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克罗索尔山谷,斯诺多尼亚国家公园,英国威尔士 (© Matthew Williams Ellis/Plainpicture)

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克罗索尔山谷,斯诺多尼亚国家公园英国威尔士 (© Matthew Williams Ellis/Plainpicture)






戈德雷维灯塔,英国康沃尔郡 (© Paul Nash/Shutterstock)

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戈德雷维灯塔英国康沃尔郡 (© Paul Nash/Shutterstock)



戈德雷维灯塔坐落在美丽的康沃尔郡圣艾夫斯的戈德雷维上,它是一座白色八角塔,建于19世纪50年代末,高86英尺(26 米),由铺有砂浆的碎石制成。它几乎位于岛的中心,最初为饲养员提供小屋,而后用来保护只免受危险暗礁的侵袭。1995年,灯塔被进行了一次现代化的改造,改用太阳能供电。2012年,英国领公会(Trinity House)停止使用塔内的灯,取而代之的是安装在靠近岩石的钢制平台上的LED灯。

蒙茅斯海滩的菊石路面,英国多塞特侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地 Ammonite Pavement at Monmouth Beach, Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, Dorset, England (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

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蒙茅斯海滩菊石路面,英国多塞特侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地 Ammonite Pavement at Monmouth Beach, Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, Dorset, England (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)

回到过去 Stepping back in time


回溯1.99亿年,前往英国多塞特的侏罗纪海岸世界遗产地。这幅令人惊叹的化石展示图被称为“氨岩路面”,数千块化石被埋藏在蒙茅斯海滩西端的石灰岩岩架中。虽然菊石看起来很像蜗牛壳,但它们是已灭绝海洋生物的化石,与当今的章鱼或鱿鱼关系更为密切。英国自然历史博物馆(British’s Natural History Museum)指出,由于菊石的数量和大小,这个充满化石的岩架在世界上是独一无二的:化石直径高达27英寸。如果你想看看,时间就是低潮时岩壁出现的一切,附近的大岩石中也有更多的菊石。


Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, England

Travel back 199 million years with a trip to the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in Dorset, England. This stunning fossil display is known as the Ammonite Pavement, and thousands of these fossils are embedded in a limestone ledge at the west end of Monmouth Beach. Although the ammonites look rather like snail shells, these are fossils of extinct sea creatures that are more closely related to today's octopus or squid. Britain's Natural History Museum notes that the fossil-filled ledge is unique in the world because of the sheer number and size of the ammonites: The fossils reach up to 27 inches in diameter. If you want to check them out, timing is everything—the ledge emerges at low tide, and there are more ammonites in large rocks nearby, too.

Today is National Fossil Day, when we celebrate the fascinating world of extinct creatures and plants. It's no coincidence that it falls during Earth Science Week: We can learn more about our planet and all living things from this visible, touchable legacy of our past.

康沃尔郡的彭赞斯,英国 Penzance in Cornwall, England (© Murray Bosley Photography/Getty Images)

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康沃尔郡彭赞斯英国 Penzance in Cornwall, England (© Murray Bosley Photography/Getty Images)

彭赞斯全景 Panoramic Penzance


This bustling coastal town is Penzance in Cornwall, on England’s southwest coast, forever linked with pirates thanks to Gilbert and Sullivan’s famous comic opera. These days, visitors are more likely to be tourists attracted by the wide sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and hidden coves once frequented by smugglers and wreckers. Jutting out from the seafront in our homepage photo is the UK’s largest seawater lido, the Jubilee Pool, which has been welcoming bathers since 1935. This triangular Art Deco pool offers a chilly dip for the brave, but for those who like it warmer, a separate saltwater pool is heated to a balmy 35C by pumping heat from a geothermal well 1,345ft (410m) below ground level.

Penzance sits just across Mount’s Bay from the tidal island of St Michael’s Mount, with its historic castle and chapel, linked to the mainland by a causeway that disappears at high tide. If you want a break from the beach, there’s plenty of history to explore here. The town’s name comes from “Pen Sans” in Cornish, meaning holy headland – early Christians established a chapel here over 1,000 years ago. It has been a commercial center since the 1600s and boomed thanks to the maritime trade of the 18th and 19th centuries and, since the 1860s, the Great Western Railway link to London. Ruins of old tin and copper mines dot the coastline, part of a wider Unesco World Heritage Site celebrating the mining landscape across Cornwall and neighboring West Devon.

But if you find you’ve eaten your fill of Cornish pasties in this tourist hotspot, you can always hop on a ferry from Penzance to explore the Isles of Scilly, the remote archipelago which sits 28 miles off Cornwall’s coast.



彭赞斯坐落在圣米歇尔山潮汐湾对面,其历史悠久的城堡教堂通过一条在涨潮时消失的堤道与大陆相连。如果你想从海滩上休息一下,这里有大量的历史可供探索。该镇的名字来源于康沃尔语中的“Pen Sans”,意思是神圣的岬角——1000多年前,早期基督徒在这里建立了一座小教堂。自17世纪以来,它一直是一个商业中心,由于18世纪和19世纪的海上贸易以及19世纪60年代以来连接伦敦的大西部铁路而繁荣起来。旧锡矿和铜矿的废墟点缀着海岸线,这是一个更大的联合国教科文组织世界遗产地的一部分,庆祝康沃尔郡和邻近的西德文郡的采矿景观。


伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园,英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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伯里圣埃德蒙兹镇的修道院公园英国萨福克郡 Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England (© Charles Martinez/Amazing Aerial Agency)

绝妙的对称性 Stunning symmetry

Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds, England

Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds comprise a living, vibrant park, and just not because of their 14 acres of colorful displays and ornate flowerbeds—they have changed with the times, all while still jealously guarding their history. The site here in the county of Suffolk, in eastern England, was originally home to a powerful Benedictine Abbey in medieval times—in fact, 2022 marks the 1000th anniversary of the storied abbey. You can still visit the abbey ruins and marvel at the 14th-century Great Gate and Norman Tower, which have survived through the ages. Nathaniel Hodson took the original Abbey Gardens and designed them as a botanic garden in 1831, using the Royal Botanic Gardens in Brussels, with its concentric circles, as his inspiration.

A century later, the people of Bury St Edmunds saw the popular park's circular beds replaced by 64 island beds in honor of George VI's coronation, which they celebrated in 1937, all set off by specially designed illuminations. A water garden and rose garden added more dimensions to the park, followed by an herb garden (the monks of yesteryear would be happy) and a sensory garden for the visually impaired. Today, gardeners plant about 20,000 plants in the spring to dazzle summer visitors, and then they do the same with 12,000 plants and 20,000 bulbs each fall in anticipation of a colorful display the next spring.


伯里圣埃德蒙的修道院园是一个充满活力的公园,但这并不是因为它们14英亩的彩色展示和华丽的花坛,它们随着时代的变化而变化,同时仍在嫉妒地守护着它们的历史。该遗址位于英格兰东部萨福克郡,中世纪时曾是一座强大的本笃会修道院的所在地。事实上,2022年是这座历史悠久的修道院的1000周年纪念日。你仍然可以参观修道院遗址,并惊叹于14世纪的大门和诺曼塔,它们历久弥新。1831年,纳撒尼尔·霍德森(Nathaniel Hodson)以布鲁塞尔皇家植物园(Royal botanic Gardens)及其同心圆为灵感,将修道院最初的花园设计为植物园。


巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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巨人堤道上的玄武岩柱,英国北爱尔兰 Basalt columns of Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

巨石中的巨石 Rocks rock!

International Rock Day

Today is International Rock Day and we're giving due respect to these geological wonders. It might seem odd to sing the praises of rock, but think about it. Rocks have been with humankind since the beginning. From tools to housing to weapons, they've been key to our survival. A period of our history was so reliant on rocks that it will be forever known as the Stone Age. We would not be where we are today without the many minerals found on our planet, so rock on!

To celebrate, we're going to focus on one marvelous rock in particular: basalt, the most abundant volcanic rock on Earth. Here at the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, there are roughly 40,000 interlocking hexagonal columns of basalt formed after an ancient eruption. According to one Gaelic legend, however, this was built as a battleground for two giants, Ireland's Finn MacCool and Scotland's Benandonner. Another legend suggests MacCool built the causeway to cross the North Channel to meet a Scottish lover.

Revered as one of the United Kingdom's greatest natural wonders, the Giant's Causeway is one of the most popular tourist spots in Northern Ireland. If you can't make the journey, thanks to the way basalt naturally forms these polygonal columns, you could find some to construct a walkway of cobblestones to battle your own giants. At the very least, you'd have a sturdy rock that lasts the test of time.





白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

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白金汉宫, 英国伦敦 Buckingham Palace in London, England (© Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock)

白金禧年庆典 Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Buckingham Palace in London

Any royal watcher will tell you that the Brits know how to throw a good party. For Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee—she's been monarch for an amazing 70 years—a slew of events are planned, hitting all the notes from pomp and ceremony to picnics on the village green. Of course, the Trooping of the Colour will take center stage today as the official birthday parade, with 1,400 soldiers in full military regalia, 200 horses, and 400 military band musicians. The royal family will watch the parade and then turn their gaze to the skies as the Royal Air Force flies past. The rest of the jubilee week will include a service of Thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, a live concert here at Buckingham Palace, and a special pageant featuring people from throughout Britain.

Locally, beacons will be lighted the length of the land, and we can't deny that we're excited about a nationwide baking contest to discover a new dessert fit for the queen. Another delicious way to celebrate the jubilee is with the Big Lunch. The idea took off in 2009 and is now a beloved annual tradition. Communities get together to celebrate and enjoy themselves, sharing food and friendship in gatherings large and small. The lunch can be a neighborhood barbecue or a street party—or even an impromptu wine-and-cheese affair, with people sitting on folding chairs in someone's driveway. While no one really needs an excuse to show their national pride, a platinum jubilee is quite a remarkable reason to celebrate.


任何一位皇家观察家都会告诉你,英国人知道如何举办一个好的派对。伊丽莎白女王二世(Queen Elizabeth II)的白金周年纪念日,她担任国王长达70年之久,计划举办一系列活动,从盛大的仪式到乡村绿地上的野餐,无不引人注目。当然,今天的官方生日阅兵式将以彩色骑兵为中心,1400名士兵身着华丽的军装,200匹马,400名军乐团音乐家。王室将观看阅兵式,然后在皇家空军飞过时将目投向天空。庆祝周的其余时间将包括在伦敦圣保罗教堂举行的感恩节仪式、在白金汉宫举行的现场音乐会,以及由来自英国各地的人们参加的特别盛会。


圣三一教堂,英国埃文河畔斯特拉特福 Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, England (© James Osmond/Getty Images)

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圣三一教堂英国埃文畔斯特拉特福 Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, England (© James Osmond/Getty Images)

吟游诗人的安息之地 Resting place of the Bard

World Poetry Day

'How like a winter hath my absence been / From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year! / What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! / What old December's bareness everywhere!'

So begins William Shakespeare's chilly Sonnet 97. Today we celebrate World Poetry Day with a wintry look at the final resting spot of Shakespeare: Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. Though he was better known for his plays, the Bard of Avon began his literary life as a poet, penning 154 sonnets in total. The first 126 are addressed to a 'fair youth,' the final 28 to a mistress known as the 'Dark Lady.'

UNESCO created World Poetry Day with the aim of 'supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard.' The day was long celebrated on October 15 to honor Roman poet laureate Virgil on his birthday, and many countries continue to mark the occasion on that day. There's never a bad day to indulge in the poetry of Dickinson, Neruda, Angelou, or whoever's writing stirs your heart.



