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文斯利代尔,英格兰约克郡谷地国家公园 Wensleydale, Yorkshire Dales National Park, North Yorkshire, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

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文斯利代尔,英格兰约克郡谷地国家公园 Wensleydale, Yorkshire Dales National Park, North Yorkshire, England (© Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures)

'Cheese! We'll go somewhere where there's cheese!'

Ahh, the pastoral countryside of the Yorkshire Dales in Northern England. Dewey mornings, grazing farm animals, hand-built dry stone walls, and…cheese? Well, if you're a fan of the beloved British claymation series 'Wallace & Gromit,' then you may have first heard of this area of the Yorkshires, Wensleydale, because of its local cheese. In fact, the animated duo's notorious affinity for the local curd--which Wallace likes because producers thought it makes his face look 'nice and toothy'—became so widespread that it helped the Wensleydale cheesemakers stave off bankruptcy.

Cheese aside, another staple of Wensleydale, and the surrounding Yorkshire Dales National Park, are the 5,000 miles of dry stone walls that have crisscrossed the landscape for centuries. The walls were built by farmers to delineate boundaries, clarify land ownership, and more practically, to keep their cows and sheep from wandering off. The walls are considered 'dry' because they were built with no mortar to bind the stones together. Larger stones form a base for the wall, upon which smaller stones are stacked to create two parallel wall faces, constructed simultaneously. More stones are then used to fill in the gap between the two wall faces, with gravity doing the rest. While that may sound flimsy, a well-constructed dry stone wall can last at least 100 years.




从冰山跃入水中的阿德利企鹅,南极 Adélie penguins diving off an iceberg in Antarctica (© Mike Hill/Getty Images)

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冰山跃入水中的阿德利企鹅南极 Adélie penguins diving off an iceberg in Antarctica (© Mike Hill/Getty Images)

One giant leap for penguins

These Adélie penguins are jumping for joy because it's World Penguin Day. Or maybe they're just looking for a snack as they dive off this iceberg. Adélies live on Antarctica and nearby islands all year long, but in the fall and winter they spend most of their time near the coast. They can dive as deep as 575 feet or travel as much as 185 miles to find krill, fish, and squid.

The smallest penguin in the Antarctic, Adélies are one of only two penguin species (the other is the Emperor penguin) that live exclusively on the Antarctic continent. Huge colonies of Adélies were once spread throughout the Antarctic Peninsula and the coastline of the continent, but as climate change took hold, populations declined in some areas. Fortunately, a robust colony of some 1.5 million Adelie penguins was found on the Antarctic Peninsula's Danger Islands.




Casa Batlló in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain 巴特洛公寓, 在巴塞罗那, 加泰罗尼亚, 西班牙 (© Marco Arduino/Sime/eStock Photo)

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Casa Batlló in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain 巴特洛公寓, 在巴塞罗那, 加泰罗尼亚, 西班牙 (© Marco Arduino/Sime/eStock Photo)

A house of grand scale(s)

We're looking at the rooftop of Casa Batlló, a 6-story building in the center of Barcelona topped with colorful 'scales.' What brings us here? Well, here in Spain's province of Catalonia, and in several other locales from England to Ethiopia, it's the feast of Saint George. You know George (or Jordi, as the Catalans call him): He's the knight who, legend holds, saved a much-loved princess by defeating a fierce dragon. It's said the tower jutting from the Casa's tiled roof represents George's lance thrust into the monster's scaly back.

George is Catalonia's patron saint—but the designer of Casa Batlló's façade could be called the land's patron architect. Antoni Gaudí designed dozens of buildings around Barcelona in matching fashion: bold fairy-tale designs with curvy constructions and vibrant colors. Gaudí's long-unfinished masterpiece, the famous Sagrada Família cathedral, is set to be completed in 2026, a century after his passing.


我们在看Casa Batll的屋顶ó, 巴塞罗那市中心的一座6层楼高的建筑,上面有五颜六色的“鳞片”。什么风把我们吹来了?嗯,在西班牙的加泰罗尼亚省,以及从英国到埃塞俄比亚的其他几个地方,这是圣乔治的盛宴。你知道乔治(或者加泰罗尼亚人叫他乔迪):传说中,他是一位骑士,他打败了一条凶猛的龙,拯救了一位深受爱戴的公主。据说这座塔从木屋的瓦片屋顶伸出,代表着乔治的长矛插进了怪物鳞片般的背部。

乔治是加泰罗尼亚的守护神,但卡萨巴特尔的设计师ó's fa公司ç艾德可以被称为这片土地的赞助人建筑师。安东尼·高德í 在巴塞罗那周围设计了几十座建筑,风格搭配:大胆的童话设计,弯曲的结构和鲜艳的色彩。高德í'他的长篇未完成的杰作,著名的萨格拉达家族í在他去世一个世纪后,西伯利亚教堂将于2026年竣工。

位于阿肯色州和密西西比州交界处的密西西比河 Mississippi River on the border between Arkansas and Mississippi (© NASA)

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位于阿肯色州和密西西比州交界处的密西西比河 Mississippi River on the border between Arkansas and Mississippi (© NASA)

Gazing down on planet Earth

It's Earth Day today and we are high above the blue marble looking down on the border between Arkansas and Mississippi. Those small, blocky shapes are towns, fields, and pastures–the teal green is the mighty Mississippi River. Anyone who has flown in the window seat of an airplane and has gazed down at Earth below might wonder why the colors in this image are so unreal. That's because they are. These images were taken in 2013 by Landsat 7, a NASA satellite that uses thermal infrared sensors to help scientists better distinguish flora, fauna, water, and manmade objects. For almost 50 years, NASA has been using satellite imagery to understand how climate change and population growth are affecting our fragile planet. These satellites help NASA see where deforestation and wildfires are happening, where glaciers are melting, and how rising waters are encroaching on cities.

The biggest cause of these changes? According to NASA, it's us. Since the first Landsat launched in 1972, the Earth's population has almost doubled, from 4 billion people then to 7.8 billion today. But there is some good news to mark this Earth Day: The Mississippi River we see here is much less toxic now than it was back in 1972, thanks to environmental laws and regulations.




马德拉岛的北海岸,葡萄牙 The north coast of Madeira, Portugal (© Hemis/Alamy)

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马德拉的北海岸葡萄牙 The north coast of Madeira, Portugal (© Hemis/Alamy)

Exploring the 'Pearl of the Atlantic'

We're taking a view of the island of Madeira, by far the largest island in the Madeira archipelago, which sits 320 miles off the coast of Morocco in the North Atlantic. Part of an autonomous region of Portugal, Madeira, known as the 'Pearl of the Atlantic,' boasts a diverse forest ecosystem, endemic flora and fauna, and the largest living stand of laurel trees in the world. It's a great place to hike, too. Trails run alongside irrigation channels, called levadas, that move water all over the island. Walks range from easy strolls in the countryside to precarious hikes along mountain ridges or into remote parts of the forests. Afterward, the calorie-depleted can dig into a local delicacy like peixe espada com banana (fried local fish with banana) and sip on Madeira wine. Saúde!


我们正在观看马德拉岛,这是迄今为止马德拉群岛中最大的岛屿,位于北大西洋摩洛哥海岸320英里外。作为葡萄牙自治区的一部分,被称为“大西洋明珠”的马德拉拥有多样化的森林生态系统、特有的动植物群和世界上最大的活月桂林。这也是徒步旅行的好地方。小径沿着被称为levadas的灌溉渠延伸,这些灌溉渠将水输送到全岛。散步的范围从乡村的轻松漫步到沿着脊或进入森林偏远地区的危险徒步旅行。之后,消耗掉的热量可以吃到当地的美味,比如peixe espada com香蕉(用香蕉炸当地鱼),然后啜饮马德拉葡萄酒。萨乌德!

乌布德格拉朗梯田,印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Tegalalang Rice Terraces, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Michele Falzone/Alamy)

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乌布德格拉朗梯田印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Tegalalang Rice Terraces, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia (© Michele Falzone/Alamy)

Terraced fields of green

Twice a year, all of Bali, Indonesia—including those who live and work in the lush, green rice terraces you see here—join together to celebrate the country's most important holiday, Galungan. This 10-day Balinese-Hindu milestone always comes at the end of the traditional 210-day Balinese calendar, usually in March or April, and then again in September or October.

This spring, the festivities began on April 14, and on that day the Balinese invited the spirits of their ancient ancestors into their homes with prayers and other offerings draped from bamboo poles called penjor, which seem to be erected everywhere. Planted in the ground at individual homes or along the sides of roads and decorated with coconut leaves and flowers, penjor are used to hang offerings as a kind gesture towards the spirits. The tenth and final day of Galungan is called Kuningan, which comes on April 24 this year. To mark this finale, a specially prepared yellow rice will be offered to the departing ancestors, a gift to accompany them on their return journey to the spirit world.




大群的芒基蝠鲼跃出水面,墨西哥加利福尼亚湾 Large school of Munk's pygmy devil rays from the air, Gulf of California, Mexico (© Mark Carwardine/Minden Pictures)

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大群的芒基蝠鲼跃出水面,墨西哥加利福尼亚 Large school of Munk's pygmy devil rays from the air, Gulf of California, Mexico (© Mark Carwardine/Minden Pictures)

Rays on parade

The feeding frenzy is on! Each spring and fall, the waters off Mexico's Baja California peninsula become the perfect place to spot Munk's devil rays in massive schools like this one. Unlike stingrays (and perhaps the devil), devil rays lack fearsome pointy tails. In fact, these giants—whose wingspans can reach about 9 feet—are pretty gentle all around, feeding mainly on plankton. And for them, mealtime is party time: During huge devil ray gatherings like this, rays are seen continually bursting out of the water and landing with loud bellyflops.



蒙塔尔巴诺埃利科纳,意大利西西里岛 Montalbano Elicona, Messina, Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/SOPA Collection/Offset by Shutterstock)

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蒙塔尔巴诺埃利科纳,意大利西西里岛 Montalbano Elicona, Messina, Sicily, Italy (© Antonino Bartuccio/SOPA Collection/Offset by Shutterstock)

In Sicily, history is everywhere

Today we're in Montalbano Elicona on the island of Sicily. It's known for the very old castle at the crest of the hill, as well as the quaint medieval village below. It's no wonder that Montalbano Elicona has been called one of the most beautiful towns in all of Italy. The castle itself is believed to have been built in the 13th century by medieval power broker Frederick II of Swabia. He wore many hats, including King of Sicily, Holy Roman Emperor, and—as far-fetched as it sounds—the King of Jerusalem, a title he claimed after conquering that city during the Sixth Crusade. The castle was originally designed as a fortress, but it also served as a summer residence for Frederick and other rulers who followed him.

Surrounding the castle are several other interesting historical sites, including the Church of St. Catherine, known for its Romanesque portal built in the 14th century, its mix of Catalan and renaissance architecture, marble statues of St. Catherine and St. Nicholas Bishop, and a representation of the Last Supper by artist Guido Reni. Also of note is the nearby Argimusco plateau, where an array of large oblong stones, including one which is said to resemble an eagle, have long prompted speculation that they were placed there by members of a prehistoric island culture. However, scientists now believe that these so-called megaliths of Argimusco, sometimes referred to as the Stonehenge of Sicily, are actually of natural origin, and the unique boulder shapes are simply the result of centuries of wind erosion.



城堡周围还有其他一些有趣的历史遗迹,包括圣凯瑟琳教堂(Church of St.Catherine),因其建于14世纪的罗马式大门而闻名,它融合了加泰罗尼亚和文艺复兴时期的建筑,圣凯瑟琳和圣尼古拉斯主教的大理石雕像,以及艺术家吉多·雷尼(Guido Reni)对《最后的晚餐》的描绘。同样值得注意的是附近的阿尔吉穆斯科高原,那里有一排长方形的大石头,其中一块据说像鹰,长期以来一直有人猜测它们是史前岛屿文化的成员放在那里的。然而,科学家们现在认为,这些所谓的阿吉姆斯科巨石,有时被称为西西里巨石阵,实际上是自然起源的,这些独特的巨石形状只是几个世纪风蚀的结果。

新河峡国家公园中的新河峡大桥,西弗吉尼亚州 New River Gorge Bridge in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, West Virginia (© Entropy Workshop/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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国家公园中的新河峡大西弗吉尼亚州 New River Gorge Bridge in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, West Virginia (© Entropy Workshop/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

A river runs through it

To kick off National Park Week, which begins today, we're visiting America's newest national park, the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, in West Virginia. This incredible view is of the New River Gorge Bridge, which, when completed in 1977, was the world's highest bridge carrying a regular roadway. It held that distinction for 24 years and is now a popular attraction for BASE jumpers and rappelers.

Far below the bridge is the New River, which—despite its name—is the second oldest river in the world. Its exact age is unknown, but geologists believe the New River is a segment of the preglacial Teays River, which fossil evidence suggests could be 320 million years old. Today, rafters and kayakers come to ride the New River rapids, which can reach a level of Class V, which means they're among the most difficult waters to navigate.


