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拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南岛,新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)
拱门群岛,瓦拉里基海滩,南岛,新西兰 Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)
对国家遗产的思考 Reflections of a nation's legacy
庆祝新西兰历史的最佳方式是什么?就是在如同明信片般美丽的地方度过这一天。今日图片展示的拱门岛位于瓦拉瑞基海滩,这些岩石群从塔斯曼海中拔地而起,外形崎岖壮丽。2015年,这些岩石因出现在Windows 10桌面屏保中而闻名全球。退潮时,游客可以探索洞穴和潮汐岩池,还常常能看到悠闲晒太阳的海豹。怀唐伊日不仅纪念历史,更是对文化与自然的庆典!
Waitangi Day in New Zealand
What do you get when you bring together more than 500 Māori chiefs, representatives of the British Crown, and a treaty signed in 1840? A day that New Zealanders still commemorate: Waitangi Day. On this date, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, establishing the principles for how the two cultures would coexist. Ceremonies are held at Waitangi Treaty Grounds—where the document was signed—featuring traditional Māori performances, speeches, and the ever-dramatic waka (canoe) races. From festivals and concerts in cities like Auckland and Wellington to low-key community gatherings, the spirit of the day is about connection and culture.
What's better than celebrating New Zealand's history on Waitangi Day? Doing it in a place that looks straight out of a postcard. Enter the Archway Islands, a group of four rock stacks at Wharariki Beach, as seen in today's image. Rising from the waters of the Tasman Sea, these rugged islets became well known around the world after they were featured in a Windows 10 desktop screensaver in 2015. At low tide, curious wanderers can explore caves and rock pools and often spot lounging seals.
日落时的摩拉基大圆石,南岛,新西兰 Moeraki Boulders at sunset, South Island, New Zealand (© Douglas Pearson/eStock Photo)
日落时的摩拉基大圆石,南岛,新西兰 Moeraki Boulders at sunset, South Island, New Zealand (© Douglas Pearson/eStock Photo)
岩石与滚石 Rocks and rollers
Moeraki Boulders, South Island, New Zealand
Are you ready to rock the new year? Today is Old Rock Day, a day for celebrating and learning about old rocks and fossils. Rocks are common and few of us take the time to consider how amazing they are. But forged in volcanoes or molded by millennia of pressure, these solid masses of minerals hold the key to understanding how our planet formed. Rocks can also contain fossils, the remnants of long-extinct organisms, which give scientists clues about what creatures and plants have lived on Earth during its 4.5-billion-year history.
One of the world's most curious rock displays can be found on Koekohe Beach in New Zealand. The Moeraki Boulders, some of which are 7 feet in diameter, have been shaped by nature over millions of years. Each boulder started as a pebble on the seabed around 65 million years ago. Over time, layers of mud and silt built up around them, cemented together by calcite. Thanks to erosion and the movement of the sea, the boulders eventually emerged. Today, new boulders are still appearing, while the elements are slowly breaking down existing ones.
里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)
里约热内卢州的阿拉亚尔多卡博,巴西 Arraial do Cabo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (© Derson Santana/Shutterstock)
自然奇观的蓝色魅力 The blue charm of a natural spectacle
让我们一起来探索位于阿拉亚尔多卡博的蓬塔尔杜阿塔拉亚的壮丽美景!这个地点位于巴西里约热内卢,以提供该地区最美丽的景点之一而闻名,在这里可以将周围的海滩和岛屿尽收眼底。想象一下,从这个得天独厚的制高点观看日落,海天一色,美不胜收。要前往著名的庞塔尔海滩,您必须走过一个拥有着250多级台阶的标志性阶梯——阶梯上的景色和海滩本身一样令人印象深刻,透明的海水和洁白的沙滩让 “巴西加勒比海 ”的绰号名副其实。
瓦登海沿岸,莫德加特附近,弗里斯兰,荷兰 Wadden Sea coast, near Moddergat, Friesland, Netherlands (© Ron ter Burg/Minden Pictures)
瓦登海沿岸,莫德加特附近,弗里斯兰,荷兰 Wadden Sea coast, near Moddergat, Friesland, Netherlands (© Ron ter Burg/Minden Pictures)
泥土、大海和天空 Mud, sea, and sky
Wadden Sea coast, Friesland, Netherlands
If you've ever dreamed of walking on water, or something close to it, the Wadden Sea is the place for you. Tracing over 300 miles along the coast of the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark, this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers a unique landscape of tidal flats and wetlands. In fact, it is the world's largest unbroken intertidal zone—underwater at high tide and exposed at low tide—of sand and mud flats. The area is also a playground for aquatic species such as houting fish, brown trout, and white-beaked dolphins, and is home to birds like waders and herons.
Pictured here is the Wadden Sea coast in Friesland, Netherlands. This coast is dotted with charming fishing villages and medieval churches. Mudflat hiking is a recreational pastime here—the Dutch call it wadlopen. As the tide recedes, mud-trampers can walk across the seabed, squishing through the mud and wading through shallow waters. Whether you're up for a wadlopen challenge or a seal-spotting safari, there's plenty of adventure to be found here. Just don't forget your boots—things are bound to get a little messy!
奥林匹克国家公园石狮海滩,华盛顿州,美国 Shi Shi Beach in Olympic National Park, Washington (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
奥林匹克国家公园石狮海滩,华盛顿州,美国 Shi Shi Beach in Olympic National Park, Washington (© T.M. Schultze/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
日落的阴影 Shades of sunset
Shi Shi Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
Olympic National Park, established in 1938, offers an escape into unspoiled wilderness. It covers nearly 1,440 square miles on Washington's Olympic Peninsula. With a labyrinth of ecosystems that range from glacier-capped mountains to temperate rainforests, the park is a home for wildlife and an International Biosphere Reserve. Within it lies Shi Shi Beach, a serene stretch where the Pacific laps against sea stacks and sandy shores, as seen in today's image.
From here, you can follow one of the park's many trails and trek along the coast to see the beach's sea arch at Point of the Arches, an outcrop that has over 30 sea stacks, columns of rock rising from the beach. Within the park, visitors can get a closer look at Mount Olympus, spot over 300 bird species like red-breasted nuthatches, winter wrens, and spotted owls. They can also take a refreshing swim in Lake Crescent. The coastal wilderness area north of Cape Alava, including Shi Shi Beach, has been home to the Makah Tribe of the Pacific Northwest Coast for over 2,000 years. Visitors can gain an insight into their culture at the nearby Makah Reservation.
可可海滩上的渔船,果阿邦,印度 Fishing boats at Coco Beach in Goa, India (© Abhinav Sah/Shutterstock)
可可海滩上的渔船,果阿邦,印度 Fishing boats at Coco Beach in Goa, India (© Abhinav Sah/Shutterstock)
沙滩的秘密和日落 Sandy secrets and sunsets
日出时的海滩,海湾岛国家海岸,佛罗里达,美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)
日出时的海滩,海湾岛国家海岸,佛罗里达,美国 Beach at sunrise, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, USA (© Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures)
阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
阿科马尼奥海滩,卡拉布里亚,意大利 Arco Magno beach, Calabria, Italy (© Alessio de Cicco/Getty Images)
香料红和水晶蓝 Spicy red and crystal blue
日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
日落时的亨廷顿海滩码头,加利福尼亚州,美国 Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset (© Stan Moniz Photography/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
一个无与伦比的码头 Pier today ...
Huntington Beach Pier, California, at sunset
In today's image, we see the sun disappearing below the pier at Huntington Beach, California. First built in 1902, the pier was damaged by a storm and had to be rebuilt just nine years later. During World War II, a submarine lookout post was installed on the pier to help with the war effort. These days, it's a popular spot for fishing and watching surfers ride the waves out in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington Beach has been nicknamed Surf City, and it's not hard to see why. Its 9.5-mile-long sandy beach gets great waves all year round. And it is home to the International Surf Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of the sport and see historic surfboards. Whether you're hitting the waves or watching from the pier, Huntington Beach is a peerless destination.
斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)
斯科讷省海滩上的浴场小屋,瑞典 Bathing huts on the beach in Skåne County, Sweden (© Martin Wahlborg/Getty Images)
色彩斑斓的海岸线 Chromatic coastline
Bathing huts in Skåne County, Sweden
When it comes to vibrant beach scenes, Skåne County in Sweden, doesn't disappoint. Today's image features pastel huts in Skanörs Havsbad, a sandy beach section in the town of Skanör. This is one of the most popular parts of the beach, which stretches for over 6 miles, on the western side of the Falsterbonäset peninsula. Located near the Skanör marina, this part of the beach is a favorite spot for bathers in the summer months.
Along with sandy shores, this area is home to rapeseed fields, beech forests, ancient monuments, castles, and museums that bring the region's history to life, from the Romanesque grandeur of Lund's cathedral to the modern energy of Malmö. So, next time you're in Skåne, don't forget to take a stroll along the shore and soak in the colorful charm of these iconic beach huts.