标签 城堡 下的文章

科孚岛旧城堡 The Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece (© Netfalls Remy Musser/Shutterstock)

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科孚城堡 The Old Fortress of Corfu, Greece (© Netfalls Remy Musser/Shutterstock)

历史在这里复活 Where history comes alive



Old Fortress, Corfu, Greece

This imposing structure is the Old Fortress on the Greek island of Corfu, off the western coasts of Greece and Albania. Situated in a strategic location between the Ionian and Adriatic seas, Corfu became one of the most fortified places in Europe amid successive sieges by the Ottoman Empire. The island was ruled by the Republic of Venice for 400 years until the late 18th century, which built forts in Corfu's Old Town to defend its maritime trading interests. They held off three Ottoman sieges in 1537, 1571, and 1716 but have been repaired, rebuilt, and added to over the centuries. The Old Fortress has witnessed the rise and fall of mighty empires for hundreds of years, from the tip of a rocky peninsula jutting into the sea. These days, however, it is home to the public library and Corfu's archives.

从纳哈加尔城堡鸟瞰斋浦尔,印度 (© Sean3810/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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从纳哈加尔城堡鸟瞰斋浦尔印度 (© Sean3810/iStock/Getty Images Plus)





吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

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吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

纪念硬币上的著名建筑 Famous on commemorative coins


砖砌哥特式建筑建于1464年,是吕贝克中世纪城市防御工事的遗迹之一,也是现存的两座城门之一,另一座是城堡门 (Burgtor)。

1950年,Holsten Gate 再次成为博物馆,这次是为了展示市政历史。 展示了历史悠久的吕贝克遗物,以模型和图片展示了中世纪吕贝克的发展,展示了汉萨同盟舰模型和旗舰“吕贝克之鹰”。

Holsten Gate, Lübeck, Germany

The Holsten Gate is a city gate marking off the western boundary of the old center of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Built-in 1464, the Brick Gothic construction is one of the relics of Lübeck's medieval city fortifications and one of two remaining city gates, the other being the Citadel Gate (Burgtor). Known for its two-round towers and arched entrance, it is regarded today as a symbol of the city.

In 1950 the Holsten Gate was again a museum, this time for municipal history. Relics from historic Lübeck were presented, the development of medieval Lübeck was shown by using models and pictures, and models of the ships of the Hanseatic League and the flagship "Eagle of Lübeck" were exhibited.

艾琳多南堡,苏格兰高地 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)

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艾琳多南堡,苏格兰高地 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)






费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店,魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)

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费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)

冬天的乐趣 Good cold fun



Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Among all the pre-Lenten celebrations that take place around the world in February, the most famous are associated with warm-weather cities like Rio and New Orleans, where revelers party it up in elaborate costumes during the run-up to Ash Wednesday. It's a different affair in Quebec City, pictured here, where participants in the Quebec Winter Carnival enjoy all things winter, from snow sculptures to sleigh races. This former frontier outpost, and little sister to Montreal, is known for its spirited embrace of the coldest, darkest season. No surprise that its winter festival is the biggest in the Western Hemisphere.

皮埃尔丰城堡,皮卡第大区,法国 The Château de Pierrefonds in the Oise department of Picardy, France (© Hemis/Alamy)

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皮埃尔丰城堡,皮卡第大区,法国 The Château de Pierrefonds in the Oise department of Picardy, France (© Hemis/Alamy)

日出时分的古老城堡 The old castle at sunrise


皮埃尔丰城堡拥有丰富而复杂的历史,可追溯到中世纪。它建于14世纪,由法国国王查理六世的兄弟路易斯·奥尔良 (Louis d'Orléans) 在一座古老城堡的废墟上建造。 在17世纪初被路易十三的军队围困并拆除后,这座城堡一直是废墟,直到19世纪拿破仑三世要求建筑师Viollet-le-Duc对其进行修复。这将使用创新的重建技术来修复城堡受损的部分。

Chateau de Pierrefonds, France

Pierrefonds Castle has a rich and complex history dating back to the Middle Ages. It was built in the 14th century by Louis d'Orléans, brother of King Charles VI of France, on the ruins of an older castle. After being besieged and then dismantled at the beginning of the 17th century by the troops of Louis XIII, the castle remained in ruins until the 19th century when Napoleon III asked the architect Viollet-le-Duc to restore it. This will use innovative reconstruction techniques to restore the damaged parts of the castle.

霍亨索伦城堡,德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

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霍亨索伦城堡德国 Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)

正如童话一般 Fit for a fairytale



Hohenzollern Castle near Stuttgart, Germany

For the charming Hohenzollern Castle, the third time really was the charm. Constructed on the top of Hohenzollern Mountain in the 11th century, the castle was largely ruined by a 10-month siege in 1423, only to be rebuilt a few decades later. It then served as an important strategic stronghold before again falling into disrepair. In the 19th century, King Frederick William IV of Prussia, best remembered for his commitment to building great works across Germany, had a new castle built on the grounds, replacing almost all the 15th-century construction. Today, Hohenzollern Castle is an open-air museum that hosts more than 350,000 visitors per year, making it one of the most-visited castles in Germany.

哈尔基岛的圣约翰骑士中世纪城堡遗址,希腊 Ruins of the medieval castle of the Knights of St. John above the village of Chorio, Halki Island, Greece (© Massimo Ripani/eStock Photo)

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哈尔基的圣约翰骑士中世纪城堡遗址希腊 Ruins of the medieval castle of the Knights of St. John above the village of Chorio, Halki Island, Greece (© Massimo Ripani/eStock Photo)

爱琴海之巅 High above the Aegean Sea




Castle ruins on the island of Halki, Greece

Halki, a tiny Greek island in the Aegean Sea, is the type of place you go to when you need a getaway from your getaway. Off the beaten path, Halki is quiet and sleepy when other Greek islands are flush with visitors. The only way to arrive is by ferry from the much larger island of Rhodes. Halki has a total area of just 11, sun-kissed square miles, the smallest inhabited island in the Dodecanese island group.

One of the most popular attractions on Halki is the ruins of this medieval castle built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century in the now abandoned village of Chorio on the island's south-facing shore. It's a short, uphill walk from the only town on the island, the port village of Emporio, where most of the island's few hundred permanent residents live. A significant portion of the population left in the mid-20th century, many of them settling in the Gulf Coast town of Tarpon Springs, Florida, which lays claim to having the highest percentage of Greek Americans of any US city. People from Halki and other Greek islands were lured to Tarpon Springs to work as sponge divers, a skill they honed for generations in Greece. These days, not much goes on in Halki beyond eating, relaxing, and swimming. Like all Greek islands, Halki has beautiful beaches. Here, you're more likely to have them all to yourself.

阿赫雷湖畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店,苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

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阿赫雷畔的泰莫特罗萨克斯城堡酒店苏格兰 Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland (© Fortunato Gatto/eStock Photo)

重温往日辉煌 Reflecting its stylish past today

苏格兰Achray湖上的Tigh Mor Trossachs

童话城堡?检查迷人的苏格兰背景?检查平静,宁静的湖水?检查如果Tigh Mor在你看来像田园诗一样,你并不孤单。维多利亚女王在这里度过了全盛时期,尽管这座建于1849年的老酒店多年来衰落了,但耗资数百万美元的修复让它重新回到了昔日的辉煌。

Tigh Mor坐落在苏格兰特罗萨赫的Achray湖上方,这一地区的景色令人惊叹,让艺术家和画家如飞蛾扑火。作家们也受到了它的美丽的启发:早在19世纪初,沃尔特·斯科特爵士的诗歌《湖中的女士》和小说《罗布·罗伊》就激起了人们对游览这片被称为“特罗萨克斯”的森林峡谷、布雷斯和水道的兴趣


Tigh Mor Trossachs on Loch Achray, Scotland

Fairy-tale castle? Check. Stunning Scottish backdrop? Check. Calm, tranquil loch? Check. If Tigh Mor looks idyllic to you, you're not alone. Queen Victoria spent time here in its heyday, and though the old hotel (it was built in 1849) declined over the years, a multimillion-dollar restoration has brought it right back to its former glory.

Tigh Mor sits above Loch Achray in Scotland's Trossachs, a region with scenery so stunning it draws artists and painters like moths to a flame. Writers are also inspired by its beauty: Way back in the early 1800s Sir Walter Scott's poem 'The Lady of the Lake' and novel 'Rob Roy' stirred interest in visiting this area of wooded glens, braes, and waterways called 'Trossachs.'

Today many visitors hike or bike the Trossachs Trail, a beautiful 40-mile route that starts at Loch Lomond and winds along rivers and through woods, offering family-friendly adventures as well as challenges for mountain bikers and rock-climbers. More of a water person? The Trossachs are also great for canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, swimming, and fishing on rivers and lochs aplenty.

玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

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玛利恩堡,德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州采尔县附近 Marienburg near Zell, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Eiben, Hans Georg/Alamy)

维尔茨堡美因畔的一座城堡 Riverside castle


马里恩堡是德国维尔茨堡市美因河畔的一座城堡。它是维尔茨堡的象征,近5个世纪以来一直是王子和主教的故乡。它自古以来就是一座要塞。1631年,瑞典古斯塔夫二世阿道夫(Gustav II Adolf)征服该地区后,城堡被重建为巴洛克式要塞。今天,它是一个公园博物馆

Marienburg, Rhineland-Palatinate

Marienburg is a castle on the River Main in Wurzburg, Germany. It is the symbol of Wurzburg and has been the home of princes and bishops for nearly 5 centuries. It has been a fortress since ancient times. After Gustav II Adolf of Sweden conquered the area in 1631, the castle was rebuilt as a Baroque fortress. Today, it is a park and museum.