
泰瑞尔湖,维多利亚州,澳大利亚 Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia (© Monica Bertolazzi/Getty Images)

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泰瑞尔维多利亚州,澳大利亚 Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia (© Monica Bertolazzi/Getty Images)

大地之盐 Salt of the earth




Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia

At Lake Tyrrell, in southern Australia, the sky meets the Earth in a dazzling display. The state of Victoria's largest salt lake was formed around 120,000 years ago. Over time, climate changes caused water levels to drop; these days, the lake is normally dry, except in winter when it's covered in about 2 inches of water. The name 'Tyrrell' comes from the local Wergaia word for 'sky,' a nod to the Boorong Aboriginal People's interest in astronomy. Spanning more than 70 square miles, Lake Tyrrell is a haven for wildlife, including kangaroos, emus, and various reptiles.

In recent years, the lake has become a tourist hotspot. People come from all over the world during the winter months, drawn by its mirror-like surface that reflects the endless Australian sky, making it the perfect photo op. Salt formations on the lakebed also provide a stunning backdrop for photographs. At night, it becomes the perfect place for stargazing, offering the chance to marvel at the constellations of the Southern Hemisphere.

上海豫园的灯会,元宵节,上海市,中国 Colorful lanterns in Yuyuan garden, Lantern Festival, Shanghai, China (© atiger/Shutterstock)

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上海豫园的灯会元宵节,上海市,中国 Colorful lanterns in Yuyuan garden, Lantern Festival, Shanghai, China (© atiger/Shutterstock)

喜气洋洋的元宵节 Dreamy and colorful lanterns


元宵节(Lantern Festival),是新年第一个月圆之夜,又可以称为“闹元宵”,是中国春节年俗活动的“压轴戏”。人们在这一天可以出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵、汤圆,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。观赏灯是中国人在这一天一项重大活动。上海豫园的灯会尤其精彩。

2025年豫园灯会是于2025年1月1日至2月12日期间举办的活动。今年灯会的主题是奇妙的 “川众生”。它展现了丛林中包罗万象、生机勃勃的神奇景象。

云冈石窟,大同,山西省,中国 Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi province, China (© Eric Yang/Getty Images)

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石窟,大同,西省,中国 Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi province, China (© Eric Yang/Getty Images)

历史的守望之眼 The watchful eyes of history




Yungang Grottoes, Shanxi, China

What do 51,000 ancient statues have in common? They all call the Yungang Grottoes in China home! This collection of early Buddhist art is near Datong in Shanxi province, northeastern China. Carved into sandstone cliffs over 1,500 years ago during the Northern Wei dynasty, the grottoes comprise 254 caves. The highlight is the massive Buddha in Cave 5, which is a jaw-dropping 56 feet tall. But don't stop there—each cave offers something unique. Some are like ancient storyboards, depicting tales from Buddhist scriptures, while others showcase detailed carvings of monks, deities, musicians, and even scenes of daily life under Wei rule. These caves blend influences from Indian, Central Asian, and local Chinese Buddhist art. Whether you're a history lover or simply appreciate unique art, the Yungang Grottoes offer an unforgettable experience.

阿尔斯特罗姆角,鲍威尔湖,犹他州,美国 Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

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阿尔斯特罗姆角,鲍威尔犹他州美国 Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)

值得深思的高地 A point worth pondering




Alstrom Point, Lake Powell, Utah

If you're chasing sunsets and jaw-dropping views, come to Alstrom Point. Located in southern Utah's Kane County, this spot in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area stands at an impressive height of 4,685 feet. Made mostly of Entrada Sandstone, it has the same geological roots as nearby sites like Romana Mesa, its parent peak, and Gunsight Butte, another sandstone summit to the east.

Part of the Lake Powell region, Alstrom Point extends southward into the vast waters of the lake, in between Padre Bay and Warm Creek Bay. When the lake is full, Alstrom Point towers nearly 1,000 feet above the water, offering views of the surrounding canyons. Lake Powell, spanning across Utah and Arizona, attracts around 3 million visitors every year. The lake is a maze of deep blue water winding through over 90 rock canyons. While its main stretch runs through Glen Canyon, it also snakes into over many smaller side canyons, along with the Escalante and San Juan Rivers.

梅斯蒂亚的中世纪塔楼,上斯瓦涅季,格鲁吉亚 Medieval towers in Mestia, Upper Svaneti, Georgia (© photoaliona/Getty Images)

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梅斯蒂亚的中世纪塔楼,上斯瓦涅季,格鲁吉亚 Medieval towers in Mestia, Upper Svaneti, Georgia (© photoaliona/Getty Images)

凝固的时 Frozen in time



Medieval towers in Mestia, Upper Svaneti, Georgia

Winter turns Mestia's medieval towers into icy fortresses. Perched 4,921 feet up in the Caucasus Mountains, Mestia is a charming highland town in the Eastern European country of Georgia. The town is home to the Svans, a cultural and linguistic subgroup of Georgians.

Despite its modest size, Mestia has been an essential hub of Georgian culture for centuries, dotted with the Svan defensive towers seen in today's image. Most of these towers were constructed between the 9th and 12th centuries, a period often referred to as Georgia's Golden Age. However, their roots are believed to stretch even further back, possibly into prehistoric times. Built for both protection and shelter, the towers were not just fortresses but also integral parts of family homes, reflecting the region's history of resilience and self-sufficiency. Mestia isn't just a town; it's a living museum where history rises from the towers and echoes through the mountains.

特隆赫姆的蓝色时刻,挪威 Blue hour in Trondheim, Norway (© Jeanny Mueller/Getty Images)

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特隆赫姆的蓝色时刻,挪威 Blue hour in Trondheim, Norway (© Jeanny Mueller/Getty Images)

沉浸在蓝调时分 Stuck in a blue moment




Blue hour in Trondheim, Norway

In Norway, winter isn't just a season—it's an experience. In the north of the country, nights stretch for 20 hours, and there are entire weeks when the sun remains hidden below the horizon. It might sound bleak, but it's a unique time of the year. Why? Because around early afternoon, usually between 1 and 2 PM, a soft, lingering light reflects off the snow-covered ground and the deep blue sea. This forms a breathtaking, glassy blue glow that settles over the landscape. Each day, the blue hour arrives just a little later, a gentle reminder that the sun is slowly preparing to reclaim the sky.

Featured here is Trondheim's blue hour. The city lies on the southern shore of the Trondheimsfjord and is framed by the gentle curves of the Nidelva River. Founded in 997 CE as a trading post, Trondheim was Norway's capital during the Viking Age and remained so until 1217. While its coastal climate keeps winters relatively mild, Trondheim's nearby hills offer a colder, snowier microclimate perfect for winter sports enthusiasts.

拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南岛,新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)

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拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)

对国家遗产的思考 Reflections of a nation's legacy



庆祝新西兰历史的最佳方式是什么?就是在如同明信片般美丽的地方度过这一天。今日图片展示的拱门岛位于瓦拉瑞基海滩,这些岩石群从塔斯曼海中拔地而起,外形崎岖壮丽。2015年,这些岩石因出现在Windows 10桌面屏保中而闻名全球。退潮时,游客可以探索洞穴和潮汐岩池,还常常能看到悠闲晒太阳的海豹。怀唐伊日不仅纪念历史,更是对文化与自然的庆典!

Waitangi Day in New Zealand

What do you get when you bring together more than 500 Māori chiefs, representatives of the British Crown, and a treaty signed in 1840? A day that New Zealanders still commemorate: Waitangi Day. On this date, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, establishing the principles for how the two cultures would coexist. Ceremonies are held at Waitangi Treaty Grounds—where the document was signed—featuring traditional Māori performances, speeches, and the ever-dramatic waka (canoe) races. From festivals and concerts in cities like Auckland and Wellington to low-key community gatherings, the spirit of the day is about connection and culture.

What's better than celebrating New Zealand's history on Waitangi Day? Doing it in a place that looks straight out of a postcard. Enter the Archway Islands, a group of four rock stacks at Wharariki Beach, as seen in today's image. Rising from the waters of the Tasman Sea, these rugged islets became well known around the world after they were featured in a Windows 10 desktop screensaver in 2015. At low tide, curious wanderers can explore caves and rock pools and often spot lounging seals.

国王岩堡垒 , 瑞士撒克逊, 德国 Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany (© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy)

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国王岩堡垒 , 瑞士撒克逊, 德国 Königstein Fortress, Saxon Switzerland, Germany (© Bildagentur-online/Exss/Alamy)

与石 Snow and Stone




罗兰多山口,奥德萨和佩迪多山国家公园,西班牙 La Brecha de Rolando, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Spain (© Inaki Relanzon/Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)

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罗兰多口,奥德萨和佩迪多山国家公园西班牙 La Brecha de Rolando, Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park, Spain (© Inaki Relanzon/Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)

再次冲向战斗 Once more unto the breach


比利牛斯山脉高处,有一个山间缺口,罗兰缺口。这道缺口高约300 多英尺,宽 131 英尺,是令人惊叹的自然奇观。那么罗兰是谁?他是公元八世纪查理曼大帝统治时期的法兰克军事领袖。传说他在战败后用剑在山脉砍出一个缺口,有人说是为了毁掉自己的宝剑,也有人说是为了最后再看一眼祖国法兰西。


Roland's Breach, Spain

High up in the Pyrenees, there is a gap in the mountains. More than 300 feet tall and 131 feet across, La Brecha de Rolando (Roland's Breach), featured here today, is a sight to behold. But who was Roland? Count Roland was a Frankish military leader during Charlemagne's reign in the 8th century. Legend has it that, after being defeated in battle, Roland cut a gap in the mountains—either to destroy his sword or to catch one last glimpse of France.

Roland's Breach lies within the Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park in Spain, right on the border with France. Covering more than 38,000 acres, the park is home to some spectacular limestone formations. It's made up of four different valleys and one peak—Monte Perdido—which towers more than 11,000 feet above sea level. It even has its own glacier, the Monte Perdido glacier, which is the fourth largest in the Pyrenees. A wide range of animals live in this mountainous landscape, including wild boars, Pyrenean chamois, and brown bears.