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夜幕下的萨尔察赫河,奥地利萨尔茨堡 Salzburg with Salzach river, Austria (© MacEaton/Alamy)

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夜幕下的萨尔察赫奥地利萨尔茨堡 Salzburg with Salzach river, Austria (© MacEaton/Alamy)

Salzburg, Austria

If you know of Salzburg, Austria, it's probably because of Mozart and not monsters. But if your holiday wish is to be chased by an unseemly seasonal demon, the narrow, medieval streets of this city are the place to be tonight.

The furry, devil-horned figure of Krampus is a sidekick to Santa Claus in Alpine folklore. This mean and mischievous bogeyman travels with Saint Nick, whipping naughty kids with sticks while Santa showers the good ones with toys. Too cheery for you? In other versions of the legend, Krampus eats the little misbehavers up or drags them to hell. And you thought a lump of coal was harsh.

Though the roots of Krampus festivities stretch back to ancient times, Austrian officials tried to stamp out the yuletide demon in the mid-20th century. But like an undead fiend, Krampus has resurged in popularity in the last decade or so, his legend spreading around the world. He's been the subject of several (mostly low-budget) horror movies in the US alone, and central Europe has seen revived Krampus-themed festivities like Salzburg's 'Krampus run.' Typically held December 5, this raucous event sees costumed Krampuses and other grotesque ghouls chase revelers through the old city.





披着一层霜花的秋叶 Autumn leaves coated with frost (© sagarmanis/Getty Images)

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披着一层霜叶 Autumn leaves coated with frost (© sagarmanis/Getty Images)

Frost on autumn leaves

You can almost hear the sound of autumn leaves coated in frost as they crunch under your shoes on a walk through the woods. Though the calendar says it's still autumn, scenes like this highlight the colder temperatures as winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere.

Radiation frost—the type seen in this lovely photo—is a quick transformation of water vapor to ice. When water vapor in the air comes into contact with surfaces that are at or below the freezing point, the vapor quickly crystalizes into frost. It can make for charming scenery, or a reminder that you should have worn a heavier jacket.




迪纳利国家公园里的白大角羊,阿拉斯加 Dall sheep rams at Polychrome Pass, Denali National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

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迪纳利国家公园里的白大角羊,阿拉斯加 Dall sheep rams at Polychrome Pass, Denali National Park, Alaska (© Patrick J. Endres/Getty Images)

Denali National Park

Someone ought to tell these Dall sheep they don't blend in here at Polychrome Pass. Their white coats may be great camouflage against the Alaskan snows, but the warm tones of this tundra make them stick out a bit. And they aren't the only thing sticking out in this national park: It's home to the tallest mountain in North America.

Denali National Park and Preserve encompasses not only its namesake peak but more than 6 million acres of parkland like Polychrome Pass. And even this massive park is part of something bigger: The federal Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, established on December 2, 1980, protected almost a quarter-million square miles of wilderness all over Alaska. As of today, 65% of the state consists of public lands.




库佛维尔岛附近的蓝色冰山,南极洲 Blue icebergs near Cuverville Island, Antarctica (© Mike Hill/Getty Images)

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库佛维尔附近的蓝色冰山南极洲 Blue icebergs near Cuverville Island, Antarctica (© Mike Hill/Getty Images)

Antarctica Day

At just over 600 miles from the tip of South America, Cuverville Island is closer to civilization than most of Antarctica. As such, this small isle off the northward-jutting Antarctic Peninsula is a hotspot for tourists to catch some cool scenery (while freezing their butts off, of course). Visitors can also chill on the rocky beach with the locals: a glut of gentoo penguins whose rookery here is the largest along the peninsula.

Today we're observing Antarctica Day, which commemorates the signing of the Antarctic Treaty on December 1, 1959. In the treaty, 12 of the world's most powerful nations agreed to dedicate Earth's southernmost continent to science—any military activity there was banned. It was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. It still stands 62 years later as an important landmark in global relations and has expanded to include 54 countries.




被白雪覆盖的彩虹山,秘鲁 Aerial view of snowy peaks of Vinicunca (aka Rainbow Mountain), Peru (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

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被白覆盖的彩虹秘鲁 Aerial view of snowy peaks of Vinicunca (aka Rainbow Mountain), Peru (© Jude Newkirk/Amazing Aerial Agency)

Rainbow Mountain

Even to the huge bummer that is glacial melting, there are bright sides: The radiant colors of Vinicunca (aka Rainbow Mountain) might have gone unseen had rising temps not melted the peak's glacial caps. Rainbow Mountain's streaky sediment layers, multicolored like a wildflower bloom, were revealed in 2015. Since then, it's become the most visited natural attraction in Peru's lofty Cusco region.



索巴尼亚国家公园上方耸立的百年桥, 巴拿马 Centennial Bridge towering above Soberanía National Park, Panama (© David Tipling/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

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索巴尼亚国家公园上方耸立的百年, 巴拿马 Centennial Bridge towering above Soberanía National Park, Panama (© David Tipling/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Centennial Bridge

What do you get when you cross historic feats of engineering with unmatched natural beauty? This photo of a suspension bridge in a rainforest. Or more specifically: Panama, where the photo was taken.

Panama celebrates its Independence Day today—although on this strategic, ocean-straddling strip of land, independence is complicated. When Panama broke loose from Spain on this day in 1821, it became part of Colombia until, backed by the US, it seceded in November 1903 just before the Panama Canal was built. (The Centennial Bridge over the canal, shown here, was finished in 2003 to commemorate 100 years since that event.) The US spearheaded building the international waterway, and controlled it until December 31, 1999, when Panamanians finally assumed full command of the canal, one of Panama's chief sources of revenue.




20世纪50年代宾夕法尼亚州车站和纽约市夜景鸟瞰图 Aerial view of Penn Station and the New York City skyline at night in the 1950s (© R. Gates -Staff/Getty Images)

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20世纪50年代宾夕法尼亚车站纽约市夜景鸟瞰图 Aerial view of Penn Station and the New York City skyline at night in the 1950s (© R. Gates -Staff/Getty Images)

Penn Station

If this image of New York City's Pennsylvania Station seems straight out of a classic film noir, it's for good reason. The photo was taken in the 1950s, just a few years before the city's beloved Beaux-Arts style masterpiece was dismantled and then demolished so that Madison Square Garden could be built atop its warren of walkways and train lines.

This original Pennsylvania Station opened to the public on November 27, 1910. It was built by its namesake, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to compete with Grand Central Station. For 50-plus years, commuters and visitors streamed in and out of the grand and imposing Penn Station to take trains to and from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and beyond. When the building was decapitated in 1963 with only its underground network of tunnels and walkways left in place, the demolition sparked city-wide and even international outrage. 'One entered the city like a god; one scuttles in now like a rat,' wrote architectural historian Vincent Scully. There was a silver lining to the cloud of demolition dust: A collective sense of loss galvanized the movement to preserve historically significant buildings in the US.

Today, we celebrate the anniversary of Penn Station with more good news. On January 1, 2021, the first train left Penn Station from the new Daniel Patrick Moynihan Train Hall. It's a $1.6B architectural masterpiece of its own, built from the adjacent US Post Office building and taking design cues from the original Penn Station building, pictured here. We'll toast to that!


如果这张纽约市宾夕法尼亚电视台的照片看起来是直接出自一部经典的黑色电影,那是有充分理由的。这张照片拍摄于20世纪50年代,就在几年前,这座城市深受喜爱的Beaux Arts风格的杰作被拆除,然后被拆除,以便麦迪逊广场花园可以建在人行道和火车线的沃伦顶上。

这座最初的宾夕法尼亚车站于1910年11月27日向公众开放。它是由同名的宾夕法尼亚铁路公司建造的,目的是与大中央车站竞争。50多年来,通勤者和游客源源不断地进出宏伟壮丽的宾夕法尼亚火车站,乘坐火车往返新泽西州、宾夕法尼亚州以及更远的地方。1963年,该建筑被斩首,只剩下地下隧道和人行道网络,这一拆除事件引发了全市乃至国际社会的愤怒一个像神一样进入城市;建筑历史学家文森特·史考利(Vincent Scully)写道:“现在,人们像老鼠一样溜进来了。”。拆除尘埃中还有一线希望:集体的失落感激发了保护美国历史上重要建筑的运动。

今天,我们用更多的好消息来庆祝宾州电台的周年纪念。2021年1月1日,第一列火车从新的Daniel Patrick Moynihan火车站开出。这是一座耗资16亿美元的建筑杰作,取材于毗邻的美国邮政大楼,并借鉴了原宾夕法尼亚州车站大楼的设计灵感,如图所示。我们要为此干杯!

独特的巧克力山,菲律宾薄荷岛 Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines (© Danita Delimont/Offset by Shutterstock)

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独特的巧克力菲律宾薄荷 Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines (© Danita Delimont/Offset by Shutterstock)

Chocolate Hills

Each year as the dry season begins in late November, the green grass that covers the rolling, conical mounds in the Bohol province of the Philippines begins to turn brown, transforming the area into endless rows of what look like hills of chocolate. Because of this, the Chocolate Hills have become a robust tourist-attraction for the province. The regional government has even constructed a viewing complex in Carmen, a town about 30 miles from the regional capital of Tagbilaran.

While local legend describes the formation of the 20-square miles of hills as either being leftover wreckage from a battle between two giants, or the tears of a heartbroken giant, scientists theorize they were formed over a long stretch of time through a combination of erosion and tectonic processes.


