
罗维尼老城,克罗地亚 The Old Town of Rovinj, Croatia (© trabantos/Shutterstock)

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罗维尼老城克罗地亚 The Old Town of Rovinj, Croatia (© trabantos/Shutterstock)

亚得里亚海边的明珠 Jewel of the Adriatic




Old Town of Rovinj, Croatia

Beautiful, historic Rovinj dips into the Adriatic like a toe testing the water. The 200-foot-tall bell tower of the Church of St. Euphemia overlooks Rovinj's historic center. The church, which was built in the early 1700s over the remains of older Christian holy structures, acts as a beacon that welcomes home the town's fleet of fishing boats each evening.

More than 2,000 years old, Rovinj was once an island—it wasn't connected to the mainland until 1763, when the narrow channel was filled in. Today the city's economy comes from tourism, and the romantic cobblestone streets are home to numerous bars, restaurants, and museums. It's on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Istria.

火星 Mars (© NASA/Alamy)

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火星 Mars (© NASA/Alamy)

太阳系的第四颗行星 Fourth rock from the sun




Red Planet Day

About 140 million miles away from Earth, the most relatable planet in the solar system orbits the sun. Mars, popularly known as the Red Planet, is the fourth planet from the sun, after Mercury, Venus, and Earth. We know more about Mars than any other planet but our own. That knowledge has been gained over centuries and has grown exponentially in recent years with the successful landings on Mars of the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers in 2012 and 2021 respectively. Today we celebrate those and other accomplishments on Red Planet Day, which coincides with the launch of Mariner 4, the first probe sent to Mars, on this day in 1964.

Mars was observed in ancient times as a bright and moving object in the night sky, distinct from the stars. Even its reddish tint was observed by the naked eye. Our curiosity was cemented.  It might not be the planet closest to ours—Venus owns that title—but it seems to be the planet that most captures our imagination. The more we learn, the more we can imagine that Mars might have been just like Earth a long time ago, possessing organic life, rivers and oceans, and a much thicker atmosphere than it does today. Current conditions on Mars, while not exactly habitable, are hospitable by comparison to those on other planets, maybe the most compelling reason we're inclined to imagine that living on the Red Planet might someday be possible.

意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄树 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)

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意大利西西里岛康科迪亚神庙前的一棵橄榄 An olive tree in front of the Temple of Concordia on the island of Sicily, Italy (© Alfio Finocchiaro/Shutterstock)

和平的象征 A symbol of peace




World Olive Tree Day

While not everyone would recognize this as an olive tree, most of us understand the meaning of the phrase, 'extending an olive branch,' long known as a gesture of peace and friendship. That sentiment of compassion, harmony and wisdom is at the heart of UNESCO's World Olive Tree Day, created in 2019 and observed every November 26. The intent of the day is to bring attention to the resolution of conflict worldwide and to the preservation of the olive tree itself, like this one standing in front of the Temple of Concordia in Agrigento, Italy. The well-preserved, Greek Doric temple was built on what is now the south shore of Sicily, around 440 BCE. Olive trees are native to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean and are cultivated today in places with similar climates, like parts of California and Israel. About 90 percent of harvested olives are used to make olive oil, the quintessential ingredient in Mediterranean cooking.

The cultivation of olives is about as old as human civilization itself, as are some of the trees themselves. Although olive trees do not grow very tall, usually no more than 30 feet, they live a very long time. One of the oldest known trees in the world, in Portugal, is believed to be 3,350 years old. Many live for millennia, their trunks growing thick and gnarled, and their branches bearing fruit century after century. As civilizations rise and fall around them, these hardy trees remain resilient and steadfast.

日出时分的蒂雷纳村庄,法国新阿基坦大区科雷兹省 The hilltop village of Turenne at sunrise in the Corrèze department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France (© Tim Mannakee/plainpicture)

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日出时分的蒂雷纳村庄法国新阿基坦大区科雷兹省 The hilltop village of Turenne at sunrise in the Corrèze department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France (© Tim Mannakee/plainpicture)

科雷兹的宝石 Jewel of Correze




Turenne is a commune in the Corrèze department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in central France. It is characterized by its height and unique position on top of a cliff. The hilltop town of Turenne overlooks the countryside in all directions. Atop the hill, there remain the ruins of the 13th-century medieval Château de Turenne. This castle served as the feudal powerbase of one of the most powerful dynasties in medieval France - the Viscounty of Turenne. They reigned over the regions of Limousin, Périgord, and Quercy for almost 10 centuries from the early Middle Ages until the 1700s.

坎彭万德山,基姆高地区阿绍,德国巴伐利亚州 View from Kampenwand mountain, Aschau im Chiemgau, Bavaria, Germany (© Toni Anzenberger/plainpicture)

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坎彭万德,基姆高地区阿绍,德国巴伐利亚州 View from Kampenwand mountain, Aschau im Chiemgau, Bavaria, Germany (© Toni Anzenberger/plainpicture)

令人惊叹的山顶美景 Stunning mountain top view




Kampenwand mountain, Bavaria

Winter has already arrived at the summit of the Kampenwand. Where numerous hikers, mountain bikers, and climbers as well as hang-gliders, and paragliders cavort in spring and summer, a little calm gradually returns in the cold season. Now the region is becoming an attractive attraction for snowshoe hikers and touring skiers.

Depending on the viewing direction, you can enjoy a magnificent panorama from the Kampenwand. The foothills of the Alps with the Chiemsee stretch northwards, and on a clear day, you can even spot Munich's television tower in the northwest. In the south - as in this photo - there is a unique view of the Bavarian and Austrian mountains.

多哈艾哈迈德·本·阿里体育场, 卡塔尔 Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha, Qatar (© Qatar 2022/Supreme Committee via Getty Images)

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多哈艾哈迈德·本·阿里体育场, 卡塔尔 Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha, Qatar (© Qatar 2022/Supreme Committee via Getty Images)

卡塔尔开球 Kickoff in Qatar




2022 FIFA World Cup

Finally, after years of planning, building, and controversy, the 2022 World Cup is kicking off in Qatar. It's the biggest event on the international soccer calendar, bringing together the globe's top teams to proudly represent their countries. The prestigious World Cup tournament has been held every four years since 1930, except when WWII derailed it in 1942 and 1946. There will be fierce competition in Qatar as the champion French team seeks to defend their title, with the final scheduled for Qatar National Day, December 18. This is the first World Cup hosted by a country in the Middle East, and it's later in the year than usual due to the hot weather in Qatar.

Controversy swirled around Qatar 2022 from the get-go. Senior officials in FIFA, soccer's governing body, expressed concerns about corruption in the process of awarding World Cup hosting to Qatar, though an internal investigation didn't prove any violation. Soon Qatar's treatment of the country's invaluable 2 million migrant workers—most from Africa and Asia—was criticized, with groups like Amnesty International citing unethical labor practices. While Qatar enacted new laws to improve worker safety, conditions, and pay due to the international spotlight, Amnesty has stressed that these laws must also be effectively implemented. Perhaps the extent of the reforms will be revealed as soccer fans flood the nation and the TV cameras roll.

犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京河,美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

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犹他州锡安国家公园的维尔京美国 Virgin River in Zion National Park, Utah (© Jonathan Ross/Getty)

历经百年的锡安国家公园 103 years of Zion



Virgin River in Zion National Park

Our photo brings us to a 16-mile stretch of the Virgin River where it cuts a spectacular thousand-foot-deep gorge through the upper reaches of Utah's Zion Canyon. Flowing through Zion National Park (which turns 103 today!), the Virgin River is home to unique plants and animals that aren't found anywhere else, due to the unique intersection of biomes found where the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Mojave Desert all meet. Without the water of the Virgin River system, creatures like the woundfin minnow, one of rarest species on the planet, couldn't exist.

菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

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菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

通往皇宫的大门 Keyholes to the kingdom



我们的图像纪念了今天的两个事件:您看到的是摩洛哥国王在费兹市的王宫达尔·马克岑(Dar al-Makhzen)的正门。虽然宫殿最初建于1276年,但这些华丽的大门是在20世纪60年代和70年代增加的,由木材和青铜制成,加上复杂的马赛克瓷砖,这是伊斯兰艺术的一个标志,无论新旧。

International Day of Islamic Art

The International Day of Islamic Art, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2019, occurs every November 18 to celebrate past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam, and to highlight Islamic artists' contributions to world civilization. November 18 also marks Morocco's independence day, or Fete de l'Independence, commemorating Sultan Muhammad V's return to Morocco from exile in 1955.

Our image honors both of today's events: You're beholding the main gates of the Dar al-Makhzen, the royal palace of the King of Morocco in the city of Fez. While the palace was originally founded in 1276, these ornate gates were added in the 1960s and '70s, crafted of wood and bronze—plus intricate mosaic tiling, a hallmark of Islamic art both old and new.