing our activities with the natural light cycle. This concept was popularized by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century, though his suggestion to 'save candles' was more satirical than a serious proposal. Fast-forward to the early 20th century, when many countries adopted DST to conserve fuel during wartime. The US officially standardized it in 1966 with the Uniform Time Act. Today, DST runs from March to November in around 70 countries, giving eight months of extended evening light.
The clock in today's image—St. Mark's Clock Tower—is in Venice, Italy, where it has been keeping time for over 500 years. This Renaissance masterpiece tracks the moon, the sun, and the zodiac. Towering above is the city's iconic winged lion and two bronze Moors who strike the bell with theatrical precision.
石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州瓦登海国家公园,德国 Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, Germany (© 3quarks/Getty Images)
石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州瓦登海国家公园,德国 Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, Germany (© 3quarks/Getty Images)
原始纯净的自然天堂 Untouched natural paradise
作为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部分,石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因瓦登海国家公园不仅是一片珍贵的生态系统,同时也是德国北海海岸上的真正自然天堂。公园占地面积达 4410 平方公里,是德国最大的国家公园。在这里,游客可以近距离感受潮汐的奇妙变化,探索这片独特的生态景观。这里栖息着大量鸟类、鱼类和海洋哺乳动物,展现出令人惊叹的生物多样性。