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石林,日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州,美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)

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石林日落点,布莱斯峡谷国家公园犹他州美国 (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)




大烟山国家公园的森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

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大烟国家公园森林小道,田纳西州,美国 Forest path in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© putmanphoto/Getty Images)

深入其中 Into the thick of it

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

Fancy a walk through the Smokies in Tennessee, seen in today's image? Spanning over 522,000 acres between North Carolina and Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a treasure trove of natural beauty and biodiversity. Home to more than 19,000 documented species, scientists estimate that tens of thousands more remain undiscovered. Miles of hiking trails wind through the dense woodlands, leading adventurers to cascading waterfalls and scenic overlooks. The park also boasts some of the highest mountains in the eastern United States, including Clingmans Dome, which rises to 6,643 feet. Visitors are often enchanted by the mist that blankets the peaks each morning, giving the park its mystical name. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve.

In every season, it offers a unique spectacle: the wildflower bloom in spring, vibrant foliage in fall, and serene snow-covered landscapes in winter. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a haven for nature lovers and adventurers alike, promising unforgettable experiences and a deeper connection to the natural world.

雷尼尔山国家公园的野花,华盛顿州,美国 Wildflowers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

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雷尼尔国家公园的野华盛顿州,美国 Wildflowers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (© RomanKhomlyak/Getty Images)

风雨无阻 Come Rainier or shine



Mount Rainier National Park

In the shadow of Mount Rainier, a carpet of wildflowers bursts into life. Every summer, the meadows around this mountain are colored with vivid shades of blooming subalpine flowers: purple asters, pink coralroot, and yellow tiger lilies, and more. Also known as Tahoma, at over 14,400 feet, Mount Rainier is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington. It is covered by 36 square miles of glaciers and permanent snowfields, the highest glacier ice cover of any mountain in the lower 48 states.

Mount Rainier National Park encompasses mountains, waterfalls, meadows, and old-growth forests and teems with life, from cougars and beavers to bald eagles and peregrine falcons. It is also a popular climbing destination, with some 10,000 people attempting to scale the mountain every year while others enjoy hiking along its trails. It's never sunnier in Rainier than in July and August, making summer the perfect time to visit.

火浪岩层,火焰谷州立公园,内华达州,美国 The Fire Wave, a rock formation in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Clint Losee/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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火浪岩层,火焰谷州立公园内华达州,美国 The Fire Wave, a rock formation in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (© Clint Losee/Tandem Stills + Motion)

拍出炫酷照片的好地方 Hot spot for a cool photo




Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

Amid the arid expanse of the Mojave Desert in Nevada lies the natural grandeur of the Valley of Fire State Park. This park, which stretches across 46,000 acres, is named after the fiery red Aztec Sandstone, an Early Jurassic geological formation of made up of ancient sand dunes. The park's highlight, Fire Wave, is a geological marvel that appears like a frozen wave with its red, pink, and white stripes.

In the park, you will come across mysterious petroglyphs, rock carvings made by scratching on the rock's surface, left by the Ancestral Puebloans, who were farmers from the nearby Moapa Valley. It is likely they practiced hunting and performed religious ceremonies in this area. If you are a history buff, you might want to try and decode the cryptic messages carved on the rock faces. Well, put on your hiking shoes and get ready to wander, to wonder, and to witness the Valley of Fire State Park.

大弯国家公园上空的银河,得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

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大弯国家公园上空的银河得克萨斯州,美国 Milky Way over Big Bend National Park, Texas (© wisanuboonrawd/Adobe Stock)

盛宴 A galactic gig




Big Bend National Park turns 80

Ready to channel your inner nature enthusiast? Let's explore Big Bend National Park in West Texas, which is celebrating its 80th birthday today. The park is the largest protected area in the Chihuahuan Desert, covering over 1,250 square miles. It was established on June 12, 1944, when the state of Texas transferred this land to the federal government.

Within the park lie landmarks like the Castolon Historic District, where US and Mexican cultures met in one rural border community, and the Hot Springs Historic District, developed in the early 1900s, but with evidence of human occupation dating back thousands of years. Here you can walk in the footprints of modern pioneers, ranchers, and miners. This land is also one of North America's premier destinations for stargazing. With little light pollution from the surrounding areas, it has some of the darkest night skies in the area. Bring your binoculars and enjoy an evening full of Milky Way vistas, meteor showers, and taking pictures of the stunning night sky.

复活节溪和基利克河的交汇处,北极之门国家公园,阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

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复活节溪和基利克的交汇处,北极之门国家公园阿拉斯加州,美国 Confluence of Easter Creek and Killik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

河流的交汇 The meeting of the waters



National Rivers Month

The lush greenery of June is here, and so is National Rivers Month, a tribute to the veins of our planet, created by Canadian activist Mark Angelo. Just like the confluence featured here today, where Alaska's Easter Creek and Killik River unite in a beautiful display, we too come together every year to help preserve the nation's rivers. With increasing threats such as pollution, habitat destruction, and overuse, it's more important than ever to advocate for their protection. Whether you're paddling down a gentle stream, casting a fishing line, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, there are countless ways to connect with our waterways. The US alone boasts a vast network of over 250,000 rivers, stretching more than 3 million miles. Which one are you heading to?

座头鲸家族,荷兰港,阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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座头家族,荷兰阿拉斯加州 Family of humpback whales, Dutch Harbor, Alaska (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

希望的浪潮 Waves of hope




World Oceans Day

Today, let's embark on a watery adventure for World Oceans Day, a celebration of the critical role played by oceans in supporting life on Earth. These gargantuan water bodies teem with wonders, from the tiniest plankton to the grandest whales, like the humpbacks we see here. The oceans also produce almost half of the oxygen on our planet thanks to the photosynthesis of plankton—tiny plants, algae, and bacteria. Moreover, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Oceans, and the marine species they support, face many threats, including rising sea temperatures thanks to global warming, plastic pollution, and ocean acidification. The theme for this year's World Oceans Day is 'Awaken New Depths.' This motto encourages us to delve deeper into the ocean's complexities and ensure that fascinating, ocean-dwelling animals, like our homepage whales, continue to grace our planet for generations to come. Are you ready to take the plunge?

一片斜纹松和锯齿草大沼泽地国家公园,佛罗里达州,美国 A stand of slash pines and sawgrass prairie, Everglades National Park, Florida (© Jonathan Gewirtz/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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一片斜纹松和锯齿草大沼泽国家公园佛罗里达州,美国 A stand of slash pines and sawgrass prairie, Everglades National Park, Florida (© Jonathan Gewirtz/Tandem Stills + Motion)

欢迎来到大沼泽地 'Everglad' to be here



Everglades National Park marks 90 years

On this day 90 years ago, Congress passed an act that would lead to the creation of one of America's natural gems: Everglades National Park in Florida. It would be another 13 years before enough land was acquired to make the park a reality, but today it encapsulates the largest subtropical wilderness in the US. Spanning more than 1.5 million acres, the park is a lifeline to 36 federally protected and endangered wildlife species, from the gentle manatee to the stealthy Florida panther. Here, the air thrums with the calls of over 350 bird species like limpkins and snail kites, while the waters teem with life including hundreds of species of fish, sea turtles, and American crocodiles. Beyond its biodiversity, the park is celebrated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an International Biosphere Reserve, and a Wetland of International Importance. Here's to Everglades National Park—may it continue to inspire wonder, curiosity, and appreciation for the wild world around us.

香根和羽扇豆,梅索谷,北喀斯喀特,华盛顿州,美国 Balsamroot and lupines, Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

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香根和羽扇豆,梅索谷,北喀斯喀特,华盛顿州,美国 Balsamroot and lupines, Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

野性与自由 Wild and free



Methow Valley, North Cascades, Washington

If you're looking for meadows blanketed with vibrant wildflowers, the Methow Valley in the North Cascade Mountains, Washington, is the place for you. The spiky purple, blue, and white lupines and golden balsamroot flowers create a picturesque contrast with the area's rugged mountains. These flowers also play crucial roles in the valley's ecosystem. Lupines are nitrogen-fixing plants which help to improve soil fertility while balsamroot attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping plants to reproduce and contributing to the biodiversity of the region. Whether you're a seasoned botanist or nature enthusiast, the wildflowers of the Methow Valley will surely leave a lasting impression of the enchanting wilderness.

蓝龙熔岩流,月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,爱达荷州,美国 Blue Dragon Lava Flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

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蓝龙熔岩流,月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,爱达荷州,美国 Blue Dragon Lava Flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho (© Alan Majchrowicz/Getty Images)

“月球一日游” To the moon and back


系好安全带!让我们一起出发,去地球上的“外星王国”探险吧!今天主页展示的图片是月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区,它位于爱达荷州,被一片崎岖的地形包围着。数千年前,在火山的作用下,月球陨石坑诞生并形成了独特的地貌。踏上这片土地,迎接游客的是辽阔的熔岩荒原,火渣锥和寄生熔岩锥,如此超现实的景象仿佛月球表面,因此这个占地近54,000 英亩的地区被取名为月球陨石坑国家纪念碑和保护区。也因为这里的地貌像月球表面,阿波罗14号的宇航员在为登月计划做准备时,曾在这里接受训练,通过探索这里独特的火山地质,宇航员们可以深入了解月球上类似的地貌。


Craters of the Moon centennial

Buckle up, Earthlings, as you venture into an extraterrestrial realm right here on our planet! Surrounded by the rugged landscape of Idaho, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve was born of the volcanic forces that shaped the region thousands of years ago. Visitors are greeted by vast lava fields, cinder cones, and spatter cones, spread across almost 54,000 acres. The Apollo 14 astronauts trained here, gaining insight into lunar conditions by exploring the volcanic geology of this surreal landscape.

Established on May 2, 1924 by President Calvin Coolidge, this natural wonder celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024, marking a century of preservation and appreciation for its otherworldly beauty.