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莫罗哈夫莱海滩和科罗拉达斯海滩,富埃特文图拉岛,西班牙加那利群岛 Morro Jable and Playa del Matorral, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

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莫罗哈夫莱海滩和科罗拉达斯海滩,富埃特文图拉西班牙加那利群岛 Morro Jable and Playa del Matorral, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)

文化交汇的岛屿 An island crossroad of culture



The Canary Islands, Spain

Welcome to Fuerteventura, one of Spain's Canary Islands, found nearly 70 miles off the northwestern coast of Africa. For thousands of years, the volcanic islands have served as an international crossroads, attracting the interest of the Romans, Arab traders, and European navigators. Agriculture has long been important here, with bananas, tomatoes, and potatoes among the main crops. But while the first voyagers came in search of trade, today's visitors come to explore the many beautiful national parks and relax on beaches like the Playa del Matorral on Fuerteventura, seen here during a spectacular sunset.

科尔多瓦的古罗马桥,西班牙 Roman bridge, Córdoba, Spain (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

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科尔多瓦古罗马西班牙 Roman bridge, Córdoba, Spain (© Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images)

这座古桥在哪呢? Where is this historical bridge?



Roman bridge of Córdoba, Spain

The Roman bridge of Córdoba, in the ancient Spanish city’s historic center, has been rebuilt several times over the centuries. For 2,000 years it was the city’s only bridge across the Guadalquivir River, originally built in the first century BCE during the expansion of the Roman Empire. Much of the current bridge dates from reconstruction in the 8th century following the Moorish conquest, a period when hundreds of mosques and palaces were built, and Córdoba became one of Europe's largest cities and a center of learning and culture.

While it has seen centuries of traffic, the bridge is now only open to pedestrians, following the opening of the Miraflores Bridge in 2004. If it looks familiar, you might have spotted it standing in as part of the fictional city of Volantis in 'Game of Thrones.'

阿圭罗村庄,西班牙 Agüero, Spain (© Andrea Comi/Getty Images)

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阿圭罗村庄西班牙 Agüero, Spain (© Andrea Comi/Getty Images)

如此美景在何处? Where is this scenic view?



Agüero, Huesca province, Spain

Residing in the lap of the distinctive pink-grey mountains is the pretty village of Agüero in the Huesca province of Spain. The textured cliffs known as Los Mallos act as a backdrop to the village, making it incredibly photogenic. The miniature village with its 130 inhabitants is a tourist attraction due to the 12th-century Romanesque Church of Santiago. This national monument is also a sight to behold with its intricate carvings of remarkable beasts and religious scenes created by the artist known only as the Master of San Juan de la Pena. If you consider yourself a history buff, a rock climber, or both, put Agüero on your travel list.

西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷泉和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

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西班牙马德里,Cibeles喷和马德里市政厅为国际妇女节点亮 Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain (© dpa picture alliance/Alamy)

庆祝女性 Celebrating women


今天是国际妇女节,这一天庆祝全世界的妇女,并采取行动创造一个多样化、包容和公平的世界。这一天起源于1910年德国活动家克拉拉·泽特金(Clara Zetkin)在一次会议上提出组织国际日的想法,并于次年开始。历史充满了妇女的重大成就和贡献。玛丽·居里获得了诺贝尔物理学和化学奖。Ada Lovelace于1836年编写了世界上第一个计算机程序。1964年,帕特西·明克是第一位当选美国国会议员的有色人种女性。姐姐Rosetta Tharpe影响了一代人,并帮助创建了摇滚乐流派。今天,我们与所有过去和现在的妇女一起庆祝她们的成就。今天你能做些什么来帮助创造一个性别平等的世界?

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate women all over the globe and to take action to create a world that's diverse, inclusive, and equitable. The day originated when German activist Clara Zetkin pitched the idea of organizing an international day at a conference in 1910 and it was observed starting the following year. History brims over with the significant accomplishments and contributions of women. Marie Curie won Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry. Ada Lovelace wrote the world's first computer program in 1836. In 1964, Patsy Mink was the first woman of color elected to US Congress. Sister Rosetta Tharpe influenced a generation and helped create the genre of rock and roll. Today we celebrate their achievements along with those of all women, past and present. What can you do today to help create a world with gender parity?

内格拉廷湖,格拉纳达,西班牙 Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain (© Andres Martinez Olmedo/Getty Images)

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内格拉廷,格拉纳达,西班牙 Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain (© Andres Martinez Olmedo/Getty Images)

大自然的画作 Nature's own canvas




Negratín Reservoir, Granada, Spain

Step into a world of beauty and serenity with one of the largest freshwater lakes in Andalusia, Spain. The Negratín Reservoir is a nature lover's paradise, created by the Negratín Dam on the Guadiana Menor River and located in the heart of the Granada Geopark. There is a sailing club by the lake, and a variety of aquatic activities make it a popular destination for people looking to relax and unwind in the lap of nature. With imposing cliffs, gullies, and a rugged desert setting all around, the area's landscape is simply breathtaking no matter the time of year.

穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)

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穆涅略斯自然保护区,西班牙 Muniellos Nature Reserve in Asturias, Spain (© Andres M. Dominguez/Minden Pictures)

木之美 Beauty comes in trees




Muniellos Nature Reserve

The Muniellos Nature Reserve is one of Spain's best-preserved forests of Quercus robur, otherwise known as common oak, European oak, or English oak. The 13,560-acre reserve in Asturias province also includes sessile oaks, seen in our photo alongside beech trees.

In the 1970s logging was banned in the reserve. Soon after, hunting was also banned. Today, even human access to this UNESCO-designated biosphere is carefully controlled. There's a visitor center, and that's about as far as most tourists are allowed. We're just glad we have photos of this incredible forest.

奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多山国家公园里的瀑布,西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

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奥尔德萨和佩尔迪多国家公园里的瀑布西班牙比利牛斯山脉 Waterfall on the Rio Arazas in Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain (© David Santiago Garcia/Cavan Images)

通往伊比利亚的门户 Gateway to Iberia


比利牛斯山脉在任何季节都很引人注目,但在夏季温暖持续到季的年份尤其美丽,自最早的文明在那里扎根以来,比利牛斯半岛一直是伊比利亚半和欧洲其他地区之间的天然边界。位于山脉中心的Ordesa y Monte Perdido国家公园创建于1918年,并于1982年扩建。如今,它已成为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产


Rio Arazas in Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Pyrenees, Spain

Striking in any season, but particularly beautiful in years when the warmth of summer stretches into fall, the Pyrenees have served as a natural border between the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe since the earliest civilizations took root there. Located in the center of the range, the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park was created in 1918 and expanded in 1982. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Boasting sheer cliffs and deep, verdant valleys, the park is a photographer's dream, with a landscape marked by remarkable geological landforms and diverse ecologies shaped by the drastic elevation changes of the Pyrenees. The region is home to several species that can only be found here, including the Pyrenean chamois and the Pyrenean desman, or water mole. The mammal considered the most rare and important in the region, the bucardo or Pyrenean ibex, went extinct in January 2000 despite preservation efforts.

巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开湾,西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

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巴斯克海岸世界地质公园的比斯开西班牙 Bay of Biscay in the Basque Coast Geopark near Bilbao, Spain (© Olimpio Fantuz/eStock Photo)

隐入大海的龙尾  Dragon tails trail to the sea


这些龙尾巴状的结构延伸至西班牙北部巴斯克海岸的比斯开湾,是地球上最独特、最引人注目的地质构造之一。对于地质学家和喜欢看岩石的人来说,这是一个仙境。巴斯克海岸地质公园(Basque Coast Geopark)在导游的带领下,游客可以发现6000万年不间断的地质历史。


International Geodiversity Day

These dragon tail-like structures that stretch into the Bay of Biscay on the Basque Coast of northern Spain are part of one of the most unique and remarkable geological formations on the planet. It's a wonderland for geologists, and for people who just like looking at cool rocks. Guided tours of the Basque Coast Geopark allow visitors to discover 60 million years of uninterrupted geological history.

Today is International Geodiversity Day, which brings to light the importance of geoscience in solving major challenges that humanity is facing today. This can include the study of geology, the lithosphere, and the large-scale structure of Earth's interior, as well as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

从塞维利亚的都市阳伞俯瞰城市,西班牙 View of the city from the Setas de Sevilla (Metropol Parasol) in Seville, Spain (© LucVi/Shutterstock)

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塞维利亚的都市阳伞俯瞰城市,西班牙 View of the city from the Setas de Sevilla (Metropol Parasol) in Seville, Spain (© LucVi/Shutterstock)

500年前,是谁回到了这座城市? What returned to this city 500 years ago?

Seville, Spain

The first recorded expedition to circumnavigate the Earth set sail from Seville, Spain—seen in our homepage image—500 years ago on this day. 'Yes!' you cry, 'Ferdinand Magellan!' Well, you're partly right.

While Magellan gets the glory as leader of the Spanish expedition, he didn't actually complete the marathon voyage—he was killed in a fight in the Philippines in March 1521. His place as leader of the five-ship voyage was filled by Juan Sebastián de Elcano, whose command ship the 'Vittoria' was the only one in the convoy that survived the trip, reaching Seville in 1522. Harsh conditions and poor-quality vessels had taken their toll: Of the 239 crew members who set out, only 18 returned with the expedition.

Although he only made half of this globe-circling journey, Magellan is rightly honored as an outstanding navigator, especially given the rudimentary knowledge and tools of the time. He discovered and crossed the strait that now bears his name near the tip of South America, trailblazing the first known passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Magellan's and de Elcano's combined effort was also the first practical proof of a notion many 16th century people were still skeptical about: The Earth is round.



虽然麦哲伦获得了西班牙远征队队长的荣誉,但他实际上并没有完成马拉松之旅。他于1521年3月在菲律宾的一场战斗中丧生。他的五艘航行的领导者由胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·德·埃尔卡诺(Juan Sebastián de Elcano)担任,他的指挥船“维托利亚号”是车队中唯一一艘幸存下来的船,于1522年抵达塞维利亚。恶劣的条件和劣质的船只造成了他们的损失:在出发的239名船员中,只有18人随探险队返回。


加利西亚省科斯塔达莫尔特的灯塔,西班牙 Faro de Playa Lago, Costa da Morte, Muxia, Galicia, Spain (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

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加利西亚省科斯塔达莫尔特的灯塔西班牙 Faro de Playa Lago, Costa da Morte, Muxia, Galicia, Spain (© Carlos Fernandez/Getty Images)

死亡海岸 The Coast of Death

International Lighthouse Day

This solemn beacon set atop a rocky outcropping is in a country usually associated with sand and sun, making this a side of Spain many do not often see. We're looking out at the sea on the Costa da Morte, or Coast of Death, a nasty name for an equally nasty (but beautiful!) stretch of Galician coastline in the extreme northwest of Spain. We're featuring Costa da Morte on International Lighthouse Day because mariners are never happier to see a lighthouse than when they're sailing this coast, known as the Bermuda Triangle of the Eastern Atlantic.

The Costa da Morte is known for its lighthouses, like this one, called Faro de Playa Lago, one of many strung along 125 miles of coast from Finisterre in the south to Malpica in the north. As a devourer of ships, the Costa da Morte is prolific. Since the 14th century, more than 600 shipwrecks have been documented resulting in the loss of thousands of lives. This corner of Spain lies at the southern end of the Bay of Biscay, also known for its rough waters. The rocky Costa da Morte faces the open North Atlantic and takes the brunt of big ocean swells. (The famous big-wave surf break at Nazare, Portugal, is only a few hundred miles to the south.) Deep waters turn to shallow waters quickly near this rocky cliff-strewn coast, known for its strong currents and hidden rocks. The fog can roll in quickly. Storms form frequently. And hurricane-force winds are not uncommon.

Cool, rainy, and rocky, the Galicia region of Spain is more 'Lord of the Rings' than Club Med. Hiking along this coast, you might feel like you're Scotland rather than Spain, and is compounded by the fact that Galicians themselves are considered a Celtic ethnic group. To visit the lighthouses of Costa da Morte, you can walk a trail appropriately called Camino dos Faros (Road of the Lighthouses). While satellite technology and electronic instruments vastly changed how safely we can now navigate the seas, lighthouses are still vital to boating and the maritime industry. Plus, they're just darn good-looking.


这座庄严的灯塔矗立在岩石露头上,位于一个通常与沙子和太阳联系在一起的国家,这使它成为许多人不常看到的西班牙的一面。我们看到的是死亡海岸(Costa da Morte)上的大海,这是一个同样令人讨厌的名字(但很漂亮!)西班牙西北端的加利西亚海岸线。我们在国际灯塔日特别报道科斯塔·达·莫特,因为水手们在这个被称为东大西洋百慕大三角的海岸航行时,看到灯塔最开心。

Costa da Morte以其灯塔而闻名,比如这座被称为Faro de Playa Lago的灯塔,它是从南部的菲尼斯特尔到北部的马尔皮卡沿海岸线125英里的众多灯塔之一。作为舶的吞噬者,科斯塔·达·莫特是多产的。自14世纪以来,已有600多艘沉船被记录在案,导致数千人丧生。西班牙的这个角落位于比斯开的南端,也因其汹涌的海水而闻名。多岩石的Costa da Morte面对开阔的北大西洋,首当其冲地承受着巨大的海浪冲击。(葡萄牙纳扎尔著名的巨浪冲浪场位于南面几百英里处。)在这片岩石峭壁遍布的海岸附近,深水迅速转变为浅水,以其强劲的水流和隐藏的岩石而闻名。很快就会卷进来。风暴经常形成。飓风强度的风并不罕见。

凉爽、多雨、多岩石的西班牙加利西亚地区与其说是地中海俱乐部,不如说是“指环王”。沿着这条海岸远足,你可能会觉得自己是苏格兰人而不是西班牙人,这是因为加利西亚人本身被视为凯尔特人。要参观Costa da Morte的灯塔,你可以走一条名为Camino dos Faros(灯塔之路)的小径。虽然卫星技术和电子仪器极大地改变了我们现在在海上航行的安全程度,但灯塔对划船和海运业仍然至关重要。而且,他们真是太漂亮了。