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跨年夜的篝火晚会,冰岛雷克雅未克 Bonfire to celebrate New Year's Eve in 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland (© Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/Alamy)
跨年夜的篝火晚会,冰岛雷克雅未克 Bonfire to celebrate New Year's Eve in 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland (© Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/Alamy)
New Year's Eve
The 'land of fire and ice' earns its nickname from the unique landscape of volcanoes and glaciers here, but Iceland's white-hot celebrations in the dead of the Nordic midwinter also evoke the phrase. The tradition of New Year's Eve bonfires in Iceland is said to date from the 18th century, when a group of schoolboys heralded the new year by scrounging up and torching a huge pile of wood scraps. The unruly teenagers' celebration sparked the general public's interest, and annual fires—like this one in Reykjavik—became an internationally noted tradition for Icelanders. Huddle up to the fire and raise a toasty-warm toast to the new year!
星空下的灯塔,德国Westerhever镇 Westerheversand Lighthouse in Westerhever, Germany (© Sandra Bartocha/Minden Pictures)
星空下的灯塔,德国Westerhever镇 Westerheversand Lighthouse in Westerhever, Germany (© Sandra Bartocha/Minden Pictures)
Westerheversand Lighthouse
Even in the places most altered by humans, nature seems to slip through, like the Milky Way shown here peeking between light beams from Germany's Westerheversand Lighthouse. This beacon lies along the Wadden Sea, which forms the world's largest tidal flat along the Dutch, German, and Danish coasts.
This soggy low country was once prone to deadly flooding, but over time, locals have moved earth and sea to reinvent the coastline with dikes, causeways, and artificial islands. You may not guess it by the thousands of species of seabirds, shellfish, and other lifeforms that thrive here, but this UNESCO-recognized biosphere is one of the most engineered locales on Earth.
半球形的谢尔亨里克森天文台,挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛 Kjell Henriksen Observatory in Svalbard, Norway (© Vincent Fournier/Gallery Stock)
半球形的谢尔亨里克森天文台,挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛 Kjell Henriksen Observatory in Svalbard, Norway (© Vincent Fournier/Gallery Stock)
Kjell Henriksen Observatory
While these domes look like they should be in a movie set depicting a galaxy far, far away, they're actually part of a scientific research station here on planet Earth. Kjell Henriksen Observatory is named for a Norwegian scientist whose research focused on polar lights. The aurora borealis is frequently seen here, deep within the Arctic Circle on Norway's remote Svalbard territory. And the observatory is specially designed to observe the aurora. Since it opened in 2008, the observatory has become a destination for atmospheric scientists, who can rent one of these thirty glass-topped rooms built to house high-end optical instruments.
宛如圣诞精灵的树干,乌克兰喀尔巴阡山脉 Trees on the northern slope of Mount Khomyak in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine (© panaramka/Getty Images)
宛如圣诞精灵的树干,乌克兰喀尔巴阡山脉 Trees on the northern slope of Mount Khomyak in the Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine (© panaramka/Getty Images)
Merry Christmas
For Christmas Day, we're taking in the winter views on Mount Khomyak in Ukraine's Carpathian Mountains. The bright green moss and the red of the fallen leaves pop against the snowy white, as though the forest were transforming into a magical band of Christmas elves. While much of the Christian world celebrates Christmas on December 25, for those who follow Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions—including many Ukrainians—Christmas is still a couple weeks away. Eastern Orthodox Christmas celebrations are tied to the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the more universal Gregorian calendar, so Christmas Day in Ukraine will be celebrated on January 7.
In many Eastern European cultures, a traditional Christmas Eve dinner consists of 12 meat-free courses meant to symbolize the 12 disciples of Christ. For the Ukrainian feast, kutia, a sweet wheat grain pudding, is a star of the meal—other dishes may include braided bread, fish, and soup. The meal begins when children spot the first star that appears in the night sky. Christmas Day is typically spent in church services and with family.
If you're celebrating Christmas—either today or in 13 days—we wish you a merry one.
圣诞节,我们将在乌克兰喀尔巴阡山脉的霍米亚克山上欣赏冬季美景。明亮的绿色苔藓和红色的落叶映衬着雪白的天空,仿佛森林正在变成一队神奇的圣诞精灵。虽然大部分基督教世界在12月25日庆祝圣诞节,但对于那些遵循东正教基督教传统的人,包括许多乌克兰人来说,圣诞节还有几个星期。东正教的圣诞节庆祝活动与儒略历(Julian calendar)有关,儒略历比更普遍的公历晚13天,因此乌克兰的圣诞节将在1月7日庆祝。
湖畔的一棵小圣诞树,奥地利魏森湖 Holiday tree at Weissensee, a small lake near Ehrwald in Tyrol, Austria (© nagelestock/Alamy)
湖畔的一棵小圣诞树,奥地利魏森湖 Holiday tree at Weissensee, a small lake near Ehrwald in Tyrol, Austria (© nagelestock/Alamy)
'Smoking nights' in Austria
Behold the lovely Tannenbaum ('fir tree' for you non-German speakers). Here in Tyrol, Austria, Christmas Eve marks the first of three Rauchnächte, or 'smoking nights.' A long-standing Tyrolean tradition, people in this Alpine region burn frankincense and herbs in homes, barns, and stables to avert bad fortune. The custom is then repeated on the other two 'smoking nights,' New Year's Eve and the night before Epiphany.
It's said that everything that happens on these nights is of great significance, including one's dreams. Whatever you dream on smoking nights is thought to be a message from above foretelling what the next year may bring. Pardon us while we drift off to the holiday carol 'O Tannenbaum,' currently playing in our heads. Sweet dreams!
投射在安纳西中皇岛墙上的雪景影像,法国上萨瓦省 Winter scene illuminated on the Palais de l'Isle in Annecy, Haute Savoie, France (© blickwinkel/Alamy)
投射在安纳西中皇岛墙上的雪景影像,法国上萨瓦省 Winter scene illuminated on the Palais de l'Isle in Annecy, Haute Savoie, France (© blickwinkel/Alamy)
Illuminating Annecy
Who knew that an 800-year-old structure could look so festive? The pretty holiday illumination you see is adorning the side of the Palais de l'Ile, a distinctive historic building in the town of Annecy, France, high in the French Alps. Designated a historic monument in 1900, the medieval structure is perched on a small islet in the Canal du Thiou.
Over the years, this house 'in the shape of a ship' has served as a palace for local nobility, a prison, a courthouse, an administrative building for the regional government, and today is a museum of local history. The town of Annecy itself, dubbed 'the pearl of the French Alps,' was annexed during the French Revolution. Today it's the largest city in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southeastern France. Near the border with Switzerland, the area is also home to Lake Annecy, the third-largest lake in France. It's a popular tourist draw for skiers in winter, and hikers and cyclists in summer.
谁知道一座有800年历史的建筑会如此喜庆?你所看到的美丽的假日照明装饰着Palais de l'Ile的侧面,这是法国阿尔卑斯山高处的安纳西镇上一座独特的历史建筑。这座中世纪建筑于1900年被指定为历史遗迹,坐落在杜丘运河的一个小岛上。
西西伯利亚森林中的阳光,俄罗斯拉杜日内市附近 Sunlight in the forest of Western Siberia, near the city of Raduzhny, Russia (© Leonid Ikan/Shutterstock)
西西伯利亚森林中的阳光,俄罗斯拉杜日内市附近 Sunlight in the forest of Western Siberia, near the city of Raduzhny, Russia (© Leonid Ikan/Shutterstock)
Winter solstice
The whole Northern Hemisphere will experience the winter solstice today, but the farther north you get, the more obvious it'll be. In high-latitude areas like here in Siberia, the sun's arc cuts especially low across the sky as winter sets in. Today, this spot near the city of Raduzhny will barely get 5 hours' daylight.
Of course, even in the hotter climes of Earth's northern half, today is the shortest day of the year. So, while you wait for the long night to set in, make those daylight hours count!
Linn of Quoich瀑布旁的碗状岩石洞,苏格兰阿伯丁郡 (© AWL Images/Danita Delimont)
布鲁克斯山脉上空的极光,美国阿拉斯加州 Aurora borealis above the Brooks Range in Alaska (© Noppawat Tom Charoensinphon/Getty Images)
布鲁克斯山脉上空的极光,美国阿拉斯加州 Aurora borealis above the Brooks Range in Alaska (© Noppawat Tom Charoensinphon/Getty Images)
Aurora borealis
You don't have to go all the way to Alaska to see the northern lights (they've been spotted as far south as Hawaii). But based on this stunner of a photo, we recommend it. And the farther north the better: auroras are more frequent and intense the closer you are to the North Pole.
This intense aurora borealis was captured over the Brooks Range, the stretch of mountains that forms the North Slope of Alaska. Journey hundreds of lonely miles northward via the Dalton Highway and you'll descend into a vast coastal plain before finally reaching the Beaufort Sea coast, where nothing but icy water lies between you and the North Pole.
这种强烈的北极光是在布鲁克斯山脉(Brooks Range)上空拍摄的,布鲁克斯山脉是形成阿拉斯加北坡的山脉。沿着道尔顿公路向北行驶数百英里,你将进入一片广阔的海岸平原,最后到达波弗特海岸,在那里你和北极之间只有冰冷的海水。
透过节日灯光看到的12月满月 The December full moon seen through holiday lights (© Jesus Merida/Getty Images)
透过节日灯光看到的12月满月 The December full moon seen through holiday lights (© Jesus Merida/Getty Images)
Full moon
Each month of the year has at least one full moon, and the occasion of that full moon often has nicknames related to the season. In the Northern Hemisphere, December is usually considered the start of winter, so that first full moon gets the chilly nickname 'Cold moon.' It's sometimes called the 'Long Night moon,' since the winter solstice is just around the corner.
If the sky where you are is clear enough to see tonight's full moon, you have our permission to gaze up at it knowingly and then inform your companions that December's full moon is known as the 'Cold moon.' And then tell them you learned that on Bing.