康沃尔郡的彭赞斯,英国 Penzance in Cornwall, England (© Murray Bosley Photography/Getty Images)

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康沃尔郡彭赞斯英国 Penzance in Cornwall, England (© Murray Bosley Photography/Getty Images)

彭赞斯全景 Panoramic Penzance


This bustling coastal town is Penzance in Cornwall, on England’s southwest coast, forever linked with pirates thanks to Gilbert and Sullivan’s famous comic opera. These days, visitors are more likely to be tourists attracted by the wide sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and hidden coves once frequented by smugglers and wreckers. Jutting out from the seafront in our homepage photo is the UK’s largest seawater lido, the Jubilee Pool, which has been welcoming bathers since 1935. This triangular Art Deco pool offers a chilly dip for the brave, but for those who like it warmer, a separate saltwater pool is heated to a balmy 35C by pumping heat from a geothermal well 1,345ft (410m) below ground level.

Penzance sits just across Mount’s Bay from the tidal island of St Michael’s Mount, with its historic castle and chapel, linked to the mainland by a causeway that disappears at high tide. If you want a break from the beach, there’s plenty of history to explore here. The town’s name comes from “Pen Sans” in Cornish, meaning holy headland – early Christians established a chapel here over 1,000 years ago. It has been a commercial center since the 1600s and boomed thanks to the maritime trade of the 18th and 19th centuries and, since the 1860s, the Great Western Railway link to London. Ruins of old tin and copper mines dot the coastline, part of a wider Unesco World Heritage Site celebrating the mining landscape across Cornwall and neighboring West Devon.

But if you find you’ve eaten your fill of Cornish pasties in this tourist hotspot, you can always hop on a ferry from Penzance to explore the Isles of Scilly, the remote archipelago which sits 28 miles off Cornwall’s coast.



彭赞斯坐落在圣米歇尔山潮汐湾对面,其历史悠久的城堡教堂通过一条在涨潮时消失的堤道与大陆相连。如果你想从海滩上休息一下,这里有大量的历史可供探索。该镇的名字来源于康沃尔语中的“Pen Sans”,意思是神圣的岬角——1000多年前,早期基督徒在这里建立了一座小教堂。自17世纪以来,它一直是一个商业中心,由于18世纪和19世纪的海上贸易以及19世纪60年代以来连接伦敦的大西部铁路而繁荣起来。旧锡矿和铜矿的废墟点缀着海岸线,这是一个更大的联合国教科文组织世界遗产地的一部分,庆祝康沃尔郡和邻近的西德文郡的采矿景观。


标签: 英国, 彭赞斯

