
鸟瞰罗伊斯河上的教堂桥,瑞士卢塞恩 (© Neleman Initiative/Gallery Stock) Aerial view of Chapel Bridge over the river Reuss in Lucerne, Switzerland (© Neleman Initiative/Gallery Stock)

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鸟瞰罗伊斯上的教堂瑞士卢塞恩 (© Neleman Initiative/Gallery Stock) Aerial view of Chapel Bridge over the river Reuss in Lucerne, Switzerland (© Neleman Initiative/Gallery Stock)

A Swiss city of bridges

We're in the heart of Switzerland looking down on the compact city of Lucerne, a charming waterfront setting along the shores of its namesake lake and the river Reuss. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains just out of frame, Lucerne lies in the Swiss-German speaking part of central Switzerland and is divided into two parts linked by a series of bridges. The most famous of these bridges—the centerpiece and symbol of Lucerne—is the Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge), a covered wooden footbridge which you can see spanning diagonally across the Reuss in our photo. The building rising from the river alongside the footbridge is a medieval water tower, which has been used as a prison, torture chamber, local archive, and treasury.

Originally built in 1333 as part of Lucerne's fortifications, Chapel Bridge connected the old town on the right bank of the Reuss to the new town on the left, securing the city from attack via Lake Lucerne to the south. It is believed to be the oldest covered wooden bridge in Europe, as well as the world's oldest surviving truss bridge, although much of it had to be replaced after a devastating fire in 1993. Named for the nearby St. Peter's Chapel—the oldest original church structure in Lucerne—Chapel Bridge is picturesque in more ways than one: There are dozens of interior paintings on triangular panels underneath the bridge's roof that date back to the 17th century. The paintings by local Catholic artist Hans Heinrich Wägmann depict historical events from the town, and despite the fire destroying most of the artwork, you can still admire some of the original paintings when crossing the river.


我们在瑞士的中心,俯瞰着紧凑的城市卢塞恩,这是一个迷人的海滨城市,坐落在与之同名的和雷乌斯河沿岸。卢塞恩位于瑞士中部讲瑞士德语的地区,四周是刚出格的,被一系列桥梁连接起来,分成两部分。这些桥中最著名的是卡佩尔布桥——卢塞恩的中心和象征ü教堂桥(Chapel Bridge),一座有盖的木制人行天桥,你可以在我们的照片中看到它斜跨在罗伊斯河上。沿着人行天桥从河里拔地而起的建筑是一座中世纪水塔,它曾被用作监狱、刑讯室、地方档案馆和国库。


Nā pali海岸上的Bright Eye海蚀洞,夏威夷考艾岛 Bright Eye sea cave on the Nā Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaii (© jimkruger/Getty Images)

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Nā pali海岸上的Bright Eye海蚀夏威夷考艾 Bright Eye sea cave on the Nā Pali Coast, Kauai, Hawaii (© jimkruger/Getty Images)

Just another day in paradise

It takes some effort to reach the stunning Nā Pali Coast on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Located on the northwest side and stretching about 16 miles, Nā Pali isn't accessible by car. You have to hike in, fly in by helicopter, or come at it from the sea by boat. In the summer, when the waves are calm, you can explore the rugged coast by kayak, but you'll need a solid supply of muscle power for the sometimes-grueling paddle. If you seek a gentler approach—and if COVID restrictions allow—book a boat trip to explore the interiors of the sea caves that dot the shore. Today, we're looking down on the Bright Eye sea cave, one of several open-ceiling caves that lost their ceilings to the pounding of the sea.


它需要一些努力,以达到惊人的Nā Pali夏威夷考艾岛的巴利海岸。位于西北侧,向北延伸约16英里Nā Pali岛不能开车去。你必须徒步旅行,乘直升飞机,或者乘从海上来。在夏季,当海浪平静的时候,你可以用皮划艇探索崎岖的海岸,但是你需要一个坚实的肌肉力量来支撑有时会很费力的划桨。如果你寻求一个更温和的方法,如果科维德限制允许预订一个船旅行,探索内部的海洋洞穴点缀海岸。今天,我们俯瞰着明亮的眼睛海洞,它是几个开放式洞穴中的一个,因为海水的冲击而失去了它们的天板。

鸟瞰皮纳图博火山湖和山脉,菲律宾波拉克 Aerial view of volcanic Lake Pinatubo and mountains, Porac, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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鸟瞰皮纳图博火山山脉菲律宾波拉克 Aerial view of volcanic Lake Pinatubo and mountains, Porac, Philippines (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

Are you older than this lake?

If you were born before summer 1991, the answer is yes. Sorry if you already felt a bit long in the tooth, but it's true: Before 30 years ago, Lake Pinatubo was just a rumble in Mount Pinatubo's magma-filled belly. It was a calamitous eruption on June 15, 1991—one of the 20th century's most powerful—that blew off Pinatubo's original summit and formed a vast crater, which gradually filled with water as greenery reclaimed the summit.

Located about 50 miles from the Philippines' capital of Manila, the crater was for many years a niche destination for hardy hikers, requiring days of travel to reach. More recently, a 4x4 road and tended hiking trail were added, reducing the rugged journey to a day trip.




加拿大亚伯达省贾斯珀国家公园马利尼湖的精神岛 Spirit Island in Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Penner/EyeEm/Getty Images)

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Spirit Island in Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada (© Jeff Penner/EyeEm/Getty Images)

A photographer's paradise

If you are dreaming of an escape to paradise, look no further. Welcome to one of the most photographed sites in the majestic Canadian Rockies. Located in Jasper National Park in Alberta, the scenic Maligne Lake is 22 kilometres long, making it the largest natural lake out here. In the middle of this lake, sits the iconic Spirit Island which is only accessible via tour boats or private boats. The glacial, azure-blue waters, pine trees and snow-capped peaks frame Spirit Island, epitomizing the beauty of Jasper. In addition to admiring the natural beauty here, visitors can engage in activities such as hiking, fishing and kayaking during summer and skiing and snowshoeing in the winter.



大弯国家公园中里奥格兰德河的景色,德克萨斯州 View of the Rio Grande River in Big Bend National Park, Texas (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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大弯国家公园中里奥格兰德的景色,德克萨斯州 View of the Rio Grande River in Big Bend National Park, Texas (© Ian Shive/Tandem Stills + Motion)

In Texas, even the riverbend is big

We're celebrating the 77th birthday of Big Bend National Park, the place the National Park Service calls 'one of the last remaining wild corners of the United States.' To get here, you have to be committed. This rugged terrain, which covers almost a million acres, is one of the most remote spots in the country—it's hours from the nearest towns or the closest airport, making it one of the least-visited national parks in the country. Those who do make the effort to get to Big Bend are rewarded with an undeveloped natural beauty, and silence, two things that seem to be in short supply these days.

At Big Bend you'll find craggy hiking trails, red mountain vistas, limestone canyons, and hot springs alongside the famous Rio Grande. There's also the wildlife you'd expect to find in the Wild, Wild West, including rattlesnakes, packs of javelinas, and 20 species of bats. But it's the huge night sky unencumbered by light pollution that draws stargazers to Big Bend from all over the world. After all, everything, as they say, is bigger in Texas.




格伦·埃蒂夫盛开着石南花的小湖,苏格兰 Small loch in Glen Etive, Scotland (© Oliver Hellowell/Minden Pictures)

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格伦·埃蒂夫盛开着石南的小苏格兰 Small loch in Glen Etive, Scotland (© Oliver Hellowell/Minden Pictures)

An island in the Highlands

Here in the Scottish Highlands, there's something about the rugged environs of Glen Etive that has tickled the imaginations of both ancient and modern storytellers. A glen is a long, narrow valley and this one is especially beautiful. It has strange footnotes in both Irish and Scottish folklore. The name itself translates to 'little fierce one' and is given in honor of Etive, the Gaelic goddess long associated with nearby Loch Etive.

According to an Irish myth, Glen Etive was founded by the tragic heroine Deirdre and her lover Naoise after they were forced into exile. In Scottish folklore, Glen Etive is said to be the home of a mythical creature called a Fachan--a giant cyclops with one leg, a single tuft of hair, and a lone hand protruding from its chest. Glen Etive has caught the attention of modern storytellers as well, drawn to its history and beautiful scenery. A surprising number of TV shows and major films, like 'Braveheart' and the James Bond installment 'Skyfall,' have shot on location here.

Glen Etive is also one of Scotland's 40 National Scenic Areas, and is a favorite destination for white water kayakers, who journey here to shoot down the series of rapids, falls, and pool drops along the River Etive. Hikers trek the mountain trails around Ben Starav to the southeast and the Glen Coe mountains in the north. Some of these of hikers are known as 'peak baggers,' who make it a game to summit every peak in the region. So far, about 4,000 or so people have completed the entire list of 284 Scottish peaks, or 'munros' as they're known locally.





2012年5月20日新墨西哥上空的日环食 Annular eclipse over New Mexico, May 20, 2012 (© ssucsy/Getty Images)

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2012年5月20日新墨西哥上空的日环食 Annular eclipse over New Mexico, May 20, 2012 (© ssucsy/Getty Images)

Ring of fire

No, this isn't some kind of early promo for 'Halo: Infinite.' Today's homepage image shows an annular solar eclipse captured in New Mexico in 2012. ('Annular' is just a fancy word for doughnut-shaped.) It's not unlike the eclipse some northerly parts of the world will enjoy today.

Annular eclipses like today's occur when the moon is at its apogee, or the furthest distance in its orbit from Earth. Since the moon looks its smallest to us now, it can't fully cover the sun—but the lucky few living in far northern Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia will have tickets to a one-ring solar circus once everything lines up just right.




埃尔瓦什附近的格拉萨圣母堡,葡萄牙 Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort near Elvas, Portugal (© Luis Pina Photography/Shutterstock)

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埃尔瓦什附近的格拉萨圣母堡,葡萄牙 Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort near Elvas, Portugal (© Luis Pina Photography/Shutterstock)

A Portuguese fort takes a star turn

Perched on a strategic hillside, high above the hot, dry plains of eastern Portugal, the Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort has been called a masterpiece of 18th-century military architecture. The thick wall that surrounds the fortress are shaped in a star pattern, with pentagonal bastions jutting out from the curtain wall at the corners. We're looking at one of those bastions in the center of our image.

A stone's throw from the Spanish border, the Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort was built to defend the garrison border town of Elvas. It's a region shaped by war. The Spanish laid siege to the area during the Portuguese Restoration War (1640-1668), but after the Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort was built a century later, the town was never defeated. With its 144 cannons, the fort resisted an attack by another wave of Spanish forces during the 1801 War of the Oranges and 10 years later drove back an invading French army during the Peninsular War.

Eventually the fort became a political prison, which it remained until 1974, when it was abandoned and fell into ruin. But it was restored after 2012, when UNESCO recognized the entire historical center of Elvas—including the Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort, a few other nearby forts, and the 16th-century Amoreira Aqueduct—as a World Heritage Site.


坐落在战略坡上,高出葡萄牙东部炎热干燥的平原,Nossa Senhora da Graç堡垒被称为18世纪军事建筑的杰作。围绕堡垒的厚墙呈星形,五角形堡垒从墙角的幕墙中伸出。我们看到的是图像中心的一个堡垒。

西班牙边境只有一箭之遥,Nossa Senhora da Graç一座堡垒是为了保卫守军边境城镇埃尔瓦斯而建的。这是一个战争形成的地区。在葡萄牙复辟战争(1640-1668)期间,西班牙人包围了该地区,但在诺萨塞诺拉大格拉之后ç一个世纪后建了一座堡垒,这个城镇从未被打败。在1801年的橘子战争中,这座拥有144门大炮的堡垒抵抗了西班牙军队的另一波进攻,10年后在半岛战争中击退了入侵的法国军队。


加利福尼亚湾中数千条杰克鱼成群游动,墨西哥普尔莫角国家公园 Thousands of jack fish swimming together at Cabo Pulmo National Park, Sea of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico (© Christian Vizl/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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加利福尼亚中数千条杰克鱼成群游动,墨西哥普尔莫角国家公园 Thousands of jack fish swimming together at Cabo Pulmo National Park, Sea of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico (© Christian Vizl/Tandem Stills + Motion)

A day for our oceans

To celebrate World Oceans Day, we're swimming through a shoal of jack fish just off the coast of Baja, California, in Cabo Pulmo National Park. This Mexican marine park in the Sea of Cortez is home to the northernmost and oldest coral reef on the west coast of North America, estimated to be about 20,000 years old. Jacks are clearly plentiful here, but divers and snorkelers in Cabo Pulmo can also come across many other species of fish and marine mammals, including many varieties of sharks, whales, dolphins, tortoises, and manta rays.

For this year's World Oceans Day, the UN chose the theme 'The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods,' to raise awareness of the nearly 3 billion people worldwide who depend on oceans for their food and way of life. The residents of Cabo Pulmo know a little about this—to help revitalize their previously unprotected and overfished waters, the Mexican government turned Cabo Pulmo into a national park in 1995. But more controversially, they also banned fishing, a big deal in an area where many residents lived off the food they caught by hand. The preservation efforts paid off, though—researchers say the park experienced a 460% increase in the number of fish living in park waters between 1999 and 2009, turning Cabo Pulmo one of the world's most robust marine reserves. Now, many residents who once relied on fishing have been able to move into jobs in ecotourism or other vocations supporting the park.


