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香港特别行政区 Hong Kong SAR (© leungchopan/Getty Images)

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香港特别行政区 Hong Kong SAR (© leungchopan/Getty Images)

万家灯火 A sea of humanity


三十六年前的今天,世界迎来了第 50 亿人口。 现在地球人口已经达到 80 亿,而且还在不断增加,这个问题继续存在:我们会用完空间、食物和其他必要的资源吗? 在今天,我们可以反思地球能够维持多少生命,以及我们个人和集体的生活如何影响我们的地方、国家和全球环境。

World Population Day

On July 11, 1987, the world is thought to have welcomed its 5-billionth person. Thirty-six years later, our population has reached 8 billion and is still rising. World Population Day, established by the UN, is a day to reflect on how much life Earth can sustain, and how our lives impact our environment.

Pictured here is Hong Kong, a city recognized as one of the world's most densely populated areas, with approximately 17,582 people per square mile. Though Hong Kong has a low birth rate, the density remains high as people live longer thanks to improvements in healthcare, a contributing factor to population increases worldwide. While this colorful night scene might appear glamorous, it is also an example of light pollution, which can disrupt ecosystems and affect our health—one of humanity's many impacts on the world around us.

萨默塞特郡的薰衣草田,英国 Field of lavender, Somerset, England (© Doug Chinnery/Getty Images)

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萨默塞特郡的薰衣草田,英国 Field of lavender, Somerset, England (© Doug Chinnery/Getty Images)

飘着香气的紫色海洋 A scented sea of purple



A field of English lavender

Delighting the senses with its vibrant hues and fragrant blooms, lavender is thought to have arrived in England with the Romans, around 2,000 years ago. While it’s nice to look at, the Romans likely brought it with them for its many practical uses, including cooking, repelling insects, and as an antiseptic. Many perfumes, modern and historical, have featured lavender, and Queen Elizabeth I is purported to have used lavender scent. You’ll find lavender fields scattered across the country. This one is a typical example, a quintessential summer sight here in the picturesque county of Somerset, in southwest England.

克罗夫附近的摩泽尔河,德国 Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

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克罗夫附近的摩泽尔德国 Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)

 Staying in the loop



Moselle River loop near Kröv, Germany

The Moselle River, a tributary of the powerful Rhine, meanders through the landscapes of France, Luxembourg, and Germany. Along the way, it carves out valleys of breathtaking natural beauty, dotted with towns and historic landmarks. Lush, sun-drenched vineyards cling to the steep slopes overlooking the river, producing some of the finest wines in the world, including riesling, pinot blanc, and pinot gris, to name a few. The river's gentle flow and sparkling waters invite visitors to embark on leisurely cruises or peaceful walks along its shores. The Moselle creates a haven for nature lovers, wine enthusiasts, and history buffs alike.

米尔德里德-B-库珀纪念教堂,贝拉维斯塔,阿肯色州 (© Eddie Brady/Getty Images)

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米尔德里德-B-库珀纪念教堂,贝拉维斯塔,阿肯色州 (© Eddie Brady/Getty Images)





蒂莫尼港海滩,科孚岛,希腊 Porto Timoni beach, Corfu, Greece (© nantonov/Getty Images)

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蒂莫尼海滩,科孚希腊 Porto Timoni beach, Corfu, Greece (© nantonov/Getty Images)

挑选你的乐园 Pick your paradise



Porto Timoni beach, Greece

Porto Timoni beach, in Corfu, Greece, is a hidden gem reached either by boat, or by hiking from the historic village of Afionas. Those who make the journey are rewarded with two stunning coves, offering a unique double-beach experience. With clear turquoise waters and dramatic cliffs, Porto Timoni presents a picturesque coastal panorama. Surrounding the beach, lush olive groves and cypress trees add to its charm. Greek islands like Corfu may seem timeless and ancient but they are relatively new in the history of Earth. A leading theory is that around 5.3 million years ago, a great flood poured in between Africa and Europe from the Atlantic Ocean, an event called the Zanclean flood. Lakes became oceans and what were previously mountaintops became islands.

草原国家公园,萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

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草原国家公园萨斯喀彻温省,加拿大 Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada (© Robert Postma/Getty Images)

体验孤独与奇迹 Experience the solitude and wonder




Happy Independence Day!

Break out the BBQ and unfurl your flags, Independence Day is here! Founding Father John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that he believed the holiday would be celebrated with parades, sports, shows, and illuminations. After 247 years, Americans are keeping those traditions alive, though not on the date that Adams anticipated. The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the independence of the United States of America on July 2, 1776, but formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. That date, enshrined on the Declaration document, became the one we observe today. If you're looking for a grand way to celebrate, journey to New York City for views of their annual fireworks show and the Empire State Building lit up to match in red, white, and blue.

费吕沃湖水道桥,荷兰 Veluwemeer Aqueduct, Netherlands (© Frolova_Elena/Shutterstock)

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费吕沃水道荷兰 Veluwemeer Aqueduct, Netherlands (© Frolova_Elena/Shutterstock)

一年已过半 We're halfway there




It's Halfway Day!

Today is Halfway Day, which means we are halfway through 2023! Halfway Day begins at noon on July 2 during a regular 365-day year, and at midnight on July 2 during a leap year—so this year, we're celebrating at lunchtime.

Dutch engineers don’t do things by halves. Pictured here is the Veluwemeer Aqueduct in the Netherlands. The project, completed in 2002, used an unusual engineering approach. Rather than a drawbridge or ferry to get cars over Lake Veluwemeer, engineers instead built this 'water bridge' to carry boats across the road. The N302 is a busy highway connecting the mainland to the province of Flevoland, and thanks to this design, both road and waterborne traffic can keep flowing freely. The aqueduct also has pedestrian crossings on both sides, so everyone benefits. No half measures were taken in designing an eye-catching transport solution that works for everyone.

从意大利圣天使城堡俯瞰罗马 (© sborisov/Getty Images)

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意大利圣天使城堡俯瞰罗马 (© sborisov/Getty Images)






巴尼亚群岛,苏门答腊,印度尼西亚 Banyak Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia (© fbxx/Getty Imagesz)

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巴尼亚群岛苏门答腊印度尼西亚 Banyak Islands, Sumatra, Indonesia (© fbxx/Getty Imagesz)

赞美热带 Celebrating the tropics



International Day of the Tropics

On the International Day of the Tropics, we are in the Banyak Islands of Indonesia, a group of more than 70 islands, most of which are uninhabited and unnamed. The Banyak Islands offer miles of pristine sandy beaches, lush green trees, and clear waters as far as the eyes can see. This tropical paradise also boasts some great surfing and snorkeling spots and draws millions of visitors a year.

But the tropics, roughly defined as the area above and below the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, face various challenges including climate change, urbanization, and high levels of poverty. They also make up approximately one-third of the Earth’s landmass and are home to about 40% of the world’s population. On June 29, International Day of the Tropics celebrates the uniqueness and biodiversity of the tropics, while highlighting their challenges and progress made to address them.

韦尔纳扎,五渔村,意大利 Vernazza in the Cinque Terre region of Italy (© Rubin Versigny/Getty Images)

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韦尔纳扎,五渔村,意大利 Vernazza in the Cinque Terre region of Italy (© Rubin Versigny/Getty Images)

天堂之景! A paradise view!


