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兰贝里斯山口脚下的多尔巴达恩城堡,威尔士 (© Viktoria Rodriguez/Getty Images)
双杰克湖,班夫国家公园,艾伯塔省,加拿大 (© SnapRapid/Offset)
科托尔湾的圣乔治海峡和圣母湾,黑山 Saint George Island and Our Lady of the Rocks in the Bay of Kotor, Perast, Montenegro (© Dmitrii Sakharov/Shutterstock)
科托尔湾的圣乔治海峡和圣母湾,黑山 Saint George Island and Our Lady of the Rocks in the Bay of Kotor, Perast, Montenegro (© Dmitrii Sakharov/Shutterstock)
用誓言打造的岛屿 An island made from a vow
Our Lady of the Rocks
Local legend here in Perast, Montenegro, has it that two brothers were returning from a dangerous sea voyage in 1452 when they spotted an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child in the waters near Saint George, a natural island in the Bay of Kotor. One of the brothers had injured his leg on the journey, but in the morning it had healed. Taking this as an omen, they vowed to honor the Virgin Mary by building her a church on the spot where they'd spotted the icon. They began dropping stones there, and even scuttling old ships. A tradition was born, and over decades, the fishermen of Perast would drop a stone in the water at that spot before heading to sea.
Over time an island rose out of the bay and a church was erected on it. The centuries since have seen tumult, war, pirate attacks, and at least one devastating earthquake, but Our Lady of the Rocks still stands. The tiny isle continues to grow, as each summer on the evening of July 22, the town celebrates Fašinada, a ritual procession of barges and boats that take more stones to Our Lady of the Rocks. The church is decorated with 68 frescos by local artist Tripo Kokolja (1661-1713) and boasts more than 2,500 silver votives donated by locals.
伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)
伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)
绝妙的对称性 Stunning symmetry
Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, England
Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds comprise a living, vibrant park, and just not because of their 14 acres of colorful displays and ornate flowerbeds—they have changed with the times, all while still jealously guarding their history. The site here in the county of Suffolk, in eastern England, was originally home to a powerful Benedictine Abbey in medieval times—in fact, 2022 marks the 1000th anniversary of the storied abbey. You can still visit the abbey ruins and marvel at the 14th-century Great Gate and Norman Tower, which have survived through the ages. Nathaniel Hodson took the original Abbey Gardens and designed them as a botanic garden in 1831, using the Royal Botanic Gardens in Brussels, with its concentric circles, as his inspiration.
A century later, the people of Bury St Edmunds saw the popular park's circular beds replaced by 64 island beds in honor of George VI's coronation, which they celebrated in 1937, all set off by specially designed illuminations. A water garden and rose garden added more dimensions to the park, followed by an herb garden (the monks of yesteryear would be happy) and a sensory garden for the visually impaired. Today, gardeners plant about 20,000 plants in the spring to dazzle summer visitors, and then they do the same with 12,000 plants and 20,000 bulbs each fall in anticipation of a colorful display the next spring.
伯里圣埃德蒙的修道院花园是一个充满活力的公园,但这并不是因为它们14英亩的彩色展示和华丽的花坛,它们随着时代的变化而变化,同时仍在嫉妒地守护着它们的历史。该遗址位于英格兰东部萨福克郡,中世纪时曾是一座强大的本笃会修道院的所在地。事实上,2022年是这座历史悠久的修道院的1000周年纪念日。你仍然可以参观修道院遗址,并惊叹于14世纪的大门和诺曼塔,它们历久弥新。1831年,纳撒尼尔·霍德森(Nathaniel Hodson)以布鲁塞尔皇家植物园(Royal botanic Gardens)及其同心圆为灵感,将修道院最初的花园设计为植物园。
一组月相照片 Composite photo showing the phases of the moon (© Delpixart/Getty Images)
一组月相照片 Composite photo showing the phases of the moon (© Delpixart/Getty Images)
人类迈出的一大步 One giant leap for mankind
National Moon Day
Bigger and brighter than anything else you can see from Earth in the night sky, the moon has inspired our calendar, our songs, our art, our stories, and our dreams. Today, on National Moon Day, we remember one dream that came true on this date in 1969: the day humans first set foot on the lunar surface. So far, it's the only place beyond our planet that humans have visited.
Fifty-three years ago, millions of people around the world watched NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong step out of the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle and onto the surface of the moon. Fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin followed him 19 minutes later, and the pair spent more than two hours exploring the landing site and collecting samples of lunar material. They and a third astronaut, Michael Collins—who flew the command module that took them back to Earth and did not have a moon walk of his own—spent eight days in space before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean. The moon landing gave the US a victory in the Space Race with the Soviets.
The moon is Earth's only natural satellite, orbiting our planet about every 28 days, what we refer to as a lunar cycle. The moon has virtually no atmosphere, no evidence of life, no water, no sound, and very low gravity. It is literally a dusty ball of rock. Yet, the moon stabilizes Earth's wobble on its axis and therefore moderates our climate. Most scientists believe it was formed out of debris ejected from Earth after a massive collision with another planet-like body. If that's true, the moon is part of Earth, inextricably linked forever.
五十三年前,全世界数百万人观看了美国宇航局宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗走出阿波罗登月舱“鹰”登上月球表面。19分钟后,另一名宇航员巴兹·奥尔德林跟随他,两人花了两个多小时探索着陆点并收集月球物质样本。他们和第三名宇航员迈克尔·柯林斯(Michael Collins)在太空中度过了八天,然后坠入太平洋。迈克尔·柯林斯驾驶着指挥舱将他们带回了地球,他自己也没有进行过月球行走。登月使美国在与苏联的太空竞赛中取得了胜利。
基姆湖上的淑女岛,德国巴伐利亚州 Aerial view of Fraueninsel island in Chiemsee, Bavaria, Germany (© Malorny/Getty Images)
基姆湖上的淑女岛,德国巴伐利亚州 Aerial view of Fraueninsel island in Chiemsee, Bavaria, Germany (© Malorny/Getty Images)
“巴伐利亚海”中的岛屿 Island in the "Bavarian Sea"
Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, Bayern
Just 15.5 hectares in size, the Fraueninsel is still the second-largest island in the Chiemsee after the Herreninsel - admittedly, there are only three inland islands in total, and the tiny Krautinsel as the third in the group is also uninhabited. The car-free Fraueninsel, whose appearance is mainly characterized by the Benedictine monastery of Frauenchiemsee (also known as Frauenwörth), founded in 782, can be reached all year round with the passenger ships of the Chiemsee shipping company.
The only settlement on the Fraueninsel is called Frauenchiemsee. It consists of about 50 houses in which around 250 people live. The name of the place and the island are often used synonymously. Chiemsee, which covers almost 80 square kilometers, is Bavaria's largest lake and Germany's third-largest after Lake Constance and Müritz. In the absence of its own seashore, an affectionate nickname for Lake Chiemsee has emerged among the Bavarian population over time: it is very often referred to as the "Bavarian Sea".
布满奇石的青海岛,日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)
布满奇石的青海岛,日本北长门海岸国定公园 Omijima Island in Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, Japan (© Sean Pavone Photo/Adobe Stock)
海上阿尔卑斯山 Alps of the sea
Marine Day in Japan
The striking coastline of Omijima Island has earned it the nickname 'The Alps of the Sea.' Its sheer cliffs and dramatic angles certainly echo the skyscraping peaks in that European mountain range. But a visit to Omijimi Island will take you to the other side of the world, to Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park, in Yamaguchi, Japan. Year-round scuba diving adventures reveal a world under the waves just as beautiful as the one above the surface.
北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)
北狼丘里的"波浪谷",美国亚利桑那州 'The Wave' sandstone formation in Coyote Buttes North, Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona (© Dennis Frates/Alamy)
乘风破浪 Ride the wave
The Wave at Coyote Buttes
By showing you this coveted sight, we're saving you a bit of an ordeal. For a close-up view like this of 'The Wave,' a whorled sandstone formation in the northern Arizona wilderness, you'd have to navigate a rugged and mostly trail-free hiking route in typically scorching temperatures. You'd also need to have a permit in your pocket. To protect the landscape, only a small number are available, offered through a daily lottery. But maybe for you the journey is at least as important as the destination? If so, this is just one hike of many in the expansive Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, which protects more than 100,000 acres of Arizona and Utah canyonland.
通过向你们展示这一令人垂涎的景象,我们为你们省去了一点磨难。要想近距离拍摄“The Wave”,这是亚利桑那州北部荒野中的一个螺纹砂岩地层,你必须在典型的酷热天气下,沿着崎岖不平、几乎没有足迹的徒步路线行走。你还需要口袋里有许可证。为了保护景观,只有少数人可以通过每日彩票获得。但也许对你来说,旅程至少和目的地一样重要?如果是这样的话,这只是帕里亚峡谷朱红色悬崖国家纪念碑中众多徒步旅行中的一次,该纪念碑保护着亚利桑那州和犹他州超过10万英亩的峡谷地。
阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)
阿罗内镇的村落,意大利翁布里亚大区 The village of Arrone in Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)
时光倒流...... Step back in time...
Arrone in Umbria, Italy
Close your eyes and picture a charming medieval Italian village, perched on a hill, church bells marking the hours, a hazy spread of patchwork fields fading into the distance. Well, that's the ancient village of Arrone. (On second thought, we probably didn't need the photo.) Arrone looks over the Valnerina, a valley carved by the river Nera, which twists its way through Italy's scenic Umbria region, known as the Green Heart of Italy.
When you stroll through the narrow alleys between 9th-century stone houses, it's like entering a time warp. Gaze out from the fortifications, imagining battles of the past. You'll easily spot the iconic square clock tower, with an ancient olive tree on top—it's what remains of the fortress built by the founders of the village, the Arroni family.
As you're walking through the past, make sure to visit both of Arrone's churches. Since you're at the top of the village—'la Terra,' to locals—explore the modest 13th-century San Giovanni Battista church and its stunning works of art. Check out the bell tower, too: The 'Campanari di Arrone' (bell ringers of Arrone) are guardians of traditional bell-ringing methods. In the village's lower section, you'll find the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which is filled with gorgeous frescoes dating to the early-16th and 17th centuries. And don't forget to marvel at the 16th-century glazed terra-cotta sculptures. So many ways to explore history in such a little village.
当你回顾过去时,一定要参观阿隆的两座教堂。既然你在“la Terra”村的顶端,当地人就可以探索13世纪的圣乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔教堂(San Giovanni Battista church)及其令人叹为观止的艺术品。也可以去看看钟楼:“坎帕纳里·迪·阿隆”(阿隆的敲钟者)是传统敲钟方法的守护者。在村庄的较低部分,你会发现圣玛利亚阿桑塔教堂,教堂内有16世纪和17世纪早期的华丽壁画。别忘了惊叹16世纪的釉面陶俑雕塑。在这样一个小村庄里,探索历史的方式有很多。
巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)
巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)
巨石中的巨石 Rocks rock!
International Rock Day
Today is International Rock Day and we're giving due respect to these geological wonders. It might seem odd to sing the praises of rock, but think about it. Rocks have been with humankind since the beginning. From tools to housing to weapons, they've been key to our survival. A period of our history was so reliant on rocks that it will be forever known as the Stone Age. We would not be where we are today without the many minerals found on our planet, so rock on!
To celebrate, we're going to focus on one marvelous rock in particular: basalt, the most abundant volcanic rock on Earth. Here at the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, there are roughly 40,000 interlocking hexagonal columns of basalt formed after an ancient eruption. According to one Gaelic legend, however, this was built as a battleground for two giants, Ireland's Finn MacCool and Scotland's Benandonner. Another legend suggests MacCool built the causeway to cross the North Channel to meet a Scottish lover.
Revered as one of the United Kingdom's greatest natural wonders, the Giant's Causeway is one of the most popular tourist spots in Northern Ireland. If you can't make the journey, thanks to the way basalt naturally forms these polygonal columns, you could find some to construct a walkway of cobblestones to battle your own giants. At the very least, you'd have a sturdy rock that lasts the test of time.