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阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
香料红和水晶蓝 Spicy red and crystal blue
圣吉米尼亚诺,锡耶纳,托斯卡纳大区,意大利亚 San Gimignano, Siena, Tuscany, Italy (© MNStudio/Shutterstock)
圣吉米尼亚诺,锡耶纳,托斯卡纳大区,意大利亚 San Gimignano, Siena, Tuscany, Italy (© MNStudio/Shutterstock)
圣吉米尼亚诺最著名的景观是由14座塔楼组成的天际线。这些高低错落的塔楼是两个家族争相建造最高塔楼的结果。到中世纪末期,小镇上共有72座塔楼,但由于战争、其他灾难和建筑工程,许多塔楼都已不复存在。如今,最高的塔楼是格罗萨塔楼(其名“Torre Grossa”在意大利语中意为 “大塔”),建于1310年,高177英尺,令人难以置信。难怪这个小镇常被人们称为“中世纪的曼哈顿”。
San Gimignano, Siena Tuscany, Italy
These medieval towers stand tall over San Gimignano, a small town near Siena in north central Italy. In the Middle Ages, a town grew up around a church dedicated to St. Geminianus (San Gimignano in Italian). As well as being a popular stop for pilgrims on their way to Rome, the town prospered thanks to its trade in local Vernaccia wine and in saffron, which is grown in the nearby hills. However, when the Black Death struck in 1348, half the population was lost, slowing the town's development and preserving its medieval character to this day.
San Gimignano's most recognizable feature is its skyline, made up of 14 towers. These impressive structures were the result of a rivalry between two families, each competing to build the tallest tower-house. By the end of the medieval period, there were 72 towers in the town, although because of wars, other catastrophes, and building projects, many were lost. Today, the tallest tower still standing is the Torre Grossa (Big Tower). Built in 1310, it stands at an incredible 177 feet. It's no wonder that the town is sometimes called the Manhattan of the Middle Ages.
甘吉,西西里岛,意大利 Gangi, Sicily, Italy (© Andrea Caruso/Amazing Aerial Agency)
甘吉,西西里岛,意大利 Gangi, Sicily, Italy (© Andrea Caruso/Amazing Aerial Agency)
你是81亿人口中的一员 You are one in 8.1 billion
World Population Day
In 1987, sometime around July 11, the world population reached the 5-billion mark. The United Nations recognized the need to address issues like family planning, infrastructure, waste, and pollution and established World Population Day in 1989. It is estimated that we hit 8 billion people in November 2022 and the UN expects the world to reach 9.7 billion people in 2050. But not everywhere faces the same challenges. While some areas struggle with overcrowding, others grapple with decreasing populations. The Italian town of Gangi, Sicily, seen in today's image, had about 16,000 residents in the 1950s. Today, it is home to little more than 6,000. Keen on revitalization, Gangi attracts new residents by giving away abandoned houses, on the condition that the properties are then restored.
黄昏时分的圣母百花大教堂,佛罗伦萨,意大利 Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore at dusk, Florence, Italy (© Elena Pueyo/Getty Images)
黄昏时分的圣母百花大教堂,佛罗伦萨,意大利 Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore at dusk, Florence, Italy (© Elena Pueyo/Getty Images)
“甜蜜的”穹顶 Dome sweet dome
Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
Welcome to Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance. Let the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore transport you through time. More than just a church, this Gothic structure, with its red-tiled dome, is steeped in centuries of history. Built over an older cathedral, construction began in 1296 under the supervision of architect Arnolfo di Cambio. Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi engineered its dome, the largest brick dome ever constructed. Its completion in 1436 was the final stage of the cathedral's construction. It's not just the outside that dazzles; inside there are artistic treasures to discover, from Giorgio Vasari's fresco 'The Last Judgment' to Paolo Uccello's intricate clock face. The cathedral complex is also home to the Baptistery, a small basilica, and Giotto's Campanile, a free-standing bell tower.
Step inside, and you're walking on history—every visit gives a glimpse of the past and a demonstration of human potential.
塞斯特里莱万特的沉默湾,利古里亚大区,意大利 Baia del Silenzio in Sestri Levante, Liguria, Italy (© StevanZZ/Getty Images)
塞斯特里莱万特的沉默湾,利古里亚大区,意大利 Baia del Silenzio in Sestri Levante, Liguria, Italy (© StevanZZ/Getty Images)
我们去乘船吧! Let's go for a boat ride!
韦尔纳扎村,五渔村,利古里亚,意大利 Village of Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/Getty Images)
韦尔纳扎村,五渔村,利古里亚,意大利 Village of Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy (© Roberto Moiola/Sysaworld/Getty Images)
历史与大海的交汇处 Where history meets the sea
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy
Perched on the rugged cliffs of the Italian Riviera, Vernazza is one of the five villages of the Cinque Terre area of northwestern Italy. Here, ancient buildings stand along the coastline of the Ligurian Sea, and life is filled with the hustle and bustle of the fishing industry. Vernazza got its name from the indigenous wine, 'vernaccia,' meaning 'local' or 'ours.' One of the best-known monuments in the area is the medieval Doria Castle, built as a defensive fortress to protect the village from frequent pirate attacks. Thanks to the construction of the Genoa–La Spezia rail line in the 19th century, the village became more accessible by land. The car-free cobblestone streets are ideal for walking around. While here, you might want to visit the Chapel of Santa Marta and the Sanctuary of Madonna di Reggio. Vernazza is sometimes described as the pearl of the Cinque Terre with its natural port, colorful houses, and green terraces overlooking a sparkling sea.
Prosecco山丘,科内利亚诺和瓦尔多比亚德内,威内托大区,意大利 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)
Prosecco山丘,科内利亚诺和瓦尔多比亚德内,威内托大区,意大利 (© Richard T. Nowitz/Getty Images)
莫迪卡,西西里岛,意大利 Modica, Sicily, Italy (© Sandro Bisaro/Getty Images)
莫迪卡,西西里岛,意大利 Modica, Sicily, Italy (© Sandro Bisaro/Getty Images)
Modica, Sicily, Italy
When Italy comes to mind, iconic cities like Milan, Rome, and Venice often steal the spotlight. However, on the island of Sicily lies a less famous gem—Modica. It's a city that rose from the rubble of an earthquake in 1693 to become an architectural wonderland of Baroque-style buildings. With fewer than 60,000 inhabitants, this UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts cobbled lanes, echoing with powerful footprints—from prehistoric tribes to the ancient Greeks and Romans to the medieval Arabs and Normans. Landmarks like the San Giorgio Cathedral and San Pietro Church awe visitors with their grandeur, and Modica's famous chocolate, crafted with Aztec-inspired techniques, tempts the palates of food enthusiasts. So, the next time Italy beckons, how about taking the road less traveled to Modica?
多洛米蒂山的布莱耶斯湖,南蒂罗尔,意大利 The Pragser Wildsee in the Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)
多洛米蒂山的布莱耶斯湖,南蒂罗尔,意大利 The Pragser Wildsee in the Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy (© Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images)
自然奇景 A natural wonder
大运河与安康圣母大教堂,威尼斯,意大利 Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute Basilica, Venice, Italy (© Rudy Balasko/Getty Images)
大运河与安康圣母大教堂,威尼斯,意大利 Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute Basilica, Venice, Italy (© Rudy Balasko/Getty Images)
伪装的日子 Days of disguises
Carnival of Venice
Don your tricorn hat and gilded disguise, it's time to visit the Carnival of Venice. This centuries-old festival combines revelry with anonymity, thanks to the masks traditionally worn by attendees, from the classic square-jawed Bauta mask to the Colombina eye mask, with roots in Italian theater. Costumed rowers take part in a parade of traditional boats on Venice's famous Grand Canal while thousands of people wearing elaborate costumes enjoy the carnival atmosphere. Parades, parties, concerts, and performances will fill the streets until festivities end on Shrove Tuesday, which falls on February 13 this year. Visitors might pass by the Santa Maria della Salute, seen toward the back of today's image, a baroque basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary, who is considered to be the protector of the city.